Other products from "DEERFIELD IMAGING, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00857534006547 InSitu Coil, Open, 1.5T Large 120018-000 InSitu Coil, Open, 1.5T Large 120018-000 MOS Coil, Magnetic Resonance, Specialty 2 InSitu Coil
2 00857534006745 120823-000 IMRIS IMRI 3T V LNH,LNI,MOS System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging,System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Sp System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging,System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic,Coil, Magnetic Resonance, Specialty 2 IMRIS iMRI 3T V
3 00857534006554 InSitu Coil, Open, 3T Large 120019-000 InSitu Coil, Open, 3T Large, 120019-000 MOS Coil, Magnetic Resonance, Specialty 2 InSitu Coil
4 00857534006448 HC150 Lower Coil LOWER ASSEMBLY, 1.5T IOHv2, SAE, 118995-600 MOS Coil, Magnetic Resonance, Specialty 2 HC150 - 1.5T Head Coil Lower
5 00857534006134 HC150 Lower Coil LOWER ASSEMBLY, 1.5T IOHv2, SAE, 118995-000 MOS Coil, Magnetic Resonance, Specialty 2 HC150 - 1.5T Head Coil Lower
6 00857534006004 HFD210 MR/X-ray Head Fixation Device (HFD210),112634-000 HBL Holder, Head, Neurosurgical (Skull Clamp) 2 MR/X-ray HFD (HFD 210)
7 00857534006561 MR Neuro Accessory Adaptor ORT 400 table MR Neuro Accessory Adaptor- 120025-000 GDC,KXJ Table, Operating-Room, Electrical,Table, Radiologic 1 ORT 400 (Trumpf TruSystem 7500 MR Neuro) table
8 00857534006707 119900-003 ORT 400 table, Patient Support Board 119900-003 KXJ,GDC Table, Radiologic,Table, Operating-Room, Electrical 1 Patient Support Board
9 00857534006714 119749-000 ORT 400 table, Patient Support Board with Label 119749-000 KXJ,GDC Table, Radiologic,Table, Operating-Room, Electrical 1 Patient Support Board
10 00857534006424 HC300 Lower Coil Lower Assy, 3T IOH V2, 110840-600 MOS Coil, Magnetic Resonance, Specialty 2 HC300 -3T Head Coil Lower Assy
11 00857534006417 HC300 Upper Assy Upper Assy, 3T IOH V2, 110833-600 MOS Coil, Magnetic Resonance, Specialty 2 HC300- 3T Head Coil Upper Assy
12 00857534006233 HC300 Upper Assy Upper Assy, 3T IOH V2, 110833-000 MOS Coil, Magnetic Resonance, Specialty 2 HC300- 3T Head Coil Upper Assy
13 00857534006226 HC300 Lower Coil Lower Assy, 3T IOH V2, 110840-000 MOS Coil, Magnetic Resonance, Specialty 2 HC300 -3T Head Coil Lower Assy
14 00857534006523 HC150 Lower Coil LOWER COIL ASSEMBLY, 1.5T Neuro II-S, 119980-000 MOS Coil, Magnetic Resonance, Specialty 2 HC150 - 1.5T Head Coil Lower Neuro II-S
15 00857534006219 iCT System iCT System 115219-000 JAK System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed 2 iCT
16 00857534006028 HFD 200 MR/X-ray Head Fixation Device (HFD200), 113010-000 HBL Holder, Head, Neurosurgical (Skull Clamp) 2 MR/X-ray HFD (HFD 200)
17 00857534006486 ORT100 T2X OR Table V.2, 110470-600 FQO,KXJ Table, Operating-Room, Ac-Powered,Table, Radiologic 1 ORT100 Table
18 00857534006394 HFD100 Head Fixation Device HFD100 , 113803-600 HBL Holder, Head, Neurosurgical (Skull Clamp) 2 Head Fixation Device HFD100
19 00857534006370 InSitu Coil, Open 3T InSitu Coil, Open, 3T Large, Pouched, 114893-001 MOS Coil, Magnetic Resonance, Specialty 2 InSitu Coil, 3T
20 00857534006332 ORT100 T2X OR Table V.2, 110470-000 KXJ,FQO Table, Radiologic,Table, Operating-Room, Ac-Powered 1 ORT100 Table
21 00857534006189 iMRX System AR-DR MR30RS iMRX System AR-DR MR30RS,105824-000 IZI,LNH System, X-Ray, Angiographic,System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 iMRX System
22 00857534006172 iMRX System AR-DR-AR iMRX System AR-DR-AR, MR30R, 105826-000 IZI,LNH System, X-Ray, Angiographic,System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 iMRX System
