No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00850014433390 1 DU2568 needle is a hollow needle commonly used with a syringe to inject substances into needle is a hollow needle commonly used with a syringe to inject substances into the body or extract fluids from it. FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen Hypodermic Needle 25Gx1.5"
2 00850014433161 1 DU2100 A grounding pad is placed on the body (usually the thigh) before the surgery to A grounding pad is placed on the body (usually the thigh) before the surgery to protect the person from the harmful effects of the electricity. GEI Electrosurgical, Cutting & Coagulation & Accessories Grounding Pads
3 00850014433154 1 DU1010 The nasal cannula is a device used to deliver supplemental oxygen or increased a The nasal cannula is a device used to deliver supplemental oxygen or increased airflow to a patient or person in need of respiratory help. CAT Cannula, Nasal, Oxygen Nasal Oxygen Cannula
4 00850014433345 1 DU2530 are sterile devices used to inject solutions into or withdraw secretions from the body. FMF,FMI Syringe, Piston,Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen 10ml Syringe w/ 18g x 1" Needle
5 00850014433253 1 DU2503 are sterile devices used to inject solutions into or withdraw secretions from the body. FMF Syringe, Piston Syringe 3ml w/o Needle
6 00850014433130 1 DU2260 are connected to IV catheters to allow a larger distance between the patient and are connected to IV catheters to allow a larger distance between the patient and the fluid being administered which is often necessary due to the size and volume of equipment being used at any one time FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 IV Extension Set 6"
7 00850014433925 1 DU1060 is a device used in medicine to assist in the delivery of oxygen therapy. KGB Mask, Oxygen, Non-Rebreathing 1 Non-rebreather mask
8 00850014433222 1 DU2210 a device for stopping the flow of blood through a vein or artery, typically by c a device for stopping the flow of blood through a vein or artery, typically by compressing a limb with a cord or tight bandage. GAX Tourniquet, Nonpneumatic Tourniquet 1"x18"
9 00850014433178 1 DU1703 Instant Ice Compress is a device that consists of two bags; one containing water Instant Ice Compress is a device that consists of two bags; one containing water, inside a bag containing ammonium nitrate, calcium ammonium nitrate or urea. When the inner bag of water is broken by squeezing the package, it dissolves the solid in an endothermic reaction. IMD Pack, Hot Or Cold, Disposable Ice Compress 4"x7"
10 00850014433123 1 DU1073 are rubber or silicone masks that cover both the mouth and nose of the patient. BSJ Mask, Gas, Anesthetic 1 Anesthesia Mask (Medium)
11 00850014433918 1 DU1050 an oxygen mask provides a method to transfer breathing oxygen gas from a storage an oxygen mask provides a method to transfer breathing oxygen gas from a storage tank to the lungs. BYG Mask, Oxygen 1 Oxygen Mask
12 00850014433444 1 DU1204 is a sponge for wound dressing, prepping, and scrubbing. NAB Gauze / Sponge,Nonresorbable For External Use Non-woven 4"x4" 4-ply
13 00850014433383 1 DU2558 the needle is a hollow needle commonly used with a syringe to inject substances the needle is a hollow needle commonly used with a syringe to inject substances into the body or extract fluids from it. FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen Hypodermic Needle 25Gx1"
14 00850014433260 1 DU2505 are sterile devices used to inject solutions into or withdraw secretions from the body. FMF Syringe, Piston Syringe 5ml w/o Needle
15 00850014433642 1 DU3640 include a wide selection of support materials and quality components needed to p include a wide selection of support materials and quality components needed to perform many pain management procedures. OFQ,PUI,NAB,FPA,FMF Anesthesia Kit,Drape, Surgical, Exempt,Gauze / Sponge,Nonresorbable For External Anesthesia Kit,Drape, Surgical, Exempt,Gauze / Sponge,Nonresorbable For External Use,Set, Administration, Intravascular,Syringe, Piston 1 Universal Block Procedure Trays
16 00850014433376 1 DU2563 the needle is a hollow needle commonly used with a syringe to inject substances the needle is a hollow needle commonly used with a syringe to inject substances into the body or extract fluids from it. FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen Hypodermic Needle 18gx1.5"
17 00850014433291 1 DU2523 are sterile devices used to inject solutions into or withdraw secretions from the body. FMF,FMI Syringe, Piston,Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen 3ml Syringe w/ 18g x 1" Needle
