Current software release: S-2021.06Simpleware ScanIP Medical is intended for use
Current software release: S-2021.06Simpleware ScanIP Medical is intended for use as a software interface and image segmentation system for the transfer of medical imaging information to an output file. It is also intended as pre-operative software for diagnostic and surgical planning.For these purposes, output files can also be used for the fabrication of physical replicas using traditional or additive manufacturing methods. The physical replicas can be used for diagnostic purposes in the field of orthopedic, maxillofacial and cardiovascular applications.The software is intended to be used in conjunction with other diagnostic tools and expert clinical judgment.
ClearRead Compare on Docker Platform.Primary DI Number should be M722XD20104T200
ClearRead Compare on Docker Platform.Primary DI Number should be M722XD20104T200370.Re-entered on 12/30/2020.
ClearRead Compare on Docker Platform.Primary DI Number mistyped as M722XD20104T2
ClearRead Compare on Docker Platform.Primary DI Number mistyped as M722XD20104T20370.Originally entered on 5/19/2020.
ClearRead Confirm on Docker PlatformPrimary DI Number should be M722XD20104L2003
ClearRead Confirm on Docker PlatformPrimary DI Number should be M722XD20104L200370.Re-entered on 12/30/2020.
ClearRead Confirm on Docker PlatformOriginally mistyped as M722XD20104L20370.Ori
ClearRead Confirm on Docker PlatformOriginally mistyped as M722XD20104L20370.Originally entered on 5/19/2020.
ClearRead Enhanced on Docker Platform.Primary DI Number should be M722XD20104E20
ClearRead Enhanced on Docker Platform.Primary DI Number should be M722XD20104E200370.Re-entered 12/30/2020.
ClearRead Enhanced on Docker Platform.Primary DI Number mistype as M722XD20104E2
ClearRead Enhanced on Docker Platform.Primary DI Number mistype as M722XD20104E20370.Original submission date 5/19/2020.
ClearRead Bone Suppress on Docker Platform.Primary DI Number should be M722XD201
ClearRead Bone Suppress on Docker Platform.Primary DI Number should be M722XD20104B200370.Re-entered 12/30/2020.
ClearRead Bone Suppress on Docker Platform.Primary DI Number mistyped as M722XD2
ClearRead Bone Suppress on Docker Platform.Primary DI Number mistyped as M722XD20104B20370.Originally entered on 5/19/2020