Other products from "MIRRORME3D, LLC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00860008704146 FFS Patient-specific, full-face 3D printed anatomic model depicting a patient’s trea Patient-specific, full-face 3D printed anatomic model depicting a patient’s treatment plan. Non-diagnostic. RX only. LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 Full Face Sim Model
2 00860008704191 MSTL Patient specific, 3D printed, single use postoperative nasal splints to control Patient specific, 3D printed, single use postoperative nasal splints to control edema based a patient’s treatment plan. RX only, non-diagnostic. EPP Splint, Nasal 1 Splint LT Kit
3 00196852441754 MTPG Patient specific, 3D printed, single-use surgical positioning guide based on a p Patient specific, 3D printed, single-use surgical positioning guide based on a patient’s treatment plan. RX only, non-diagnostic. FZX Guide, Surgical, Instrument 1 Guide
4 00860008704184 MNMS Patient-specific, partial-face 3D printed anatomic model depicting a patient’s t Patient-specific, partial-face 3D printed anatomic model depicting a patient’s treatment plan. Non-diagnostic. RX only LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 MirrorMe3D Nose Model - Simulation
5 00860008704160 MRCS Patient-specific, partial-face 3D printed anatomic model depicting a patient’s t Patient-specific, partial-face 3D printed anatomic model depicting a patient’s treatment plan. Non-diagnostic. RX only. LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 Treatment Plan Rhinoplasty Model
6 00860008704153 MRCB Patient-specific, partial face 3D printed anatomic model depicting a patient’s b Patient-specific, partial face 3D printed anatomic model depicting a patient’s baseline or preoperative status. Non-diagnostic. Rx only. LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 Baseline Rhinoplasty Model
7 00860008704139 FFB Patient-specific, full-face 3D printed anatomic model depicting a patient’s base Patient-specific, full-face 3D printed anatomic model depicting a patient’s baseline or preoperative status. Non-diagnostic. Rx only. LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 Full Face Baseline Model
8 00196852129638 MOST Patient specific, 3D printed, single use surgical marking template based a pati Patient specific, 3D printed, single use surgical marking template based a patient’s baseline status and treatment plan. RX only, non-diagnostic. HWT Template 1 Template
Other products with the same Product Code "LLZ"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 B501PLANET030101 3.1.1 3.1.1 PLANET Onco Dose is a software platform dedicated to medical diagnosis aid, ther PLANET Onco Dose is a software platform dedicated to medical diagnosis aid, therapy response assessment aid, contouring for radiotherapy and internal dosimetry computation, using molecular imaging modalities. PLANET, PLANET Onco, PLANET Dose, PLANET Onco Dose DOSISOFT
2 B433AN0 7 AccessNET ASPYRA, LLC
3 B409MISTAR320 3.2 MISTAR32 MIStar is a software package, which runs on a Windows-based PC platform. It allo MIStar is a software package, which runs on a Windows-based PC platform. It allows manipulation, visualization and processing of medical images acquired with various clinical scanners and stored in DICOM and /or other proprietary formats. MIStar allows transfer of DICOM 3.0 images over a medical imaging network.MIStar also provides post-processing of dynamic CT and MR images acquired during and after the injection of a compact bolus of contrast media, where the contrast media acts as a pure intravascular tracer. It allows visual inspection of time intensity curves and calculation of parametric parameters (i.e., area under curve, time to peak, maximum slope of enhancement, etc). It also allows calculation of various perfusion related parameters (i.e. regional blood flow, regional blood volume, mean transit time and capillary permeability) from dynamic CT data. The results are displayed in a user-friendly graphic format as parametric images that provide supplementary information for diagnosis purposes. MIStar APOLLO MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY PTY. LTD.