18 00850014433840 1 DU1260 is basically a transparent dressing used to secure objects like I.V. sites or Ca is basically a transparent dressing used to secure objects like I.V. sites or Catheters to the insertion point and can also be used as secondary dressings. NAD Dressing, Wound, Occlusive Transparent IV Dressings 2-3/8” x 2-3/4”
19 00850014433215 1 DU1090 A non-sterile, semi-rigid tube with nasal prongs designed to be inserted into th A non-sterile, semi-rigid tube with nasal prongs designed to be inserted into the nostrils of a patient, and held in place with a headstrap, to simultaneously deliver oxygen (O2) and allow sampling of exhaled gas for carbon dioxide (CO2) monitoring through separate prongs. CAT Cannula, Nasal, Oxygen 1 ETCO2 Nasal Cannula
20 00850014433666 1 DU1250 consist of a sterile non-woven adhesive backing with an absorbent wound pad whic consist of a sterile non-woven adhesive backing with an absorbent wound pad which provides a waterproof and bacterial barrier. NAC Dressing, Wound, Hydrophilic Island Dressing 6"x6"
21 00850014433505 1 DU3550 bandage consisting of a medical dressing of plain absorbent gauze held in place bandage consisting of a medical dressing of plain absorbent gauze held in place by a plastic or fabric tape coated with adhesive KGX Tape And Bandage, Adhesive Cohesive bandage 2"x5yds stretched
22 00850014433307 1 DU2525 are sterile devices used to inject solutions into or withdraw secretions from the body. FMF,FMI Syringe, Piston,Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen 5ml Syringe w/ 18g x 1" Needle
23 00850014433284 1 DU2510 are sterile devices used to inject solutions into or withdraw secretions from the body. FMF Syringe, Piston Syringe 10ml w/o Needle
24 00850014433246 1 DU1202 is a sterile sponge for wound dressing, prepping, and scrubbing. NAB Gauze / Sponge,Nonresorbable For External Use Non Woven Sponge 2x2 4 ply
25 00850014433628 1 DU2250 IV Connectors are essential devices that connect to the end of vascular catheter IV Connectors are essential devices that connect to the end of vascular catheters and enable catheter access for infusion and aspiration. FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular IV Connectors
26 00850014433239 1 DU3100 The urine collection cup is a sterile plastic cup with a temperature strip and l The urine collection cup is a sterile plastic cup with a temperature strip and leak-resistant lid with a capacity of 90mL. This product can be used for urine, blood, and semen sample testing. FMH Container, Specimen, Sterile Sterile Specimen Cup with Temp Strip
27 00850014433109 1 DU1078 are rubber or silicone masks that cover both the mouth and nose of the patient. BSJ Mask, Gas, Anesthetic 1 Anesthesia Mask (Large)
Other products with the same Product Code "FMI"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
2 04046955064427 931G04S-02 931G04S-02 OMNICAN FINE PEN NEEDLE 31GX4MM W CAP US Omnican® B. BRAUN MEDICAL INC.
3 04046955064397 931G06S-02 931G06S-02 OMNICAN FINE PEN NEEDLE 31GX6MM W CAP US Omnican® B. BRAUN MEDICAL INC.
4 04046955064366 931G08S-02 931G08S-02 OMNICAN FINE PEN NEEDLE 31GX8MM W CAP US Omnican® B. BRAUN MEDICAL INC.
5 04046955064335 929G12S-02 929G12S-02 OMNICAN FINE PEN NEEDLE 29GX12MM WCAP US Omnican® B. BRAUN MEDICAL INC.
6 04035873071136 22Gx4-0,70x100 8300059226 HSW HENKE-JECT® 22G X 4 - 0,70 X 100 MM - RW /LB HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
7 04035873071105 22Gx2 3/4-0,70x70 8300059225 HSW HENKE-JECT® 22G X 2 3/4 - 0,70 X 70 MM - RW /LB HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
8 04035873064855 8300041052 8300041052 HSW HENKE-JECT® 25G X 5/8 - 0,50 X 16 MM RW/LB HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
9 04035873064824 8300041051 8300041051 HSW HENKE-JECT® 23G X 5/8 - 0,60 X 16 MM TW/LB HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
10 04035873064794 8300041049 8300041049 HSW HENKE-JECT® 21G X 5/8 - 0,80 X 16 MM TW/LB HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
11 04035873061274 8300033535 8300033535 HSW HENKE-JECT® 21G x 4 3/4 - 0,80 x 120 RW/LB HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
12 04035873061182 8300030232 8300030232 HSW HENKE-JECT® 22G x 3/16 - 0,70 x 50 MM TW/SB HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
13 04035873061151 8300030084 8300030084 HSW HENKE-JECT® 27G x 9/32 - 0,40 x 7 MM STERIL HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
14 04035873061038 8300022136 8300022136 HSW HENKE-JECT® 27G 1 1/2 - 0,40 x 40 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
15 04035873061007 8300022134 8300022134 HSW HENKE-JECT® 27G x 1 1/4 - 0,40 x 30 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
