No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Product Code | Product Code Name | Device Class | Brand Name |
1 | 00850011211304 | GF IKF | GF IKF | Golden Force Series Intro Kit (8 Forceps) | EMG | FORCEPS, TOOTH EXTRACTOR, SURGICAL | 1 | Golden Force Series |
2 | 00850011211298 | GFUUM | GFUUM | Universal Upper Molar Forceps | EMG | FORCEPS, TOOTH EXTRACTOR, SURGICAL | 1 | Golden Force |
3 | 00850011211281 | GF UUF | GF UUF | Universal Upper Forceps 150 | EMG | FORCEPS, TOOTH EXTRACTOR, SURGICAL | 1 | Golden Force |
4 | 00850011211274 | GF URT | GF URT | Upper Root Tip Forceps | EMG | FORCEPS, TOOTH EXTRACTOR, SURGICAL | 1 | Golden Force |
5 | 00850011211267 | GF UMF | GF UMF | Universal Molar Forceps 151 | EMG | FORCEPS, TOOTH EXTRACTOR, SURGICAL | 1 | Golden Force |
6 | 00850011211250 | GF UAF | GF UAF | Upper Anterior Forceps | EMG | FORCEPS, TOOTH EXTRACTOR, SURGICAL | 1 | Golden Force |
7 | 00850011211243 | GF LRT | GF LRT | Lower Root Tip Forceps | EMG | FORCEPS, TOOTH EXTRACTOR, SURGICAL | 1 | Golden Force |
8 | 00850011211236 | GF LMF | GF LMF | Lower Molar Forceps | EMG | FORCEPS, TOOTH EXTRACTOR, SURGICAL | 1 | Golden Force |
9 | 00850011211229 | GF LAF | GF LAF | Lower Anterior Forceps | EMG | FORCEPS, TOOTH EXTRACTOR, SURGICAL | 1 | Golden Force |
10 | 00850028211458 | WFCIK | WFCIK | Wagoform Composite Titanium Coated Instruments #1- #4 Kit | JEP | RETAINER, MATRIX | 1 | Wagotrix |
11 | 00850028211441 | WGSMIK-B | WGSMIK-B | WagoTrix Sectional Matrix System Intro Kit includes: 3.5 Anatomical Matrix Refil WagoTrix Sectional Matrix System Intro Kit includes: 3.5 Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, 4.5 Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, 5.5 Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, 6.5 Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, Wedge - Small - Qty 25, Wedge - Medium - Qty 25, Wedge - Large - Qty 25, Matrix Ring Universal Green - Qty 10, Matrix Pin Holder - Qty 1, Matrix Ring Foreps - Qty 1 | JEP,EJB,EKF,DZN | RETAINER, MATRIX,HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL,INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPER RETAINER, MATRIX,HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL,INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE,INSTRUMENTS, DENTAL HAND | 1 | Wagotrix |
12 | 00850028211342 | WGWM-100 | WGWM-100 | Wedge Medium Qty 100 | EJB | HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL | 1 | Wagotrix |
13 | 00850028211434 | WGSMIK | WGSMIK | WagoTrix Sectional Matrix System Intro Kit includes: 3.5 Anatomical Matrix Refil WagoTrix Sectional Matrix System Intro Kit includes: 3.5 Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, 4.5 Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, 5.5 Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, 6.5 Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, Wedge - Small - Qty 25, Wedge - Medium - Qty 25, Wedge - Large - Qty 25, Matrix Ring Universal - Qty 35, Matrix Pin Holder - Qty 1, Matrix Ring Forceps - Qty 1 | JEP,EKF,EJB,DZN | RETAINER, MATRIX,INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE,HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, D RETAINER, MATRIX,INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE,HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL,INSTRUMENTS, DENTAL HAND | 1 | Wagotrix |
14 | 00850028211427 | WGSMEK-B | WGSMEK-B | Wagotrix Sectional Matrix System Essential Kit, 3.5mm anatomical matrix refill - Wagotrix Sectional Matrix System Essential Kit, 3.5mm anatomical matrix refill - Qty 25, 4.5mm anatomical matrix refill - Qty 25, 5.5mm anatomical matrix refill - Qty 25, 6.5mm anatomical matrix refill - Qty 25, Wedge - small - Qty 25, Wedge - medium - Qty 25, Wedge - large - Qty 25, Matrix ring universal - Qty 10 | EKF,EJB,JEP | INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE,HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL,RETAINER, MATRIX | 1 | Wagotrix |
