No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00846841060830 112-7063 Compressor Nebulizer CAF,BTI Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable 2 Henry Schein
2 06942820462177 CFT-308C Choicemmed Infrared Thermometer CFT-308C FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 Choicemmed
3 06942820462146 MD300W628 Wrist pulse oximeter MD300W628 PGJ Oximeter, Wellness 2 Choicemmed
4 06942820462139 CFT-308 Infrared Thermometer CFT-308 FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 Choicemmed
5 06942820462085 MD300C23 Choicemmed Fingertip Pulse Oximeter MD300C23 DQA Oximeter 2 Choicemmed
6 06942820462047 MD300C29 Choicemmed Fingertip Pulse Oximeter MD300C29 DQA Oximeter Choicemmed
7 06942820462030 MD300C19 Choicemmed Fingertip Pulse Oximeter MD300C19 DQA Oximeter 2 Choicemmed
8 06942820461781 900-8275 handheld Pulse Oximeter DQA Oximeter 2 Henry Schein
9 06942820460944 MD300I12 Pulse Oximeter DQA Oximeter 2 ChoiceMMed
10 06942820460920 MD300M Pulse Oximeter DQA Oximeter 2 ChoiceMMed
11 00846841012686 MD300CG15 Talking Pulse Oximeter DQA Oximeter 2 ChoiceMMed
12 00846841070891 MD300CN340 mibest Fingtertip Pulse Oximeter MD300CN340 OCH Oximeter, Infrared, Sporting, Aviation 2 mibest
13 00846841070761 MD300CN140 mibest Fingtertip Pulse Oximeter MD300CN140 OCH Oximeter, Infrared, Sporting, Aviation 2 mibest
14 06942820462092 NS-PSOXMW1 INSIGNIA Fingertip Pulse Oximeter NS-PSOXMW1 OCH Oximeter, Infrared, Sporting, Aviation 2 INSIGNIA
15 06942820461767 VPOD Freedom Wrist Pulse Oximeter DQA Oximeter 2 Virtuox
16 06942820460883 MD300W1 Wrist Pulse Oximeter DQA Oximeter 2 ChoiceMMed
17 06942820461026 M-50G SpO2 Sensor DQA Oximeter 2 ChoiceMMed
18 06942820461019 M-50H SpO2 Sensor DQA Oximeter 2 ChoiceMMed
19 06942820461002 M-50A SpO2 Sensor DQA Oximeter 2 ChoiceMMed
20 06942820460999 M-50C SpO2 Sensor DQA Oximeter 2 ChoiceMMed
21 06942820460982 M-50E SpO2 Sensor DQA Oximeter 2 ChoiceMMed
22 06942820460975 M-50B SpO2 Sensor DQA Oximeter 2 ChoiceMMed
23 06942820460968 MD300A Pulse Oximeter DQA Oximeter 2 ChoiceMMed
24 06942820460951 MD300A-E Pulse Oximeter DQA Oximeter 2 ChoiceMMed
25 06942820460937 MD300K1 Pulse Oximeter DQA Oximeter 2 ChoiceMMed
26 06942820460913 MD300I1 Pulse Oximeter DQA Oximeter 2 ChoiceMMed
27 06942820460906 MD300W4 Wrist Pulse Oximeter DQA Oximeter 2 ChoiceMMed
28 00846841040139 OxyWatch CG11 Fingertip Pulse Oximeter DQA Oximeter 2 ChoiceMMed
29 00846841040122 OxyWatch C6525 Fingertip Pulse Oximeter DQA Oximeter 2 ChoiceMMed
30 00846841040115 OxyWatch CF309 Fingertip Pulse Oximeter DQA Oximeter 2 ChoiceMMed
31 00846841040061 OxyWatch CF315 Fingertip Pulse Oximeter DQA Oximeter 2 ChoiceMMed
32 00846841092237 OxyWatch C9223 Fingertip Pulse Oximeter DQA Oximeter 2 ChoiceMMed
33 00846841080180 MDPS100 Self-adhesive Replacement Gel Pads GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 ChoiceMMed
34 00846841080173 MDTS116 Electronic Pulse Stimulator NGX,NUH Stimulator, Muscle, Powered, For Muscle Conditioning,Stimulator, Nerve, Transcut Stimulator, Muscle, Powered, For Muscle Conditioning,Stimulator, Nerve, Transcutaneous, Over-The-Counter 2 ChoiceMMed
35 00846841080166 MDTS111 Electronic Pulse Stimulator NGX,NUH Stimulator, Muscle, Powered, For Muscle Conditioning,Stimulator, Nerve, Transcut Stimulator, Muscle, Powered, For Muscle Conditioning,Stimulator, Nerve, Transcutaneous, Over-The-Counter 2 ChoiceMMed
36 00846841080067 BP10 (1.0) Blood Pressure Monitor DXN System, Measurement, Blood-Pressure, Non-Invasive 2 ChoiceMMed
37 00846841080043 BP11(1.0) Blood Pressure Monitor DXN System, Measurement, Blood-Pressure, Non-Invasive 2 ChoiceMMed
38 00846841071645 OxyWatch C29C ChoiceMMed Pulse Oximeter OxyWatch C29C OCH Oximeter, Infrared, Sporting, Aviation 2 ChoiceMMed
39 00846841070600 OxyWatch C2F ChoiceMMed Fingtertip Pulse Oximeter OxyWatch C2F OCH Oximeter, Infrared, Sporting, Aviation 2 ChoiceMMed
40 00846841070594 OxyWatch C1F ChoiceMMed Fingtertip Pulse Oximeter OxyWatch C1F OCH Oximeter, Infrared, Sporting, Aviation 2 ChoiceMMed
41 00846841070402 MDBP203 Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor DXN System, Measurement, Blood-Pressure, Non-Invasive 2 ChoiceMMed
42 00846841070242 T201 Infrared Ear Thermometer FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 ChoiceMMed
43 00846841061233 CBP1E3 Arm-type Fully Automatic Digital Blood Pressure Monitor DXN System, Measurement, Blood-Pressure, Non-Invasive 2 ChoiceMMed
44 00846841061226 CBP1E1 Arm-type Fully Automatic Digital Blood Pressure Monitor DXN System, Measurement, Blood-Pressure, Non-Invasive 2 ChoiceMMed
45 00846841060861 MDTS101 TENS-Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator for pain relief IPF,GZJ Stimulator, Muscle, Powered,Stimulator, Nerve, Transcutaneous, For Pain Relief 2 ChoiceMMed
