Other products from "FHC, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00873263008331 FC8008-00833 FC8008 STar™ Drive Locking Array Electrode Carrier HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 STar™ Drive Electrode Carrier
2 00873263008584 66-IT-ME1P-00858 66-IT-ME1P microTargeting Insertion Tube with Stylet, 258.9mm HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Insertion Tube
3 00873263008188 C0258-00818 C0258 Guideline 4000™ Resident Expert Software Module, 1x GZL ELECTRODE, DEPTH 2 Resident Expert Software Module
4 00873263008089 C0258-00808 C0258 Guideline 4000™ Resident Expert Software Module, 1x HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 Resident Expert Software Module
5 00873263007600 FC1012-00760 FC1012 microTargeting Array Electrode Insertion Tube Set, nonsterile, for use with mT D microTargeting Array Electrode Insertion Tube Set, nonsterile, for use with mT Drive. Contains 6 of IT(AR1), 6 of IT(AR2), and 1 of IT(AR3). Individual Specifications: IT(AR1): Electrode Insertion Tube - 239.9mm, OD=0.88mm, ID=0.58mm. IT(AR2): Lower Guide Spacer - OD=1.83mm, ID=0.97mm (does not enter brain). IT(AR3): Lead Insertion Tube - 239.9mm, OD=1.83mm, ID=1.60mm. Also contains one 66-AC-AR Array Electrode Carrier and one 66-CN-ET Electrode Extraction Tool. HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™Array Electrode Insertion Tube Set
6 00873263007334 C0257-00733 C0257 Platform Attachment Set HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 Ablation Platform Mounting Hardware
7 00873263007327 C0256-00732 C0256 Small Parts Sterilization Basket, 1x HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 MicroTargeting™ Sterilization Basket
8 00873263007310 C0255-00731 C0255 2.2 mm RPD Adapter HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 MicroTargeting™ RPD Adapter
9 00873263007303 C0254-00730 C0254 3.3mm RPD Adapter HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 MicroTargeting™ RPD Adapter
10 00873263007266 66-MP-EH-00726 66-MP-EH WayPoint 3mm Entry Offset Mounting Hub for use with microTargeting Platform HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 WayPoint™ Entry Offset Mounting Hub
11 00873263007037 66-IT-IT1P-00703 66-IT-IT1P microTargeting Insertion Tube with Stylet, Sterile HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Insertion Tube
12 00873263006986 66-PT(IT1)-00698 66-PT(IT1) microTargeting™ Spacer Tube, nonsterile, for use with 66-IT(IT1) HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Spacer Tube
13 00873263006979 66-IT(IT1)-00697 66-IT(IT1) microTargeting Insertion Tube with Stylet, nonsterile HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Insertion Tube
14 00873263006962 70-AC-05-00696 70-AC-05 Single Electrode Carrier HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 STar™ Drive Electrode Carrier
15 00873263006924 C0233-00692 C0233 GL5 Interface Pole Mounting Bracket GZL ELECTRODE, DEPTH 2 Guideline 4000™ 5.0 Accessory
16 00873263006832 C0223-00683 C0223 GL5 Integrated microTargeting Controller GZL ELECTRODE, DEPTH 2 Guideline 4000 5.0™ microTargeting™ Controller Card
17 00873263006801 C0218-00680 C0218 Guideline 4000 5.0(TM) microTargeting(TM) Interface Card GZL ELECTRODE, DEPTH 2 Guideline 4000 5.0™ microTargeting™ Interface Card
18 00873263006658 66-IT(FP4)-00665 66-IT(FP4) microTargeting™ Tandem Insertion Tube, nonsterile HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Insertion Tube
19 00873263006641 66-IT(FP3)-00664 66-IT(FP3) microTargeting™ Tandem Insertion Tube, nonsterile HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Insertion Tube
20 00873263006634 66-IT(FP2)-00663 66-IT(FP2) microTargeting™ Tandem Insertion Tube, nonsterile HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Insertion Tube
21 00873263006436 66-MT-D1-00643 66-MT-D1 microTargeting(TM) Microtable(TM) Platform – Single HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Microtable™ Platform – Single