23 00857534006165 iMRX System AR-DR-OR iMRX System AR-DR-OR, MR30R, 105828-000 LNH,IZI System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging,System, X-Ray, Angiographic 2 iMRX System
24 00857534006158 Post Assy, 1.5T 16CH Cardiac Coil iMRX System Post Assy, 1.5T 16CH Cardiac Coil,105856-000 IZI,LNH System, X-Ray, Angiographic,System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 iMRX System
25 00857534006141 ANTERIOR ASSY, 3T 16CH CARDIAC COIL iMRX System ANTERIOR ASSY, 3T 16CH CARDIAC COIL, 105587-000 IZI,LNH System, X-Ray, Angiographic,System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 iMRX System
26 00857534006127 POSTERIOR ASSY, 3T 16CH CARDIAC COIL iMRX System POSTERIOR ASSY, 3T 16CH CARDIAC COIL, 105589-000 IZI,LNH System, X-Ray, Angiographic,System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 iMRX System
27 00857534006110 Ant Assy, 1.5T 16CH Cardiac Coil iMRX System Ant Assy, 1.5T 16CH Cardiac Coil, 105855-000 IZI,LNH System, X-Ray, Angiographic,System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 iMRX System
28 00857534006066 OR-DR 116119-000 IMRIS SSK OR-DR Full Body Imaging, 116119-000 LNH System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 iMRI 3T S
29 00857534006059 OR-DR, 116118-000 IMRIS SSK OR-DR Partial Body Imaging, 116118-000 LNH System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 iMRI 3T S
30 00857534006042 OR-DR-OR 116117-000 IMRIS SSK OR-DR-OR Full Body Imaging,116117-000 LNH System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 iMRI 3T S
31 00857534006035 OR-DR-OR 116053-000 IMRIS SSK OR-DR-OR Partial Body Imaging, 116053-000 LNH System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 iMRI 3T S
32 00857534006011 HFD100 Head Fixation Device HFD100 , 113803-000 HBL Holder, Head, Neurosurgical (Skull Clamp) 2 Head Fixation Device HFD100
33 00857534006646 Application Platform 4.0 KIT Applications Platform 4.0 US/JPN – INT KIT – 3 Room 120087-000 LMD System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological 1 VISIUSmatrix
34 00857534006264 HFD100 Rocker Arm Accessory Rocker Arm Accessory Kit HFD100, 117948-000 HBL Holder, Head, Neurosurgical (Skull Clamp) 2 HFD100 Rocker Arm Accessory
35 00857534006622 Application Platform 4.0- 3 Room Applications Platform 4.0 US/JPN – 3 Room- 119897-000 LMD System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological 1 VISIUSmatrix
36 00857534006431 HC150 Lower Assy Lower Assembly, 1.5T IOHv2 (Es), 110821-600 MOS Coil, Magnetic Resonance, Specialty 2 HC150 - 1.5T Head Coil Lower Assy
37 00857534006516 ORT 400 (Trumpf TruSystem 7500 MR) table ORT 400 (Trumpf TruSystem 7500 MR) table Assembly, 119493-000 KXJ,GDC Table, Radiologic,Table, Operating-Room, Electrical 1 ORT 400 (Trumpf TruSystem 7500 MR) table
38 00857534006509 ORT 400 (Trumpf TruSystem 7500 MR) Control Panel Assy ORT 400 (Trumpf TruSystem 7500 MR) table, Control Panel Assy 119409-000 GDC,KXJ Table, Operating-Room, Electrical,Table, Radiologic 1 ORT 400 (Trumpf TruSystem 7500 MR) table
39 00857534006493 Application Platform 4.0 2-Room Applications Platform 4.0 NA/JAPAN 2-Room- 119407-000 LMD System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological 1 VISIUSmatrix
40 00857534006462 ORT300 ORT300 Modular Table Main Unit Assy, 114093-600 KXJ,FQO Table, Radiologic,Table, Operating-Room, Ac-Powered 1 ORT300 Table
41 00857534006356 ORT300 ORT300 Modular Table Main Unit Assy, 114093-000 FQO,KXJ Table, Operating-Room, Ac-Powered,Table, Radiologic 1 ORT300 Table
42 00857534006325 Horseshoe Headrest HFD200 Assembly Horseshoe Headrest HFD200 Assembly, 116343-00 HBM Headrest, Neurosurgical 1 Horseshoe Headrest
43 00857534006318 Horseshoe Headrest HFD100 Assembly Horseshoe Headrest HFD100 Assembly, 116341-00 HBM Headrest, Neurosurgical 1 Horseshoe Headrest
