The DoVac Elite system is a web-based application that provides functions for ma
The DoVac Elite system is a web-based application that provides functions for managing donors, donations and the collection process. The system identifies results and responses throughout the process that can be considered ‘high-risk’ to the general blood supply which notifies and allows a staff member to complete a review to determine donor suitability. The DoVac Elite application is capable of capturing all information in the collection process: registration, physical exam, computer assisted medical questionnaire, donor consent, donation identification number assignment, phlebotomy, supervisor review and audit. The system maintains a complete record of all interactions throughout including the donation process, device interfaces, auditing and donor/donation maintenance functions.
Blood Establishment Computer Software And Accessories
ImmuLINK stand-alone software is for use in a blood banking environment as an ai
ImmuLINK stand-alone software is for use in a blood banking environment as an aid in interfacing and managing data between blood bank instruments, Blood Establishment Computer Software and Laboratory Information System. ImmuLINK includes the following features and/or functions: It provides the ability to create and print reports of tests and results. It supports the ability to compare current results with previous results. It supports the automatic ordering of reflex tests. It provides a tool so that test results produced by a testing platform can be remotely validated prior to delivery to an LIS. Results can also be viewed remotely and edited prior to delivery to an LIS. It provides bi-directional communication with LIS and instrument platform(s).
GeTraP is a software application used to support daily operations of product log
GeTraP is a software application used to support daily operations of product logistics primarily organizing and controlling the information about the transport of plasma units between facilities such as warehouses and fractionators. GeTraP supports trained personnel in tracking data received from suppliers, verifying each plasma units’ suitability for further manufacture.
The Liberty SRIMPORT software is an interface that is part of the SRIMPORT funct
The Liberty SRIMPORT software is an interface that is part of the SRIMPORT functionality to import data through a file based transmission. Its intended use is to import results from laboratory instruments, typically chemistry and special chemistry analysers. The interface module contains no interpretation algorithms and serves as a library functions to consolidate pre-determined results from external instruments. The Liberty SRIMPORT Software's indicated use is in the Blood Bank, Donor Centre and Plasma Testing Laboratories as well as Clinical Diagnostic and Screening Laboratories. It may be applied to a group of laboratory instruments that export test results to another device.
Sanguin Aurora 2.0 is indicated for use in Clinical Diagnostic Laboratories, Blo
Sanguin Aurora 2.0 is indicated for use in Clinical Diagnostic Laboratories, Blood Bank and Blood Establishments where it captures test and result data from laboratory equipment. It can be applied to single tests or a panel of tests that are used to screen blood donation (whole blood or plasma) as a pre-requisite to transfusion. Typically these tests would include markers such as Hepatitis Markers and HIV and may include non-viral testing such as ABO and Rhesus confirmation of donors, patient typing and antibody screening.
Vista® Information System Version 4 Vista Standard Interface and SafeTrace® BBSI
Vista® Information System Version 4 Vista Standard Interface and SafeTrace® BBSI Installation Guide
Information System Version 4, Vista Standard Interface and SafeTrace®BBSI Instal
Information System Version 4, Vista Standard Interface and SafeTrace®BBSI Installation Guide
The LifeTec Elite system is a blood establishment computer system that receives
The LifeTec Elite system is a blood establishment computer system that receives and stores data in the manufacture of blood and blood components, which blood establishments rely on for making decisions regarding the release of blood components for transfusion or further manufacturing. Specifically, laboratory testing, product manufacturing and inventory control/distribution.
The DoVac Elite system is a web-based application that provides functions for ma
The DoVac Elite system is a web-based application that provides functions for managing donors, donations and the collection process. The system identifies results and responses throughout the process that can be considered ‘high-risk’ to the general blood supply which notifies and allows a staff member to complete a review to determine donor suitability. The DoVac Elite application is capable of capturing all information in the collection process: registration, physical exam, computer assisted medical questionnaire, donor consent, donation identification number assignment, phlebotomy, supervisor review and audit. The system maintains a complete record of all interactions throughout including the donation process, device interfaces, auditing and donor/donation maintenance functions.
The Procleix Software is one part of the Procleix Xpress System. The Procleix Xp
The Procleix Software is one part of the Procleix Xpress System. The Procleix Xpress System (software and instrument) is intended to be used to create pools of human plasma or serum for blood screening tests for viral nucleic acids. The Procleix Xpress System automatically transfers plasma or serum from individual samples into a single master pool tube, which may be used for further testing in Procleix systems. The Procleix Xpress System also collects barcode data from all tubes, racks, and archive plates used in a given pooling run, establishing positive specimen identification and Master Pool Tube (MPT) composition. In addition, the Procleix Xpress System can be used to dispense human plasma or serum aliquots into an archive plate.