22 00873263006207 66-IT-14S-00620 66-IT-14S microTargeting Sterotactic Frame Insertion Tube Set, 5X Contains: IT(BP13): In microTargeting Sterotactic Frame Insertion Tube Set, 5X Contains: IT(BP13): Insertion Tube - 194mm tube length, 1.83mm od, 1.6mm idPT(BP13): Protective Tube - 1.0mm idSA8-87-02: Stylet - 266.4mm length HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Insertion Tube
23 00873263006047 66-MP-EH-00604 66-MP-EH WayPoint 3mm Entry Offset Mounting Hub for use with microTargeting Platform HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 WayPoint™ Entry Offset Mounting Hub
24 00873263005699 66-IT-13P-00569 66-IT-13P microTargeting Single Electrode Insertion Tube Set, Sterile, 25mm above target, microTargeting Single Electrode Insertion Tube Set, Sterile, 25mm above target, for use with Stereotactic Frame. Contains: IT(BP13): Insertion Tube - 194mm tube length, 1.83mm od, 1.6mm idPT(BP13): Protective Tube - 1.0mm id HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Insertion Tube
25 00873263005552 70-AC-HW-00555 70-AC-HW STar(TM) Drive Array Electrode Carrier Hex Wrench HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 STar™ Drive Electrode Carrier Hex Wrench
26 00873263003312 66-WP-HW-00331 66-WP-HW WayPoint Hex Wrench HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 WayPoint™ Hex Wrench
27 00873263005088 KT-FPK-S20-00508 KT-FPK-S20 microTargeting Frame Kit D.ZAP/Lead Insertion, 1x, Sterile, for use with mT Driv microTargeting Frame Kit D.ZAP/Lead Insertion, 1x, Sterile, for use with mT Drive or STar Drive. Contains: 34685L: Single D.ZAP Electrode. 66-DA-SD: Drape Sleeve. 66-EL-LP: Patient Lead for LP+. 66-IT-05P: Single Insertion Tube Set. GZL,HAW ELECTRODE, DEPTH,Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Electrode and Insertion Tube Kit
28 00873263004913 66-AC-KT-00491 66-AC-KT Accessories kit for microTargeting(TM) DriveContains:2, .5" Thumbknob2, .75" Thu Accessories kit for microTargeting(TM) DriveContains:2, .5" Thumbknob2, .75" Thumbknob1, .375" Thumbknob4, #4-40, 1/8" set screw2, #6-32, 1/8" set screw HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Drive Accessories Kit
29 00873263004616 66-CN-I2-00461 66-CN-I2 microTargeting IT(AR2) Spacer Tube, nonsterile HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Spacer Tube
30 00873263004470 66-CN-RT-00447 66-CN-RT Lumen cleaning tool for microTargeting(TM) Drive Matrix Bushings HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Lumen Cleaning Tool
31 00873263004371 66-WP-PL-00437 66-WP-PL microTargeting WayPoint Planner Software, single license HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 WayPoint™ Planner
32 00873263002865 66-PT(BP5)-00286 66-PT(BP5) microTargeting Spacer Tube, nonsterile, for use with IT(BP5) HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Spacer Tube
33 00873263004074 66-EL-MS-01-00407 66-EL-MS-01 Digital Display Unit forNexDrive with Encoder HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Digital Display Unit (DDU)
34 00873263003992 66-IT-1019-00399 66-IT-1019 microTargeting Lead Insertion Tube with stylet, Sterile, for use with Stereotactic System HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Insertion Tube
35 00873263003978 66-IT-1028-00397 66-IT-1028 microTargeting Lead Insertion Tube, 28cm, sterile HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Insertion Tube
36 00873263003954 66-EL-RM-00395 66-EL-RM microTargeting(TM) handheld remote control HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Controller Handheld Remote Control
37 00873263003855 66-IT-14P-00385 66-IT-14P microTargeting Single Electrode Insertion Tube Set, Sterile, 10mm above target, microTargeting Single Electrode Insertion Tube Set, Sterile, 10mm above target, for use with Stereotactic Frame. Contains: IT(BP3): Insertion Tube - 209mm tube length, 1.83mm od, 1.6mm idPT(BP3): Protective Tube - 1.0mm id HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Insertion Tube
38 00873263003817 66-IT-3000-00381 66-IT-3000 microTargeting Single Electrode Insertion Tube Set, Sterile, for use with Nexfra microTargeting Single Electrode Insertion Tube Set, Sterile, for use with Nexframe and mT Drive. Contains:IT(DB1): Insertion Tube - 212.6mm tube length, 1.83mm od, 1.6mm idPT(DB1): Insertion Tube - 0.58mm id HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Insertion Tube
