No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00857515006221 90167-60ML 90167 Continuous Single Culture®–NX (CSCM–NX) MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Continuous Single Culture®–NX (CSCM–NX)
2 00857515006214 90167-20ML 90167 Continuous Single Culture®–NX (CSCM–NX) MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Continuous Single Culture®–NX (CSCM–NX)
3 00893727002903 9988-100mL 9988 Human Albumin MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Human Serum Albumin Solution
4 00893727002262 90140-2X20mL 90140 Complete Early Cleavage With SSS MQL Media, Reproductive Complete Early Cleavage Medium® (ECM®) with SSS
5 00893727002217 90128-20X5mL 90128 Freezing Medium With Gentamicin MQL Media, Reproductive Freezing Medium - TEST Yolk Buffer (TYB) with Glycerol and Gentamicin
6 00893727002200 90128-100mL 90128 Freezing Medium With Gentamicin MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Freezing Medium - TEST Yolk Buffer (TYB) with Glycerol and Gentamicin
7 00893727002132 90103-2X20mL 90103 Embryo Biopsy Medium MQL Media, Reproductive Embryo Biopsy Medium
8 00893727002101 9988-12X5mL 9988 Human Serum Albumin Solution MQL Media, Reproductive Human Serum Albumin Solution
9 00857515006412 90165-60mL 90165 Continuous Single Culture® Complete with HSA MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Continuous Single Culture® Complete with Gentamicin Sulfate with Human Serum Alb
10 00857515006313 90183 90183 VIT KIT - Warm NX MQL Media, Reproductive 2 VIT KIT - Warm NX
11 00857515006115 C106-14ML C106 Chang C 14ML Frozen Supplement KIT Media And Components, Synthetic Cell And Tissue Culture 1 Chang C 14ML Frozen Supplement
12 00857515006054 99418-450mL 99418 Chang Medium C with Gentamicin KIT Media And Components, Synthetic Cell And Tissue Culture 1 Chang Medium® C with Gentamicin
13 00893727002835 99168-100ML 99168 Modified Ham's F-10 Basal Medium - HEPES MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Modified Ham's F-10 Basal Medium - HEPES
14 00893727002651 90165-2x20mL 90165 Continuous Single Culture® Complete with HSA MQL Media, Reproductive Continuous Single Culture® Complete with Gentamicin Sulfate with Human Serum Alb
15 00893727002644 90164-60mL 90164 Continuous Single Culture® with Gentamicin MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Continuous Single Culture®
16 00893727002347 99242-100mL 99242 P-1 Medium With Gentamicin MQL Media, Reproductive 2 P-1® Medium with Gentamicin
17 00893727002149 90116-6X10ML 90116 MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Embryo Freeze Media
18 00893727002064 9926-2X20mL 9926 Complete P-1 Medium With SSS MQL Media, Reproductive Complete P-1® Medium with SSS™
19 00893727002798 90110-6X10ML 90110 Blastocyst Thaw Media Kit MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Blastocyst Thaw Media Kit
20 00893727002774 T105-500mL T105 KIT,KIQ Media And Components, Synthetic Cell And Tissue Culture,Kit, Culture, Chromosome 1 Chang Medium D
21 00893727002477 T105-100mL T105 KIT,KIQ Media And Components, Synthetic Cell And Tissue Culture,Kit, Culture, Chromosome 1 Chang Medium D
22 00893727002057 9922-2X20mL 9922 Complete HTF Medium With SSS MQL Media, Reproductive Complete HTF Medium with SSS™
23 00857515006436 90170-3x5mL-SK 90170 Arctic Sperm Cryopreservation MediumSample Kit- NOT FOR SALE MQL Media, Reproductive Arctic Sperm Cryopreservation Medium
24 00857515006306 9311-12x10ml 9311 Colcemid Solution KIQ Kit, Culture, Chromosome 1 Colcemid Solution
25 00857515006252 90170-12x5mL 90170 Arctic Sperm Cryopreservation Medium MQL Media, Reproductive Arctic Sperm Cryopreservation Medium
26 00893727002927 90126-500mL 90126 Modified HTF Medium-HEPES MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Modified HTF Medium-HEPES with Gentamicin
27 00893727002866 90129-20x5mL 90129 Refrigeration Test Yolk Buffer with Gentamicin HDR Cap, Cervical Refrigeration Medium - Test Yolk Buffer (TYB) with Gentamicin
28 00893727002675 91031-500mL 91031 KIT,KIQ Media And Components, Synthetic Cell And Tissue Culture,Kit, Culture, Chromosome 1 Chang Marrow Bone Marrow Culture Medium with Gentamicin
29 00893727002668 91031-100mL 91031 KIT,KIQ Media And Components, Synthetic Cell And Tissue Culture,Kit, Culture, Chromosome 1 Chang Marrow Bone Marrow Culture Medium with Gentamicin
30 00893727002415 9311-10ml 9311 Colcemid Solution KIQ Kit, Culture, Chromosome 1 Colcemid Solution
31 00893727002293 90143-2X20mL 90143 Complete MultiBlast With DSS MQL Media, Reproductive Complete MultiBlast Medium With DSS
32 00893727002194 90126-100mL 90126 Modified HTF Medium-HEPES MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Modified HTF Medium-HEPES with Gentamicin
33 00893727002033 9301-12X12mL 9301 Dextran Serum Supplement MQL Media, Reproductive Dextran Serum Supplement
34 00893727002026 9301-100mL 9301 Dextran Serum Supplement MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Dextran Serum Supplement
35 00857515006429 90168-60mL 90168 Continuous Single Culture®–NX Complete (CSCM–NXC) MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Continuous Single Culture®–NX Complete
36 00857515006320 90188 90188 Vit Kit - Freeze NX MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Vit Kit - Freeze NX
37 00857515006269 99275-12x6ML 99275 ISolate® Stock SolutionCustom packaging configuration. Only distributed in Japan. MQL Media, Reproductive ISolate® Stock Solution
38 00857515006238 90168-2x20mL 90168 Continuous Single Culture®–NX Complete (CSCM–NXC) MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Continuous Single Culture®–NX Complete
39 00857515006191 90137-JX 90137-JX Vitrification Thaw Kit for EmbryosCustom for JX MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Vit Kit® - Thaw
40 00857515006184 90137-DSOC 90137-DSOC Vit Kit - ThawCustom package configuration MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Vit Kit® - Thaw