The Procleix Software is one part of the Procleix Xpress System. The Procleix Xp
The Procleix Software is one part of the Procleix Xpress System. The Procleix Xpress System is intended to be used to create pools of human plasma or serum for in vitro diagnostic testing, such as blood screening tests for viral nucleic acids. The Procleix Xpress System automatically transfers plasma or serum from individual samples into a single master pool tube, which may be used for further testing in Procleix systems. The Procleix Xpress System also collects barcode data from all tubes, racks, and archive plates used in a given pooling run, establishing positive specimen identification and Master Pool Tube (MPT) composition. In addition, the Procleix Xpress System can be used to dispense human plasma or serum aliquots into an archive plate.
The Procleix Pipettor is one part of the Procleix Xpress System. The Procleix Xp
The Procleix Pipettor is one part of the Procleix Xpress System. The Procleix Xpress System is intended to be used to create pools of human plasma or serum for in vitro diagnostic testing, such as blood screening tests for viral nucleic acids. The Procleix Xpress System automatically transfers plasma or serum from individual samples into a single master pool tube, which may be used for further testing in Procleix systems. The Procleix Xpress System also collects barcode data from all tubes, racks, and archive plates used in a given pooling run, establishing positive specimen identification and Master Pool Tube (MPT) composition. In addition, the Procleix Xpress System can be used to dispense human plasma or serum aliquots into an archive plate.
MEDITECH's Blood Bank Software is a Blood Establishment Computer System (BECS) t
MEDITECH's Blood Bank Software is a Blood Establishment Computer System (BECS) that tightly integrates donor, unit and patient history information with data in the Electronic Health Record (EHR). The software's significant performance characteristics are flagging abnormal test results, reporting test and transfusion results, minimizing product waste, utilizing expert rules when recording and performing error checks. It also generates turnaround time and workload statistics, compiles statistical reports, and automatically captures charges.
MEDITECH's Blood Bank application tightly integrates donor, unit, and patient hi
MEDITECH's Blood Bank application tightly integrates donor, unit, and patient history information with data in the health care information system (HCIS). The application flags abnormal test results, reports test and transfusion results, minimizes product waste, utilizes expert rules when recording, and performs error checks. It also generates turnaround time and workload statistics, compiles statistical reports, and automatically captures charges. Authorized users have the ability to view blood bank results from within the network or remotely. All of these features ensure patient safety and reduce turnaround times.
MEDITECH's Blood Bank application tightly integrates donor, unit, and patient hi
MEDITECH's Blood Bank application tightly integrates donor, unit, and patient history information with data in the health care information system (HCIS). The application flags abnormal test results, reports test and transfusion results, minimizes product waste, utilizes expert rules when recording, and performs error checks. It also generates turnaround time and workload statistics, compiles statistical reports, and automatically captures charges. Authorized users have the ability to view blood bank results from within the network or remotely. All of these features ensure patient safety and reduce turnaround times.
The Regulated Software Application (RSA) is a system of co-dependent web based c
The Regulated Software Application (RSA) is a system of co-dependent web based computer programs, used to manage and support all aspects of their blood banking processes. This system encapsulates the data access and business rules necessary for enabling blood collections, manufacturing, labeling, and distribution management efforts. Additionally, certain modules have associated administration function that creates traceability and accountability for every step of the blood banking process. The system utilizes technology standards that provide the robustness necessary for supporting web-enabled applications that interface with disparate systems. The application has been developed in a modular format.
ADIMS is a stand-alone blood establishment computer software application (BECS)
ADIMS is a stand-alone blood establishment computer software application (BECS) that provides for the management of plasma and whole blood donors for an RBC immunization program as well as the record and inventory management of immunogen red blood cells. The application is used to determine donor eligibility and release of the blood or blood component for transfusion as well as tracking the preparation of immunogen components (vials) for storage and distribution. Additionally, ADIMS allows for the tracking the recipient of transfused immunogen RBCs
LOGIC 4.0 is a web-based software application used to support daily operations o
LOGIC 4.0 is a web-based software application used to support daily operations of product logistics, primarily organizing and controlling the movement of plasma units between facilities such as warehouses and fractionators. The application also communicates observations or post donation information, status and recalls between collection, warehouse and fractionation facilities. LOGIC provides interface capabilities with sub-systems.
Regulated Software Application (RSA), Version 2.0 is a stand-alone blood establi
Regulated Software Application (RSA), Version 2.0 is a stand-alone blood establishment computer software application (BECS) that provides management controls and information services that have been designed to assist personnel in the operation of a blood center.
The Regulated Software Application (RSA) is a system of co-dependent web based c
The Regulated Software Application (RSA) is a system of co-dependent web based computer programs, used to manage and support all aspects of the blood banking process.