SEEKER™ Quality Control Dried Blood Spot KitContains 5 levels: QC Base Pool, QC
SEEKER™ Quality Control Dried Blood Spot KitContains 5 levels: QC Base Pool, QC Low, QC Intermediate, QC Medium, and QC High
The SEEKER™ LSD Reagent Kit - IDUA GAA GBA GLA is intended for quantitative meas
The SEEKER™ LSD Reagent Kit - IDUA GAA GBA GLA is intended for quantitative measurement of the activity of α-L-iduronidase, α-D-glucosidase, β-glucocerebrosidase and α-D-galactosidase A from newborn dried blood spot specimens, using the SEEKER Instrument as an aid in screening newborns for Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I, Pompe, Gaucher and Fabry diseases. Reduced activity of these enzymes may be indicative of these lysosomal storage diseases. The enzymes measured using the SEEKER LSD Reagent Kit- IDUA GAA GBA GLA and their associated lysosomal storage diseases are listed below.α-L-iduronidase (IDUA) - Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I (MPS I)α-D-glucosidase (GAA) - Pompeβ-glucocerebrosidase (GBA) - Gaucherα-D-galactosidase (GLA) - Fabry
The Lipid Control set are assayed Lipid Controls produced from fresh human sera
The Lipid Control set are assayed Lipid Controls produced from fresh human sera to monitor the accuracy and precision of quantitative lipid determinations of human sera specimens.6 x 3 ml
MedTest DX Control Level 1 is a lyophilized human based control serum for use in
MedTest DX Control Level 1 is a lyophilized human based control serum for use in the quality control of diagnostic assays. Human-sera can be supplied as an assayed serum for control of accuracy or as a precision serum for control of reproducibility. Constituent concentrations are available at 2 levels. Size: 10 x 5 ml
MedTest DX Control Level 2 is a lyophilized human based control serum for use in
MedTest DX Control Level 2 is a lyophilized human based control serum for use in the quality control of diagnostic assays. Human-sera can be supplied as an assayed serum for control of accuracy or as a precision serum for control of reproducibility. Constituent concentrations are available at 2 levels. Size: 10 x 5 ml
For use as a Calibrator in clinical chemistry assays. Calibration Serum Level 1
For use as a Calibrator in clinical chemistry assays. Calibration Serum Level 1 is based on lyophilized human serum. The concentrations and activities are suitable for calibration of clinical chemistry assays on a wide range of automatic analyzers. Constituent concentrations are available at 1 level.
This product is intended for in-vitro use only, in the quality control of Direct
This product is intended for in-vitro use only, in the quality control of Direct HDL, Direct LDL, Lipoprotein (a), and Apolipoprotein A-1, Apolipoprotein B, cholesterol and triglyceride methods on clinical chemistry systems. 6 x 3 ml
This product is intended for in-vitro use only, in the quality control of Direct
This product is intended for in-vitro use only, in the quality control of Direct HDL, Direct LDL, Lipoprotein (a), and Apolipoprotein A-1, Apolipoprotein B, cholesterol and triglyceride methods on clinical chemistry systems. 6 x 3 ml
This product is intended for in-vitro use only, in the quality control of Direct
This product is intended for in-vitro use only, in the quality control of Direct HDL, Direct LDL, Lipoprotein (a), and Apolipoprotein A-1, Apolipoprotein B, cholesterol and triglyceride methods on clinical chemistry systems.6 x 3 ml
This product is intended for in-vitro use only, in the quality control of Direct
This product is intended for in-vitro use only, in the quality control of Direct HDL, Direct LDL, Lipoprotein (a), and Apolipoprotein A-1, Apolipoprotein B, cholesterol and triglyceride methods on clinical chemistry systems.6 x 3 ml