46 00846841060854 T200 Infrared Ear Thermometer FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 ChoiceMMed
47 00846841060847 T100 Digital Thermometer FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 ChoiceMMed
48 00846841060823 BJ120105 Deluxe Blood Pressure Kit DXN System, Measurement, Blood-Pressure, Non-Invasive 2 ChoiceMMed
49 00846841060816 BJ120100 Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor DXN System, Measurement, Blood-Pressure, Non-Invasive 2 ChoiceMMed
50 00846841060762 MDN105 Compressor Nebulizer CAF,BTI Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable 2 ChoiceMMed
Other products with the same Product Codes "JHI, LCX"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 06942820412332 HCG (2.0) One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test Strip ChoiceMMed BEIJING CHOICE ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
2 06938444985017 11C-1867-U RH-HCG-B LotFancy Pregnancy Test is a self-testing immunoassay designed for the qualitati LotFancy Pregnancy Test is a self-testing immunoassay designed for the qualitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine to aid in early detection of pregnancy. There are 25pcs of 2.5mm strips in each box. LotFancy RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD.
3 06938444982641 82641 DAVID Ovulation & Pregnancy Test Kit is consisiting of 40 ovulation test strips, DAVID Ovulation & Pregnancy Test Kit is consisiting of 40 ovulation test strips, 10 pregnancy test strips and 2 pregnancy crystal tests. DAVID RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD.
4 06938444982610 82610 DAVID Pregnancy Test is intended for the qualitative determination of human chor DAVID Pregnancy Test is intended for the qualitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine to aid in early detection of pregnancy. There are 6 ctrystal strips and 10 regular strips in one box.. DAVID RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD.
5 06938444982603 82603 DAVID Ovulation & Pregnancy Test is consisiting of 90 ovulation test strips and DAVID Ovulation & Pregnancy Test is consisiting of 90 ovulation test strips and 30 pregnancy test strips . DAVID RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD.
6 06938444982382 82382 RH-HCG10-B DAVID Pregnancy Test is intended for the qualitative determination of human chor DAVID Pregnancy Test is intended for the qualitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine to aid in early detection of pregnancy. There are 2 midstreams in one box. DAVID Pregnancy Test RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD.
7 06938444982375 82375 DAVID Pregnancy Test is intended for the qualitative determination of human chor DAVID Pregnancy Test is intended for the qualitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine to aid in early detection of pregnancy. There are 25 strips in one box. DAVID Pregnancy Test RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD.
8 06938444982368 82368 DAVID Pregnancy Test is intended for the qualitative determination of human chor DAVID Pregnancy Test is intended for the qualitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine to aid in early detection of pregnancy. There are 10 strips in one box. DAVID Pregnancy Test RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD.
9 06938444982269 82269 This product is intended for the qualitative determination of human chorionic go This product is intended for the qualitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine to aid in early detection of pregnancy. There are 3 strips and 3 midstreams in one box. DAVID RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD.
10 06938444982245 82245 This product is intended for the qualitative determination of human chorionic go This product is intended for the qualitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine to aid in early detection of pregnancy. There are 3 midstreams in one box. SUUCARE RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD.
11 06938444982207 82207 6 days Ahead Pregnancy Test (3 HCG Midstreams) is intended for the qualitative d 6 days Ahead Pregnancy Test (3 HCG Midstreams) is intended for the qualitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine to aid in early detection of pregnancy. 6 days Ahead Pregnancy Test (3 HCG Midstreams) RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD.
12 06938444982191 82191 Early Blush Pregnancy Test (3 HCG Midstreams) is intended for the qualitative de Early Blush Pregnancy Test (3 HCG Midstreams) is intended for the qualitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine to aid in early detection of pregnancy. There are 3 6mm midstreams in one box. Early Blush Pregnancy Test (3 HCG Midstreams) RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD.
