Other products from "TITAN IMPLANT INC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00842448106902 S-38IA-FT 3.8mm Implant Analog Flat Top NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
2 00842448105936 P-4SLIAF-03-1.0 4.1mm Platform Ext Hex Straight Locking Implant Abutment Flat GH 1mm NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
3 00842448104908 P-35HA-B-2.0 3.5mm Healing Abutment GH 2mm (Profile Dia: 4.5mm) NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
4 00842448115577 TN2-65TGHAPSH 6.5mm TG Hex Abutment Plastic Sleeve Hex NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 TITAN IMPLANTS INC.
5 00842448115966 SRS-6CLPSL 6.0mm Platform Gold Cylinder Long Plastic Sleeve Locking NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS INC.
6 00842448115836 BM-4MUA-CM 4.1mm Platform External Hex Multi-Unit Abutment Custom NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS INC.
7 00842448115614 TN2-65TGHAIC 6.5mm TG Hex Abutment Impression Coping NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 TITAN IMPLANTS INC.
8 00842448115584 48HDM-1'' 0.048'' Hex Driver Marked One Inch NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 TITAN IMPLANTS INC.
9 00842448115560 TN2-65TGHAA-AL 6.5mm TG Hex Abutment Analog NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 TITAN IMPLANTS INC.
10 00842448103666 LC-4CCA-10 RD Ext Hex Conical Abutment Bar Post NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
11 00842448103659 LC-4CAIC RD Ext Hex Conical Abutment Impression Coping NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
12 00842448103642 LC-4CAA RD Ext Hex Conical Abutment Analog NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
13 00842448103703 LC-5CAA WD Ext Hex Conical Abutment Analog NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
14 00842448103697 LC-5CA-12 WD Ext Hex Implant Bar Post NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
15 00842448103680 LC-4CPSNH RD Ext Hex Conical Abutment Plastic Sleeve Non-Hex NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
16 00842448103673 LC-4CPSH RD Ext Hex Conical Abutment Plastic Sleeve Hex NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
17 00842448103628 LC-33PSH SD Ext Hex Plastic Sleeve Hex NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
18 00842448103635 LC-33PSNH SD Ext Hex Plastic Sleeve Non-Hex NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
19 00842448103611 LC-33HA-A-5.0 SD Ext Hex Healing Abutment GH 5.0mm NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
20 00842448103604 LC-33HA-A-4.0 SD External Hex Healing Abutment GH 4.0mm NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
21 00842448103598 LC-33HA-A-3.0 SD External Hex Healing Abutment GH 3.0mm NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
22 00842448103581 LC-33HA-A-2.5 SD External Hex Healing Abutment GH 2.5mm NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
23 00842448103574 LC-33-CA-12 SD External Hex Implant Bar Post NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
24 00842448103567 LC-33/34IIC SD External Hex Implant Impression Coping NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
25 00842448103550 LC-33/34IA SD External Hex Implant Analog NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
26 00842448103543 LC-3.3SLIAF-02-4.0 SD External Hex Straight Locking Implant Abutment Flat GH 4.0mm NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
27 00842448103536 LC-3.3SLIAF-02-3.5 SD External Hex Straight Locking Implant Abutment Flat GH 3.5mm NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
28 00842448103390 ITI-65WNHA-A-3.0 WN Healing Abutment GH 3mm NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
29 00842448103383 ITI-65WNHA-A-2.0 WN Healing Abutment GH 2mm NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
30 00842448104762 P-33CS 3.3mm Implant Diameter Cover Screw NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
31 00842448104755 P3-35IIC 3.5mm Platform Implant Impression Coping (Profile Dia: 5.5mm) NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
32 00842448104748 P-3.5SLIAF-04-4.0 3.5mm Platform Straight Locking Implant Abutment Flat GH 4.0mm (Profile Dia: 6.5mm) NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
33 00842448104731 P-3.5SLIAF-04-2.0 3.5mm Platform Straight Locking Implant Abutment Flat GH 2.0mm (Profile Dia: 6.5mm) NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
34 00842448104724 P-3.5SLIAF-04-1.0 3.5mm Platform Straight Locking Implant Abutment Flat GH 1.0mm (Profile Dia: 6.5mm) NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
35 00842448102850 IS-48IAPSNL RN Screw-Retained Abutment Plastic Sleeve Non-Locking NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
