Other products from "HEMOSURE INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00857338006330 F2-CT25C F2-CT25C First Sign hCG Pregnancy Urine/Serum Test Cassette (4mm); 25Pcs/Box for Hemosure JHI Visual, Pregnancy Hcg, Prescription Use First Sign®
2 00857338006224 F1-CT25U F1-CT25U First Sign hCG Pregnancy Urine Test Cassette (4mm); 25Pcs/Box for Hemosure JHI Visual, Pregnancy Hcg, Prescription Use First Sign®
3 00817763022541 FSCDIP7164 FSCDIP7164P DOA 6 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA Waived AMP/BU DOA 6 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA Waived AMP/BUP/COC/mAMP/MDMA/MOR DIO,LAF,DJG,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Gas Chromatography, Methamph Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine First Sign®
4 00817763022466 FSCCUP-13124 W/AD FSCCUP-13124 W/ADP DOA 12 in 1 Test Cup W AD, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA Waived,AMP/B DOA 12 in 1 Test Cup W AD, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA Waived,AMP/BARB/BUP/BZO/COC/mAMP/MDMA/MOR/MTD/OXY/PCP/THC/PH-SG-OX DJG,JXM,DIS,LAF,DJR,JXN,LCM,LDJ,DKZ,DIO Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassa Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Propoxyphene,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites First Sign®
5 00817763022268 FSCCUP-20104 W/AD7 DOA 10 in 1 Test Cup W/ AD, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA Waived AMP/ DOA 10 in 1 Test Cup W/ AD, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA Waived AMP/BARB/BUP/BZO/COC/mAMP/MOR/MTD/OXY/THC/CR-SG-OX DIS,LAF,DJR,DJG,LDJ,JXM,DIO,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immun Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine First Sign®
6 00817763022244 FSCCUP-6664 W/AD7 DOA 6 in 1 Test Cup W/ AD, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA Waived AMP/B DOA 6 in 1 Test Cup W/ AD, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA Waived AMP/BZO/COC/MOR/OXY/THC/CR-SG-OX LDJ,DJG,JXM,DIO,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine First Sign®
7 00817763022220 FSCCUP-13124 W/AD8 DOA 12 in 1 Test Cup W/AD, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA WaivedAMP/BA DOA 12 in 1 Test Cup W/AD, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA WaivedAMP/BARB/BUP/BZO/COC/mAMP/MDMA/MOR/MTD/OXY/PCP/THC/NI-CR-SG-PH LCM,LDJ,LAF,DJG,DJR,DKZ,DIS,JXM,DIO Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Gas Chromatog Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites First Sign®
8 00817763022206 FSCDIP1724 DOA 2 in 1 Test Dip card, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA WaivedAMP/mAMP LAF,DKZ Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine First Sign®
9 00817763022183 FSCDIP5054 DOA 5 in 1 Test Dip card, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA WaivedAMP/BZO DOA 5 in 1 Test Dip card, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA WaivedAMP/BZO/COC/OPI/OXY JXM,DKZ,DJG,DIO Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immuno Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites First Sign®
10 00817763022169 FSCDIPTC-25 DOA Single Test Dip card, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA WaivedTCA LFG Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs First Sign®
11 00817763022145 FSCDIPPC-25 DOA Single Test Dip card, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA WaivedPCP LCM Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine First Sign®
12 00817763022121 FSCDIPMT-25 DOA Single Test Dip card, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA WaivedMTD DJR Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone First Sign®
13 00817763022107 FSCDIPMO-25 DOA Single Test Dip card, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA WaivedMOR DJG Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates First Sign®
14 00817763022084 FSCDIPMD-25 DOA Single Test Dip card, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA WaivedMDMA LAF Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine First Sign®
15 00817763022060 FSCDIPED-25 DOA Single Test Dip card, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA WaivedEDDP DJR Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone First Sign®