44 00857534006240 HC150 Lower Assy Lower Assembly, 1.5T IOHv2 (Es), 110821-000 MOS Coil, Magnetic Resonance, Specialty 2 HC150 - 1.5T Head Coil Lower Assy
45 00857534006202 Neuro III-SV iMRI System Neuro III-SV Multi-Room Imaging Suite MR30LS Enhancement OR-DR, 116189-000 LNH System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 Neuro III-SV iMRI System
46 00857534006196 Neuro III-SV iMRI System Neuro III-SV Multi-Room Imaging Suite MR30RS Enhancement [OR-DR-OR], 118396-000 LNH System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 Neuro III-SV iMRI System
47 00857534006288 VISIUSeye iMRI 1.5T A and 3TS VISIUSeye iMRI 1.5T A and 3TS, 117534-000 FTY Tape, Measuring, Rulers And Calipers 1 VISIUSeye
48 00857534006578 VISIUSeye iMRI 1.5T A and 3TS 120028-000 VISIUSeye iMRI 1.5T A and 3TS, 120028-000 FTY Tape, Measuring, Rulers And Calipers 1 VISIUSeye
49 00857534006639 Application Platform 4.0- KIT Applications Platform 4.0 US/JPN – INT KIT-120085-000 LMD System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological 1 VISIUSmatrix
50 00857534006479 ORT200 ORT200 50/60Hz Covered Table Assy V2, 114148-600 KXJ,FQO Table, Radiologic,Table, Operating-Room, Ac-Powered 1 ORT200 Table
Other products with the same Product Code "LNH"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00850011790021 RESY3002-RESYSAB Resoundant Acoustic Driver System RESOUNDANT, INC.
2 00850011472217 FID SYM FRU Ecoil ID - FID SYM FRU DxTx Medical 1.5T eCoil Imaging Device (for Siemens) DXTX MEDICAL INC
3 00850011472200 FID SYM Ecoil ID - FID SYM DxTx Medical 1.5T Imaging Device (for Siemens) DXTX MEDICAL INC
4 00850011472163 BPX 15-50 Disposable Prostate Probe - 1.5T - BPX15-50 DxTx Medical 1.5 eCoil Imaging System Disposables (Prostate Bulk 50/bx) DXTX MEDICAL INC
5 00850011472156 PCC 15 Disposable Colon Probe - PCC-15 DxTx Medical 1.5T eCoil Imaging System Disposables (Colon) DXTX MEDICAL INC
6 00850011472149 BPX 15 Disposable Prostate Probe 1.5T BPX 15 DxTxMedical 1.5T eCoil Imaging System Disposables (Prostate) DXTX MEDICAL INC
7 00850011472132 BCR 15 Disposable Cervix Probe - BCR-15 DxTx Medical 1.5T eCoil Imaging System Disposables (Cervix) DXTX MEDICAL INC
8 00850010651101 3200 Complete Silent Scan 3200 system Silent Scan AVOTEC, INC.
9 00850010651095 3300 Complete Silent Scan 3300 system. Silent Scan AVOTEC, INC.
10 00850010651088 3200 Silent Scan 3200 console Silent Scan AVOTEC, INC.
11 00850010651071 3300 Silent Scan 3300 console Silent Scan AVOTEC, INC.
12 00850010651040 3200/3300 Transducer Silent Scan Audio Transducer Silent Scan AVOTEC, INC.
13 00850004813263 1 100016 Breast Pad Insert Sat Pad™ , Radiological Positioning device for MR Breast Pad Insert H SatPad™ SAT PAD INC.
14 00850004813256 1 100018 Breast Pad Insert Sat Pad™ , Radiological Positioning device for MR Breast Pad Insert SatPad™ SAT PAD INC.
15 00850004813249 1 200018 Neck & Brachial Plexus Radiological Positioning Device Neck & Brachial Plexus SatPad™ Set SAT PAD INC.
16 00850004813225 1 200015 Ankle/Foot and Toe Cap Radiological Positioning Device Ankle/Foot & Toe Cap SatPad™ Set SAT PAD INC.
17 00850004813140 1 100014 16 Channel Breast , Radiological Positioning device for MR 16 Channel Breast SatPad™ SAT PAD INC.
18 00850004813102 1 100010 Brachial Plexus Radiological positioning devise for MR Brachial Plexus SatPad™ SAT PAD INC.
19 00850004813089 1 100008 Shoulder Radiological Positioning Device Shoulder SatPad™ SAT PAD INC.
20 00850004813072 1 100007 Ankle Toe Cap Radiological Positioning Device For MR Ankle Toe Cap SatPad™ SAT PAD INC.
21 00850004813065 1 100006 Back/Abdomen Radiological Positioning Device for MR Back/Abdomen SatPad™ SAT PAD INC.
22 00850004813058 1 100002 Neck SatPad, Radiological positioning device for MR Neck SatPad™ SAT PAD INC.
