The OsiriX MD software is an interactive image display and navigation program th
The OsiriX MD software is an interactive image display and navigation program that was designed for medical imaging modalities. It supports all types of images generated by variety of imaging equipment and scanners available today. It supports the DICOM standard for image communication as well as a variety of other image formats used in academic and research community.OsiriX MD will act as a DICOM viewer capable of connecting to a DICOM network. OsiriX MD will be able to connect to various networked PACS, modalities and other DICOM nodes through the DICOM protocol over a TCP/IP network. OsiriX MD will provide manipulation tools for medical images. It also provides the necessary tools to query DICOM nodes, retrieve images from them and send images. OsiriX MD will also permit the efficient storage, and retrieval of medical images for imaging workstations.OsiriX MD is tailored for large sets of multidimensional and multi-modality images such as combined PET-CT studies that require three dimensional image fusion and volume rendering. The software is developed on MacOS platform. The software was developed in Objective-C in Apple Xcode development environment. In the design of the software a special attention was given to adapt the user interface to navigating through large sets of image data. The graphical user interface also uses the MacOS interface. Users can change and customize the software by adding and removing tools and items from the program toolbar and menu bars. This allows for adapting the software for number of functions and avoiding the users to be overwhelmed by an excessive number of unnecessary tools and functions that are not always needed.
Intuition Thin Client (aka ThinClient and AquariusNET Viewer or AquariusNET Thin
Intuition Thin Client (aka ThinClient and AquariusNET Viewer or AquariusNET ThinClient) is a client viewer with basic 2D/3D image viewing capabilities.
Intuition Client (aka Aquarius iNtuition Client, AQi, Aquarius Workstation, or A
Intuition Client (aka Aquarius iNtuition Client, AQi, Aquarius Workstation, or Aquarius Workstation iNtuition Client) is the most comprehensive client viewer with 2D/3D/4D image processing and visualization capabilities.
The AquariusNET Server, also known as iNtuition Server, receives, stores, transm
The AquariusNET Server, also known as iNtuition Server, receives, stores, transmits and post-processes medical images from acquisition devices, in both DICOM and non-DICOM format.
AquariusWeb Viewer (aka AqWeb or Web Viewer, marketing term) is a version of iNt
AquariusWeb Viewer (aka AqWeb or Web Viewer, marketing term) is a version of iNtuitionEMV with a focus on 3D rendering, additionally providing workflow and scene support.
iNtuitionEMV (aka iEMV) is a “zero footprint” 2D/basic 3D image client viewer ru
iNtuitionEMV (aka iEMV) is a “zero footprint” 2D/basic 3D image client viewer running within a web browser. Limited to the context of iEMV usage on a mobile device, it is referred to as iEMV Mobile.
iNtuitionReview (aka iReview or AquariusNET Viewer) is a 2D/basic 3D image clien
iNtuitionReview (aka iReview or AquariusNET Viewer) is a 2D/basic 3D image client viewer that provides multi-monitor and multi-modality image review.
ThinClient (aka AquariusNET Viewer or AquariusNET ThinClient) is a client viewer
ThinClient (aka AquariusNET Viewer or AquariusNET ThinClient) is a client viewer with basic 2D/3D image viewing capabilities.
The Intuition Server (aka AquariusNET Server and iNtuition Server) receives, sto
The Intuition Server (aka AquariusNET Server and iNtuition Server) receives, stores, transmits and post-processes medical images from acquisition devices in DICOM and non-DICOM formats.
Intuition Web (aka AquariusWeb Viewer and AqWeb or Web Viewer, marketing term) i
Intuition Web (aka AquariusWeb Viewer and AqWeb or Web Viewer, marketing term) is a version of Intuition EMV (aka iNtuitionEMV) with a focus on 3D rendering, additionally providing workflow and scene support.
Intuition Mobile ( aka iNtuition Mobile and AQMobile) refers to the client viewe
Intuition Mobile ( aka iNtuition Mobile and AQMobile) refers to the client viewer designed for mobile devices.
Aquarius iNtuition Client (aka AQi, Aquarius Workstation, or Aquarius Workstatio
Aquarius iNtuition Client (aka AQi, Aquarius Workstation, or Aquarius Workstation iNtuition Client) is the most comprehensive client viewer with 2D/3D/4D image processing and visualization capabilities.
Intuition (also referred to as Aquarius Intuition) is a medical device comprised
Intuition (also referred to as Aquarius Intuition) is a medical device comprised of two stand-alone software components: a server software backend (Intuition Server) which performs complex image post processing and client viewer software (Intuition Client Viewers) that provides a user interface, enabling the user to view medical image data and associated derived metadata. The Intuition client viewer/server software enables 2D/3D/4D (3D with the dimension of time) image review, volume rendering, communications, storage, reporting, and image post processing. The Intuition software is used with off-the-shelf hardware, including a computer, monitor, keyboard and mouse.Intuition is comprised of six (6) separate client viewers: Intuition Client with Emergency Lung Docker, Intuition Thin Client, Intuition Review, Intuition EMV, Intuition Web Viewer, and Intuition Mobile.
The VMS+ system is an adjunct to existing ultrasound imaging systems and is inte
The VMS+ system is an adjunct to existing ultrasound imaging systems and is intended to record, analyze, store and retrieve digital ultrasound images for computerized 3-dimensional image processing. The VMS+ system is indicated for use where Left Ventricle (LV), Right Ventricle (RV), Left Atrium (LA), and Right Atrium (RA) volumes and ejection fractions are warranted or desired.
The VMS+ system is an adjunct to existing ultrasound imaging systems and is inte
The VMS+ system is an adjunct to existing ultrasound imaging systems and is intended to record, analyze, store and retrieve digital ultrasound images for computerized 3-dimensional image processing. The VMS+ system is indicated for use where Left Ventricle (LV), Right Ventricle (RV), Left Atrium (LA), and Right Atrium (RA) volumes and ejection fractions are warranted or desired.