41 00857515006177 90133-DSOC 90133-DSOC Vit Kit - FreezeCustom package configuration MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Vit Kit® - Freeze
42 00857515006160 91005-500ML 91005 KIT,KIQ Media And Components, Synthetic Cell And Tissue Culture,Kit, Culture, Chromosome 1 Chang Medium MF with Gentamicin
43 00857515006092 90137-DSO 90137-DSO Vit Kit - Thaw MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Vit Kit® - Thaw
44 00857515006085 90133-DSO 90133-DSO Vit Kit - Freeze MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Vit Kit® - Freeze
45 00857515006030 99404-500mL 99404 CHANG Medium® D with Gentamicin KIT Media And Components, Synthetic Cell And Tissue Culture 1 CHANG Medium® D with Antibiotics
46 00857515006016 99275-500ML 99275 ISolate® Stock Solution MQL Media, Reproductive 2 ISolate® Stock Solution
47 00893727002996 99252-12X5ML 99252 Tyrode's Solution - Acidified MQL Media, Reproductive Tyrode's Solution - Acidified
48 00893727002989 99219-10x1mL 99219 PVP (polyvinylpyrrolidone) MQL Media, Reproductive Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) - Lyophilized
49 00893727002897 9984-100ML 9984 Modified Sperm Washing Medium MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Modified Sperm Washing Medium
50 00893727002859 99275-100ML 99275 ISolate® Stock Solution MQL Media, Reproductive 2 ISolate® Stock Solution
Other products with the same Product Code "MQL"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 07350025914893 10338 SpermGrad VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
2 07350025914886 10238 SpermGrad VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
3 07350025914879 10339 SpermGrad VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
4 07350025914862 10239 SpermGrad VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
5 07350025914817 10122 RapidWarm Oocyte VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
6 07350025914800 10121 RapidVit Oocyte VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
7 07350025914220 10120 RapidWarm Blast VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
8 07350025914213 10119 RapidVit Blast VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
9 07350025914206 10126 G-GAMETE VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
10 07350025910901 10190 EmbryoGlue VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
11 07350025910826 10182 G-MOPS PLUS VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
12 07350025910819 10181 G-MOPS VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
13 07350025910802 10180 ASP VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
14 07350025910796 10179 G-RINSE VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
15 07350025910710 10170 ThawKit Cleave VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
16 07350025910703 10169 FreezeKit Cleave VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
17 07350025910628 10173 Gx-MOPS PLUS VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
18 07350025910611 10172 Gx-TL VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
19 07350025910604 10171 Gx-IVF VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
20 07350025910598 10144 G-2 PLUS VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
21 07350025910581 10143 G-1 PLUS VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
22 07350025910550 10136 G-IVF PLUS VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
23 07350025910543 10135 G-IVF VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
24 07350025910536 10118 RapidWarm Cleave VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
25 07350025910529 10117 RapidVit Cleave VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
26 07350025910512 10134 G-IVF PLUS VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
27 07350025910499 10132 G-2 PLUS VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
28 07350025910482 10131 G-2 VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
29 07350025910475 10130 G-MOPS PLUS VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
30 07350025910468 10129 G-MOPS VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
31 07350025910451 10128 G-1 PLUS VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
32 07350025910444 10127 G-1 VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
33 07350025910437 10145 G-TL VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
34 07350025910413 10146 SpermRinse VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
35 07350025910390 10067 THAW-KIT 1 VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
36 07350025910376 10101 SpermRinse VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
37 07350025910369 10099 SpermGrad VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
38 07350025910352 10102 SpermGrad VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
39 07350025910307 10029 OVOIL VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
40 07350025910291 10086 IVF VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
41 07350025910253 10064 HSA-solution VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
42 07350025910208 10069 G-RINSE VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
43 07350025910185 10074 G-PGD VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
44 07350025910178 10076 G-ThawKit Blast VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
45 07350025910161 10075 G-FreezeKit Blast VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
46 07350025910130 10038 G-MM VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
47 07350025910055 10066 FREEZE-KIT 1 VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
48 07350025910048 10085 EmbryoGlue VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
49 07350025910017 10100 ASP VITROLIFE SWEDEN AB
50 07350025610399 PureSperm® 90 PS90-100 The product is intended to be used for the separation and purification of sperma Nidacon NIDACON INTERNATIONAL AB