U-Screen Squared Integrated CLIA Waived Cup with Adulterants (CR,SG,OX) 7 Panel
U-Screen Squared Integrated CLIA Waived Cup with Adulterants (CR,SG,OX) 7 Panel Drug Screen for (THC/COC/MOP/AMP/MET/BZO/OXY)
U-Screen Squared Integrated Cup with Adulterants (CR,SG,OX) 7 Panel Drug Screen
U-Screen Squared Integrated Cup with Adulterants (CR,SG,OX) 7 Panel Drug Screen for (THC/COC/MOP/AMP/MET/BZO/OXY)
U-Screen Squared Integrated Cup with Adulterants (CR,SG,OX) 6 Panel Drug Screen
U-Screen Squared Integrated Cup with Adulterants (CR,SG,OX) 6 Panel Drug Screen for (THC/COC/OPI2000/AMP/MET/BZO)
U-Screen Squared Integrated Cup with Adulterants (CR,SG,OX) 5 Panel Drug Screen
U-Screen Squared Integrated Cup with Adulterants (CR,SG,OX) 5 Panel Drug Screen for (THC/COC/OPI2000/AMP/MET)
Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immun
Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids
U-Screen Squared Integrated CLIA Waived Cup with Adulterants (CR,SG,PH) 12 Pane
U-Screen Squared Integrated CLIA Waived Cup with Adulterants (CR,SG,PH) 12 Panel Drug Screen for (COC/MOP/AMP/MET/BAR/BZO/BUP/PCP/MDMA/MTD/OXY/TCA)
U-Screen Squared Integrated CLIA Waived Cup with Adulterants (CR,SG,PH) 12 Panel
U-Screen Squared Integrated CLIA Waived Cup with Adulterants (CR,SG,PH) 12 Panel Drug Screen for (THC/COC/MOP/AMP/MET/BAR/BZO/PCP/MDMA/MTD/OXY/TCA)
U-Screen Squared Integrated CLIA Waived Cup with Adulterants (CR,SG,PH) 12 Panel
U-Screen Squared Integrated CLIA Waived Cup with Adulterants (CR,SG,PH) 12 Panel Drug Screen for (THC/COC/MOP/AMP/MET/PCP/BZO/BAR/BUP/MDMA/MTD/OXY)
U-Screen Squared Integrated Cup with Adulterants(CR,SG,PH) 12 Panel Drug Screen
U-Screen Squared Integrated Cup with Adulterants(CR,SG,PH) 12 Panel Drug Screen for (THC/COC/MOP/AMP/MET/PCP/BZO/BAR/BUP/MDMA/MTD/OXY)
U-Screen Squared Integrated Cup with Adulterants (CR,SG,OX) 12 Panel Drug Screen
U-Screen Squared Integrated Cup with Adulterants (CR,SG,OX) 12 Panel Drug Screen for (THC/COC/OPI2000/AMP/MET/PCP/BZO/BUP/MDMA/MTD/OXY/PPX)
U-Screen Squared Integrated CLIA Waived Cup with Adulterants (CR,SG,OX) 10 Panel
U-Screen Squared Integrated CLIA Waived Cup with Adulterants (CR,SG,OX) 10 Panel Drug Screen for (THC/COC/MOP/AMP/MET/BZO/BUP/MDMA/MTD/OXY)
U-Screen Squared Integrated Cup with Adulterants (CR,SG,OX) 10 Panel Drug Screen
U-Screen Squared Integrated Cup with Adulterants (CR,SG,OX) 10 Panel Drug Screen for (THC/COC/MOP/AMP/MET/BZO/BUP/MDMA/MTD/OXY)
U-Screen Squared Integrated Cup with Adulterants (CR,SG,OX) 10 Panel Drug Screen
U-Screen Squared Integrated Cup with Adulterants (CR,SG,OX) 10 Panel Drug Screen for (THC/COC/OPI2000/AMP/MET/PCP/BAR/BZO/MDMA/MTD)
U-Screen Squared Integrated CLIA Waived Cup 7 Panel Drug Screen for (THC/COC/OPI
U-Screen Squared Integrated CLIA Waived Cup 7 Panel Drug Screen for (THC/COC/OPI300/AMP/BUP/BZO/OXY)
U-Screen Squared Integrated Cup 10 Panel Drug Screen for (THC/COC/OPI2000/AMP/ME
U-Screen Squared Integrated Cup 10 Panel Drug Screen for (THC/COC/OPI2000/AMP/MET/PCP/BAR/BZO/MDMA/MTD)
Drugs of Abuse Test Card, (COC/THC)+(MET1000/OPI2000)+(OXY/MDMA)+(PCP/AMP)+BUP+B
Drugs of Abuse Test Card, (COC/THC)+(MET1000/OPI2000)+(OXY/MDMA)+(PCP/AMP)+BUP+BZO+OPI300 with Cr, Ni, pH, Bl, S.G.