4 B403IQS170 1.7 iQ-SYSTEM PACS is a software for network or web-based medical image viewing and iQ-SYSTEM PACS is a software for network or web-based medical image viewing and manipulation. It is adapted for storing, processing, routing and reporting. iQ-SYSTEM PACS IMAGE INFORMATION SYSTEMS EUROPE GMBH
5 B403IQS160 1.6 iQ-SYSTEM PACS is a software for network or web-based medical image viewing and iQ-SYSTEM PACS is a software for network or web-based medical image viewing and manipulation. It is adapted for storing, processing, routing and reporting. iQ-SYSTEM PACS IMAGE INFORMATION SYSTEMS EUROPE GMBH
6 B403IQS150 1.5 iQ-SYSTEM PACS is a software for network or web-based medical image viewing and iQ-SYSTEM PACS is a software for network or web-based medical image viewing and manipulation. It is adoped for storing, processing, routing and reporting. iQ-SYSTEM PACS IMAGE INFORMATION SYSTEMS EUROPE GMBH
7 B403IQS140 1.4 iQ-SYSTEM PACS is a software for network or web-based medical image viewing and iQ-SYSTEM PACS is a software for network or web-based medical image viewing and manipulation. It is adopted for storing, processing, routing and reporting. iQ-SYSTEM PACS IMAGE INFORMATION SYSTEMS EUROPE GMBH
8 B403IQS130 1.3 iQ-SYSTEM PACS is a software device for network or web-based medical image viewi iQ-SYSTEM PACS is a software device for network or web-based medical image viewing and manipulation. It is adapted for storing, processing, routing and reporting. iQ-SYSTEM PACS IMAGE INFORMATION SYSTEMS EUROPE GMBH
9 B403IQS120 1.2 iQ-SYSTEM PACS is a software device for network or web-based medical image viewi iQ-SYSTEM PACS is a software device for network or web-based medical image viewing and manipulation. It is adapted for storing, processing, routing and reporting. iQ-SYSTEM PACS IMAGE INFORMATION SYSTEMS EUROPE GMBH
10 B383REV090203000 9.2.3 Diagnostic web DICOM viewer RemotEye Viewer NEOLOGICA SRL
11 B383REV090202000 9.2.2 Diagnostic web DICOM viewer RemotEye Viewer NEOLOGICA SRL
12 B383REV090201000 9.2.1 Diagnostic web DICOM viewer RemotEye Viewer NEOLOGICA SRL
13 B383REV090200000 9.2.0 Diagnostic web DICOM viewer RemotEye Viewer NEOLOGICA SRL
14 B383REV090102000 9.1.2 Diagnostic web DICOM viewer RemotEye Viewer NEOLOGICA SRL
15 B377GMR1602008X0 2.1.x CapSure Cloud is a secure cloud-based web application for medical image archivin CapSure Cloud is a secure cloud-based web application for medical image archiving and management. CapSure Cloud GLOBALMEDIA GROUP, LLC
16 B377GMD306100XXX0 2.3.x.x eNcounterCloud is a secure cloud-based web application for medical image archivi eNcounterCloud is a secure cloud-based web application for medical image archiving and management. eNcounterCloud GLOBALMEDIA GROUP, LLC
17 B373VPS1090 1.0.9 Visible Patient Suite is medical imaging software that is intended to provide tr Visible Patient Suite is medical imaging software that is intended to provide trained medical professionals with toolsto aid them in reading, interpreting, reporting, and treatment planning. Visible Patient Suite accepts DICOMcompliant medical images acquired from a variety of imaging devices, including CT, MR.This product is not intended for use with or for the primary diagnostic interpretation of Mammography images.The software provides several categories of tools. It includes basic imaging tools for general images, including 2Dviewing, volume rendering and 3D volume viewing, orthogonal Multi-Planar Reconstructions (MPR), image fusion,surface rendering, measurements, reporting, storing, general image management and administration tools, etc.It includes a basic image processing workflow and a custom UI to segment anatomical structures, which are visiblein the image data (bones, organs, vascular/airway structures, etc.), including interactive segmentation tools, basicimage filters, etc.It also includes detection and labeling tools of organ segments (liver, lungs and kidneys), including path definitionthrough vascular/airway, approximation of vascular/airway territories from tubular structures and interactive labeling.The software is designed to be used by trained professionals (including physicians, surgeons and technicians) andis intended to assist the clinician who is solely responsible for making all final patient management decisions. Visible Patient Suite VISIBLE PATIENT