16 04035873060949 8300021961 8300021961 HSW HENKE-JECT® 14G X 3 - 2,10 X 80 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
17 04035873060611 8300015016 8300015016 HSW HENKE-JECT® 21G x 1 1/2 - 0,80 x 40 MM SB HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
18 04035873060406 8300013707 8300013707 HSW HENKE-JECT® 14G X 1 1/2 - 2,10 X 40 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
19 04035873060376 8300011060 8300011060 HSW HENKE-JECT® 27G x 2 - 0,40 x 50 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
20 04035873059899 8300003551 8300003551 HSW HENKE-JECT® 25G x 1 1/2 - 0,50 x 40 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
21 04035873059806 8300000361 8300000361 HSW HENKE-JECT® 23G x 1 1/2 - 0,60 x 40 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
22 04035873059592 4790012040 4790012040 HSW HENKE-JECT® 18G x 1 1/2 - 1,20 x 40 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
23 04035873059530 4710018040 4710018040 HSW HENKE-JECT® 15G X 1 1/2 - 1,80 X 40 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
24 04035873059509 4710016040 4710016040 HSW HENKE-JECT® 16G X 1 1/2 - 1,60 X 40 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
25 04035873059479 4710016025 4710016025 HSW HENKE-JECT® 16G X 1 - 1,60 X 25 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
26 04035873059448 4710015050 4710015050 HSW HENKE-JECT® 17G X 2 - 1,40 X 50 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
27 04035873059417 4710012050 4710012050 HSW HENKE-JECT® 18G X 2 - 1,20 X 50 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
28 04035873059387 4710012040 4710012040 HSW HENKE-JECT® 18G X 1 1/2 - 1,20 X 40 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
29 04035873059325 4710012025 4710012025 HSW HENKE-JECT® 18G X 1 - 1,20 X 25 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
30 04035873059264 4710011040 4710011040 HSW HENKE-JECT® 19G X 1 1/2 - 1,10 X 40 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
31 04035873059233 4710011030 4710011030 HSW HENKE-JECT® 19G X 1 1/4 - 1,10 X 30 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
32 04035873059202 4710011025 4710011025 HSW HENKE-JECT® 19G X 1 - 1,10 X 25 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
33 04035873059172 4710009050 4710009050 HSW HENKE-JECT® 20G x 2 - 0,90 x 50 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
34 04035873059141 4710009040 4710009040 HSW HENKE-JECT® 20G X 1 1/2 - 0,90 X 40 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
35 04035873059110 4710009025 4710009025 HSW HENKE-JECT® 20G X 1 - 0,90 X 25 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
36 04035873059080 4710008050 4710008050 HSW HENKE-JECT® 21G x 2 - 0,80 x 50 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
37 04035873059059 4710008040 4710008040 HSW HENKE-JECT® 21G X 1 1/2 - 0,80 X 40 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
38 04035873059028 4710008030 4710008030 HSW HENKE-JECT® 21G x 1 1/4 - 0,80 x 30 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
39 04035873058984 4710008025 4710008025 HSW HENKE-JECT® 21G X 1 - 0,80 X 25 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
40 04035873058953 4710008016 4710008016 HSW HENKE-JECT® 21G X 5/8 - 0,80 X 16 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
41 04035873058922 4710007050 4710007050 HSW HENKE-JECT® 22G x 2 - 0,70 x 50 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
42 04035873058892 4710007040 4710007040 HSW HENKE-JECT® 22G x 1 1/2 - 0,70 x 40 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
43 04035873058861 4710007030 4710007030 HSW HENKE-JECT® 22G X 1 1/4 - 0,70 X 30 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
44 04035873058830 4710007025 4710007025 HSW HENKE-JECT® 22G X 1 - 0,70 X 25 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
45 04035873058809 4710007020 4710007020 HSW HENKE-JECT® 22G x 3/4 - 0,70 x 20 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
46 04035873058779 4710006030 4710006030 HSW HENKE-JECT® 23G X 1 1/4 - 0,60 X 30 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
47 04035873058748 4710006025 4710006025 HSW HENKE-JECT® 23G X 1 - 0,60 X 25 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
48 04035873058717 4710005525 4710005525 HSW HENKE-JECT® 24G X 1 - 0,55 X 25 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
49 04035873058687 4710005025 4710005025 HSW HENKE-JECT® 25G X 1 - 0,50 X 25 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH
50 04035873058656 4710005016 4710005016 HSW HENKE-JECT® 25G X 5/8 - 0,50 X 16 MM HSW HENKE-JECT® HENKE-SASS, WOLF GMBH