No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00853866003223 7.0 VitreaView is a cross-browser, cross-platform, zero-footprint universal medical LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 Vitrea Enterprise Viewer
2 00853866003988 7.14.2 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LMD,LLZ,JAK System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological,System, Image Processing, Rad 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
3 00853866003971 7.12.5 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LMD,LLZ,JAK System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological,System, Image Processing, Rad 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
4 00853866003957 7.12.4 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LMD,LLZ,JAK System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological,System, Image Processing, Rad 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
5 00853866003940 7.14.1 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LMD,LLZ,JAK System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological,System, Image Processing, Rad 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
6 00853866003902 7.14 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LMD,LLZ,JAK System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological,System, Image Processing, Rad 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
7 00853866003889 7.12.3 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LMD,LLZ,JAK System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological,System, Image Processing, Rad 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
8 00853866003872 7.12.2 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LMD,LLZ,JAK System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological,System, Image Processing, Rad 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
9 00853866003865 7.12.1 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LMD,LLZ,JAK System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological,System, Image Processing, Rad 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
10 00853866003858 7.13 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
11 00853866003841 7.11.6 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LLZ,JAK,LMD System, Image Processing, Radiological,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Syste 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
12 00853866003827 7.11.5 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LLZ,JAK,LMD System, Image Processing, Radiological,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Syste 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
13 00853866003803 7.11.4 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LMD,JAK,LLZ System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Co 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
14 00853866003797 7.11.3 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LLZ,JAK,LMD System, Image Processing, Radiological,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Syste 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
15 00853866003773 7.11.2 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LMD,JAK,LLZ System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Co 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
16 00853866003766 7.11.1 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LLZ,JAK System, Image Processing, Radiological,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed 2 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
17 00853866003759 7.12 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LMD,LLZ,JAK System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological,System, Image Processing, Rad 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
18 00853866003742 7.10.2 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a JAK,LLZ System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
19 00853866003681 7.10.1 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LLZ,JAK System, Image Processing, Radiological,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed 2 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
20 00853866003667 7.11 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a JAK,LLZ System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
21 00853866003414 7.10 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a JAK,LLZ System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
22 00853866003384 7.9 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LLZ,JAK System, Image Processing, Radiological,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed 2 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
23 00853866003360 7.8 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a JAK,LLZ System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
24 00853866003339 7.6.1 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a JAK,LLZ System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
25 00853866003322 7.7 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LLZ,JAK System, Image Processing, Radiological,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed 2 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
26 00850025268158 7.15.4 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LMD,LLZ,JAK System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological,System, Image Processing, Rad 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
27 00850025268127 7.14.6 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LMD,LLZ,JAK System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological,System, Image Processing, Rad 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
28 00850025268110 7.15.5 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LMD,LLZ,JAK System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological,System, Image Processing, Rad 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
29 00850025268097 7.14.5 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LMD,LLZ,JAK System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological,System, Image Processing, Rad 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