Drugs of Abuse Test Cassette, (COC/THC)+(MET1000/OPI2000)+(PCP/AMP) with Cr, Ni,
Drugs of Abuse Test Cassette, (COC/THC)+(MET1000/OPI2000)+(PCP/AMP) with Cr, Ni, pH, Bl, S.G.
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BUP / BZD / COC / M-AMP / MTD / OPI-II / PCP / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: BZD / OPI-II
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BZD / BUP / COC / MTD / M-AMP / OPI-II / PCP / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BZD / COC / M-AMP / OPI-II / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BZD / BUP / COC / EDDP / OPI-II / OXY / CREA
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BUP / BZD / COC / M-AMP / MTD / OPI / OXY / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BUP / BZD / COC / M-AMP / MTD / OPI / OXY / PCP / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BUP / BZD / COC / EDDP / M-AMP / MTD / OPI / OXY / PCP / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BUP / BZD / MTD / OPI / OXY
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BZD / COC / M-AMP / OPI / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: COC / M-AMP / OPI / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BUP / BZD / COC / M-AMP / MTD / OPI / OXY / PCP / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BUP / BZD / COC / OPI / OXY / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: BUP / COC / M-AMP / OPI / OXY / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BZD / COC / MET / OPI / OXY / THC / PH / CREA / SG
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BUP / BZD / COC / M-AMP / OPI / OXY / PCP / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: BAR / BUP / BZD / COC / MET / MTD / OPI / OXY / PCP / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BZD / COC / MAD / MET / OPI 2000 / OXY / PCP / TCA / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: BUP / MTD / OPI / OXY
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: BZD / COC / M-AMP / MTD / OPI / OXY
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / COC / MET / OPI / OXY / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: BZD / COC / MET / OPI / OXY / THC / PH / CRE / SG / NT
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BZD / COC / MET / OPI / OXY / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / COC / MET / OPI
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: BZD / COC / M-AMP / MTD / OPI / OXY
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: BUP / BZD / COC / M-AMP / OPI / OXY / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BZD / COC / M-AMP / MTD / OPI / OXY / PCP / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP/BAR/BUP/BZD/COC/M-AMP/MTD/OPI/OXY/THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BUP / BZD / COC / M-AMP / MTD / OPI-II/ PCP / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BUP / BZD / COC / M-AMP / MTD / OPI / PCP / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BUP / BZD / COC / MTD / OPI / OXY / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BZD / BUP / COC / M-AMP / MTD / OPI-II / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BZD / BUP / COC / M-AMP / MTD / OPI / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BZD / COC / M-AMP / MTD / OPI-II/ PCP / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BZD / COC / M-AMP / MTD / OPI / PCP / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BZD / COC / MTD / OPI / OXY / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BUP / BZD / COC / MTD / OPI / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BZD / COC / M-AMP / OPI-II/ PCP / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BZD / COC / M-AMP / OPI / PCP / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BZD / BUP / COC / M-AMP / MTD / OPI-II / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BZD / BUP / COC / M-AMP / MTD / OPI / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BZD / COC / M-AMP / MTD / OPI-II/ PCP / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BZD / COC / M-AMP / MTD / OPI / PCP / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BZD / COC / M-AMP / MTD / OPI-II/ THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BZD / COC / M-AMP / MTD / OPI / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BAR / BZD / COC / M-AMP / PCP / THC
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: AMP / BZD / COC / M-AMP / MTD / OPI / OXY
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine:
Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: BZD / COC / M-AMP / MTD / OPI / OXY / THC