16 00817763022046 FSCDIPBA-25 DOA Single Test Dip card, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA Waived BARB DIS Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate First Sign®
17 00817763022008 FSCDIP2534 DOA 3 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA WaivedBUP/MOR/OXY DJG Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates First Sign®
18 00817763021971 FSCCUP-6664 FSCCUP-6664 DOA 6 in 1 Test Cup, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA WaivedAMP/BZO/COC/ DOA 6 in 1 Test Cup, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure, CLIA WaivedAMP/BZO/COC/MOR/OXY/THC LDJ,DJG,DIO,JXM,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine First Sign®
19 00817763021933 F1-ST25 F1-D04 First Sign hCG Pregnancy Urine Test Strip (4mm); 25Pcs/Box for Hemosure JHI Visual, Pregnancy Hcg, Prescription Use First Sign®
20 00857338006934 T1-CK50MUS T1-CK50MUS Hemosure iFOB Test 50 Cassettes and 50 Collection Tubes per Box Kit with Mailers Hemosure iFOB Test 50 Cassettes and 50 Collection Tubes per Box Kit with Mailers (Made in USA) KHE Reagent, Occult Blood HEMOSURE®
21 00857338006071 T1-CT30 T1-CT30 Hemosure iFOB Test 30 Cassettes Box Set KHE Reagent, Occult Blood HEMOSURE®
22 00857338006064 T1-CT50 T1-CT50 Hemosure FOB Test 50 Cassettes Box Set KHE Reagent, Occult Blood HEMOSURE®
23 00857338006347 F2-TC01 F2-TC01 Hemosure hCG Controls Set 2ml. HEMOSURE®
24 00857338006323 T1-TB50 T1-TB50 Hemosure iFOB Buffer Tube Box Set (50 Purple Cap Tubes with Long Labels) KHE Reagent, Occult Blood HEMOSURE®
25 00857338006316 T1-CM50 T1-CM50 Hemosure iFOB 50 Mailers Only Box Set KHE Reagent, Occult Blood HEMOSURE®
26 00857338006309 T1-CK30 T1-CK30 Hemosure iFOB Test 30 Cassettes and 50 Collection Tubes per Box Kit with Mailers KHE Reagent, Occult Blood HEMOSURE®
27 00857338006194 T1-TB10 T1-TB10 Hemosure iFOB Buffer Tube Box Set (10 Purple Cap Tubes with Short Labels) KHE Reagent, Occult Blood HEMOSURE®
28 00857338006163 T1-TC02 T1-TC02 Hemosure iFOB Controls Set 2ml HEMOSURE®
29 00857338006156 T1-TC01 T1-TC01 Hemosure iFOB Controls Set 5ml. HEMOSURE®
30 00857338006125 DUO-CM10 DUO-CM10 Hemosure iFOB Prepacked 10 Mailers Box Set with Two Buffer Tubes in Each Mailer KHE Reagent, Occult Blood HEMOSURE®
31 00857338006101 Prepack-CM25 Prepack-CM25 Individual Prepacked Mailer with One Tube in Each Mailer; Packed in a Plastic Bag KHE Reagent, Occult Blood HEMOSURE®
32 00857338006095 DUO-iFOB20 DUO-iFOB20 Hemosure iFOB Prepacked DUO-iFOB Test 20 Cassettes and 10 Mailers Box Kit with T Hemosure iFOB Prepacked DUO-iFOB Test 20 Cassettes and 10 Mailers Box Kit with Two Buffer Tubes in Each Mailer KHE Reagent, Occult Blood HEMOSURE®
33 00857338006088 T1-CK30T T1-CK30T Hemosure iFOB Test 30 Cassettes and 30 Collection Tubes per Box Kit without Mailer KHE Reagent, Occult Blood HEMOSURE®
34 00857338006057 T1-CK50 T1-CK50 Hemosure iFOB Test 50 Cassettes and 50 Collection Tubes per Box Kit without Mailer KHE Reagent, Occult Blood HEMOSURE®
35 00857338006040 PRE-PACK iFOB20 PRE-PACK iFOB20 Hemosure iFOB Prepacked iFOB Test 20 Cassettes and 20 Mailers Box Kit with One B Hemosure iFOB Prepacked iFOB Test 20 Cassettes and 20 Mailers Box Kit with One Buffer Tube in Each Mailer KHE Reagent, Occult Blood HEMOSURE®
36 00857338006033 T1-CK25 T1-CK25 Hemosure iFOB Test 25 Cassettes and 25 Collection Tubes per Box Kit without Mailer KHE Reagent, Occult Blood HEMOSURE®
37 00857338006026 T1-CK10 T1-CK10 Hemosure iFOB Test 10 Cassettes and 10 Collection Tubes per Box Kit with Mailers KHE Reagent, Occult Blood HEMOSURE®
38 00817763021841 T1-TB100L T1-TB100L Hemosure FOB Buffer Tube Plain Box Set (100 Purple Cap Tubes with Long Labels) KHE Reagent, Occult Blood HEMOSURE®
39 00817763021797 T1-CK50US T1-CK50US Hemosure FOB Test 50 Cassettes and 50 Collection Tubes per Box Kit without Maile Hemosure FOB Test 50 Cassettes and 50 Collection Tubes per Box Kit without Mailer (Made in USA) KHE Reagent, Occult Blood HEMOSURE®
