Other products from "BIOCHECK, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00850392007015 BC-1001 BC-1001 The BioCheck TSH EIA Test Kit is intended for the quantitative determination of The BioCheck TSH EIA Test Kit is intended for the quantitative determination of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) concentration in human serum. JLW Radioimmunoassay, Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone 2 BioCheck TSH EIA Test Kit
2 00850392007251 BC-1025 BC-1025 The BioCheck Human Ferritin EIA Test Kit is intended for the quantitative determ The BioCheck Human Ferritin EIA Test Kit is intended for the quantitative determination of ferritin in human serum. DBF Ferritin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 BioCheck Human Ferritin EIA Test Kit
3 00850392007190 BC-1119 BC-1119 BioCheck HS-CRP ELISA Kit is intended for the quantitative determination of C-Re BioCheck HS-CRP ELISA Kit is intended for the quantitative determination of C-Reactive Protein (CRP) in human serum. DCK C-Reactive Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, And Control 2 BioCheck High Sensitive CRP EIA Test Kit
4 00850392007053 BC-1005 BC-1005 The BioCheck T3 EIA Test Kit is intended for the quantitative determination of t The BioCheck T3 EIA Test Kit is intended for the quantitative determination of triiodothyronine (T3) concentration in human serum. CDP Radioimmunoassay, Total Triiodothyronine 2 BioCheck T3 EIA Test Kit
5 00850392007350 BC-1035 BC-1035 BioCheck IgE EIA Test Kit is intended for the quantitative determination of immu BioCheck IgE EIA Test Kit is intended for the quantitative determination of immunoglobulin E (IgE) in human serum. DGC Ige, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 BioCheck IgE EIA Test Kit
6 00850392007275 BC-1027 BC-1027 The BioCheck hCG EIA Test Kit is intended for the quantitative determination of The BioCheck hCG EIA Test Kit is intended for the quantitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) concentration in human serum. JHI Visual, Pregnancy Hcg, Prescription Use 2 BioCheck hCG EIA Test Kit
7 00850392007152 BC-1115 BC-1115 The BioCheck Testosterone EIA Test Kit is intended for the quantitative determin The BioCheck Testosterone EIA Test Kit is intended for the quantitative determination of testosterone concentration in human serum. CDZ Radioimmunoassay, Testosterones And Dihydrotestosterone 1 BioCheck Testosterone EIA Test Kit
8 00850392007039 BC-1003 BC-1003 The BioCheck U-TSH EIA Test Kit is intended for the quantitative determination o The BioCheck U-TSH EIA Test Kit is intended for the quantitative determination of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) concentration in human serum. JLW Radioimmunoassay, Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone 2 BioCheck U-TSH EIA Test Kit
9 00850392007619 BC-1061 BC-1061 The BioCheck Beta-2 Microglobulin EIA Test Kit is intended for the quantitative The BioCheck Beta-2 Microglobulin EIA Test Kit is intended for the quantitative determination of beta-2 microglobulin concentration in human serum. JZG System, Test, Beta-2-Microglobulin Immunological 2 BioCheck Beta-2 Microglobulin EIA Test Kit
10 00850392007077 BC-1007 BC-1007 The BioCheck T4 EIA Test Kit is intended for the quantitative determination of t The BioCheck T4 EIA Test Kit is intended for the quantitative determination of total thyroxine (T4) concentration in human serum. KLI Enzyme Immunoassay, Non-Radiolabeled, Total Thyroxine 2 BioCheck T4 EIA Test Kit
Other products with the same Product Code "DRR"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00850392007176 BC-1117 BC-1117 The BioCheck Myoglobin EIA Test Kit is intended for the quantitative determinati The BioCheck Myoglobin EIA Test Kit is intended for the quantitative determination of myoglobin in human serum. BioCheck Myoglobin EIA Test Kit BIOCHECK, INC.
2 00840239039552 EIA-3955 EIA-3955 The Myoglobin ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of myoglobin The Myoglobin ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of myoglobin in human serum. Myoglobin ELISA DRG INTERNATIONAL INC
3 00811727013354 CM1117-96 CM1117-96 Myoglobin for the quantitative determination of Myoglobin concentration in human Myoglobin for the quantitative determination of Myoglobin concentration in human serum. For in vitro diagnostic use only. 96 Tests. Pointe Scientific, Inc. POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
4 00083059070309 7030 The Myoglobin ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of myoglobin The Myoglobin ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of myoglobin in human serum. Myoglobin Enzyme Immunoassay Test Kit BIOMERICA, INC.
5 08305900070309 7030 The Myoglobin ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of myoglobin The Myoglobin ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of myoglobin in human serum. Myoglobin Enzyme Immunoassay Test Kit BIOMERICA, INC.