15 | 00850028211410 | WGSMEK | WGSMEK | WagoTrix Sectional Matrix System Essential Kit (excludes instruments) | EJB,EKF,JEP | HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL,INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE,RETAINER, MATRIX | 1 | Wagotrix |
16 | 00850028211403 | WGMIK | WGMIK | WagoTrix Matrix Intro Kit, includes:3.5mm Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, 4.5 WagoTrix Matrix Intro Kit, includes:3.5mm Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, 4.5mm Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, 5.5mm Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25, 6.5mm Anatomical Matrix Refill - Qty 25 | JEP | RETAINER, MATRIX | 1 | Wagotrix |
17 | 00850028211397 | WFCI4 | WFCI4 | Wagoform Titanium Coated Instrument #4 | EJB | HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL | 1 | Wagotrix |
18 | 00850028211380 | WFCI3 | WFCI3 | Wagoform Titanium Coated Instrument #3 | EJB | HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL | 1 | Wagotrix |
19 | 00850028211373 | WFCI2 | WFCI2 | Wagoform Titanium Coated Instrument #2 | EJB | HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL | 1 | Wagotrix |
20 | 00850028211366 | WFCI1 | WFCI1 | Wagoform Titanium Coated Instrument #1 | EJB | HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL | 1 | Wagotrix |
21 | 00850028211359 | WGWS-100 | WGWS-100 | Wedge Small Qty 100 | EJB | HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL | 1 | Wagotrix |
22 | 00850028211335 | WGWL-100 | WGWL-100 | Wedge Large Qty 100 | EJB | HANDLE, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL | 1 | Wagotrix |
23 | 00850028211328 | WGRU-B | WGRU-B | Wago Matirx Rings Green Qty 35 | JEP | RETAINER, MATRIX | 1 | Wagotrix |
24 | 00850028211311 | WGRU 100 | WGRU 100 | Matrix Ring Universal Purple Qty 100 | JEP | RETAINER, MATRIX | 1 | Wagotrix |
25 | 00850028211304 | WGRF | WGRF | Matrix Ring Forceps | DZN | INSTRUMENTS, DENTAL HAND | 1 | Wagotrix |
26 | 00850028211298 | WGPH | WGPH | Matrix Pin Holder | DZN | INSTRUMENTS, DENTAL HAND | 1 | Wagotrix |
27 | 00850028211281 | WGM65-80 | WGM65-80 | 6.5mm Anatomical Matrix Re-Fill Qty 80 | EKF | INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE | 1 | Wagotrix |
28 | 00850028211274 | WGM65-25 | WGM65-25 | 6.5mm Curved Matrix Re-Fill Qty 25 | EKF | INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE | 1 | Wagotrix |
29 | 00850028211267 | WGM55-80 | WGM55-80 | 5.5mm Anatomical Matrix Re-Fill Qty 80 | EKF | INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE | 1 | Wagotrix |
30 | 00850028211250 | WGM55-25 | WGM55-25 | 5.5mm Curved Matrix Re-Fill Qty 25 | EKF | INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE | 1 | Wagotrix |
31 | 00850028211243 | WGM45-80 | WGM45-80 | 4.5 mm Anatomical Matrix Re-Fill Qty 80 | EKF | INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE | 1 | Wagotrix |
32 | 00850028211236 | WGM45-25 | WGM45-25 | 4.5 mm Curved Matrix Re-Fill Qty 25 | EKF | INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE | 1 | Wagotrix |
33 | 00850028211229 | WGM35-25 | WGM35-25 | 3.5mm Anatomical Matrix Re-Fill Qty 25 | EKF | INSTRUMENT, CONTOURING, MATRIX, OPERATIVE | 1 | Wagotrix |
34 | 00850028211472 | SPGA4 | SPGA4 | Coated Polyglycolic Acid (PGA) Braided Absorbable Suture Violet, 4-0, 19mm, 3/8 Coated Polyglycolic Acid (PGA) Braided Absorbable Suture Violet, 4-0, 19mm, 3/8 reverse cutting needle, Qty 12 | GAM | SUTURE, ABSORBABLE, SYNTHETIC, POLYGLYCOLIC ACID | 2 | GoldenDent |
35 | 00850028211465 | SPGA3 | SPGA3 | Coated Polyglycolic Acid (PGA) Braided Absorbable Suture Violet, 3-0, 19mm, 3/8 Coated Polyglycolic Acid (PGA) Braided Absorbable Suture Violet, 3-0, 19mm, 3/8 reverse cutting needle, Qty 12 | GAM | SUTURE, ABSORBABLE, SYNTHETIC, POLYGLYCOLIC ACID | 2 | GoldenDent |
