No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00851861007079 SP020US Intraoral appliance indicated to treat mild to moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnea Intraoral appliance indicated to treat mild to moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in patients, 18 years of age or older. LRK Device, Anti-Snoring 2 Pink Series - H/S
2 00851861007147 SPP020US Intraoral device for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructive s Intraoral device for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. LRK Device, Anti-Snoring 2 Respire Pink+ H/S
3 00851861007062 SP030US Respire Pink Series (Herbst) - EF LRK Device, Anti-Snoring 2 Pink Series - EF
4 00851861007253 SPAT030US Intraoral appliance indicated to treat mild to moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnea Intraoral appliance indicated to treat mild to moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in patients, 18 years of age or older. LRK Device, Anti-Snoring 2 Respire Pink AT EF
5 00851861007048 SPM020US Respire Pink Micro (Herbst) Hard/Soft LRK Device, Anti-Snoring 2 Pink Micro - H/S
6 00851861007017 SB000US Respire Blue Series - Hard LRK Device, Anti-Snoring 2 Blue Series - Hard
7 00851861007161 SPD000US Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructiv Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea with patient monitoring. PLC Sleep Appliances With Patient Monitoring 2 Respire Pink Series with DentiTrac - H
8 00851861007086 SP000US Respire Pink Series (Herbst) - Hard LRK Device, Anti-Snoring 2 Pink Series - Hard
9 00851861007055 SPM030US Respire Pink Micro (Herbst) EF LRK Device, Anti-Snoring 2 Pink Micro - EF
10 00851861007000 SB020US Respire Blue Series (Hard/Soft) LRK Device, Anti-Snoring 2 Blue Series - H/S
11 00851861007246 SPPD030US Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructiv Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea with patient monitoring. PLC Sleep Appliances With Patient Monitoring 2 Respire Pink EF+ with DentiTrac
12 00851861007215 SPMD030US Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructiv Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea with patient monitoring. PLC Sleep Appliances With Patient Monitoring 2 Respire Pink Series EF Micro with DentiTrac
13 00851861007178 SPD020US Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructiv Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea with patient monitoring. PLC Sleep Appliances With Patient Monitoring 2 Respire Pink Series H/S with DentiTrac
14 00851861007154 SPP030US Intraoral device for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea LRK Device, Anti-Snoring 2 Respire Pink EF+
15 00851861007130 SPP000US Intraoral device for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea LRK Device, Anti-Snoring 2 Respire Pink+ Hard
16 00851861007123 SBP040US Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructiv Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. LRK Device, Anti-Snoring 2 Blue EF + Hard/Soft
17 00851861007031 SPM001US Respire Pink (Herbst) Micro - Hard LRK Device, Anti-Snoring 2 Pink Micro - Hard
18 00851861007239 SPPD020US Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructiv Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea with patient monitoring. PLC Sleep Appliances With Patient Monitoring 2 Respire Pink+ H/S with DentiTrac
19 00851861007116 SBP030US Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructiv Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. LRK Device, Anti-Snoring 2 Blue EF + Hard
20 00851861007208 PSMD020US Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructiv Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea with patient monitoring. PLC Sleep Appliances With Patient Monitoring 2 Respire Pink Series Micro H/S with DentiTrac
21 00851861007192 SPMD000US Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructiv Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea with patient monitoring. PLC Sleep Appliances With Patient Monitoring 2 Respire Pink Series Micro with DentiTrac
22 00851861007185 SPD030US Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructiv Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea with patient monitoring. PLC Sleep Appliances With Patient Monitoring 2 Respire Pink Series EF with DentiTrac
23 00851861007109 SBP020US Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructiv Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. LRK Device, Anti-Snoring 2 Blue + Hard/Soft
24 00851861007260 SPAT000US Intraoral appliance indicated to treat mild to moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnea Intraoral appliance indicated to treat mild to moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in patients, 18 years of age or older. LRK Device, Anti-Snoring 2 Respire Pink AT Hard
25 00851861007277 SPAT020US Intraoral appliance indicated to treat mild to moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnea Intraoral appliance indicated to treat mild to moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in patients, 18 years of age or older. LRK Device, Anti-Snoring 2 Respire Pink AT Hard/Soft
26 00851861007222 SPPD000US Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructiv Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea with patient monitoring. PLC Sleep Appliances With Patient Monitoring 2 Respire Pink+ Hard with DentiTrac
27 00851861007093 SBP000US Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructiv Intraoral appliance for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. LRK Device, Anti-Snoring 2 Blue + Hard
Other products with the same Product Code "LRK"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 06972677879989 998 Denture,restoration,orthodontic,anti-snoring,orthodontic MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
2 06972677873246 324 Anti-snoring, denture, orthodontic MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
3 06972677873222 322 Anti-snoring, denture, orthodontic MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