39 00873263002742 66-PT(DB3)-00274 66-PT(DB3) microTargeting Spacer Tube, nonsterile, for use with IT(DB2) HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Spacer Tube
40 00873263003329 66-IT-BP8P-00332 66-IT-BP8P microTargeting Single Insertion Tube with Stylet, Sterile, for use with Stereotactic Frame HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Insertion Tube
41 00873263003701 66-IT-4000-00370 66-IT-4000 microTargeting Single Electrode Insertion Tube Set, Sterile, for use with Nexfra microTargeting Single Electrode Insertion Tube Set, Sterile, for use with Nexframe and Nexdrive. Contains: IT(DB3): Insertion Tube - 191.6mm tube length, 1.83mm od, 1.6mm idPT(DB3): Protective Tube - 0.58mm id HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Insertion Tube
42 00873263003664 KT-PPK-S-00366 KT-PPK-S microTargeting Platform Procedure Consumables Kit, 1x, sterile, for use with mT microTargeting Platform Procedure Consumables Kit, 1x, sterile, for use with mT or STar Drive, mT Platform and Guideline 4000 LP+. Contains: 44975L: D.ZAP Tungsten Differential Electrode - - 220.72mm electrode length, 10mm differential, 205.72mm protective tube length, DZAP(L) 1Meg, 0.55mm od. 66-DA-SD: Sterile Drape Sleeve for motor66-EL-LP: Patient Lead for Guideline 4000 LP+66-IT-03P: Sterile Single Insertion Tube Set - IT(MP1) - 184.1mm tube length, 1.83mm od, 1.6mm id with Stylet PT(MP1) - Diameter reduction tube 0.58mm id HAW,GZL Neurological stereotaxic Instrument,ELECTRODE, DEPTH 2 microTargeting™ Procedure Kit
43 00873263003626 66-WP-TG18MM-00362 66-WP-TG18MM microTargeting Platform Tool Guide, 1x, nonsterile HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Platform Tool Guide
44 00873263003596 66-IT-AO1P-00359 66-IT-AO1P microTargeting Insertion Tube with Stylet, Sterile HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Insertion Tube
45 00873263003466 66-IT-AR5P-00346 66-IT-AR5P microTargeting Array Insertion Tube with stylet, 5x, Sterile, for use with micro microTargeting Array Insertion Tube with stylet, 5x, Sterile, for use with microTargeting Drive and Platform HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Insertion Tube
46 00873263003428 66-IT-AR6P-00342 66-IT-AR6P microTargeting Lead Insertion Tube with Stylet, Sterile, for use with Stereotactic Frame HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Insertion Tube
47 00873263003282 66-IT-DB11P-00328 66-IT-DB11P microTargeting Single Insertion Tube with Stylet, 10mm above target, Sterile HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Insertion Tube
48 00873263003275 66-IT-DB12P-00327 66-IT-DB12P microTargeting Single Insertion Tube with Stylet, Sterile, at target, for use wi microTargeting Single Insertion Tube with Stylet, Sterile, at target, for use with Nexframe and Nexdrive HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Insertion Tube
49 00873263003213 66-IT-DB9P-00321 66-IT-DB9P microTargeting Single Insertion Tube with Stylet, Sterile, for use with STar Dri microTargeting Single Insertion Tube with Stylet, Sterile, for use with STar Drive and Nexframe HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 microTargeting™ Insertion Tube
50 00873263003206 66-WP-CD-01-00320 66-WP-CD-01 WayPoint Combination Driver Bit with Collar HAW Neurological stereotaxic Instrument 2 WayPoint™ Combination Driver Bit
Other products with the same Product Code "HAW"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00889024305526 20-8011-070-03 20-8011-070-03 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
2 00889024305519 20-8011-070-02 20-8011-070-02 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
3 00889024305212 20-8000-070-65 20-8000-070-65 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
4 00889024305205 20-8000-070-64 20-8000-070-64 Sesamoid ORTHOSOFT INC
5 00889024305120 20-8000-070-39 20-8000-070-39 Sesamoid ORTHOSOFT INC
6 00889024305113 20-8000-070-38 20-8000-070-38 Sesamoid ORTHOSOFT INC
7 00889024305106 20-8000-070-37 20-8000-070-37 Sesamoid ORTHOSOFT INC
