The Iridex 810 Laser is a semiconductor diode laser system that delivers pulsed
The Iridex 810 Laser is a semiconductor diode laser system that delivers pulsed 810nm infrared laser light intended to be used for the indication of retinal photocoagulation, laser trabeculoplasty, transscleral cyclophotocoagulation, transscleral retinal photocoagulation, and other laser diode treatments.
Fiberoptic laser delivery device, updated tip with limbus-orienting shape, integ
Fiberoptic laser delivery device, updated tip with limbus-orienting shape, integrated moisture-preserving channel and non-protruding fiber
Fiberoptic laser delivery device, updated tip with limbus-orienting shape, integ
Fiberoptic laser delivery device, updated tip with limbus-orienting shape, integrated moisture-preserving channel and non-protruding fiber
The Dual Yellow laser is indicated for the treatment of benign pigmented and cut
The Dual Yellow laser is indicated for the treatment of benign pigmented and cutaneous vascular lesions.The Dual Yellow laser, operating at 578 nm, is indicated in dermatology, plastic surgery, and general surgery for treatment of benign cutaneous vascular lesions including but not limited to:Treatment of wrinkles, Periocular wrinkles, Periorbital wrinkles. Facial and leg telangiectasia, Rosacea, Cherry angiomas, Port wine stains, Hemangiomas and venous lakes, Angioma, Spider angioma, and Poikiloderma of Civatte, Inflammatory Acne Vulgaris, Verrucae/Warts, Scars, Striea, and Psoriasis.Podiatry - for benign cutaneous lesions and warts.The Dual Yellow lase, operating at 511 rn, is indicated in dermatology, plastic surgery, and general surgery for treatment of benign cutaneous pigmented lesions including but not limited to:Lentigines, Solar keratoses, Adenoma serabaceum, Skin tabs, Trichoepitheliomas (benign lesions similar to skin tags) Naevi, Keratoses, Syringomas Seborrhoeic keratoses Verrucae vulgaris, and Warts.
Kit of 13 Weighted Fiber Handpieces. Included UDIs are:+B17710597800+B1771059781
Kit of 13 Weighted Fiber Handpieces. Included UDIs are:+B17710597800+B17710597810+B17710597820+B17710597830+B17710597840+B17710597850+B17710597860+B17710597870+B17710597880+B17710597890+B17710597900+B17710597920+B17710597930
Re-usable fiberoptic handpiece for lasers. 240mm/204.1 with 35 degree bend and t
Re-usable fiberoptic handpiece for lasers. 240mm/204.1 with 35 degree bend and tip with 30.7mm radius - double bend.