18 B373VPS10170 1.0.17 Visible Patient Suite is medical imaging software that is intended to provide tr Visible Patient Suite is medical imaging software that is intended to provide trained medical professionals with tools to aid them in reading, interpreting, reporting, and treatment planning for both pediatric and adult patients. Visible Patient Suite accepts DICOM compliant medical images acquired from a variety of imaging devices, including CT, MR.This product is not intended for use with or for the primary diagnostic interpretation of Mammography images.The software provides several categories of tools. It includes basic imaging tools for general images, including 2D viewing, volume rendering and 3D volume viewing, orthogonal Multi- Planar Reconstructions (MPR), image fusion, surface rendering, measurements, reporting, storing, general image management and administration tools, etc.It includes a basic image processing workflow and a custom UI to segment anatomical structures, which are visible in the image data (bones, organs, vascular/airway structures, etc.), including interactive segmentation tools, basic image filters, etc.It also includes detection and labeling tools of organ segments (liver, lungs and kidneys), including path definition throughvascular/airway, approximation of vascular/airway territories from tubular structures and interactive labeling.The software is designed to be used by trained professionals (including physicians, surgeons and technicians) and is intended to assist the clinician who is solely responsible for making all final patient management decisions. Visible Patient Suite VISIBLE PATIENT
19 B373VPS10150 1.0.15 Visible Patient Suite is medical imaging software that is intended to provide tr Visible Patient Suite is medical imaging software that is intended to provide trained medical professionals with tools to aid them in reading, interpreting, reporting, and treatment planning.Visible Patient Suite accepts DICOM compliant medical images acquired from a variety of imaging devices, including CT, MR. This product is not intended for use with or for the primary diagnostic interpretation of Mammography images. The software provides several categories of tools. It includes basic imaging tools for general images, including 2D viewing, volume rendering and 3D volume viewing, orthogonal Multi-Planar Reconstructions (MPR), image fusion, surface rendering, measurements, reporting, storing, general image management and administration tools, etc. It includes a basic image processing workflow and a custom UI to segment anatomical structures, which are visible in the image data (bones, organs, vascular/airway structures, etc.), including interactive segmentation tools, basic image filters, etc. It also includes detection and labeling tools of organ segments (liver, lungs and kidneys), including path definition through vascular/airway, approximation of vascular/airway territories from tubular structures and interactive labeling. The software is designed to be used by trained professionals (including physicians, surgeons and technicians) and is intended to assist the clinician who is solely responsible for making all final patient management decisions. Visible Patient Suite VISIBLE PATIENT
20 B373VPS10140 1.0.14 Visible Patient Suite is medical imaging software that is intended to provide tr Visible Patient Suite is medical imaging software that is intended to provide trained medical professionals with tools to aid them in reading, interpreting, reporting, and treatment planning.Visible Patient Suite accepts DICOM compliant medical images acquired from a variety of imaging devices, including CT, MR. This product is not intended for use with or for the primary diagnostic interpretation of Mammography images. The software provides several categories of tools. It includes basic imaging tools for general images, including 2D viewing, volume rendering and 3D volume viewing, orthogonal Multi-Planar Reconstructions (MPR), image fusion, surface rendering, measurements, reporting, storing, general image management and administration tools, etc. It includes a basic image processing workflow and a custom UI to segment anatomical structures, which are visible in the image data (bones, organs, vascular/airway structures, etc.), including interactive segmentation tools, basic image filters, etc. It also includes detection and labeling tools of organ segments (liver, lungs and kidneys), including path definition through vascular/airway, approximation of vascular/airway territories from tubular structures and interactive labeling. The software is designed to be used by trained professionals (including physicians, surgeons and technicians) and is intended to assist the clinician who is solely responsible for making all final patient management decisions. Visible Patient Suite VISIBLE PATIENT