23 00850004813041 1 100005 Knee Radiological Positioning Device Knee SatPad™ SAT PAD INC.
24 00850004813027 1 100003 Ankle/Foot Radiological Positioning Device Ankle/Foot SatPad™ SAT PAD INC.
25 00841439114179 772021 772021 Posicast®-Lite Microperfo, LPR21 (2 pt, 2.3 mm) Thermoplastic Chin Strap MEDTEC, INC.
26 00841439114155 OAP200 OAP200 For use with Evolve breastboard solution Evolve Slant Board MEDTEC, INC.
27 00841439114148 OAP210 OAP210 Bottom plate and bottom stop for use with Evolve breastboard Evolve Bottom Board MEDTEC, INC.
28 00841439114131 OAP221 OAP221 For use with Pro Wing Board™ or Monarch™ Pro Handle MEDTEC, INC.
29 00841439114124 OAP220 OAP220 Wing Board™ with gel head cup and (2) Pro Handles Pro Wing Board™ MEDTEC, INC.
30 00841439114025 PRO431IM1832SG PRO431IM1832SG IMRT Clear Vision 2 open face thermoplastic (3.2mm) ProForm™ Pediatric Thermoplastic MEDTEC, INC.
31 00841439114018 PRO431IM1832CL PRO431IM1832CL IMRT FreedomView thermoplastic (3.2mm) ProForm™ Pediatric Thermoplastic MEDTEC, INC.
32 00841439114001 PRO431IM1832 PRO431IM1832 IMRT style 18 thermoplastic (3.2mm) ProForm™ Pediatric Thermoplastic MEDTEC, INC.
33 00841439113998 PRO430IM1832SG PRO430IM1832SG Head only IMRT Clear Vision 2 open face thermoplastic (3.2mm) ProForm™ Pediatric Thermoplastic MEDTEC, INC.
34 00841439113981 PRO430IM1832CL PRO430IM1832CL Head only IMRT FreedomView thermoplastic (3.2mm) ProForm™ Pediatric Thermoplastic MEDTEC, INC.
35 00841439113974 PRO430IM1832 PRO430IM1832 Head-only IMRT style 18 thermoplastic (3.2mm) ProForm™ Pediatric Thermoplastic MEDTEC, INC.
36 00841439113967 PRO430 PRO430 Head-only thermoplastic (3.2 mm) ProForm™ Pediatric Thermoplastic MEDTEC, INC.
37 00841439113882 MTWBL001 MTWBL001 For use with TotalRT All In One Solution and Type-S™ Overlays and Extensions Type-S™ Lok-Bar™ MEDTEC, INC.
38 00841439113875 TRT100 TRT100 Positioning and Immobilization System TotalRT All In One Platform MEDTEC, INC.
39 00841439113868 VLPLV10FC VLPLV10FC Nylon bag (75 x 120cm, 25L) with indexing for pelvic positioning Vac-Lok™ Cushion MEDTEC, INC.
40 00841439113851 VLPLV09FC VLPLV09FC Nylon bag (75 x 100cm, 21L) with indexing for pelvic positioning Vac-Lok™ Cushion MEDTEC, INC.
41 00841439113844 VLPLV10C VLPLV10C 75 x 120cm, 25L, nylon bag for pelvic positioning Vac-Lok™ Cushion MEDTEC, INC.
42 00841439113837 VLPLV09C VLPLV09C 75 x 100cm, 21L, nylon bag for pelvic positioning Vac-Lok™ Cushion MEDTEC, INC.
43 00841439113820 VL0022 VL0022 "T" shape nylon bag (108 x 125cm, 31L) Vac-Lok™ Cushion MEDTEC, INC.
44 00841439113813 VLG26FC VLG26FC Nylon bag with indexing (70 x 100cm, 26L) Vac-Lok™ Cushion MEDTEC, INC.
45 00841439113806 VLH90C VLH90C Nylon bag (100 x 200cm, 90L) Vac-Lok™ Cushion MEDTEC, INC.
46 00841439113783 VLG26C VLG26C Nylon bag (70 x 100cm, 26L) Vac-Lok™ Cushion MEDTEC, INC.
47 00841439113714 CHS18MR CHS18MR Solstice™ MR SRS Immobilization System Solstice™ MR SRS Immobilization System MEDTEC, INC.
48 00841439113646 MTIL600712 MTIL600712 For use with Siemens Vario RT CT Docking Station MEDTEC, INC.
49 00841439113585 MTACLSHIM MTACLSHIM AccuForm™ Shim AccuForm™ Shim MEDTEC, INC.
50 00841439113561 BPL026 BPL026 BPL ONE Respiratory Belt BPL ONE Respiratory Belt MEDTEC, INC.