40 00817763020134 CM5-IUH CM5-IUH IU Health Pathology Laboratory Mailers Contains Patient Instruction and Buffer T IU Health Pathology Laboratory Mailers Contains Patient Instruction and Buffer Tube; 100 Mailers/Box KHE Reagent, Occult Blood HEMOSURE®
41 00817763021964 F5-OST20/2 F5-OST20/2 Ovultell LH Urine Test Strip (4mm), 20 strips in Canister; hCG Urine Test Strip Ovultell LH Urine Test Strip (4mm), 20 strips in Canister; hCG Urine Test Strip (4mm), 2 individually pouched strips and 5 Cups (Self-Testing) for Hemosure LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Ovultell®
42 00857338006019 T1-CK30 T1-CK30 contains T1-CT30, T1-TB50, T1-CM50. T1-CT30: Hemosure iFOB Test 30 Cassettes Box contains T1-CT30, T1-TB50, T1-CM50. T1-CT30: Hemosure iFOB Test 30 Cassettes Box SetT1-TB50: Hemosure iFOB Buffer Tube Box Set (50 Purple Cap Tubes with Long Labels)T1-CM50: Hemosure iFOB 50 Mailers Only Box Set KHE Reagent, Occult Blood Hemosure
43 00857338006996 FSCDIP1984 FSCDIP1984 DOA 8 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure; CLIA Waived AMP/BAR DOA 8 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure; CLIA Waived AMP/BARB/BZO/COC/OPI/PCP/TCA/THC DKE,LFG,LCM,DJG,DIO,JXM,DIS,DKZ Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine FIRST SIGN®
44 00857338006989 FSCECOII-1984 FSCECOII-1984 DOA 8 in 1 Test ECO II Cup, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for HemosureAMP/BARB/BZO/COC/O DOA 8 in 1 Test ECO II Cup, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for HemosureAMP/BARB/BZO/COC/OPI/PCP/TCA/THC DKZ,DIS,JXM,DIO,DJG,LCM,LFG,DKE Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoass Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol FIRST SIGN®
45 00857338006965 FSCECOII-264 W/AD2 FSCECOII-264 W/AD2 DOA 6 in 1 Test ECO II Cup W/ AD, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure AMP/BZO/COC DOA 6 in 1 Test ECO II Cup W/ AD, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure AMP/BZO/COC/mAMP/OPI/THC/PH-SG-CR JXM,DKE,DIO,DJG,DJC,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme I Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine FIRST SIGN®
46 00857338006958 FSCECOII-9124 W/AD FSCECOII-9124 W/AD DOA 12 in 1 Test ECO II Cup W/ AD, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for HemosureAMP/BARB/BU DOA 12 in 1 Test ECO II Cup W/ AD, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for HemosureAMP/BARB/BUP/BZO/COC/mAMP/MDMA/MTD/OPI/OXY/PCP/THC/PH-SG-OX DKE,LCM,DJR,LAF,DIO,JXM,DJG,DIS,DKZ Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Im Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine FIRST SIGN®
47 00857338006941 FSCECOII-47104 W/AD FSCECOII-47104 W/AD DOA 10 in 1 Test ECO II Cup W/ AD, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure AMP/BUP/BZ DOA 10 in 1 Test ECO II Cup W/ AD, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure AMP/BUP/BZO/COC/mAMP/MDMA/MOR/MTD/OXY/THC/PH-SG-OX LDJ,DJR,LAF,DIO,JXM,DJG,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Gas Chromatograph Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine FIRST SIGN®
48 00857338006910 FSCECOII-5764 FSCECOII-5764 DOA 6 in 1 Test ECO II Cup, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure AMP/COC/mAMP/MTD/OPI/OXY DJG,DJR,DJC,DIO,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Thin Layer Chromatogra Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine FIRST SIGN®
49 00857338006897 FSCECOII-4854 FSCECOII-4854 DOA 5 in 1 Test ECO II Cup, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure; CLIA WaivedAMP/C DOA 5 in 1 Test ECO II Cup, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for Hemosure; CLIA WaivedAMP/COC/MTD/OPI/THC LDJ,DJG,DJR,DIO,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine FIRST SIGN®
50 00857338006880 FSCW4854 FSCW4854 DOA 5 in 1 Test Dip card, 25Pcs/Box; First Sign for HemosureAMP/COC/MTD/OPI/THC DKE,DJG,DJR,DIO,DKZ Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoas Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine 2 FIRST SIGN®
Other products with the same Product Code "JHI"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
3 00817763021933 F1-ST25 F1-D04 First Sign hCG Pregnancy Urine Test Strip (4mm); 25Pcs/Box for Hemosure First Sign® HEMOSURE INC.