8 00889024305090 20-8000-070-36 20-8000-070-36 Sesamoid ORTHOSOFT INC
9 00889024305083 20-8000-070-35 20-8000-070-35 Sesamoid ORTHOSOFT INC
10 00889024305045 20-8000-070-19 20-8000-070-19 Polaris ORTHOSOFT INC
11 00889024305038 20-8000-070-11 20-8000-070-11 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
12 00889024305021 20-8000-070-08 20-8000-070-08 Polaris ORTHOSOFT INC
13 00889024305014 20-8000-070-05 20-8000-070-05 Navitracker ORTHOSOFT INC
14 00889024304970 20-8000-070-01 20-8000-070-01 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
15 00889024304956 20-8000-020-21 20-8000-020-21 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
16 00889024304949 20-8000-020-20 20-8000-020-20 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
17 00889024304918 20-8000-020-17 20-8000-020-17 Universal ORTHOSOFT INC
18 00889024304901 20-8000-020-16 20-8000-020-16 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
19 00889024304895 20-8000-020-15 20-8000-020-15 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
20 00889024304888 20-8000-020-14 20-8000-020-14 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
21 00889024304871 20-8000-020-13 20-8000-020-13 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
22 00889024304864 20-8000-020-12 20-8000-020-12 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
23 00889024304857 20-8000-020-11 20-8000-020-11 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
24 00889024304840 20-8000-020-10 20-8000-020-10 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
25 00889024304796 20-8000-020-05 20-8000-020-05 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
26 00889024304789 20-8000-020-04 20-8000-020-04 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
27 00889024304772 20-8000-020-03 20-8000-020-03 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
28 00889024304765 20-8000-020-02 20-8000-020-02 Universal ORTHOSOFT INC
29 00889024304734 20-8000-010-54 20-8000-010-54 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
30 00889024304727 20-8000-010-53 20-8000-010-53 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
31 00889024304710 20-8000-010-52 20-8000-010-52 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
32 00889024304697 20-8000-010-50 20-8000-010-50 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
33 00889024304680 20-8000-010-49 20-8000-010-49 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
34 00889024304673 20-8000-010-48 20-8000-010-48 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
35 00889024304666 20-8000-010-47 20-8000-010-47 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
36 00889024304659 20-8000-010-45 20-8000-010-45 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
37 00889024304598 20-8000-010-37 20-8000-010-37 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
38 00889024304581 20-8000-010-36 20-8000-010-36 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
39 00889024304574 20-8000-010-35 20-8000-010-35 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
40 00889024304567 20-8000-010-33 20-8000-010-33 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
41 00889024304543 20-8000-010-31 20-8000-010-31 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
42 00889024304536 20-8000-010-30 20-8000-010-30 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
43 00889024304529 20-8000-010-29 20-8000-010-29 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
44 00889024304512 20-8000-010-28 20-8000-010-28 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
45 00889024304505 20-8000-010-27 20-8000-010-27 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
46 00889024304499 20-8000-010-26 20-8000-010-26 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
47 00889024304482 20-8000-010-25 20-8000-010-25 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
48 00889024304475 20-8000-010-24 20-8000-010-24 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
49 00889024304468 20-8000-010-23 20-8000-010-23 NA ORTHOSOFT INC
50 00889024304451 20-8000-010-22 20-8000-010-22 NA ORTHOSOFT INC