36 | 00850028211205 | SM-L | SM-L | SeeMore Lip, Check and Tongue Retractor Large | EIG | RETRACTOR, ALL TYPES | 1 | GoldenDent |
37 | 00850028211212 | SM-S | SM-S | SeeMore Lip, Check and Tongue Retractor Small | EIG | RETRACTOR, ALL TYPES | 1 | GoldenDent |
38 | 00850028211199 | GTSX-19 | GTSX-19 | Golden-Taper Rotary Pack - Type SX (6 files) - Length 19mm | EKS | FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC | 1 | GoldenDent |
39 | 00850028211182 | GTS2-31 | GTS2-31 | Golden-Taper Rotary Pack - Type S2 (6 files) - Length 31mm | EKS | FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC | 1 | GoldenDent |
40 | 00850028211175 | GTS2-25 | GTS2-25 | Golden-Taper Rotary Pack - Type S2 (6 files) - Length 25mm | EKS | FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC | 1 | GoldenDent |
41 | 00850028211168 | GTS2-21 | GTS2-21 | Golden-Taper Rotary Pack - Type S2 (6 files) - Length 21mm | EKS | FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC | 1 | GoldenDent |
42 | 00850028211151 | GTS1-31 | GTS1-31 | Golden-Taper Rotary Pack - Type S1 (6 files) - Length 31mm | EKS | FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC | 1 | GoldenDent |
43 | 00850028211144 | GTS1-25 | GTS1-25 | Golden-Taper Rotary Pack - Type S1 (6 files) - Length 25mm | EKS | FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC | 1 | GoldenDent |
44 | 00850028211137 | GTS1-21 | GTS1-21 | Golden-Taper Rotary Pack - Type S1 (6 files) - Length 21mm | EKS | FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC | 1 | GoldenDent |
45 | 00850028211120 | GTF5-31 | GTF5-31 | Golden-Taper Rotary Pack - Type F5 (6 files) - length 31mm | EKS | FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC | 1 | GoldenDent |
46 | 00850028211113 | GTF5-25 | GTF5-25 | Golden-Taper Rotary Pack - Type F5 (6 files) - length 25mm | EKS | FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC | 1 | GoldenDent |
47 | 00850028211106 | GTF5-21 | GTF5-21 | Golden-Taper Rotary Pack - Type F5 (6 files) - length 21mm | EKS | FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC | 1 | GoldenDent |
48 | 00850028211090 | GTF4-31 | GTF4-31 | Golden-Taper Rotary - Type F4 (6 files) - Length 31mm | EKS | FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC | 1 | GoldenDent |
49 | 00850028211083 | GTF4-25 | GTF4-25 | Golden-Taper Rotary - Type F4 (6 files) - Length 25mm | EKS | FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC | 1 | GoldenDent |
50 | 00850028211076 | GTF4-21 | GTF4-21 | Golden-Taper Rotary - Type F4 (6 files) - Length 21mm | EKS | FILE, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC | 1 | GoldenDent |
No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Brand Name | Organization Name |
1 | 00190660130237 | Miller bone file | 69-127 | Miller bone file, 7 1/2'', double-ended, #52, hexagonal handle | Ambler Surgical | AMBLER SURGICAL CORP. |
2 | 00190660111779 | Exodontia root teaser | 45-427 | Exodontia root teaser, 7 3/4'', double-ended, #38, heavy duty, round handle | Ambler Surgical | AMBLER SURGICAL CORP. |
3 | 00190660111762 | Exodontia root teaser | 45-426 | Exodontia root teaser, 7 3/4'', double-ended, #37, medium, round handle | Ambler Surgical | AMBLER SURGICAL CORP. |
4 | 00190660111755 | Exodontia root teaser | 45-425 | Exodontia root teaser, 7 3/4'', double-ended, #36, extra delicate, round handle | Ambler Surgical | AMBLER SURGICAL CORP. |
5 | 00190660111168 | Obwegeser mandibular periosteal ''J-Stripper'' | 45-314 | Obwegeser mandibular periosteal ''J-Stripper'', 8'', 9.0mm wide tip, flat handle | Ambler Surgical | AMBLER SURGICAL CORP. |