21 B373VPS10130 1.0.13 Visible Patient Suite is medical imaging software that is intended to provide tr Visible Patient Suite is medical imaging software that is intended to provide trained medical professionals with tools to aid them in reading, interpreting, reporting, and treatment planning.Visible Patient Suite accepts DICOM compliant medical images acquired from a variety of imaging devices, including CT, MR. This product is not intended for use with or for the primary diagnostic interpretation of Mammography images. The software provides several categories of tools. It includes basic imaging tools for general images, including 2D viewing, volume rendering and 3D volume viewing, orthogonal Multi-Planar Reconstructions (MPR), image fusion, surface rendering, measurements, reporting, storing, general image management and administration tools, etc. It includes a basic image processing workflow and a custom UI to segment anatomical structures, which are visible in the image data (bones, organs, vascular/airway structures, etc.), including interactive segmentation tools, basic image filters, etc. It also includes detection and labeling tools of organ segments (liver, lungs and kidneys), including path definition through vascular/airway, approximation of vascular/airway territories from tubular structures and interactive labeling. The software is designed to be used by trained professionals (including physicians, surgeons and technicians) and is intended to assist the clinician who is solely responsible for making all final patient management decisions. Visible Patient Suite VISIBLE PATIENT
22 B373VPS10120 1.0.12 Visible Patient Suite is medical imaging software that is intended to provide tr Visible Patient Suite is medical imaging software that is intended to provide trained medical professionals with tools to aid them in reading, interpreting, reporting, and treatment planning.Visible Patient Suite accepts DICOM compliant medical images acquired from a variety of imaging devices, including CT, MR. This product is not intended for use with or for the primary diagnostic interpretation of Mammography images. The software provides several categories of tools. It includes basic imaging tools for general images, including 2D viewing, volume rendering and 3D volume viewing, orthogonal Multi-Planar Reconstructions (MPR), image fusion, surface rendering, measurements, reporting, storing, general image management and administration tools, etc. It includes a basic image processing workflow and a custom UI to segment anatomical structures, which are visible in the image data (bones, organs, vascular/airway structures, etc.), including interactive segmentation tools, basic image filters, etc. It also includes detection and labeling tools of organ segments (liver, lungs and kidneys), including path definition through vascular/airway, approximation of vascular/airway territories from tubular structures and interactive labeling. The software is designed to be used by trained professionals (including physicians, surgeons and technicians) and is intended to assist the clinician who is solely responsible for making all final patient management decisions. Visible Patient Suite VISIBLE PATIENT
23 B373VPS10110 1.0.11 Visible Patient Suite is medical imaging software that is intended to provide tr Visible Patient Suite is medical imaging software that is intended to provide trained medical professionals with tools to aid them in reading, interpreting, reporting, and treatment planning.Visible Patient Suite accepts DICOM compliant medical images acquired from a variety of imaging devices, including CT, MR. This product is not intended for use with or for the primary diagnostic interpretation of Mammography images. The software provides several categories of tools. It includes basic imaging tools for general images, including 2D viewing, volume rendering and 3D volume viewing, orthogonal Multi-Planar Reconstructions (MPR), image fusion, surface rendering, measurements, reporting, storing, general image management and administration tools, etc. It includes a basic image processing workflow and a custom UI to segment anatomical structures, which are visible in the image data (bones, organs, vascular/airway structures, etc.), including interactive segmentation tools, basic image filters, etc. It also includes detection and labeling tools of organ segments (liver, lungs and kidneys), including path definition through vascular/airway, approximation of vascular/airway territories from tubular structures and interactive labeling. The software is designed to be used by trained professionals (including physicians, surgeons and technicians) and is intended to assist the clinician who is solely responsible for making all final patient management decisions. Visible Patient Suite VISIBLE PATIENT
24 B373VPS10100 1.0.10 Visible Patient Suite is medical imaging software that is intended to provide tr Visible Patient Suite is medical imaging software that is intended to provide trained medicalprofessionals with tools to aid them in reading, interpreting, reporting, and treatment planning.Visible Patient Suite accepts DICOM compliant medical images acquired from a variety of imagingdevices, including CT, MR.This product is not intended for use with or for the primary diagnostic interpretation ofMammography images.The software provides several categories of tools. It includes basic imaging tools for generalimages, including 2D viewing, volume rendering and 3D volume viewing, orthogonal Multi-PlanarReconstructions (MPR), image fusion, surface rendering, measurements, reporting, storing, generalimage management and administration tools, etc.It includes a basic image processing workflow and a custom UI to segment anatomical structures,which are visible in the image data (bones, organs, vascular/airway structures, etc.), includinginteractive segmentation tools, basic image filters, etc.It also includes detection and labeling tools of organ segments (liver, lungs and kidneys), includingpath definition through vascular/airway, approximation of vascular/airway territories from tubularstructures and interactive labeling.The software is designed to be used by trained professionals (including physicians, surgeons andtechnicians) and is intended to assist the clinician who is solely responsible for making all finalpatient management decisions. Visible Patient Suite VISIBLE PATIENT
26 B359PSRISPACS6PRU910 RamSoft PowerServer RIS/PACS 6 RamSoft RAMSOFT INC
27 B359PSRISPACS6PRU90 RamSoft PowerServer RIS/PACS 6 RamSoft RAMSOFT INC
28 B359PSRISPACS6PRU80 RamSoft PowerServer RIS/PACS 6 RamSoft RAMSOFT INC
29 B359PSRISPACS6PRU720 RamSoft PowerServer RIS/PACS 6 RamSoft RAMSOFT INC
31 B359PSRISPACS6PRU60 RamSoft PowerServer RISPACS 6 RamSoft RAMSOFT INC
32 B359PSRISPACS6PRU510 RamSoft PowerServer RIS/PACS 6 RamSoft RAMSOFT INC
33 B359PSRISPACS6PRU110 RamSoft PowerServer RIS/PACS 6 RamSoft RAMSOFT INC
34 B359PSRISPACS6PRU100 RamSoft PowerServer RIS/PACS 6 RamSoft RAMSOFT INC
36 B359PSPACS6PRU9GA0 RamSoft PowerServer PACS 6 RamSoft RAMSOFT INC
37 B359PSPACS6PRU910 RamSoft PowerServer PACS 6 RamSoft RAMSOFT INC
38 B359PSPACS6PRU90 RamSoft PowerServer PACS 6 RamSoft RAMSOFT INC
39 B359PSPACS6PRU80 RamSoft PowerServer PACS 6 RamSoft RAMSOFT INC
40 B359PSPACS6PRU720 RamSoft PowerServer PACS 6 RamSoft RAMSOFT INC
41 B359PSPACS6PRU70 PSPACS6PRU7 RamSoft PowerServer PACS 6 RamSoft RAMSOFT INC
42 B359PSPACS6PRU60 RamSoft PowerServer PACS RamSoft RAMSOFT INC
43 B359PSPACS6PRU510 RamSoft PowerServer PACS 6 RamSoft RAMSOFT INC
44 B359PSPACS6PRU110 RamSoft PowerServer PACS 6 RamSoft RAMSOFT INC
45 B359PSPACS6PRU100 RamSoft PowerServer PACS 6 RamSoft RAMSOFT INC
46 B359PSPACS60 PSPACS6 RamSoft PowerServer PACS 6 RamSoft RAMSOFT INC
47 B359PSGWY6PRU110 RamSoft Gateway 6 RamSoft RAMSOFT INC
48 B359PSGWR6PRU110 RamSoft Gateway Router 6 RamSoft RAMSOFT INC
49 B359GWY6PRU9GA0 RamSoft Gateway QC/Viewer 6 RamSoft RAMSOFT INC
50 B359GWY6PRU910 RamSoft Gateway QC/Viewer 6 RamSoft RAMSOFT INC