Surgical Laser Fiber, 600/630/950, hard clad, clear tefzel, NA0.37, standard SMA
Surgical Laser Fiber, 600/630/950, hard clad, clear tefzel, NA0.37, standard SMA905, single use, EO sterile, silver extension sleeve, Flat Tip, MF label
Surgical Laser Fiber 365/400/470/580, silicone, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, damage res
Surgical Laser Fiber 365/400/470/580, silicone, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, damage resistent SMA 905, Easy Flex Glide Fiber®, single use, gold extension sleeve, EO sterile, EFG Tip, MF label
Surgical Laser Fiber 200/240/400, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, Absorbing Dar
Surgical Laser Fiber 200/240/400, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, Absorbing Dark Hole Connector® SMA905 , single use, silver extension sleeves, EO sterile, Flat Tip, MF label
Surgical Laser Fiber 272/300/380/450 micron, silicone, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, SMA
Surgical Laser Fiber 272/300/380/450 micron, silicone, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, SMA 905 HHz Connector(TM), boot, single use, extension sleeve, Flat Tip, label
Surgical Laser Fiber 550/600/750, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, damage resis
Surgical Laser Fiber 550/600/750, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, damage resistent SMA 905, single use, silver extension sleeve, EO sterile, Flat Tip, MF label
400 Micron RADIAL TIP Laser Fiber with markings, 400/440/950 WN, NA 0.22, silica
400 Micron RADIAL TIP Laser Fiber with markings, 400/440/950 WN, NA 0.22, silica/silica, SMA 905 connector, silver extension sleeve, black boot, 2.5m, double packed, single use, EO sterile
600 Micron RADIAL TIP Laser Fiber with markings, 600/630/660/950 WN, NA 0.22, si
600 Micron RADIAL TIP Laser Fiber with markings, 600/630/660/950 WN, NA 0.22, silica/silica, SMA 905 connector, silver extension sleeve, black boot, 2.5m, double packed, single use, EO sterile
Surgical Laser Fiber 272/300/450, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, Absorbing Dar
Surgical Laser Fiber 272/300/450, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, Absorbing Dark Hole Connector® SMA905, Easy Flex Glide Fiber®, single use, blue extension sleeve, EO sterile, EFG Tip, MF label
Surgical Laser Fiber , 272/300/450, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, Absorbing D
Surgical Laser Fiber , 272/300/450, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, Absorbing Dark Hole Connecotr® SMA 905, Tlexx Trak™ Ball Tip, single use, extension sleeve, EO sterile, label
MF-ENT-200 Fiber, with Hand piece, polyimide, white silicone tubing, standard S
MF-ENT-200 Fiber, with Hand piece, polyimide, white silicone tubing, standard SMA 905, silver extension sleeve, Flat Tip, MF label (special bend)
MF-ENT-200 Fiber, with Hand piece, polyimide, white silicone tubing, standard S
MF-ENT-200 Fiber, with Hand piece, polyimide, white silicone tubing, standard SMA 905, silver extension sleeve, Flat Tip, MF label
Surgical Laser Fiber 365/400/580, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, Absorbing Dar
Surgical Laser Fiber 365/400/580, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, Absorbing Dark Hole Connector® SMA905, 5x reusable, gold extension sleeve, EO sterile, Flat Tip, MF label
Surgical Laser Fiber 272/300/450, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, Absorbing Dar
Surgical Laser Fiber 272/300/450, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, Absorbing Dark Hole Connector® SM905, blue extension sleeve, 5x reusable, EO sterile, Flat Tip, MF label
Surgical Laser Fiber 1000/1100/1150/1450, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, Absor
Surgical Laser Fiber 1000/1100/1150/1450, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, Absorbing Dark Hole Connector® SM905, silver extension sleeve, 5x reusable, EO sterile, Flat Tip, MF label
Surgical Laser Fiber 365/400/580, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, Absorbing Dar
Surgical Laser Fiber 365/400/580, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, Absorbing Dark Hole Connector® SMA905, single use, gold extension sleeve, EO sterile. Flat Tip, MF label
Surgical Laser Fiber 365/400/470/580, silicone, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, damage res
Surgical Laser Fiber 365/400/470/580, silicone, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, damage resistent SMA905, single use, gold extension sleeve, EO sterile, Flat Tip, MF label
Surgical Laser Fiber 550/600/635/750 micron, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, SM
Surgical Laser Fiber 550/600/635/750 micron, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, SMA 905 HHz Connector(TM), boot, single use, extension sleeve, Flat Tip, label
Surgical Laser Fiber 1000/1100/1150/1450, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, damag
Surgical Laser Fiber 1000/1100/1150/1450, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, damage resistant SMA905, single use, red extension sleeve, EO sterile, Flat Tip, MF label
Surgical Laser Fiber 272/300/450, silicone, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, damage resista
Surgical Laser Fiber 272/300/450, silicone, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, damage resistant SMA905, single use, blue extension sleeve, EO sterile, Flat Tip, MF label