6 | 00190660111151 | Obwegeser mandibular periosteal ''J-Stripper'' | 45-312 | Obwegeser mandibular periosteal ''J-Stripper'', 8'', 7.0mm wide tip, flat handle | Ambler Surgical | AMBLER SURGICAL CORP. |
7 | 00190660111144 | Obwegeser mandibular periosteal ''J-Stripper'' | 45-310 | Obwegeser mandibular periosteal ''J-Stripper'', 8'', 5.0mm wide tip, flat handle | Ambler Surgical | AMBLER SURGICAL CORP. |
8 | 00190660111137 | New Orleans endartectomy stripper set | 45-358 | New Orleans endartectomy stripper set, 12'', includes loop sizes 4.0mm, 5.0mm, 6 New Orleans endartectomy stripper set, 12'', includes loop sizes 4.0mm, 5.0mm, 6.0mm, 7.0mm and 9.0mm, additional 12'' female threaded round handle included to extend stripping location | Ambler Surgical | AMBLER SURGICAL CORP. |
9 | 00190660109462 | Exodontia oral davis root teaser | 44-810 | Exodontia oral davis root teaser, 8 1/4'', #10, hexagonal handle | Ambler Surgical | AMBLER SURGICAL CORP. |
10 | 00190660085711 | Maxillo-Tessier skin hook | 37-798 | Maxillo-Tessier skin hook, 1 sharp prong, flat handle | Ambler Surgical | AMBLER SURGICAL CORP. |
11 | 00083208230448 | Adjustable Torque Wrench | Torque Wrench Adjustable | Adjustable Torque wrench - take 4mm square head drivers/adapters - can be adjust Adjustable Torque wrench - take 4mm square head drivers/adapters - can be adjusted between 15-60Ncm | Torque Wrench Adjustable (15-60Ncm) | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
12 | 00083208230431 | Torque Wrench 35 Ncm | Torque Wrench 35 Ncm | "Break Away" 35 Ncm Torque Wrench - 4mm square head to fit drivers and adapters. "Break Away" 35 Ncm Torque Wrench - 4mm square head to fit drivers and adapters. 35Ncm max torque. | Torque Wrench 35Ncm Breakaway | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
13 | 00083208230424 | Torque Wrench 30 Ncm | Torque Wrench 30 Ncm | "Break Away" 30 Ncm Torque Wrench - 4mm square head to fit drivers and adapters. "Break Away" 30 Ncm Torque Wrench - 4mm square head to fit drivers and adapters. 30Ncm max torque. | Torque Wrench 30Ncm Breakaway | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
14 | 00083208190216 | Needle Holder - T/C | Needle Holder - T/C | Needle holder is a surgical instrument, similar to a hemostat, used to hold a su Needle holder is a surgical instrument, similar to a hemostat, used to hold a suturing needle for closing wounds during suturing and surgical procedures. These Needle holders have tungsten carbide tips which give better grip and wear out slower than stainless steel. | Needle Holder - T/C | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
15 | 00083208190179 | Micro Forceps 2ASA | Micro Forceps 2ASA | Micro Forceps: Non-toothed forceps used for fine handling of tissue and traction Micro Forceps: Non-toothed forceps used for fine handling of tissue and traction during dissection - working end may be smooth or serrated | Micro Forceps 2ASA | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
16 | 00083208190148 | Forceps - Adson type | Forceps - Adson type | Adson Tissue Forceps are used for holding and manipulating delicate tissues. | Forceps - Adson type | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
17 | 00083208131622 | Kelly Hemostat Curved | Kelly Hemostat Curved | Hemostat Kelly curved 14cm/5.50" - A hand-held, manual, open-surgery instrument Hemostat Kelly curved 14cm/5.50" - A hand-held, manual, open-surgery instrument designed to grasp, manipulate, dissect, and/or clamp soft-tissues (e.g., organs, blood vessels). It has a scissors-like hinged design with ring handles and blades (non-cutting) that may be available in a range of sizes or designs. This is a reusable device intended to be sterilized prior to use. | Kelly Hemostat Curved | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