4 00817415021069 788525 788525 Pregnancy hCG Test Cassette, 25/Box Dealmed DEALMED MEDICAL SUPPLIES LLC
5 00816870020976 3325-300 3325-300B Monobind AccuBind hCG Rapid ELISA Kit - 192 Wells MONOBIND, INC.
6 00816870020969 3325-300 3325-300A Monobind AccuBind hCG Rapid ELISA Kit - 96 Wells MONOBIND, INC.
7 00816862022216 SW1-S 1-Strip; hCG Pregnancy Test SCI Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
8 00816862022179 HCG-PRE-OTC10 1-Midstreams; hCG Pregnancy Midstream Test Retail Box 1 Pcs Preview 10 MIU Preview WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
9 00816862022148 SW1-C 1-Panel Cassette; hCG Pregnancy Test SCI Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
10 00816862021905 W1-S3 1 Strip; hCG Serum/Urine Test Strip Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
11 00816862021721 PRE-HCG-25SE Preview Early Result Test Strip Preview WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
12 00816862021615 WS-H20L50B 20+50 Strip Combo; 20 hCG Pregnancy Test + 50 LH Ovulation Test Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
13 00816862021516 W1-S10 25-Strip; hCG Pregnancy Test 10mIU Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
14 00816862021509 PRE-HCG-25C Preview hCG Pregnancy Test Cassette Preview WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
15 00816862021493 PRE-HCG-25S Preview hCG Pregnancy Test Strip Preview WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
16 00816862021349 W1-S25 25-Strip; hCG Pregnancy Test Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
17 00816862020960 WMII-H2L10 WMII-H2L10 2+10 Mini-Midstream Combo; 2 hCG Pregnancy Test + 10 LH Ovulation Test Preview WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
18 00816862020953 WS-H20L50 WS-H20L50 20+50 Strip Combo; 20 hCG Pregnancy Test + 50 LH Ovulation Test Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
19 00816862020946 W1-S20 W1-S20 20-Strip; hCG Pregnancy Test Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
20 00816467020112 hCG Diluent 25000036 Used to dilute the sample if the test result reads outside the assay range. Max Used to dilute the sample if the test result reads outside the assay range. Maximum two serial dilutions per sample. FastPack® IP hCG Diluent Kit (25) QUALIGEN INC.
21 00816036025968 STP-10-0 STP-10-0 Single STATDIP Pregnancy Midstream 10 mIU/mL, 1 Test per Box STATTEST Home Pregnancy Test MICRO DISTRIBUTING, L.C
22 00811727013255 F1027-96 F1027-96 The hCG ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of human chorionic The hCG ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) concentration in human serum. The assay is for use in the early diagnosis of pregnancy in a clinical laboratory setting. 96 Tests. Pointe Scientific, Inc. POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
23 00742860100208 1004 1004 OSOM Ultra hCG 25T Kit OSOM Ultra hCG 25T Kit SEKISUI DIAGNOSTICS, LLC
24 00742860100154 101-10 101-10 OSOM hCG Urine 10 Test Kit SEKISUI DIAGNOSTICS, LLC
25 00742860100086 134 134 OSOM hCG Urine Ctrl Set SEKISUI DIAGNOSTICS, LLC
26 00742860100079 102W-5 102W-5 OSOM hCG Card 5 Test kit SEKISUI DIAGNOSTICS, LLC
27 00742860100031 755425 755425 HCG COMBO, MERIDIAN 25 test Kit SEKISUI DIAGNOSTICS, LLC
28 00742860001246 124 124 OSOM Combo hCG 25 Test kit SEKISUI DIAGNOSTICS, LLC
29 00742860001024 102W 102W OSOM hCG Card 25 Test Kit SEKISUI DIAGNOSTICS, LLC
30 00742860001017 101 101 OSOM hCG Urine 50 Test Kit SEKISUI DIAGNOSTICS, LLC
31 00722066003244 HCG-3S100 HCG-3S100 Rapid Response hCG Pregnancy Test Strips - 100 tests/ kit are for the qualitativ Rapid Response hCG Pregnancy Test Strips - 100 tests/ kit are for the qualitative detection of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin in urine/ serum. Rapid Response BTNX INC
32 00722066001202 HCG-1S100 HCG-1S100 Rapid Response hCG Pregnancy Test Strips - 100 tests/ kit are for the qulitative Rapid Response hCG Pregnancy Test Strips - 100 tests/ kit are for the qulitative detection of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin in urine. Rapid Response BTNX INC
33 00722066001042 HCG-1S50 HCG-1S50 Rapid Response hCG Pregnancy Test Strips - 50 tests/ kit are for the qulitative Rapid Response hCG Pregnancy Test Strips - 50 tests/ kit are for the qulitative detection of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin in urine. Rapid Response BTNX INC
34 00722066000274 HCG-1C25 HCG-1C25 Rapid Response hCG Pregnancy Test Cassettes - 25 tests/ kit are for the qualitat Rapid Response hCG Pregnancy Test Cassettes - 25 tests/ kit are for the qualitative detection of human chorionic gonadotropin in urine. Rapid Response BTNX INC
35 00722066000267 HCG-3C25 HCG-3C25 Rapid Response hCG Pregnancy Test Cassettes - 25 tests/ kit are for the qualitat Rapid Response hCG Pregnancy Test Cassettes - 25 tests/ kit are for the qualitative detection of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin in urine/ serum, Rapid Response BTNX INC
36 00722066000229 HCG-1C50 HCG-1C50 Rapid Response hCG Pregnancy Test Cassettes - 50 tests/ kit are for the qualitat Rapid Response hCG Pregnancy Test Cassettes - 50 tests/ kit are for the qualitative detection of human chorionic gonadotropin in urine. Rapid Response BTNX INC
37 00722066000205 HCG-3C50 HCG-3C50 Rapid Response hCG Pregnancy Test Cassettes - 50 tests/ kit are for the qualitat Rapid Response hCG Pregnancy Test Cassettes - 50 tests/ kit are for the qualitative detection of Human Chlorionic Gonadotropin in urine/ serum. Rapid Response BTNX INC
38 00695684977368 97736 For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in serum or urine. ONE-STEP PLUS PREGNANCY GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
39 00695684977344 97734 For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in serum or urine. ONE PLUS PREGNANCY GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
40 00695684977337 97733 For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in serum or urine. AIMSTEP COMBO PREGNANCY GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
41 00695684977320 97732 For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in serum or urine. AIMSTEP COMBO PREGNANCY GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
42 00695684977306 97730 For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in serum or urine. AIMSTEP COMBO PREGNANCY GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
43 00695684971007 97100 Urine cassette test. For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Urine cassette test. For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in urine. AIMSTEP PREGNANCY GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
44 00695684970505 97050 Urine cassette test. For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Urine cassette test. For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in urine. AIMSTEP PREGNANCY GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
45 00695684970383 97038 Urine cassette test. For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Urine cassette test. For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in urine. FYI URINE PREGNANCY GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
46 00695684970376 97037 Urine cassette test. For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Urine cassette test. For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in urine. QUICK & CLEAR II PREGNANCY GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
47 00695684970369 97036 Urine cassette test. For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Urine cassette test. For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in urine. ONESTEP PREGNANCY GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
48 00695684970321 97032 Urine cassette test. For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Urine cassette test. For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in urine. AIMSTEP PREGNANCY GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
49 00695684970307 97030 Urine cassette test. For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Urine cassette test. For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in urine. AIMSTEP PREGNANCY GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
50 00695684970253 97025 Urine cassette test. For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Urine cassette test. For the rapid qualitative determination of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in urine. AIMSTEP PREGNANCY GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC