Other products from "GOLDENDENT"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00850011211304 GF IKF GF IKF Golden Force Series Intro Kit (8 Forceps) EMG FORCEPS, TOOTH EXTRACTOR, SURGICAL 1 Golden Force Series
2 00850011211298 GFUUM GFUUM Universal Upper Molar Forceps EMG FORCEPS, TOOTH EXTRACTOR, SURGICAL 1 Golden Force
3 00850011211281 GF UUF GF UUF Universal Upper Forceps 150 EMG FORCEPS, TOOTH EXTRACTOR, SURGICAL 1 Golden Force
4 00850011211274 GF URT GF URT Upper Root Tip Forceps EMG FORCEPS, TOOTH EXTRACTOR, SURGICAL 1 Golden Force
5 00850011211267 GF UMF GF UMF Universal Molar Forceps 151 EMG FORCEPS, TOOTH EXTRACTOR, SURGICAL 1 Golden Force
6 00850011211250 GF UAF GF UAF Upper Anterior Forceps EMG FORCEPS, TOOTH EXTRACTOR, SURGICAL 1 Golden Force
7 00850011211243 GF LRT GF LRT Lower Root Tip Forceps EMG FORCEPS, TOOTH EXTRACTOR, SURGICAL 1 Golden Force
8 00850011211236 GF LMF GF LMF Lower Molar Forceps EMG FORCEPS, TOOTH EXTRACTOR, SURGICAL 1 Golden Force
9 00850011211229 GF LAF GF LAF Lower Anterior Forceps EMG FORCEPS, TOOTH EXTRACTOR, SURGICAL 1 Golden Force
10 00850028211458 WFCIK WFCIK Wagoform Composite Titanium Coated Instruments #1- #4 Kit JEP RETAINER, MATRIX 1 Wagotrix
11 00850028211441 WGSMIK-B WGSMIK-B WagoTrix Sectional Matrix System Intro Kit includes: 3.5 Anatomical Matrix Refil WagoTrix Sectional Matrix System Intro Kit includes: 3.5 Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, 4.5 Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, 5.5 Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, 6.5 Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, Wedge - Small - Qty 25, Wedge - Medium - Qty 25, Wedge - Large - Qty 25, Matrix Ring Universal Green - Qty 10, Matrix Pin Holder - Qty 1, Matrix Ring Foreps - Qty 1 JEP,EJB,EKF,DZN RETAINER, MATRIX,HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL,INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPER RETAINER, MATRIX,HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL,INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE,INSTRUMENTS, DENTAL HAND 1 Wagotrix
12 00850028211342 WGWM-100 WGWM-100 Wedge Medium Qty 100 EJB HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL 1 Wagotrix
13 00850028211434 WGSMIK WGSMIK WagoTrix Sectional Matrix System Intro Kit includes: 3.5 Anatomical Matrix Refil WagoTrix Sectional Matrix System Intro Kit includes: 3.5 Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, 4.5 Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, 5.5 Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, 6.5 Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, Wedge - Small - Qty 25, Wedge - Medium - Qty 25, Wedge - Large - Qty 25, Matrix Ring Universal - Qty 35, Matrix Pin Holder - Qty 1, Matrix Ring Forceps - Qty 1 JEP,EKF,EJB,DZN RETAINER, MATRIX,INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE,HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, D RETAINER, MATRIX,INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE,HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL,INSTRUMENTS, DENTAL HAND 1 Wagotrix
14 00850028211427 WGSMEK-B WGSMEK-B Wagotrix Sectional Matrix System Essential Kit, 3.5mm anatomical matrix refill - Wagotrix Sectional Matrix System Essential Kit, 3.5mm anatomical matrix refill - Qty 25, 4.5mm anatomical matrix refill - Qty 25, 5.5mm anatomical matrix refill - Qty 25, 6.5mm anatomical matrix refill - Qty 25, Wedge - small - Qty 25, Wedge - medium - Qty 25, Wedge - large - Qty 25, Matrix ring universal - Qty 10 EKF,EJB,JEP INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE,HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL,RETAINER, MATRIX 1 Wagotrix
15 00850028211410 WGSMEK WGSMEK WagoTrix Sectional Matrix System Essential Kit (excludes instruments) EJB,EKF,JEP HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL,INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE,RETAINER, MATRIX 1 Wagotrix
16 00850028211403 WGMIK WGMIK WagoTrix Matrix Intro Kit, includes:3.5mm Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, 4.5 WagoTrix Matrix Intro Kit, includes:3.5mm Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, 4.5mm Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, 5.5mm Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, 6.5mm Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25 JEP RETAINER, MATRIX 1 Wagotrix
