No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Product Code | Product Code Name | Device Class | Brand Name |
1 | 00845714004827 | 5170 | 5170 | Enhanced Anti-RNA POL lll Antibody ELISA | NYO | Autoantibodies, Anti-Ribonucleic Acid Polymerase (Rnap) Iii Antibody | 2 | Immco Diagnostics, Inc |
2 | 00845714004186 | 2510 | 2510 | Counterstain | DBL,LKJ,MOB,DHN | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclea Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control,Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca),Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTIC |
3 | 00845714004100 | 2284 | 2284 | DFS-70 Positive Control | DHN | Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | Immco Diagnostics Inc. |
4 | 00845714002427 | 5152A | 5152A | B2GP1 IgA ELISA | MSV | System,Test,Antibodies,B2 - Glycoprotein I (B2 - Gpi) | 2 | Immco Diagnostics, Inc |
5 | 00845714002199 | 2107 | 2107 | IgA FITC Conjugate w/ Evans Blue | MVM | Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTIC |
6 | 00845714002045 | 1108 | 1108 | ImmuGlo HEp-2 ELITE IFA | DHN | Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | Immco Diagnostics, Inc |
7 | 00845714004391 | 1140-240X | 1140-240X | Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic Antibody (ANCA) IFA Kit | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS | |||
8 | 00845714004384 | 1140-240 | 1140-240 | Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic Antibody (ANCA) IFA Kit | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS | |||
9 | 00845714004353 | 2308 | 2308 | Serum Diluent | MSV,LJM | System,Test,Antibodies,B2 - Glycoprotein I (B2 - Gpi),Antinuclear Antibody (Enzy System,Test,Antibodies,B2 - Glycoprotein I (B2 - Gpi),Antinuclear Antibody (Enzyme-Labeled), Antigen, Controls | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
10 | 00845714004339 | 2302-60 | 2302-60 | Buffer Diluent | LKJ | Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
11 | 00845714004322 | 2302-375 | 2302-375 | Buffer Diluent | LKJ | Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
12 | 00845714004315 | 2302 | 2302 | Serum Diluent | DBL,LKJ,MOB,DHN | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclea Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control,Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca),Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
13 | 00845714004308 | 2301 | 2301 | Phosphate Buffered Saline | DBL,LKJ,MOB,DHN | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclea Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control,Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca),Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
14 | 00845714004247 | 2308-1 | 2308-1 | WASH BUFFER | MVM,MSV,MST,MOB,LRM,LLL,LJM,DHR | Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase),System,Test,Antibodies,B2 - Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase),System,Test,Antibodies,B2 - Glycoprotein I (B2 - Gpi),Antibodies, Gliadin,Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca),Anti-Dna Antibody (Enzyme-Labeled), Antigen, Control,Extractable Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen And Control,Antinuclear Antibody (Enzyme-Labeled), Antigen, Controls,System, Test, Rheumatoid Factor | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
15 | 00845714004193 | 2500LONG | 2500LONG | Coverslips | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
16 | 00845714004179 | 2506 | 2506 | Mounting Medium | MVM,DBL,LKJ,MOB,DHN | Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase),Multiple Autoantibodies, Ind Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase),Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control,Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca),Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
17 | 00845714004162 | 2505 | 2505 | Mounting Medium | MVM,DBL,LKJ,MOB,DHN | Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase),Multiple Autoantibodies, Ind Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase),Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control,Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca),Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
18 | 00845714004001 | 2252 | 2252 | cANCA Positive Control | MOB | Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
19 | 00845714003974 | 2251 | 2251 | ARA Positive Control | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
20 | 00845714003967 | 2250G | 2250G | EMA (IgG) Positive Control | MVM | Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
21 | 00845714003943 | 2250 | 2250 | EMA Positive Control | MVM,DBL | Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase),Multiple Autoantibodies, Ind Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase),Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
22 | 00845714003851 | 2240 | 2240 | pANCA Positive Control | MOB | Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
23 | 00845714003776 | 2162-12 | 2162-12 | cANCA Slide ethanol fixed | MOB | Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
24 | 00845714003769 | 2162-10 | 2162-10 | cANCA Slide | MOB | Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
25 | 00845714003752 | 2162 | 2162 | cANCA Slide | MOB | Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
26 | 00845714003714 | 2217 | 2217 | Pemphigold Positive | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
27 | 00845714003707 | 2216 | 2216 | Pemphigus Foliaceus Control | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
28 | 00845714003677 | 2215 | 2215 | nDNA Positive Control | DHN | Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
29 | 00845714003660 | 2214 | 2214 | Pemphigus Vulgaris Positive Control | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
30 | 00845714003653 | 2161 | 2161 | Rat Kidney Slide | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
31 | 00845714003646 | 2160 | 2160 | Primate Smooth Muscle Slide | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
32 | 00845714003608 | 2155-18 | 2155-18 | Primate Esophagus (Distal) Slide | MVM | Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
33 | 00845714003592 | 2155 1/10 | 2155 1/10 | Primate Esophagus (Distal) Slide | MVM | Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
34 | 00845714003585 | 2155-8 | 2155-8 | Primate Esophagus Slide | MVM | Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
35 | 00845714003578 | 2155-1 | 2155-1 | Primate Esophagus (Distal) Slide | MVM | Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
36 | 00845714003561 | 2155 | 2155 | Primate Esophagus Slide | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
37 | 00845714003554 | 2154 | 2154 | Primate/Guinea Pig Esophagus Slide | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
38 | 00845714003547 | 2152-10 | 2152-10 | Mouse Kidney/Stomach/Liver Slide | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
39 | 00845714003530 | 2150-21 | 2150-21 | Hep-2 Cells Slide | LKJ | Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
40 | 00845714003479 | 2100X | 2100X | IgG FITC Conjugate | MOB,DHN,DBL,LKJ | Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca),Antinuclear Antibody, Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca),Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
41 | 00845714003462 | 2500 | 2500 | Coverslips | DBL,LKJ,MOB,DHN | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclea Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control,Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca),Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
42 | 00845714003448 | 2167-8 | 2167-8 | Mouse Kidney Slide | LKJ | Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
43 | 00845714003387 | 2186 | 2186 | pANCA Slide | MOB | Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
44 | 00845714003370 | 2189 | 2189 | c+p ANCA COMBI Slide | MOB | Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca) | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
45 | 00845714003363 | 2190 | 2190 | Hep-2/Mouse Kidney/Stomach Slide | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
46 | 00845714003332 | 2191 | 2191 | Hep-2/Mouse Kidney Slide | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
47 | 00845714003318 | 2200 | 2200 | Negative Control | DBL,LKJ,MOB,DHN | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclea Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control,Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control,Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca),Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
48 | 00845714003257 | 2213 | 2213 | Intercellular Positive | DBL | Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
49 | 00845714003240 | 2151-6 | 2151-6 | Crithidia Luciliae Slide | DHN | Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
50 | 00845714003226 | 2150-6 | 2150-6 | Hep-2 Cells Slide | LKJ | Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control | 2 | IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS |
No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Brand Name | Organization Name |
1 | 08430793040532 | 724120 | 1. Aptiva Celiac Disease IgA Reagent Cartridge contains reagents to process 250 1. Aptiva Celiac Disease IgA Reagent Cartridge contains reagents to process 250 samples.a. tTG, DGP, and Control paramagnetic particles, preserved. b. Assay Buffer – colored pink, containing protein stabilizers and preservatives.c. PE Tracer IgA – PE labeled anti-human IgA antibody, containing buffer, protein stabilizers and preservative.d. Rehydration Buffer - containing protein stabilizers and preservatives | Aptiva® Celiac Disease IgA Reagent | INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC. | |
2 | 08430793040471 | 724100 | 1. Aptiva Celiac IgG Reagent Cartridge contains reagents to process 200 samples. 1. Aptiva Celiac IgG Reagent Cartridge contains reagents to process 200 samples.a. tTG, DGP, and Control paramagnetic particles, preserved. b. Assay Buffer – colored pink, containing protein stabilizers and preservatives.c. PE Tracer IgG – PE labeled anti-human IgG antibody, containing buffer, protein stabilizers and preservative.d. Rehydration Buffer - containing protein stabilizers and preservatives | Aptiva® Celiac Disease IgG Reagent | INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC. | |
3 | 08426950627753 | 701170 | 1 QUANTA Flash DGP IgG Reagent Cartridge | QUANTA Flash® DGP IgG Reagents | INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC. | |
4 | 08426950595731 | 701113 | 1. 1 QUANTA Flash DGP Screen Reagent Cartridge | QUANTA Flash® DGP Screen Reagents | INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC. | |
5 | 08426950594079 | 704520.10 | 1. 10x Gliadin IgG II ELISA microwell plates (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 5x 1. 10x Gliadin IgG II ELISA microwell plates (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 5x 1.2mL prediluted ELISA Negative Control 3. 5x 1.2mL prediluted Gliadin IgG II ELISA Low Positive4. 5x 1.2mL prediluted Gliadin IgG II ELISA High Positive5. 9 x50mL HRP Sample Diluent6. 10x 25mL HRP Wash Concentrate, 40x concentrate7. 10x 10mL HRP IgG Conjugate, (goat), anti-human IgG8. 10x 10mL TMB Chromogen9. 10x 10mL HRP Stop Solution, 0.344M Sulfuric Acid | QUANTA Lite® Gliadin IgG II ELISA Bulk Pack | INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC. | |
6 | 08426950594024 | 704520.10L | 1. 10x Gliadin IgG II ELISA Plate2. 5x 1.2mL Gliadin IgG II ELISA Low Positive3. 1. 10x Gliadin IgG II ELISA Plate2. 5x 1.2mL Gliadin IgG II ELISA Low Positive3. 5x 1.2mL Gliadin IgG II ELISA High Positive4. 10x 10mL HRP IgG Conjugate5. 10x 10mL TMB Chromogen6. 10x 10mL HRP Stop Solution7. 9 x50mL HRP Sample Diluent8. 10x 25mL HRP Wash Concentrate, 40x concentrate9. 5x 1.2mL ELISA Negative Control | QUANTA LITE® Gliadin IgG II ELISA Bulk Pack (Lab Corp) | INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC. | |
7 | 08426950593973 | 704525.10L | 1. 10x Gliadin IgA II ELISA microwell plates (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 5x 1. 10x Gliadin IgA II ELISA microwell plates (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 5x 1.2mL prediluted ELISA Negative Control 3. 5x 1.2mL prediluted Gliadin IgA II ELISA Low Positive 4. 5x 1.2mL prediluted Gliadin IgA II ELISA High Positive5. 10x 25mL HRP Wash Concentrate, 40x concentrate6. 10x 10mL HRP IgA Conjugate, (goat), anti-human IgA7. 10x 10mL TMB Chromogen8. 10x 10mL HRP Stop Solution, 0.344M Sulfuric Acid9. 9x 50mL HRP Sample Diluent | QUANTA LITE® Gliadin IgA II ELISA Bulk Pack Lab Corp | INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC. | |
8 | 08426950593546 | 704525.10 | 1. 10x Gliadin IgA II ELISA microwell plates (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder 2. 5x 1. 10x Gliadin IgA II ELISA microwell plates (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder 2. 5x 1.2mL prediluted ELISA Negative Control 3. 5x 1.2mL prediluted Gliadin IgA II ELISA Low Positive 4. 5x 1.2mL prediluted Gliadin IgA II ELISA High Positive 9 50x mL HRP Sample Diluent5. 10x 25mL HRP Wash Concentrate, 40x concentrate6. 10x 10mL HRP IgA Conjugate, (goat), anti-human IgA7. 10x 10mL TMB Chromogen8. 10x 10mL HRP Stop Solution, 0.344M Sulfuric Acid | QUANTA Lite® Gliadin IgA II ELISA Bulk Pack | INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC. | |
9 | 08426950593324 | 704545 | 1. 1x Celiac DGP Screen ELISA microwell plate (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 1x 1. 1x Celiac DGP Screen ELISA microwell plate (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 1x 1.2mL prediluted ELISA Negative Control 3. 1x 1.2mL prediluted Celiac DGP Screen ELISA Low Positive4. 1x 1.2mL prediluted Celiac DGP Screen ELISA High Positive5. 1x 50mL HRP Sample Diluent6. 1x 25mL HRP Wash Concentrate, 40x concentrate7. 1x 10mL HRP Ig G/A Conjugate, (goat), anti-human IgG and IgA8. 1x 10mL TMB Chromogen9. 1x 10mL HRP Stop Solution, 0.344M Sulfuric Acid | QUANTA Lite® Celiac DGP Screen ELISA | INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC. | |
10 | 08426950593300 | 704575 | 1. 1x h-tTG/DGP Screen ELISA microwell plate (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2.1x 1 1. 1x h-tTG/DGP Screen ELISA microwell plate (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2.1x 1.2mL prediluted ELISA Negative Control 3. 1x 1.2mL prediluted h-tTG/DGP Screen ELISA Low Positive4. 1x 1.2mL prediluted h-tTG/DGP Screen ELISA High Positive5. 1x 50mL HRP Sample Diluent6. 1x 25mL HRP Wash Concentrate, 40x concentrate7. 1x 10mL HRP h-tTG/DGP IgG/IgA, (goat), anti-human IgG and IgA8. 1x 10mL TMB Chromogen9. 1x 10mL HRP Stop Solution, 0.344M Sulfuric Acid | QUANTA Lite® h-tTG /DGP Screen ELISA | INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC. | |
11 | 08426950544173 | 701168 | 1. 1 QUANTA Flash DGP IgA Reagent Cartridge | QUANTA Flash® DGP IgA Reagents | INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC. | |
12 | 08426950544166 | 701173 | 1. 1 QUANTA Flash DGP IgG Reagent Cartridge | QUANTA Flash® DGP IgG Reagents | INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC. | |
13 | 08426950485995 | 708655 | 1. 1x Gliadin IgA ELISA microwell plate (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 1x 1.2mL 1. 1x Gliadin IgA ELISA microwell plate (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 1x 1.2mL prediluted ELISA Negative Control 3. 1x 1.2mL prediluted Gliadin IgA ELISA Low Positive4. 1x 1.2mL prediluted Gliadin IgA ELISA High Positive5. 1x 50mL HRP Sample Diluent6. 1x 25mL HRP Wash Concentrate, 40x concentrate7. 1x 10mL HRP IgA Conjugate, (goat), anti-human IgA8. 1x 10mL TMB Chromogen9. 1x 10mL HRP Stop Solution, 0.344M Sulfuric Acid | QUANTA Lite® Gliadin IgA ELISA | INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC. | |
14 | 08426950454519 | 708650 | 1 .1x Gliadin IgG ELISA microwell plate (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 1x 1.2mL 1 .1x Gliadin IgG ELISA microwell plate (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 1x 1.2mL prediluted ELISA Negative Control 3. 1x 1.2mL prediluted Gliadin IgG ELISA Low Positive4. 1x 1.2mL prediluted Gliadin IgG ELISA High Positive5. 1x 50mL HRP Sample Diluent6. 1x 25mL HRP Wash Concentrate, 40x concentrate7. 1x 10mL HRP IgG Conjugate, (goat), anti-human IgG8. 1x 10mL TMB Chromogen9. 1x 10mL HRP Stop Solution, 0.344M Sulfuric Acid | QUANTA Lite® Gliadin IgG ELISA | INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC. | |
15 | 08426950448334 | 704525 | 1. 1x Gliadin IgA II ELISA microwell plate (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 1x 1. 1. 1x Gliadin IgA II ELISA microwell plate (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 1x 1.2mL prediluted ELISA Negative Control 3. 1x 1.2mL prediluted Gliadin IgA II ELISA Low Positive4. 1x.2mL prediluted Gliadin IgA II ELISA High Positive5. 1x 50mL HRP Sample Diluent6. 1x 25mL HRP Wash Concentrate, 40x concentrate7. 1x 10mL HRP IgA Conjugate, (goat), anti-human IgA8. 1x 10mL TMB Chromogen9. 1x 10mL HRP Stop Solution, 0.344M Sulfuric Acid | QUANTA Lite® Gliadin IgA II ELISA | INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC. | |
16 | 08426950448327 | 704520 | 1. 1x Gliadin IgG II ELISA microwell plate (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 1x 1. 1. 1x Gliadin IgG II ELISA microwell plate (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 1x 1.2mL prediluted ELISA Negative Control 3. 1x 1.2mL prediluted Gliadin IgG II ELISA Low Positive4. 1x 1.2mL prediluted Gliadin IgG II ELISA High Positive5. 1x 50mL HRP Sample Diluent6. 1x 25mL HRP Wash Concentrate, 40x concentrate7. 1x 10mL HRP IgG Conjugate, (goat), anti-human IgG8. 1x 10mL TMB Chromogen9. 1x 10mL HRP Stop Solution, 0.344M Sulfuric Acid | QUANTA Lite® Gliadin IgG II ELISA | INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC. | |
17 | 08028169204086 | 9178 | 1. Antibody coated plate: 12-1 x 8 wells.2. Enzyme conjugate antibody (Igg):1x15 1. Antibody coated plate: 12-1 x 8 wells.2. Enzyme conjugate antibody (Igg):1x15mL vial.3. Calibrators: 5 vials containing 1.5 ml human positive serum at five concentrations (0, 10, 20, 50 and 100 AU/ml).4. Control 1: 1x1.5 mL vial.5. Control 2: 1x1.5 mL vial.6. Sample Diluent (10x): 1 x20mL vial.7. Substrate: 1 x15 ml vial.8. Wash solution (20x): 1x50 mL vial.9. Stop Solution: 1 x15 ml vial. | a-GliaPep IgG | EUROSPITAL SPA | |
18 | 08028169204079 | 9177 | 1. Antibody coated plate: 12-1 x 8 wells.2. Enzyme conjugate antibody (IgA):1x15 1. Antibody coated plate: 12-1 x 8 wells.2. Enzyme conjugate antibody (IgA):1x15mL vial.3. Calibrators: 5 vials containing 1.5 ml human positive serum at five concentrations (0, 10, 20, 50 and 100 AU/ml).4. Control 1: 1x1.5 mL vial.5. Control 2: 1x1.5 mL vial.6. Sample Diluent (10x): 1 x20mL vial.7. Substrate: 1 x15 ml vial.8. Wash solution (20x): 1x50 mL vial.9. Stop Solution: 1 x15 ml vial. | a-GliaPep IgA | EUROSPITAL SPA | |
19 | 08028169204055 | 9167 | 1. Antibody coated plate: 12-1 x 8 wells.2. Enzyme conjugate antibody (IgA):1x15 1. Antibody coated plate: 12-1 x 8 wells.2. Enzyme conjugate antibody (IgA):1x15mL vial.3. Calibrators: 5 vials containing 1.5 ml human positive serum at five concentrations (0, 10, 20, 50 and 100 AU/ml).4. Control 1: 1x1.5 mL vial.5. Control 2: 1x1.5 mL vial.6. Sample Diluent (10x): 1 x20mL vial.7. Substrate: 1 x15 ml vial.8. Wash solution (20x): 1x50 mL vial.9. Stop Solution: 1 x15 ml vial. | a-Gliatest IgA | EUROSPITAL SPA | |
20 | 07333066019925 | 34-2332-61 | 34-2332-61 | ImmunoCAP Gliadin IgG Control High | ImmunoCAP Gliadin IgG Control High | PHADIA AB |
21 | 07333066019918 | 34-2332-51 | 34-2332-51 | ImmunoCAP Gliadin IgA Control High | ImmunoCAP Gliadin IgA Control High | PHADIA AB |
22 | 07333066019901 | 34-2332-41 | 34-2332-41 | ImmunoCAP Gliadin IgA/IgG Control Low | ImmunoCAP Gliadin IgA/IgG Control Low | PHADIA AB |
23 | 07333066019819 | 34-2293-41 | 34-2293-41 | ImmunoCAP Specific IgA/IgG Sample Diluent | ImmunoCAP Specific IgA/IgG Sample Diluent | PHADIA AB |
24 | 07333066019574 | 10-9308-01 | 10-9308-01 | Contains three vials of each Specific IgA Curve Control (CC-1, CC-2) for the Imm Contains three vials of each Specific IgA Curve Control (CC-1, CC-2) for the ImmunoCAP Specific IgA method. | ImmunoCAP Specific IgA Curve Controls | PHADIA AB |
25 | 07333066019550 | 10-9304-01 | 10-9304-01 | Contains one vial of each Specific IgA Calibrator (Cal-0.01, Cal-0.02, Cal-0.04, Contains one vial of each Specific IgA Calibrator (Cal-0.01, Cal-0.02, Cal-0.04, Cal-0.1, Cal-0.3, Cal-1.0) to form a complete calibration curve for the ImmunoCAP Specific IgA method. | ImmunoCAP Specific IgA Calibrators | PHADIA AB |
26 | 07333066014807 | DECC055390 | DECC055390 | EliA GliadinDP IgG Well | EliA GliadinDP IgG Well | PHADIA AB |
27 | 07333066014791 | DECC055380 | DECC055380 | EliA GliadinDP IgA Well | EliA GliadinDP IgA Well | PHADIA AB |
28 | 07333066014692 | DECC055200 | DECC055200 | EliA Gliadin IgG Well | EliA Gliadin IgG Well | PHADIA AB |
29 | 07333066014685 | DECC055190 | DECC055190 | EliA Gliadin IgA Well | EliA Gliadin IgA Well | PHADIA AB |
30 | 07333066012230 | 34-2328-11 | 34-2328-11 | ImmunoCAP Specific IgA Conjugate | ImmunoCAP Specific IgA Conjugate | PHADIA AB |
31 | 07333066003757 | 14-4425-01 | 14-4425-01 | ImmunoCAP Antigen AGf98, Gliadin | ImmunoCAP Antigen AGf98, Gliadin | PHADIA AB |
32 | 07333066003740 | 14-4424-01 | 14-4424-01 | ImmunoCAP IgA/IgG Calibrator ImmunoCAP | ImmunoCAP IgA/IgG Calibrator ImmunoCAP | PHADIA AB |
33 | 04250289504843 | 30-7515US | 30-7515US | AESKULISA DGP-Check is an in-vitro diagnostic device. This solid phase enzyme im AESKULISA DGP-Check is an in-vitro diagnostic device. This solid phase enzyme immunoassay employs synthetic, deamidated gliadin-derived peptides for the combined semiquantitative and qualitative detection of IgA and IgG antibodies against deamidated Gliadin-specific peptides (DGP) in human serum.30'+30'+30' automation incubation. | AESKULISA® DGP-Check | AESKU.DIAGNOSTICS GMBH & CO. KG |
34 | 04250289504591 | 30-7514US | 30-7514US | AESKULISA DGP-G is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing synthetic, deamida AESKULISA DGP-G is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing synthetic, deamidated gliadin-derived peptides for the quantitative and qualitative detection of IgG antibodies against deamidated Gliadin-specific peptides (DGP) in human serum. The assay is a tool in the diagnosis of celiac disease (gluten-sensitive enteropathy). 30'+30'+30' automation incubation. | AESKULISA® DGP-G | AESKU.DIAGNOSTICS GMBH & CO. KG |
35 | 04250289504584 | 30-7513US | 30-7513US | AESKULISA DGP-A is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing synthetic, deamida AESKULISA DGP-A is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing synthetic, deamidated gliadin-derived peptides for the quantitative and qualitative detection of IgA antibodies against deamidated Gliadin-specific peptides (DGP) in human serum. The assay is a tool in the diagnosis of celiac disease (gluten-sensitive enteropathy). 30'+30'+30' automation incubation. | AESKULISA® DGP-A | AESKU.DIAGNOSTICS GMBH & CO. KG |
36 | 04250289503679 | 3515 | AESKULISA DGP-Check is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing synthetic, dea AESKULISA DGP-Check is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing synthetic, deamidated gliadin-derived peptides for the combined quantitative and qualitative detection of IgA and IgG antibodies against deamidated Gliadin-specific peptides (DGP) in human serum. The assay is a tool in the diagnosis of celiac disease (gluten-sensitive enteropathy). | AESKULISA® DGP-Check | AESKU.DIAGNOSTICS GMBH & CO. KG | |
37 | 04250289503631 | 3514 | AESKULISA DGP-G is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing synthetic, deamida AESKULISA DGP-G is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing synthetic, deamidated gliadin-derived peptides for the quantitative and qualitative detection of IgG antibodies against deamidated Gliadin-specific peptides (DGP) in human serum. The assay is a tool in the diagnosis of celiac disease (gluten-sensitive enteropathy). | AESKULISA® DGP-G | AESKU.DIAGNOSTICS GMBH & CO. KG | |
38 | 04250289503624 | 3513 | AESKULISA DGP-A is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing synthetic, deamida AESKULISA DGP-A is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing synthetic, deamidated gliadin-derived peptides for the quantitative and qualitative detection of IgA antibodies against deamidated Gliadin-specific peptides (DGP) in human serum. The assay is a tool in the diagnosis of celiac disease (gluten-sensitive enteropathy). | AESKULISA® DGP-A | AESKU.DIAGNOSTICS GMBH & CO. KG | |
39 | 04250289503112 | 7502US | 7502US | AESKULISA Glia-G is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing highly purified a AESKULISA Glia-G is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing highly purified alphaGliadin for the quantitative and qualitative detection of IgG antibodies against Gliadin in human serum. The assay is a tool in the diagnosis of celiac disease (gluten-sensitive enteropathy). | AESKULISA® Glia-G | AESKU.DIAGNOSTICS GMBH & CO. KG |
40 | 04250289503105 | 7501US | 7501US | AESKULISA Glia-A is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing highly purified a AESKULISA Glia-A is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing highly purified alphaGliadin for the quantitative and qualitative detection of IgA antibodies against gliadin in human serum. The assay is a tool in the diagnosis of celiac disease (gluten-sensitive enteropathy). | AESKULISA® Glia-A | AESKU.DIAGNOSTICS GMBH & CO. KG |
41 | 04250289502863 | 30-7502US | 30-7502US | AESKULISA Glia-G is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing highly purified a AESKULISA Glia-G is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing highly purified alphaGliadin for the quantitative and qualitative detection of IgG antibodies against Gliadin in human serum. The assay is a tool in the diagnosis of celiac disease (gluten-sensitive enteropathy). 30'-30'-30' incubation time | AESKULISA® Glia-G | AESKU.DIAGNOSTICS GMBH & CO. KG |
42 | 04250289502856 | 30-7501US | 30-7501US | AESKULISA Glia-A is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing highly purified a AESKULISA Glia-A is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing highly purified alphaGliadin for the quantitative and qualitative detection of IgA antibodies against gliadin in human serum. The assay is a tool in the diagnosis of celiac disease (gluten-sensitive enteropathy). 30'+30'+30' automation incubation. | AESKULISA® Glia-A | AESKU.DIAGNOSTICS GMBH & CO. KG |
43 | 04250289501491 | 3502 | AESKULISA Glia-G is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing highly purified a AESKULISA Glia-G is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing highly purified alphaGliadin for the quantitative and qualitative detection of IgG antibodies against Gliadin in human serum. The assay is a tool in the diagnosis of celiac disease (gluten-sensitive enteropathy). | AESKULISA® Glia-G | AESKU.DIAGNOSTICS GMBH & CO. KG | |
44 | 04250289501484 | 3501 | AESKULISA Glia-A is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing highly purified a AESKULISA Glia-A is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay employing highly purified alphaGliadin for the quantitative and qualitative detection of IgA antibodies against gliadin in human serum. The assay is a tool in the diagnosis of celiac disease (gluten-sensitive enteropathy). | AESKULISA® Glia-A | AESKU.DIAGNOSTICS GMBH & CO. KG | |
45 | 04049016035954 | EV 3011-9601 G | Anti-Gliadin (GAF-3X) ELISA (IgG) | EUROIMMUN MEDIZINISCHE LABORDIAGNOSTIKA AG | ||
46 | 04049016035930 | EV 3011-9601 A | Anti-Gliadin (GAF-3X) ELISA (IgA) | EUROIMMUN MEDIZINISCHE LABORDIAGNOSTIKA AG | ||
47 | 00894175000428 | DACD-1021-2 | 1021-2 | AccuDiag ™ Gliadin IgGMultiple Coeliac disease-associated antibody IVD, kit, enz AccuDiag ™ Gliadin IgGMultiple Coeliac disease-associated antibody IVD, kit, enzyme immunoassay (EIA)AccuDiag ™ Gliadin IgG ELISA Gliadin IgG Test System is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative detection of IgG-class antibodies to gliadin in human serum. The Test System is intended to be used as an aid in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal disorders, mainly Celiac Disease. This test is for In Vitro diagnostic use. | AccuDiag ™ | DIAGNOSTIC AUTOMATION, INC. |
48 | 00847865013017 | SW4.1V1 | 6652365A | Manual & CDs, Celiac IgA and IgG IFU, SW4.1_v1 | BioPlex 2200 | BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC. |
49 | 00847865013000 | SW4.1V1 | 6652365A | Manual & CDs, Celiac IgA and IgG IFU, SW4.1_v1 | BioPlex 2200 | BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC. |
50 | 00847865011129 | SW4_1 | 6652360A | Manual & CDs, Celiac IgA and IgG IFU, SW4_v1 | BioPlex 2200 | BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC. |