18 | 00083208130519 | Scalpel Remover T/C | Scalpel Remover T/C | Scalpel Removers, Curved Tip, Tungsten Carbide Tip. To grip and remove Scalpel b Scalpel Removers, Curved Tip, Tungsten Carbide Tip. To grip and remove Scalpel blades safely from patient and or from scalpel handles. | Scalpel Remover | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
19 | 00083208130458 | Bone Cutter | Bone Cutter | Bone Cutter is hand-held, surgical instrument designed to separate a bone into t Bone Cutter is hand-held, surgical instrument designed to separate a bone into two parts through a cutting action. | Bone Cutter | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
20 | 00083208130427 | Scalpel Handle Round Z-4206 XL | Scalpel Handle Round | XL Round Scalpel handle - Attaches to scalpel blade (not included) - to hold bla XL Round Scalpel handle - Attaches to scalpel blade (not included) - to hold blade during cutting or dissection of tissue. | Zoll Scalpel Handle Round | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
21 | 00083208130403 | Seating Tool | Seating tool Straight | Tatum Seating tool Straight for D and P Implants | Tatum Straight Seating tool | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
22 | 00083208130366 | Scissors - Castroviejo | Scissors - Castroviejo | Unique, spring action design with blades that are sharp all the way to the tip e Unique, spring action design with blades that are sharp all the way to the tip enables effortless cutting of tissue and sutures. | Scissors - Castroviejo | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
23 | 00083208130359 | Scissors GFox Curved | Scissors GFox T/C Curved | Goldman-Fox Scissors are designed for contouring and cutting gingival tissue. Th Goldman-Fox Scissors are designed for contouring and cutting gingival tissue. They are also used to trim tissue, barriers and granulation tissue on the underside of flaps or cut suture thread during surgery. These have tungsten carbide (T/C) tips. | Scissors -Goldman Fox type | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
24 | 00083208130342 | Scissors GFox Straight | Scissors GFox Straight | Goldman-Fox Scissors are designed for contouring and cutting gingival tissue. Th Goldman-Fox Scissors are designed for contouring and cutting gingival tissue. They are also used to trim tissue, barriers and granulation tissue on the underside of flaps or cut suture thread during surgery. | Scissors -Goldman Fox type | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
25 | 00083208130335 | Scissors Metz. T/C Curved | Scissors Metz. T/C Curved | Metzenbaum scissors are surgical scissors designed for cutting delicate tissue a Metzenbaum scissors are surgical scissors designed for cutting delicate tissue and blunt dissection. . They are constructed of tungsten carbide. The blades are curved and the tips are rounded | Scissors - Metzenbaum type | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
26 | 00083208130328 | Scissors Metz. Straight | Scissors Metz. Straight | Metzenbaum scissors are surgical scissors designed for cutting delicate tissue a Metzenbaum scissors are surgical scissors designed for cutting delicate tissue and blunt dissection. . They are constructed of stainless steel. The blades are straight, and the tips are rounded | Scissors - Metzenbaum type | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
27 | 00083208130311 | Scalpel Handle - Adjustable | Scalpel Handle - Adjustable | Adjustable Scalpel Handle - Attaches to scalpel blade (not included) - to hold b Adjustable Scalpel Handle - Attaches to scalpel blade (not included) - to hold blade during cutting or dissection of tissue. this handle can ne adjusted through 180° angles. | Scalpel Handle - Adjustable | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
28 | 00083208130304 | Scalpel Handle - Round | Scalpel Handle DDP Round | Round Scalpel Handle - Attaches to scalpel blade (not included) - to hold blade Round Scalpel Handle - Attaches to scalpel blade (not included) - to hold blade during cutting or dissection of tissue. | Scalpel Handle - Round | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
29 | 00083208130298 | Tatum Offset Scalpel Handle (Right) SB-R | Scalpel Handle-SB-R | Tatum Scalpel Handle RH Offset - Attaches to scalpel blade (not included) - to h Tatum Scalpel Handle RH Offset - Attaches to scalpel blade (not included) - to hold blade during cutting or dissection of tissue | Tatum Scalpel Handle RH Offset | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
30 | 00083208130281 | Tatum Offset Scalpel Handle (Left) SB-L | Scalpel Handle-SB-L | Tatum Scalpel Handle LH Offset - Attaches to scalpel blade (not included) - to h Tatum Scalpel Handle LH Offset - Attaches to scalpel blade (not included) - to hold blade during cutting or dissection of tissue | Tatum Scalpel Handle LH Offset | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
31 | 00083208130274 | Ruler | Ruler | Stainless steel ruler is used during surgery to measure and check measurements s Stainless steel ruler is used during surgery to measure and check measurements such as width, and length. | Ruler | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
32 | 00083208130212 | Orban Knife | Orban Knife | Orban knife is a periodontal knife used in surgery to split the tissue in order Orban knife is a periodontal knife used in surgery to split the tissue in order for it to be manipulated to create a seal around the implant neck. | Orban Knife | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
33 | 00083208130199 | Needle Holder - Castroviejo | Needle Holder - Castro TC | Needle holder is a surgical instrument, similar to a hemostat, used by doctors a Needle holder is a surgical instrument, similar to a hemostat, used by doctors and surgeons to hold a suturing needle for closing wounds during suturing and surgical procedures. I.E the Castroviejo needle holder, which is commonly used delicate and microsurgery. These have tungsten carbide tips. | Needle Holder - Castroviejo | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
34 | 00083208130182 | Micro Forceps 4SA | Micro Forceps 4SA | Micro Forceps: Non-toothed forceps used for fine handling of tissue and traction Micro Forceps: Non-toothed forceps used for fine handling of tissue and traction during dissection - working end may be smooth or serrated | Micro Forceps 4SA | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
35 | 00083208130168 | Forceps - Extraction | Forceps - Extraction | Extraction forceps are used to extract teeth. Each extraction forcep is designed Extraction forceps are used to extract teeth. Each extraction forcep is designed for a particular area of the mouth. The beaks are designed to fit around the cervical portion of the tooth. | Forceps - Extraction | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
36 | 00083208130151 | Forceps - Tissue | Forceps - Tissue | Tissue Forceps: Non-toothed forceps used for fine handling of tissue and tractio Tissue Forceps: Non-toothed forceps used for fine handling of tissue and traction during dissection - working end may be smooth or serrated | Forceps - Tissue | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
37 | 00083208130137 | Bone Molder - Offset | Bone Molder - Offset | Bone molder - used to compress bone in between dental Implants at time of placem Bone molder - used to compress bone in between dental Implants at time of placement - Offset to allow access to posterior | Bone Molder - Offset | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
38 | 00083208130120 | Bone Molder - Straight | Bone Molder - Straight | Bone molder - used to compress bone in between dental Implants at time of placement | Bone Molder - Straight | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
