Other products from "STARBOARD MEDICAL, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00850933007108 400-TYP 400-TYP Pediatric Tympanic Temperature Sensor (400 Series Thermistor) FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 Starboard Temperature Probes
2 00850933007092 400-TY 400-TY Adult Tympanic Temperature Sensor (400 Series Thermistor) FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 Starboard Temperature Probes
3 00850933007085 400-SK 400-SK Skin Temperature Sensor (400 Series Thermistor) FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 Starboard Temperature Probes
4 00850933007078 40012-ER 40012-ER Esophageal/Rectal General Purpose 400 Series Temperature Sensor,12 Fr. BZT Stethoscope, Esophageal, With Electrical Conductors 2 Starboard Temperature Probes
5 00850933007061 4009-ER 4009-ER Esophageal/Rectal General Purpose 400 Series Temperature Sensor, 9 Fr. BZT Stethoscope, Esophageal, With Electrical Conductors 2 Starboard Temperature Probes
6 00850933007054 40024-ES 40024-ES Esophageal Stethoscope with 400 Series Temperature Sensor, 24 Fr. BZT Stethoscope, Esophageal, With Electrical Conductors 2 Starboard Temperature Probes
7 00850933007047 40018-ES 40018-ES Esophageal Stethoscope with 400 Series Temperature Sensor, 18 Fr. BZT Stethoscope, Esophageal, With Electrical Conductors 2 Starboard Temperature Probes
8 00850933007030 40012-ES 40012-ES Esophageal Stethoscope with 400 Series Temperature Sensor, 12 Fr. BZT Stethoscope, Esophageal, With Electrical Conductors 2 Starboard Temperature Probes
9 00850933007023 4009-ES 4009-ES Esophageal Stethoscope with 400 Series Temperature Sensor, 9 Fr. BZT Stethoscope, Esophageal, With Electrical Conductors 2 Starboard Temperature Probes
10 00866896000018 WCS-1000 WCS-1000 Clik-FIX PICC and Central Catheter Securement with active locking mechanism and Clik-FIX PICC and Central Catheter Securement with active locking mechanism and tricot pad. KMK Device, Intravascular Catheter Securement Clik-FIX
11 00850933007153 LLS-1021 LLS-1021 Clik-FIX Luer Lock Securement KMK Device, Intravascular Catheter Securement Clik-FIX
12 00850933007146 WCS-1051 WCS-1051 All 'n One PICC/Central Catheter Securement KMK Device, Intravascular Catheter Securement 1 Clik-FIX
13 00850933007290 FCS-1075 FCS-1075 Foley Catheter Securement device for 5-8 Fr. EYJ Holder, Ureteral Catheter 1 Clik-FIX
14 00850933007283 FCS-1074 FCS-1074 Foley Catheter Securement device for 10-14 Fr. EYJ Holder, Ureteral Catheter 1 Clik-FIX
15 00850933007276 DTS-1073 DTS-1073 Foley drainage tube securement device EYJ Holder, Ureteral Catheter 1 Clik-FIX
16 00850933007269 NPS-1006 NPS-1006 Neonatal PICC Securement Device with hook and loop KMK Device, Intravascular Catheter Securement Clik-FIX
17 00850933007252 LLS-1024 LLS-1024 Click-FIX Luer Lock Securement, Pediatric KMK Device, Intravascular Catheter Securement Clik-FIX
18 00850933007221 WCS-1006 WCS-1006 PICC/Central Wing Catheter Securement Device with hook and loop KMK Device, Intravascular Catheter Securement Clik-FIX
19 00850933007214 FCS-1073 FCS-1073 Foley catheter securement device EYJ Holder, Ureteral Catheter 1 Clik-FIX
20 00850933007191 WCS-1052 WCS-1052 All 'n One Winged Catheter Securement With Dressing Large KMK Device, Intravascular Catheter Securement 1 Clik-FIX
21 00850933007184 PCS-1012 PCS-1012 All 'n One Securement for Large Luer Lock or Block KMK Device, Intravascular Catheter Securement 1 Clik-FIX
22 00850933007160 ABS-1022 ABS-1022 Standalone Securement for Large Luer Lock or Block KMK Device, Intravascular Catheter Securement Clik-FIX
23 00850933007139 WCS-1003 WCS-1003 Clik-FIX Catheter Securement for PICC and Central Catheters with wings. Foam pad. KMK Device, Intravascular Catheter Securement Clik-FIX
24 00850933007016 PCS-1011 PCS-1011 Clik-FIX All 'n One Peripheral IV Securement KMK Device, Intravascular Catheter Securement Clik-FIX
25 10850933007242 PCK-1011 PCK-1011 IV Start Kit with Clik-FIX All 'n One Peripheral IV Securement LRS I.V. Start Kit Clik-FIX
26 10850933007204 LLSK-1024 LLSK-1024 IV Start Kit with Clik-FIX Universal Hub Securement LRS I.V. Start Kit 2 Clik-FIX
Other products with the same Product Code "KMK"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 08717648149597 PLT01ST PLT01ST Support Plate MITRACLIP ABBOTT VASCULAR INC.
3 08717648149573 SZR01ST SZR01ST Stabilizer MITRACLIP ABBOTT VASCULAR INC.
4 08711428085273 1650 1650 3M(TM) Tegaderm(TM) IV Transparent Film Dressing with Border 1650 3M™ Tegaderm™ 3M COMPANY
5 07290008325097 NIO Fixation NIO Fixation WAISMED LTD
6 06974795050189 Non-Sterile Transparent Film (PU Film, Non-Sterile) NA HENAN MAIDINGKANG MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
7 06974795050172 Sterile Transparent Film (PU Film, Sterile) NA HENAN MAIDINGKANG MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
8 04054596595910 1882 1882 1882 TEGADERM I.V. ADV 2-3 4X3-3 8 3M™ Tegaderm™ 3M COMPANY
9 04046964183232 415004 415004 PERIFIX® PinPad™ - securement device for PERIFIX 0.2 µm Flat Epidural Filter Perifix® B. BRAUN MEDICAL INC.
10 04046719388943 1688 1688 3M™ Tegaderm™ IV Advanced Securement Dressing 4 Inches x 4 3/4 inches 50 Dressin 3M™ Tegaderm™ IV Advanced Securement Dressing 4 Inches x 4 3/4 inches 50 Dressings/Carton 4 Cartons/Case 1688 3M™ Tegaderm™ 3M COMPANY
11 04046719388936 1683 1683 3M(TM) Tegaderm(TM) IV Advanced Securement Dressing 1683 3M™ Tegaderm™ 3M COMPANY
12 04046719388202 1685 1685 3M(TM) Tegaderm(TM) IV Adavanced Securement Dressing 1685 3M™ Tegaderm™ 3M COMPANY
13 04046719217519 9525HP 9525HP 3M(TM) Tegaderm(TM) IV Transparent Film Dressing with Border 9525HP 3M™ Tegaderm™ 3M COMPANY
14 04001895928543 1655 1655 3M(TM) Tegaderm(TM) IV Transparent Film Dressing with Border 1655 3M™ Tegaderm™ 3M COMPANY
15 04001895928482 1610 1610 3M™ Tegaderm™ IV Transparent Film Dressing with Border 1610 3M™ Tegaderm™ 3M COMPANY
16 03660812123082 5804.08 00580408 Grip-Lok - Paediatric PICC fixation device VYGON VYGON
17 03660812123075 5804.04 00580404 Grip-Lok - PICC fixation VYGON VYGON
20 00884450007945 00884450007945 CFG624/D Revolution™ MERIT MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.
21 00866896000018 WCS-1000 WCS-1000 Clik-FIX PICC and Central Catheter Securement with active locking mechanism and Clik-FIX PICC and Central Catheter Securement with active locking mechanism and tricot pad. Clik-FIX STARBOARD MEDICAL, INC.