4 06972677871884 188 Respire Pink AT Series,Splint MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
5 06972677871860 186 Respire Pink AT Series,Retainer MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
6 06972677871846 184 Pink EF Series,Splint MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
7 06972677871822 182 Blue EF Series,Splint MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
8 06972677871808 180 Pink Series,Splint MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
9 06972677871785 178 Blue Series,Splint MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
10 06972677871761 176 Pink EF Series,Retainer MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
11 06972677871747 174 Blue EF Series,Retainer MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
12 06972677871723 172 Pink Series,Retainer MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
13 06972677871709 170 Blue Series,Retainer MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
14 06972677871686 168 EMA appliance,Dentures, partial MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
15 06972677871662 166 Moses appliance,Dentures, partial MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
16 06972677871624 162 Anti-snoring, restoration MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
17 06972677871600 160 Anti-snoring, restoration MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
18 06972677871563 156 Anti-snoring, restoration MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
19 06972677871549 154 Anti-snoring, restoration MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
20 06972677871280 128 Anti-snoring, denture MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
21 06972677871266 126 Anti-snoring, denture MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
22 06972677871167 116 Anti-snoring, orthodontic MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
23 06972677871143 114 Anti-snoring, orthodontic MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
24 06972677870191 019 Respire Pink AT Series MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
25 06972677870184 018 Pink EF Series MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
26 06972677870177 017 Blue EF Series MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
27 06972677870160 016 Pink Series MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
28 06972677870153 015 Blue Series MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
29 06972677870030 003 The Elastic Mandibular Advancement appliance is a modified fuctional prthodontic The Elastic Mandibular Advancement appliance is a modified fuctional prthodontic appliance. The modifications are:1) clasps are not needed as the appliance is retained firmly to the teeth by pressure formed plastic into the undercut areas. Each tray holds the teeth in their present location not allowing tooth movement. 2) the bite is opened as in the SNOAR and NAPA appliances but not in one fixed position. Multiple bite openings are possible because of removable bite blocks or bite planes of varying thickness. 3) the mandible is advanced as in both the SNOAR and NAPA appliances except not in fixed position, but in various amounts of forward advancement because of removable, replaceable elastic bands or straps to pull the mandible forward. Elastic Mandibular Advancement (EMA) appliance MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
30 06972677870023 002 The Moses appliance is intended for use on adult patients 18 years of age and ol The Moses appliance is intended for use on adult patients 18 years of age and older as an aid for the reduction and /or alleviation of snoring and mild to moderate obstrctive sleep apnea. The Moses TM Appliance MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (DG) CO., LTD.
31 06971824290011 001 The Moses appliance is intended for use on adult patients 18 years of age and ol The Moses appliance is intended for use on adult patients 18 years of age and older as an aid for the reduction and /or alleviation of snoring and mild to moderate obstrctive sleep apnea. The Moses appliance MODERN DENTAL LABORATORY (SHENZHEN)
32 04260383460341 03060000 SomnoGuard AP Pro TOMED GMBH
33 04260383460310 03090000 SomnoGuard SPX TOMED GMBH
34 04260383460297 03050200 SomnoGuard AP 2 TOMED GMBH
35 04260383460013 03070000 SomnoGuard SP Soft TOMED GMBH
36 00889989075076 3000-0132 Sleep Herbst - Preformed Tooth Positioner Breathe Easy Herbst ALLESEE AOA-PRO
37 00889989075069 3000-0131 Sleep ASA - Preformed Tooth Positioner Breathe Easy Splint ALLESEE AOA-PRO
38 00889989075052 3000-0133 Sleep EMA (Enoch) - Preformed Tooth Positioner Breathe Easy EMA ALLESEE AOA-PRO
39 00866868000381 Edge to Edge ZHA-100-01 Zyppah A.M.A. PLASTICS
40 00866868000343 Red-White-Blue ZCA-100-04 Hybrid oral appliance, red / white / blue version Zyppah A.M.A. PLASTICS
41 00866868000336 Marbled Pink ZCA-100-05 Hybrid oral appliance, marbled pink / pink / white version Zyppah A.M.A. PLASTICS
42 00866868000329 Pink ZCA-100-02 Hybrid oral appliance, pink version Zyppah A.M.A. PLASTICS
43 00866868000312 Grey / Green ZCA-100-01 Hybrid oral appliance, grey / green version Zyppah A.M.A. PLASTICS
44 00866868000305 Camouflage ZCA-100-03 Hybrid oral appliance, camouflage version Zyppah A.M.A. PLASTICS
45 00866330000260 SGASD Mandibular Advancement Device to reduce snoring SmartGuard SMARTGUARD RX, INC.
46 00863039000423 MicrO2 Obstructive Sleep Apnea Device with twin mated posts Prosomnus IA MicrO2 PROSOMNUS SLEEP TECHNOLOGIES
47 00863039000416 IA Monogram Device for Obstructive Sleep Apnea iterative adjustment with patient comfort features Prosomnus IA Monogram PROSOMNUS SLEEP TECHNOLOGIES
48 00863039000409 CA Prosomnus CA Sleep and Snore Device PROSOMNUS SLEEP TECHNOLOGIES
49 00861481000381 Standard Standard Mouth Guard ApneaRx APNEA SCIENCES CORPORATION
50 00861481000350 1 Mouth Guard SnoreRx APNEA SCIENCES CORPORATION