13 06938444982184 82184 Early Blush Pregnancy Test (30 HCG Strips) is intended for the qualitative dete Early Blush Pregnancy Test (30 HCG Strips) is intended for the qualitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine to aid in early detection of pregnancy. There are 30 strips in one box. Early Blush Pregnancy Test (30 HCG Strips) RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD.
14 06938444981316 81316 HCG Pregnancy Test Strip is a self-testing immunoassay designed for the qualitat HCG Pregnancy Test Strip is a self-testing immunoassay designed for the qualitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine to aid in early detection of pregnancy. It is for over-the-counter use. It consists of 25 strips. INVBIO RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD.
15 06938444980012 80012 RH-HCG-B David Pregnancy Test is a self-testing immunoassay designed for the qualitative David Pregnancy Test is a self-testing immunoassay designed for the qualitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine to aid in early detection of pregnancy. It is for over-the-counter use. DAVID PREGNANCY TEST MIDSTREAM RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD.
17 06937579911618 HCG-M01 Sure-Aid NANTONG EGENS BIOLOGY TECHNIC CO., LTD.
18 06937579911601 HCG-C01 Sure-Aid NANTONG EGENS BIOLOGY TECHNIC CO., LTD.
25 06935091670006 Cassette HIGHTOP Pregnancy Rapid Test Cassette is intended for the qualitative detection HIGHTOP Pregnancy Rapid Test Cassette is intended for the qualitative detection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine, as an aid in early detection of pregnancy. ZiQ QINGDAO HIGHTOP BIOTECH CO., LTD.
26 05055718942376 HCG-U11 One + Step NANTONG EGENS BIOLOGY TECHNIC CO., LTD.
27 05055718942345 HCG-U23 One + Step NANTONG EGENS BIOLOGY TECHNIC CO., LTD.
28 05055718942314 HCG-U11 One + Step NANTONG EGENS BIOLOGY TECHNIC CO., LTD.
29 05055718942307 HCG-U11 One + Step NANTONG EGENS BIOLOGY TECHNIC CO., LTD.
30 05055718942284 HCG-U35 One + Step NANTONG EGENS BIOLOGY TECHNIC CO., LTD.
33 04560189211360 N/A AIA-PACK βHCG Sample Diluting Solution TOSOH CORPORATION
34 04560189211353 N/A AIA-PACK βHCG Calibrator Set TOSOH CORPORATION
35 03573026156923 30405-01 VIDAS ® HCG (HCG) assay is a quantitative immunoassay intended for use on VIDAS VIDAS ® HCG (HCG) assay is a quantitative immunoassay intended for use on VIDAS family instrument in the determination of hCG concentration in human serum or plasma. VIDAS® HCG BIOMERIEUX SA
36 00897429002858 Pregnancy Urine Test Strip Pack of 20 Clinical Guard CLINICAL GUARD
37 00897429002841 Pregnancy Urine Test Strip Pack of 25 Clinical Guard CLINICAL GUARD
38 00897429002834 Pregnancy Urine Test Strip Pack of 50 Clinical Guard CLINICAL GUARD
39 00897429002704 LH40 and HCG 10 Combo Clinical Guard CLINICAL GUARD
40 00895160002519 TF8146 TF8146 An in vitro diagnostic test for the determination of beta-Human chorionic gonado An in vitro diagnostic test for the determination of beta-Human chorionic gonadotropin in human whole blood, serum, and plasma. Fluoro-CheckTM beta-hCG NANO-DITECH CORPORATION
41 00883967296927 FPPL FPPL Kmart Image Essentials DPS +/- Image Essentials One Step Pregnancy Test KMART HOLDING CORPORATION
42 00883967296910 FPPL FPPL Kmart Image Essentials SPS +/- Image Essentials One Step Pregnancy Test KMART HOLDING CORPORATION
43 00869220000302 BDW1-S BDW1-S The Babydust Method BABYDUST METHOD LLC, THE
44 00868926000326 3066 Evidence Pregnancy Test VEDALAB
45 00864112000217 W1-MP3 W1-MP3 3-Midstreams; hCG Pregnancy Midstream Test Retail Box 3 Pcs Preview Pregnancy Test WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
46 00864112000200 W1-MP2 W1-MP2 2-Midstreams; hCG Pregnancy Midstream Test Retail Box 2 Pcs Preview Pregnancy Test WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
47 00863772000322 1 SP20.8.16 HCG Strip Test SurePredict(R) USHEALTHTEST
48 00863545000306 N/A dBest AMERITEK, INC.
49 00860383000307 LMBCS20A99 Home Midstream Pregnancy Test Complete Circle Health PWL SOLUTIONS LLC
50 00860002273006 Cassette 100-13 The DoublecheQ Pregnancy Test is designed to be used for a qualitative determina The DoublecheQ Pregnancy Test is designed to be used for a qualitative determination of elevated human chorionic gonadotropin in urine. The result can be read visually in minutes to indicate a positive or negative result for pregnancy. DoublecheQ Pregnancy Test UNIVERSAL MEDITECH INC.