22 00865382000297 10F 400180 SecurAcath INTERRAD MEDICAL, INC
23 00865382000280 12F 400200 SecurAcath INTERRAD MEDICAL, INC
24 00865382000259 8F 400160 SecurAcath INTERRAD MEDICAL, INC
25 00865382000242 7F 400120 SecurAcath INTERRAD MEDICAL, INC
26 00865382000235 6F 400150 SecurAcath INTERRAD MEDICAL, INC
27 00865382000228 5F 400110 SecurAcath INTERRAD MEDICAL, INC
28 00865382000211 4F 400140 SecurAcath INTERRAD MEDICAL, INC
29 00865382000204 3F 400130 SecurAcath INTERRAD MEDICAL, INC
30 00851780008201 LL-M-8 Sterile, Linelogic™ 8.5 Fr Catheter Stabilization Device LineLogic™ SMD MANUFACTURING LLC
31 00851780008102 LL-M-7 Sterile, Linelogic™ 7 Fr Catheter Stabilization Device LineLogic™ SMD MANUFACTURING LLC
32 00851780008003 LL-M-6 Sterile, Linelogic™ 6 Fr Catheter Stabilization Device LineLogic™ SMD MANUFACTURING LLC
33 00850933007269 NPS-1006 NPS-1006 Neonatal PICC Securement Device with hook and loop Clik-FIX STARBOARD MEDICAL, INC.
34 00850933007252 LLS-1024 LLS-1024 Click-FIX Luer Lock Securement, Pediatric Clik-FIX STARBOARD MEDICAL, INC.
35 00850933007221 WCS-1006 WCS-1006 PICC/Central Wing Catheter Securement Device with hook and loop Clik-FIX STARBOARD MEDICAL, INC.
36 00850933007191 WCS-1052 WCS-1052 All 'n One Winged Catheter Securement With Dressing Large Clik-FIX STARBOARD MEDICAL, INC.
37 00850933007184 PCS-1012 PCS-1012 All 'n One Securement for Large Luer Lock or Block Clik-FIX STARBOARD MEDICAL, INC.
38 00850933007160 ABS-1022 ABS-1022 Standalone Securement for Large Luer Lock or Block Clik-FIX STARBOARD MEDICAL, INC.
39 00850933007153 LLS-1021 LLS-1021 Clik-FIX Luer Lock Securement Clik-FIX STARBOARD MEDICAL, INC.
40 00850933007146 WCS-1051 WCS-1051 All 'n One PICC/Central Catheter Securement Clik-FIX STARBOARD MEDICAL, INC.
41 00850933007139 WCS-1003 WCS-1003 Clik-FIX Catheter Securement for PICC and Central Catheters with wings. Foam pad. Clik-FIX STARBOARD MEDICAL, INC.
42 00850933007016 PCS-1011 PCS-1011 Clik-FIX All 'n One Peripheral IV Securement Clik-FIX STARBOARD MEDICAL, INC.
43 00850933007009 WCS-1061 WCS-1061 Clik-FIX Securement System for non-cut to length catheters secured with block. Clik-FIX STARBOARD MEDICAL, INC.
45 00850002447972 BB40 BB40 LifeBubble Buddy, Catheter Insertion Site Access Tool (40/Case) LifeBubble NOVONATE INC
46 00850002447934 AP20 AP20 Adhesive Pack (20/case) LifeBubble NOVONATE INC
47 00850002447927 LK20 LK20 LifeBubble Kit, Umbilical Catheter Securement System (20/Case) LifeBubble NOVONATE INC
48 00850002447910 LB20 LB20 Umbilical Catheter Securement System (20/case) LifeBubble NOVONATE INC
49 00850002447118 AP20-S AP20-S Adhesive Pack, Small (20/Case) LifeBubble NOVONATE INC
50 00850002447101 LB20-S LB20-S LifeBubble, Small (20/Case) LifeBubble NOVONATE INC