39 | 00083208130106 | Bone Caliper | Bone Caliper | Bone caliper is used during surgery to determine/confirm the width and or other Bone caliper is used during surgery to determine/confirm the width and or other dimensions of bone, in millimeters, that is available for Implant placement | Bone Caliper | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
40 | 00083208130090 | Bone Carrier | Bone Carrier | Bone carrier is used during surgery to hold Bone for grafting whilst the bone is Bone carrier is used during surgery to hold Bone for grafting whilst the bone is being carried to the oral cavity | Bone Carrier | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
41 | 00083208130083 | Boley Gauge | Boley Gauge | The Boley Gauge is the definitive dental tool used for a variety of procedures b The Boley Gauge is the definitive dental tool used for a variety of procedures both in the laboratory and clinically. It's used to determine dimensions of length, width, and thickness in millimeter increments | Boley Gauge | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
42 | 00083208130076 | Bending Pliers | Bending Pliers | Tatum bending pliers used during surgery to adjust instruments - angles and curv Tatum bending pliers used during surgery to adjust instruments - angles and curves to fit patient anatomy. | Tatum Bending Pliers | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
43 | 00083208130069 | Scalpel Handle | Scalpel Handle | Tatum Scalpel Handle - Attaches to scalpel blade (not included) - to hold blade Tatum Scalpel Handle - Attaches to scalpel blade (not included) - to hold blade during cutting or dissection of tissue | Tatum Scalpel Handle | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
44 | 00083208130052 | Seating Tool | Seating tool O/S | Tatum Offset Seating tool for D and P Implants | Tatum Offset Seating tool | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
45 | 00083208130038 | Post Holder PH-1 | Post Holder PH-1 | Tatum Post Holder - used to hold abutment securely whilst adjusting the abutment Tatum Post Holder - used to hold abutment securely whilst adjusting the abutment outside of the mouth | Tatum Post Holder | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
46 | 00083208025662 | HTT .050 driver (Short) | HTT .050 driver (Short) | ITL - HTT .050 driver (Short) | ITL Dental | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
47 | 00083208025655 | HTLT .050 driver (Long) | HTLT .050 driver (Long) | ITL - HTLT .050 driver (Long) | ITL Dental | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
48 | 00083208025648 | HTRAL latch grip .050 driver | HTRAL latch grip .050 driver | ITL latch grip driver - Long - .050 | ITL Dental | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
49 | 00083208007781 | Tunnel Graft Kit | Tunnel Graft Kit | Zoll Tunnel Graft Kit used to lift/separate (elevate) or tunnel under the perios Zoll Tunnel Graft Kit used to lift/separate (elevate) or tunnel under the periosteum during surgery. Set of 12 Instruments. Nine Molt/Periosteal instrument ( 3 Straight, 3 Left hand and 3 Right hand) and Three retractors to reflect tissue once released. | Zoll Tunnel Graft Kit | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |
50 | 00083208007774 | Tunnel Grafting Kit | Tunnel Grafting Kit | Tatum Tunnel Grafting Kit used to lift/separate (elevate) or tunnel under the p Tatum Tunnel Grafting Kit used to lift/separate (elevate) or tunnel under the periosteum during surgery. Set of 12 Instruments. Nine Molt/Periosteal instrument ( 3 Straight, 3 Left hand and 3 Right hand) and Three retractors to reflect tissue once released. | Tatum Tunnel Grafting Kit | SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC |