No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Product Code | Product Code Name | Device Class | Brand Name |
1 | 00845714004827 | 5170 | 5170 | Enhanced Anti-RNA POL lll Antibody ELISA | NYO | Autoantibodies, Anti-Ribonucleic Acid Polymerase (Rnap) Iii Antibody | 2 | Immco Diagnostics, Inc |
2 | 00845714004186 | 2510 | 2510 | Counterstain | DBL,LKJ,MOB,DHN | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclea Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control,Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca),Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTIC |
3 | 00845714004100 | 2284 | 2284 | DFS-70 Positive Control | DHN | Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | Immco Diagnostics Inc. |
4 | 00845714002427 | 5152A | 5152A | B2GP1 IgA ELISA | MSV | System,Test,Antibodies,B2 - Glycoprotein I (B2 - Gpi) | 2 | Immco Diagnostics, Inc |
5 | 00845714002199 | 2107 | 2107 | IgA FITC Conjugate w/ Evans Blue | MVM | Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTIC |
6 | 00845714002045 | 1108 | 1108 | ImmuGlo HEp-2 ELITE IFA | DHN | Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | Immco Diagnostics, Inc |
7 | 00845714004391 | 1140-240X | 1140-240X | Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic Antibody (ANCA) IFA Kit | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS | |||
8 | 00845714004384 | 1140-240 | 1140-240 | Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic Antibody (ANCA) IFA Kit | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS | |||
9 | 00845714004353 | 2308 | 2308 | Serum Diluent | MSV,LJM | System,Test,Antibodies,B2 - Glycoprotein I (B2 - Gpi),Antinuclear Antibody (Enzy System,Test,Antibodies,B2 - Glycoprotein I (B2 - Gpi),Antinuclear Antibody (Enzyme-Labeled), Antigen, Controls | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
10 | 00845714004339 | 2302-60 | 2302-60 | Buffer Diluent | LKJ | Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
11 | 00845714004322 | 2302-375 | 2302-375 | Buffer Diluent | LKJ | Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
12 | 00845714004315 | 2302 | 2302 | Serum Diluent | DBL,LKJ,MOB,DHN | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclea Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control,Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca),Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
13 | 00845714004308 | 2301 | 2301 | Phosphate Buffered Saline | DBL,LKJ,MOB,DHN | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclea Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control,Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca),Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
14 | 00845714004193 | 2500LONG | 2500LONG | Coverslips | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
15 | 00845714004179 | 2506 | 2506 | Mounting Medium | MVM,DBL,LKJ,MOB,DHN | Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase),Multiple Autoantibodies, Ind Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase),Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control,Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca),Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
16 | 00845714004162 | 2505 | 2505 | Mounting Medium | MVM,DBL,LKJ,MOB,DHN | Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase),Multiple Autoantibodies, Ind Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase),Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control,Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca),Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
17 | 00845714004001 | 2252 | 2252 | cANCA Positive Control | MOB | Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
18 | 00845714003974 | 2251 | 2251 | ARA Positive Control | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
19 | 00845714003967 | 2250G | 2250G | EMA (IgG) Positive Control | MVM | Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
20 | 00845714003943 | 2250 | 2250 | EMA Positive Control | MVM,DBL | Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase),Multiple Autoantibodies, Ind Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase),Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
21 | 00845714003851 | 2240 | 2240 | pANCA Positive Control | MOB | Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
22 | 00845714003776 | 2162-12 | 2162-12 | cANCA Slide ethanol fixed | MOB | Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
23 | 00845714003769 | 2162-10 | 2162-10 | cANCA Slide | MOB | Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
24 | 00845714003752 | 2162 | 2162 | cANCA Slide | MOB | Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
25 | 00845714003714 | 2217 | 2217 | Pemphigold Positive | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
26 | 00845714003707 | 2216 | 2216 | Pemphigus Foliaceus Control | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
27 | 00845714003677 | 2215 | 2215 | nDNA Positive Control | DHN | Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
28 | 00845714003660 | 2214 | 2214 | Pemphigus Vulgaris Positive Control | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
29 | 00845714003653 | 2161 | 2161 | Rat Kidney Slide | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
30 | 00845714003646 | 2160 | 2160 | Primate Smooth Muscle Slide | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
31 | 00845714003608 | 2155-18 | 2155-18 | Primate Esophagus (Distal) Slide | MVM | Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
32 | 00845714003592 | 2155 1/10 | 2155 1/10 | Primate Esophagus (Distal) Slide | MVM | Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
33 | 00845714003585 | 2155-8 | 2155-8 | Primate Esophagus Slide | MVM | Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
34 | 00845714003578 | 2155-1 | 2155-1 | Primate Esophagus (Distal) Slide | MVM | Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
35 | 00845714003561 | 2155 | 2155 | Primate Esophagus Slide | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
36 | 00845714003554 | 2154 | 2154 | Primate/Guinea Pig Esophagus Slide | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
37 | 00845714003547 | 2152-10 | 2152-10 | Mouse Kidney/Stomach/Liver Slide | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
38 | 00845714003530 | 2150-21 | 2150-21 | Hep-2 Cells Slide | LKJ | Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
39 | 00845714003479 | 2100X | 2100X | IgG FITC Conjugate | MOB,DHN,DBL,LKJ | Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca),Antinuclear Antibody, Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca),Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
40 | 00845714003462 | 2500 | 2500 | Coverslips | DBL,LKJ,MOB,DHN | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclea Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control,Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca),Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
41 | 00845714003448 | 2167-8 | 2167-8 | Mouse Kidney Slide | LKJ | Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
42 | 00845714003387 | 2186 | 2186 | pANCA Slide | MOB | Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
43 | 00845714003370 | 2189 | 2189 | c+p ANCA COMBI Slide | MOB | Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
44 | 00845714003363 | 2190 | 2190 | Hep-2/Mouse Kidney/Stomach Slide | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
45 | 00845714003332 | 2191 | 2191 | Hep-2/Mouse Kidney Slide | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
46 | 00845714003318 | 2200 | 2200 | Negative Control | DBL,LKJ,MOB,DHN | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclea Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control,Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca),Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
47 | 00845714003257 | 2213 | 2213 | Intercellular Positive | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
48 | 00845714003240 | 2151-6 | 2151-6 | Crithidia Luciliae Slide | DHN | Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
49 | 00845714003226 | 2150-6 | 2150-6 | Hep-2 Cells Slide | LKJ | Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
50 | 00845714003066 | 2113-15 | 2113-15 | IgA/IgG FITC Conjugate w/EB | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Brand Name | Organization Name |
1 | 00813545027216 | 6001-48-ESD-C1 | 6001-48-ESD-C1 | AEmA (anti-endomysial) Monkey Esophagus distal 48 Test Kit | MeDiCa | SCIMEDX CORPORATION |
2 | 00813545027117 | 6001-400-ESD-R | 6001-400-ESD-R | AEmA (anti-endomysial) Monkey Esophagus distal 400 Test Kit | MeDiCa | SCIMEDX CORPORATION |
3 | 00813545027100 | 6001-96-ESD-R | 6001-96-ESD-R | AEmA (anti-endomysial) Monkey Esophagus distal 96 Test Kit | MeDiCa | SCIMEDX CORPORATION |
4 | 00813545027094 | 6001-400-ESD | 6001-400-ESD | AEmA (anti-endomysial) Monkey Esophagus distal 400 Test Kit | MeDiCa | SCIMEDX CORPORATION |
5 | 00813545027087 | 6001-96-ESD | 6001-96-ESD | AEmA (anti-endomysial) Monkey Esophagus distal 96 Test Kit | MeDiCa | SCIMEDX CORPORATION |
6 | 00813545027070 | 6001-48-ESD | 6001-48-ESD | AEmA (anti-endomysial) Monkey Esophagus distal 48 Test Kit | MeDiCa | SCIMEDX CORPORATION |
7 | 00813545026714 | 0608-ESD | 0608-ESD | Monkey Esophagus distal 8 Well Slide (each) | MeDiCa | SCIMEDX CORPORATION |
8 | 00813545026707 | 0604-ESD | 0604-ESD | Monkey Esophagus distal 4 Well Slide (each) | MeDiCa | SCIMEDX CORPORATION |
9 | 00813545023614 | A120L | A120L | C-ANCA 120 Test(L) | SCIMEDX CORPORATION | |
10 | 00813545023607 | A060PL | A060PL | P-ANCA 60 Test(L) | SCIMEDX CORPORATION | |
11 | 00813545023591 | A060L | A060L | C-ANCA 60 Test(L) | SCIMEDX CORPORATION | |
12 | 00813545023584 | A006P | A006P | P-ANCA 6 Well Slide | SCIMEDX CORPORATION | |
13 | 00813545023577 | A006 | A006 | ANCA 6 Well Slide | SCIMEDX CORPORATION | |
14 | 00813545022815 | 5396EL | 5396EL | Endomysial(ME)96 Test(L) | SCIMEDX CORPORATION | |
15 | 00813545022785 | 5348EL | 5348EL | EDL (ME) Test(L) 48 | SCIMEDX CORPORATION | |
16 | 00813545022754 | 5308E | 5308E | P. EDL Pack 8 WELL | SCIMEDX CORPORATION | |
17 | 00813545022693 | 5301E | 5301E | P. EDL PACK 4 WELL | SCIMEDX CORPORATION | |
18 | 00695684351007 | 35100 | Latex test for Rheumatoid Factor | AIM RF TEST | GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC | |
19 | 00657498001288 | 1160-050 | 1160-050 | Latex Agglutination Slide Test for the Detection and Quantitation of serum antin Latex Agglutination Slide Test for the Detection and Quantitation of serum antinucleoprotein factors associated with systemic Lupus Erythematosis in Human Serum. | RaPET® s-LE | STANBIO LABORATORY, L.P. |
20 | 00657498001271 | 1155-100 | 1155-100 | Latex agglutination slide test for the Qualitative and Semi-quantitative determi Latex agglutination slide test for the Qualitative and Semi-quantitative determination of Rheumatoid Factor in non-diluted serum. | RaPET® RF | STANBIO LABORATORY, L.P. |
21 | 00657498001264 | 1155-050 | 1155-050 | Latex agglutination slide test for the Qualitative and Semi-quantitative determi Latex agglutination slide test for the Qualitative and Semi-quantitative determination of Rheumatoid Factor in non-diluted serum. | RaPET® RF | STANBIO LABORATORY, L.P. |
22 | 00630414595603 | 11097618 | 11097618 | Rheumatoid Factors (RF) - Atellica CH - RGT - 360T | Atellica CH RF | SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS INC. |
23 | 00630414482385 | 10311894 | B01-4806-01 | RF - ADVIA Chem. - RGT - 2x100 tests | ADVIA® Chemistry RF Rheumatoid Factor Reagents | SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS INC. |
24 | 00628055726036 | 10503 | Pulse Scientific Inc. | PULSE SCIENTIFIC INC | ||
25 | 00613745054896 | 800-5489 | 5489 | The ImmunoDOT Autoimmunity Screening Panel 4 is an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) test The ImmunoDOT Autoimmunity Screening Panel 4 is an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) test for screening and detection of autoantibodies against various specific nuclear antigens in serum and heparinized whole blood and used as an aid in the diagnosis of autoimmune disorders. This product is intended for use in physician offices and clinical laboratories. | ImmunoDOT Autoimmunity Panel 4 | GENBIO |
26 | 00613745054254 | 800-5425 | 5425 | The ImmunoDOT Autoimmunity Screening Panel 4 is an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) test The ImmunoDOT Autoimmunity Screening Panel 4 is an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) test for screening and detection of autoantibodies against various specific nuclear antigens in serum and heparinized whole blood and used as an aid in the diagnosis of autoimmune disorders. This product is intended for use in physician offices and clinical laboratories. | ImmunoDOT Autoimmunity Panel 4 | GENBIO |
27 | 00613745051895 | 800-5189 | 5189 | The ImmunoDOT Autoimmunity Screening Panel 1 is an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) test The ImmunoDOT Autoimmunity Screening Panel 1 is an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) test for screening and detection of autoantibodies against various specific nuclear antigens in serum and heparinized whole blood and used as an aid in the diagnosis of autoimmune disorders. This product is intended for use in physician offices and clinical laboratories. | ImmunoDOT Autoimmunity Panel 1 | GENBIO |
28 | 00613745051253 | 800-5125 | 5125 | The ImmunoDOT Autoimmunity Screening Panel 1 is an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) test The ImmunoDOT Autoimmunity Screening Panel 1 is an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) test for screening and detection of autoantibodies against various specific nuclear antigens in serum and heparinized whole blood and used as an aid in the diagnosis of autoimmune disorders. This product is intended for use in physician offices and clinical laboratories. | ImmunoDOT Autoimmunity Panel 1 | GENBIO |
29 | 00613745039206 | 800-3920 | 3920 | Substitute Negative Control for specimen. Otherwise follow the Procedure as desc Substitute Negative Control for specimen. Otherwise follow the Procedure as described in the ImmunoDOT Test package insert. | ImmunoDOT Negative Control | GENBIO |
30 | 00613745039183 | 800-3918 | 3918 | Substitute Serum Control D for specimen. Otherwise follow the Procedure as descr Substitute Serum Control D for specimen. Otherwise follow the Procedure as described in the ImmunoDOT Autoimmunity Test package insert. | ImmunoDOT Serum Control D | GENBIO |
31 | 00613647001295 | T3018-7533 | 23046386 | SURE-VUE RF 500 TESTS | Sure-Vue | FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY L.L.C. |
32 | 00613647001264 | T3018-7034 | 23038003 | SURE-VUE RF 50TEST/PK | Sure-Vue | FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY L.L.C. |
33 | 00613647001257 | T3018-7033 | 23038002 | SURE-VUE RF 100TEST/PK | Sure-Vue | FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY L.L.C. |
34 | 00404847435801 | EIA-3580 | EIA-3580 | Anti-Scl-70 ELISA is a test system for the quantitative measurement of IgG class Anti-Scl-70 ELISA is a test system for the quantitative measurement of IgG class autoantibodies against Scl-70 in human serum or plasma. | Anti-Scl-70 ELISA | DRG INSTRUMENTS GESELLSCHAFT MIT BESCHRÄNKTER HAFTUNG |
35 | 00382902780519 | 278051 | 278051 | BD Macro-Vue™ Card Test Rotator, Model 51 | BD Macro-Vue™ Card Test Rotator, Model 51 | BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY |
36 | 00380740169992 | 04R9924 | 04R9924 | Rheumatoid Factor 400 Tests | Alinity | ABBOTT IRELAND |
37 | 00380740151058 | 04R9921 | 04R9921 | Alinity c Rheumatoid Factor Reagent Kit 400 Tests | Alinity | ABBOTT GMBH |
38 | 00380740028473 | 8G67-02 | 08G6702 | Rheumatoid Factor Calibrator | ARCHITECT | ABBOTT LABORATORIES |
39 | 00380740016531 | 8G66-21 | 08G6621 | Rheumatoid Factor | ARCHITECT | ABBOTT LABORATORIES |
40 | 00006136471295 | T3018-7533 | 23046386 | SURE-VUE RF 500 TESTS | Sure-Vue | FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY L.L.C. |
41 | 00006136471264 | T3018-7034 | 23038003 | SURE-VUE RF 50TEST/PK | Sure-Vue | FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY L.L.C. |
42 | 00006136471257 | T3018-7033 | 23038002 | SURE-VUE RF 100TEST/PK | Sure-Vue | FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY L.L.C. |
43 | B350GSD0113000 | GSD01-1300 | Gold Standard Diagnostics Anti-nuclear Antibody (ANA) Screening Test Kit | Gold Standard Diagnostics Anti-nuclear Antibody (ANA) Screening Test Kit | GOLD STANDARD DIAGNOSTICS CORPORATION | |
44 | B3507202800 | 720-280 | 720-280 | ImmunoSimplicity (Is) Anti-Scl-70 ELISA Test Kit for the detection of antibodies ImmunoSimplicity (Is) Anti-Scl-70 ELISA Test Kit for the detection of antibodies against Scl-70 in human serum as an aid in the diagnosis of autoimmune disease. | Gold Standard Diagnostics Is-anti-Scl-70 ELISA Test Kit | GOLD STANDARD DIAGNOSTICS CORPORATION |
45 | B24235TGGHUE010 | 35-TGGHU-E01 | 35-TGGHU-E01 | The Anti Tissue Transglutaminase-G (Anti-tTG-G) ELISA is a solid phase enzyme im The Anti Tissue Transglutaminase-G (Anti-tTG-G) ELISA is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative and qualitative detection of antibodies against neo-epitopes of tissue transglutaminase (tTG) in human serum. Each device contains the following: microplate strips with breakaway microwells coated with recombinant human tTG and Gliadin-specific peptide antigen, six levels of calibrators (0, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300 U/mL); positive, negative and cut-off controls (human serum, diluted); wash buffer concentrate; sample buffer; goat anti-human immunoglobulin (IgG) horseradish peroxidase conjugate; 3,3’,5,5’ tetramethylbenzidine (TMB)/H2O2 substrate; and 1M hydrochloric acid stop solution. | Anti Tissue Transglutaminase-G (Anti-tTG-G) ELISA | AMERICAN LABORATORY PRODUCTS COMPANY, LTD. |
46 | B24235TGAHUE010 | 35-TGAHU-E01 | 35-TGAHU-E01 | The Anti Tissue Transglutaminase-A (Anti-tTg-A) ELISA is a solid phase enzyme im The Anti Tissue Transglutaminase-A (Anti-tTg-A) ELISA is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative and qualitative detection of antibodies against neo-epitopes of tissue transglutaminase (tTG) in human serum. Each device contains the following: microplate strips with breakaway microwells coated with recombinant human tTG and Gliadin-specific peptide antigen, six levels of calibrators (0, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300 U/mL); positive, negative and cut-off controls (human serum, diluted); wash buffer concentrate; sample buffer; goat anti-human immunoglobulin (IgG) horseradish peroxidase conjugate; 3,3’,5,5’ tetramethylbenzidine (TMB)/H2O2 substrate; and 1M hydrochloric acid stop solution. | Anti Tissue Transglutaminase-A (Anti-tTg-A) ELISA | AMERICAN LABORATORY PRODUCTS COMPANY, LTD. |
47 | B24235E6PHUE010 | 35-E6PHU-E01 | 35-E6PHU-E01 | The ENA-6Pro ELISA is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay for the separate semiquan The ENA-6Pro ELISA is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay for the separate semiquantitative detection of IgG antibodies against six cellular and nuclear antigens in human serum. The wells are coated with recombinant SS-B, SS-A 52 kDa, Scl 70, Jo-1 and highly purified native human snRNP/Sm, Sm and SS-A 60 kDa. The assay is an aid in the differential diagnosis of systemic rheumatic diseases and should be used in conjunction with other serological tests and clinical findings. | ENA-6Pro ELISA | AMERICAN LABORATORY PRODUCTS COMPANY, LTD. |
48 | B24235B2SHUE010 | 35-B2SHU-E01 | 35-B2SHU-E01 | Anti-Beta 2 Glycoprotein Screen ELISA is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employ Anti-Beta 2 Glycoprotein Screen ELISA is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing native Beta-2glycoprotein I highly purified from human plasma for the combined quantitative and qualitative detection of IgA, IgG and IgM antibodies against Beta-2-glycoprotein I in human serum. | Anti-Beta 2 Glycoprotein Screen ELISA | AMERICAN LABORATORY PRODUCTS COMPANY, LTD. |
49 | B24235ANAHUE010 | 35-ANAHU-E01 | 35-ANAHU-E01 | The ANA-8Pro ELISA is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay for the separate qualitat The ANA-8Pro ELISA is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay for the separate qualitative detection of IgG antibodies against eight cellular and nuclear antigens in human serum. The wells are separately coated with recombinant 70 kDa U1 snRNP, SS-B, SS-A 52 kDa, Scl 70, centromere protein B (CenpB), Jo-1 and highly purified native human snRNP/Sm, Sm and SS-A 60 kDa. The assay is an aid in the differential diagnosis of systemic rheumatic diseases and should be used in conjunction with other serological tests and clinical findings. | ANA-8Pro ELISA | AMERICAN LABORATORY PRODUCTS COMPANY, LTD. |
50 | B224R201 | R-20 | R-20 | Cenogenics Corporation's RF LATEX TEST KIT is a rapid latex slide test for the d Cenogenics Corporation's RF LATEX TEST KIT is a rapid latex slide test for the determination of Rheumatoid Factor in human serum.Kit Contains:5 ml RF Latex Reagent10 ml Glycine-Saline Buffer Concentrate1 ml RF Positive Control1 ml RF Negative Control6-ring slideProduct Instructions | RF LATEX Test Kit | CENOGENICS CORPORATION |