17 00850028211397 WFCI4 WFCI4 Wagoform Titanium Coated Instrument #4 EJB HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL 1 Wagotrix
18 00850028211380 WFCI3 WFCI3 Wagoform Titanium Coated Instrument #3 EJB HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL 1 Wagotrix
19 00850028211373 WFCI2 WFCI2 Wagoform Titanium Coated Instrument #2 EJB HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL 1 Wagotrix
20 00850028211366 WFCI1 WFCI1 Wagoform Titanium Coated Instrument #1 EJB HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL 1 Wagotrix
21 00850028211359 WGWS-100 WGWS-100 Wedge Small Qty 100 EJB HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL 1 Wagotrix
22 00850028211335 WGWL-100 WGWL-100 Wedge Large Qty 100 EJB HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL 1 Wagotrix
23 00850028211311 WGRU 100 WGRU 100 Matrix Ring Universal Purple Qty 100 JEP RETAINER, MATRIX 1 Wagotrix
24 00850028211304 WGRF WGRF Matrix Ring Forceps DZN INSTRUMENTS, DENTAL HAND 1 Wagotrix
25 00850028211298 WGPH WGPH Matrix Pin Holder DZN INSTRUMENTS, DENTAL HAND 1 Wagotrix
26 00850028211281 WGM65-80 WGM65-80 6.5mm Anatomical Matrix Re-Fill Qty 80 EKF INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE 1 Wagotrix
27 00850028211274 WGM65-25 WGM65-25 6.5mm Curved Matrix Re-Fill Qty 25 EKF INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE 1 Wagotrix
28 00850028211267 WGM55-80 WGM55-80 5.5mm Anatomical Matrix Re-Fill Qty 80 EKF INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE 1 Wagotrix
29 00850028211250 WGM55-25 WGM55-25 5.5mm Curved Matrix Re-Fill Qty 25 EKF INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE 1 Wagotrix
30 00850028211243 WGM45-80 WGM45-80 4.5 mm Anatomical Matrix Re-Fill Qty 80 EKF INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE 1 Wagotrix
31 00850028211236 WGM45-25 WGM45-25 4.5 mm Curved Matrix Re-Fill Qty 25 EKF INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE 1 Wagotrix
32 00850028211229 WGM35-25 WGM35-25 3.5mm Anatomical Matrix Re-Fill Qty 25 EKF INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE 1 Wagotrix
33 00850028211472 SPGA4 SPGA4 Coated Polyglycolic Acid (PGA) Braided Absorbable Suture Violet, 4-0, 19mm, 3/8 Coated Polyglycolic Acid (PGA) Braided Absorbable Suture Violet, 4-0, 19mm, 3/8 reverse cutting needle, Qty 12 GAM SUTURE, ABSORBABLE, SYNTHETIC, POLYGLYCOLIC ACID 2 GoldenDent
34 00850028211465 SPGA3 SPGA3 Coated Polyglycolic Acid (PGA) Braided Absorbable Suture Violet, 3-0, 19mm, 3/8 Coated Polyglycolic Acid (PGA) Braided Absorbable Suture Violet, 3-0, 19mm, 3/8 reverse cutting needle, Qty 12 GAM SUTURE, ABSORBABLE, SYNTHETIC, POLYGLYCOLIC ACID 2 GoldenDent
35 00850028211205 SM-L SM-L SeeMore Lip, Check and Tongue Retractor Large EIG RETRACTOR, ALL TYPES 1 GoldenDent
36 00850028211212 SM-S SM-S SeeMore Lip, Check and Tongue Retractor Small EIG RETRACTOR, ALL TYPES 1 GoldenDent
37 00850028211199 GTSX-19 GTSX-19 Golden-Taper Rotary Pack - Type SX (6 files) - Length 19mm EKS FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC 1 GoldenDent
38 00850028211182 GTS2-31 GTS2-31 Golden-Taper Rotary Pack - Type S2 (6 files) - Length 31mm EKS FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC 1 GoldenDent
39 00850028211175 GTS2-25 GTS2-25 Golden-Taper Rotary Pack - Type S2 (6 files) - Length 25mm EKS FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC 1 GoldenDent
40 00850028211168 GTS2-21 GTS2-21 Golden-Taper Rotary Pack - Type S2 (6 files) - Length 21mm EKS FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC 1 GoldenDent
41 00850028211151 GTS1-31 GTS1-31 Golden-Taper Rotary Pack - Type S1 (6 files) - Length 31mm EKS FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC 1 GoldenDent
42 00850028211144 GTS1-25 GTS1-25 Golden-Taper Rotary Pack - Type S1 (6 files) - Length 25mm EKS FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC 1 GoldenDent
43 00850028211137 GTS1-21 GTS1-21 Golden-Taper Rotary Pack - Type S1 (6 files) - Length 21mm EKS FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC 1 GoldenDent
44 00850028211120 GTF5-31 GTF5-31 Golden-Taper Rotary Pack - Type F5 (6 files) - length 31mm EKS FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC 1 GoldenDent
45 00850028211113 GTF5-25 GTF5-25 Golden-Taper Rotary Pack - Type F5 (6 files) - length 25mm EKS FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC 1 GoldenDent
46 00850028211106 GTF5-21 GTF5-21 Golden-Taper Rotary Pack - Type F5 (6 files) - length 21mm EKS FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC 1 GoldenDent
47 00850028211090 GTF4-31 GTF4-31 Golden-Taper Rotary - Type F4 (6 files) - Length 31mm EKS FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC 1 GoldenDent
48 00850028211083 GTF4-25 GTF4-25 Golden-Taper Rotary - Type F4 (6 files) - Length 25mm EKS FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC 1 GoldenDent
49 00850028211076 GTF4-21 GTF4-21 Golden-Taper Rotary - Type F4 (6 files) - Length 21mm EKS FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC 1 GoldenDent
50 00850028211069 GTF3-31 GTF3-31 Golden-Taper Rotary Pack - Type F3 (6 files) - Length 31mm EKS FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC 1 GoldenDent
Other products with the same Product Code "JEP"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 10810038094295 NTG175-M NTG175-M Full Curve Matrix Band with Extension, Molar NiTin Garrison® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
2 10810038094318 NTG300-M NTG300-M Full Curve Matrix Band with Extension, Tall Molar NiTin Garrison® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
3 10810038094301 NTG200-M NTG200-M Full Curve Matrix Band with Extension, Tall Molar NiTin Garrison® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
4 10810038094288 NTG150-M NTG150-M Full Curve Matrix Band with Extension, Premolar NiTin Garrison® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
5 10810038094271 NTG100-M NTG100-M Full Curve Matrix Band with Extension, Premolar NiTin Garrison® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
6 10810038093663 M175-M M175-M Matrix Band, Bicuspid and Small Molar Composi-Tight® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
7 10810038093656 M200-M M200-M Matrix Band, Molar Composi-Tight® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
8 10810038093649 M100-M M100-M Matrix Band, Bicuspid Composi-Tight® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
9 10810038093502 SMT500S01 SMT500S01 Margin Elevation Matrix Band Sample Pack, Blue Slick Bands™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
10 10810038093496 SMT400H10-M SMT400H10-M Tofflemire Matrix Band, Right-Curve, Regular, Gray Slick Bands™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
11 10810038093489 SMT400D10-M SMT400D10-M Tofflemire Matrix Band, Right-Curve, Dead-Soft, Green Slick Bands™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
12 10810038093472 SMT300H10-M SMT300H10-M Tofflemire Matrix Band, #2 Sub-Gingival, Regular, Gray Slick Bands™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
13 10810038093465 SMT300D10-M SMT300D10-M Tofflemire Matrix Band, #2 Sub-Gingival, Dead-Soft, Green Slick Bands™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
14 10810038093458 SMT200H10-M SMT200H10-M Tofflemire Matrix Band, #1 Universal, Regular, Gray Slick Bands™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
15 10810038093441 SMT200D10-M SMT200D10-M Tofflemire Matrix Band, #1 Universal, Dead-Soft, Green Slick Bands™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
16 10810038093434 SMT050H10-M SMT050H10-M Tofflemire Matrix Band, #13 Pedodontic, Regular, Gray Slick Bands™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
17 10810038093427 SMT050D10-M SMT050D10-M Tofflemire Matrix Band, #13 Pedodontic, Dead-Soft, Green Slick Bands™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
18 10810038093373 KMM200 KMM200 Metal Matrix, Tall Molar, 2 ID Holes Pinch™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
19 10810038093366 KMM175 KMM175 Metal Matrix, Small Molar, 1 ID Hole Pinch™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
20 10810038093359 KMM100 KMM100 Metal Matrix, Premolar, No ID Hole Pinch™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
21 10810038093342 MC200-M MC200-M 3D Clear Matrix Band, Tall Molar Composi-Tight® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