30 00850025268080 7.15.3 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LMD,LLZ,JAK System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological,System, Image Processing, Rad 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
31 00850025268066 7.15.2 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LMD,LLZ,JAK System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological,System, Image Processing, Rad 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
32 00850025268042 7.14.4 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LMD,LLZ,JAK System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological,System, Image Processing, Rad 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
33 00850025268035 7.15.1 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LMD,LLZ,JAK System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological,System, Image Processing, Rad 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
34 00850025268011 7.15 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LMD,LLZ,JAK System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological,System, Image Processing, Rad 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
35 00850025268004 7.14.3 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a LMD,LLZ,JAK System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological,System, Image Processing, Rad 1 Vitrea Advanced Visualization
36 00853866003698 7.3.2 Vitrea View software is a web-based, cross-platform, zero-footprint enterprise i LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 Vitrea View
37 00853866003674 7.3.1 Vitrea View software is a web-based, cross-platform, zero-footprint enterprise i LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 Vitrea View
38 00853866003407 7.3 Vitrea View software is a web-based, cross-platform, zero-footprint enterprise i LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 Vitrea View
39 00853866003346 7.1.3 Vitrea View software is a web-based, cross-platform, zero-footprint enterprise i LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 Vitrea View
40 00853866003315 7.1.2 LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 Vitrea View
41 00853866003292 7.2 Vitrea View software is a web-based, cross-platform, zero-footprint enterprise i LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 Vitrea View
42 00853866003285 7.1 Vitrea View is a medical image viewing and information distribution application LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 Vitrea View
43 00853866003261 7.0.1 VitreaView is a medical image viewing and information distribution application t LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 Vitrea View
44 00853866003254 6.9.2 Vitrea® is a medical diagnostic system that allows the processing, review, analy JAK,LLZ System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 Vitrea
45 00853866003247 6.9.1 Vitrea® is a medical diagnostic system that allows the processing, review, analy LLZ,JAK System, Image Processing, Radiological,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed 2 Vitrea
46 00853866003230 6.11.1 VitreaView is a cross-browser, cross-platform, zero-footprint universal medical LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 VitreaView
47 00853866003216 7.3.2 Vitrea® software is an advanced visualization solution from Vital that creates 2 JAK,LLZ System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 Vitrea
48 00853866003209 7.5 Vitrea is a medical diagnostic system that allows the processing, review, analys LLZ,JAK System, Image Processing, Radiological,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed 2 Vitrea
49 00853866003193 7.3.1 Vitrea is a medical diagnostic system that allows the processing, review, analys JAK,LLZ System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 Vitrea
50 00853866003186 7.4 Vitrea is a medical diagnostic system that allows the processing, review, analys LLZ,JAK System, Image Processing, Radiological,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed 2 Vitrea
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No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
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2 10885862591166 531-55-88 Equinoxe EXACTECH, INC.
3 10885862586810 531-55-01 Equinoxe EXACTECH, INC.
4 10885862583215 531-55-67 Equinoxe EXACTECH, INC.
5 10885862583208 531-55-65 Equinoxe EXACTECH, INC.
6 10885862583192 531-55-66 Equinoxe EXACTECH, INC.
7 10885862583185 531-55-64 Equinoxe EXACTECH, INC.
8 10885862583178 531-55-62 Equinoxe EXACTECH, INC.
9 10885862578228 531-55-08 Equinoxe EXACTECH, INC.
10 10885862578211 531-55-09 Equinoxe EXACTECH, INC.
11 10885862578204 531-55-00 Equinoxe EXACTECH, INC.
12 10885862578198 531-55-26 Equinoxe EXACTECH, INC.
13 10885862542038 531-07-05 531-07-05 SHOULDER GPS IMPACTOR HANDLE GPS EXACTECH, INC.
14 10885862539229 531-29-15 531-29-15 SHDLR GPS PEG DRL GD R16 GPS EXACTECH, INC.
15 10885862539212 531-29-14 531-29-14 SHDLR GPS PEG DRL GD L16 GPS EXACTECH, INC.
16 10885862539205 531-27-15 531-27-15 SHDLR GPS PEG DRL GD R 8 GPS EXACTECH, INC.
17 10885862539199 531-27-14 531-27-14 SHDLR GPS PEG DRL GD L 8 GPS EXACTECH, INC.
18 10885862539182 531-27-05 531-27-05 SHDLR GPS PEG DRL GD R GPS EXACTECH, INC.
19 10885862539175 531-27-04 531-27-04 SHDLR GPS PEG DRL GD L GPS EXACTECH, INC.
21 10885862527776 531-01-04 531-01-04 OFF SHLDR GPS BLOCK R GPS EXACTECH, INC.
22 10885862527769 531-01-03 531-01-03 OFF SHLDR GPS BLOCK L GPS EXACTECH, INC.
24 10885862319272 531-20-00 531-20-00 SHLDR GPS RVRS DRILL KIT GPS EXACTECH, INC.
25 10885862314338 531-27-63 531-27-63 SHLDR GPS CAN CNTR DRILL GPS EXACTECH, INC.
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27 10885862308238 531-07-50 531-07-50 SHLDR GPS HUDSON ADAPTER GPS EXACTECH, INC.
28 10885862308184 531-15-07 531-15-07 SHOULDER GPS DRILL, 3.2mm GPS EXACTECH, INC.
29 10885862308177 531-15-06 531-15-06 Shoulder GPS 2.9mm Drill Bit GPS EXACTECH, INC.
30 10885862308146 531-25-00 531-25-00 SHLDR GPS MODULAR DRIVER GPS EXACTECH, INC.
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48 10884521723962 ILS-2000-PK Bronchoscope Adapter for use with Olympus bronchoscopes ILLUMISITE COVIDIEN LP
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