Surgical Laser Fiber 550/600/635/750 micron, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, SM
Surgical Laser Fiber 550/600/635/750 micron, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, SMA 905 HHz Connector(TM), boot, reusable, extension sleeve, Flat Tip, label
Surgical Laser Fiber, 400/430/750, hard clad, clear tefzel, NA0.37, standard SMA
Surgical Laser Fiber, 400/430/750, hard clad, clear tefzel, NA0.37, standard SMA905, single use, EO sterile, extension sleeve, Flat Tip, MF label
Surgical Laser Fiber , 272/300/450, silicone, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, Superdry Con
Surgical Laser Fiber , 272/300/450, silicone, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, Superdry Connector® SMA 905, Flexx Trak™ Ball Tip, single use, extension sleeve, EO sterile, label
Surgical Laser Fiber, 600/630/950, hard clad, clear tefzel, NA0.37, standard SMA
Surgical Laser Fiber, 600/630/950, hard clad, clear tefzel, NA0.37, standard SMA905, single use, EO sterile, no extension sleeve, Flat Tip, MF label
Surgical Laser Fiber 365/400/470/580, silicone, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, damage res
Surgical Laser Fiber 365/400/470/580, silicone, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, damage resistant SMA905, single use, EO sterile, gold extension sleeve, Dome Tip, MF label
Surgical Laser Fiber 272/300/450, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, Absorbing Dar
Surgical Laser Fiber 272/300/450, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, Absorbing Dark Hole Connector® SMA905, single use, blue extension sleeve, EO sterile, Flat Tip, MF label
Surgical Laser Fiber 150/180/210/350 micron, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, SM
Surgical Laser Fiber 150/180/210/350 micron, hard clad, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, SMA 905 HHz connector(TM), boot, reusable, silver extension sleeve, Flat Tip, MF label
Surgical Laser Fiber 365/400/470/580 micron, silicone, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, SMA
Surgical Laser Fiber 365/400/470/580 micron, silicone, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, SMA 905 HHz Connector(TM), boot, single use, extension sleeve, Flat Tip, label
Surgical Laser Fiber 365/400/470/580, silicone, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, damage res
Surgical Laser Fiber 365/400/470/580, silicone, blue tefzel, NA 0.22, damage resistent SMA 905, Flexx Trak®, single use, extension sleeve, EO sterile, label
RevLight is a device that utilizes Light Emitting Diodes to provide LED light to
RevLight is a device that utilizes Light Emitting Diodes to provide LED light to the body. The base unit contains the power supplies, the control unit, and sets of Pulsators that deliver the light to the skin. The output of the Pulsators ranges from 420-940nm. RevLight is intended for use to provide LED light to the body. Depending on the wavelength(s) of light delivered by the Pulsators, RevLight is:1. generally indicated to treat dermatological conditions and specifically indicated to treat moderate inflammatory acne vulgaris (Blue Pulsators); and2. generally indicated to provide topical heating to promote increased blood flow, relaxation of muscle and relief of pain (Amber/Red Pulsators).
RevLight is a device that utilizes Light Emitting Diodes to provide LED light to
RevLight is a device that utilizes Light Emitting Diodes to provide LED light to the body. The base unit contains the power supplies and the control unit. Attachable to the base unit are three sets of Pulsators that deliver the light to the skin as they are moved over the skin surface. The output of the Pulsators ranges from 420-940nm. RevLight is intended for use to provide LED light to the body. Depending on the wavelength(s) of light delivered by the detachable Pulsators that are connected to the base unit, RevLight is:1. generally indicated to treat dermatological conditions and specifically indicated to treat moderate inflammatory acne vulgaris (Blue Pulsators); and2. generally indicated to provide topical heating to promote increased blood flow, relaxation of muscle and relief of pain (Amber/Red Pulsators).
RevLight is a device that utilizes Light Emitting Diodes to provide LED light to
RevLight is a device that utilizes Light Emitting Diodes to provide LED light to the body. The base unit contains the power supplies, the control unit, and sets of Pulsators that deliver the light to the skin. The output of the Pulsators ranges from 420-940nm. RevLight is intended for use to provide LED light to the body. Depending on the wavelength(s) of light delivered by the Pulsators, RevLight is:1. generally indicated to treat dermatological conditions and specifically indicated to treat moderate inflammatory acne vulgaris (Blue Pulsators); and2. generally indicated to provide topical heating to promote increased blood flow, relaxation of muscle and relief of pain (Amber/Red Pulsators).
LED Light Therapy Device. Uses 1820 LEDs. LEDs may be Red (633nm), Blue (415nm)
LED Light Therapy Device. Uses 1820 LEDs. LEDs may be Red (633nm), Blue (415nm) and/or Infrared (850nm). The wavelengths are available individually on treatment heads or a mix of wavelengths on the same treatment head. There is a Touch Screen Display for entering treatment times and selecting treatment heads. The unit is mounted on a base with casters for moving around a clinic.