22 10810038093335 MC175-M MC175-M 3D Clear Matrix Band, Bicuspid and Small Molar Composi-Tight® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
23 10810038093328 MC100-M MC100-M 3D Clear Matrix Band, Premolar Composi-Tight® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
24 10810038093137 SM175-E SM175-E Matrix Band, Bicuspid and Small Molar, Purple Slick Bands™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
25 10810038093120 SM200-E SM200-E Matrix Band, Large Molar, Green Slick Bands™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
26 10810038093113 SM100-E SM100-E Matrix Band, Bicuspid, Gray Slick Bands™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
27 10810038093106 SM150-E SM150-E Matrix Band with Extension, Bicuspid, Red Slick Bands™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
28 10810038093090 SM050 SM050 Matrix Band with Extension, Pediatric, Green Slick Bands™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
29 10810038093083 SM300-E SM300-E Matrix Band with Extension, Molar, Blue Slick Bands™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
30 10810038092871 TSPR-M TSPR-M Wedge Refill, X-Small, Purple FenderWedge® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
31 10810038092864 TSYL-M TSYL-M Wedge Refill, Large, Yellow FenderWedge® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
32 10810038092857 TSGR-M TSGR-M Wedge Refill, Medium, Green FenderWedge® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
33 10810038092840 TSOR-M TSOR-M Wedge Refill, Small, Orange FenderWedge® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
34 10810038092833 FXH300-M FXH300-M 3D Fusion™ Firm Matrix Band with Extension, Molar Composi-Tight® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
35 10810038092826 FXH200-M FXH200-M 3D Fusion™ Firm Matrix Band, Large Molar Composi-Tight® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
36 10810038092819 FXH175-M FXH175-M 3D Fusion™ Firm Matrix Band, Small Molar Composi-Tight® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
37 10810038092802 FXH150-M FXH150-M 3D Fusion™ Firm Matrix Band with Extension, Bicuspid Composi-Tight® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
38 10810038092796 FXH100-M FXH100-M 3D Fusion™ Firm Matrix Band, Bicuspid Composi-Tight® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
39 10810038092789 FX300-E FX300-E 3D Fusion™ Full Curve Matrix Band with Extension, Molar, Blue Composi-Tight® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
40 10810038092772 FX200-E FX200-E 3D Fusion™ Full Curve Matrix Band with Extension, Molar, Green Composi-Tight® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
41 10810038092765 FX175-E FX175-E 3D Fusion™ Full Curve Matrix Band with Extension, Bicuspid, Purple Composi-Tight® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
42 10810038092758 FX150-E FX150-E 3D Fusion™ Full Curve Matrix Band with Extension, Bicuspid, Red Composi-Tight® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
43 10810038092741 FX100-E FX100-E 3D Fusion™ Full Curve Matrix Band with Extension, Bicuspid, Gray Composi-Tight® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
44 10810038092734 SXR300-M SXR300-M XR Matrix Band with Extension, Molar, Blue Slick Bands™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
45 10810038092727 SXR200-M SXR200-M XR Matrix Band, Large Molar, Green Slick Bands™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
46 10810038092710 SXR175-M SXR175-M XR Matrix Band, Bicuspid and Small Molar, Purple Slick Bands™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
47 10810038092703 SXR150-M SXR150-M XR Matrix Band with Extension, Bicuspid, Red Slick Bands™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
48 10810038092697 SXR100-M SXR100-M XR Matrix Band, Bicuspid, Gray Slick Bands™ GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
49 10810038092680 AU150-B AU150-B Gold Matrix Band with Extension, Bicuspid Composi-Tight® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.
50 10810038092673 AU050-B AU050-B Gold Matrix Band with Extension, Pediatric Composi-Tight® GARRISON DENTAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C.