36 00842448104717 P-3.5SLIAF-03-5.5 3.5mm Platform Straight Locking Implant Abutment Flat GH 5.5mm (Profile Dia: 5.5mm) NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
37 00842448102843 IS-48IAPSL RN Screw-Retained Abutment Plastic Sleeve Locking NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
38 00842448102836 IS-48IAIC RN Screw Retained Abutment Impression Coping NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
39 00842448102829 IS-3EBHAS Narrow Neck Ball Head Abutment Sleeve NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
40 00842448104700 P-3.5SLIAF-03-4.0 3.5mm Platform Straight Locking Implant Abutment Flat GH 4.0mm (Profile Dia: 5.5mm) NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
41 00842448102812 IS-3EBHA-1.5 Narrow Neck Ball Head Abutment GH 1.5mm NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
42 00842448102805 IS-35IA-AL Narrow Neck Implant Analog NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
43 00842448102799 IP-5SLIAF-02-4.0 5.0mm External Hex Straight Locking Implant Abutment Flat GH 4.0mm NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
44 00842448104694 P-3.5SLIAF-03-3.5 3.5mm Platform Straight Locking Implant Abutment Flat GH 3.5mm (Profile Dia: 5.5mm) NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
45 00842448104687 P-3.5SLIAF-03-3.0 3.5mm Platform Straight Locking Implant Abutment Flat GH 3.0mm (Profile Dia: 5.5mm) NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
46 00842448102782 IP-5SLIAF-02-3.0 5.0mm External Hex Straight Locking Implant Abutment Flat GH 3.0mm NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
47 00842448104670 P-3.5SLIAF-03-2.5 3.5mm Platform Straight Locking Implant Abutment Flat GH 2.5mm (Profile Dia: 5.5mm) NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
48 00842448102775 IP-5SLIAF-02-2.0 5.0mm External Hex Straight Locking Implant Abutment Flat GH 2.0mm NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
49 00842448102768 IP-5SLIAF-02-1.5 5.0mm External Hex Straight Locking Implant Abutment Flat GH 1.5mm NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
50 00842448102751 IP-35IA 3.5mm External Hex Implant Analog NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 TITAN IMPLANTS, INC.
Other products with the same Product Code "NHA"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00083208967801 PITI-OP 6.0-8.0 (0°) PITI-OP 6.0-8.0 (0°) Integrity One Piece, threaded Abutment for 6.0-8.0mm implants Tatum Surgical-Integrity One Piece Abutment 6.0-8.0 SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
2 00083208960154 Abutment/6.0mm x 15 degree Integrity Post PITI-6.0-8.0 (15°) Integrity Implant Abutment 6.0-8.0mm x 15 degree -7mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Integrity Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
3 00083208950155 Abutment/5.0mm x 15 degree Integrity Post PITI 5.0 (15°) Integrity Implant Abutment 5.0mm x 15 degree -7mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Integrity Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
4 00083208950070 PITI-OP 5.0 (0°) PITI-OP 5.0 (0°) Integrity One Piece, threaded Abutment for 5.0mm implants Tatum Surgical-Integrity One Piece Abutment 5.0 SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
5 00083208950001 Abutment/5.0mm x 0 degree Straight Integrity Post PITI 5.0 (0°) Integrity Implant Abutment 5.0mm x 0 degree -7mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Integrity Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
6 00083208934452 PITI-OP 3.7-4.5 (0°) PITI-OP 3.7-4.5 (0°) Integrity One Piece, Threaded Abutment for 3.7-4.5mm implants Tatum Surgical-Integrity One Piece Abutment 3.7-4.5 SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
7 00083208925009 2.5 RH Integrity Abutment Screw PITI-2.5 AS Integrity 2.5mm Abutment RH Screw for 6.0-8.0mm Implants TatumSurgical/Integrity 2.5mm Abutment RH Screw for 6.0-8.0mm Implants SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
8 00083208920004 2.0 RH Integrity Abutment Screw PITI-2.0 AS Integrity 2.0mm Abutment RH Screw for 3.7-5.0mm Implants TatumSurgical/Integrity 2.0mm Abutment RH Screw for 3.7-5.0mm Implants SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
9 00083208915680 Abutment 6.0 - 8.0mm x 15° (Angle) Integrity Post PITI-6.0-8.0 (15°) Integrity Implant Abutment 6.0 - 8.0mm x 15° (Angle) -7mm Height. To fit Integri Integrity Implant Abutment 6.0 - 8.0mm x 15° (Angle) -7mm Height. To fit Integrity Implants diameter sizes 6.0 to 8.0mm. Tatum Surgical Integrity Abutment SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
10 00083208915345 Abutment3.7 - 4.5mm x 15° (Straight) Integrity Post PITI-3.7 - 4.5 (15°) Integrity Implant Abutment 3.7 - 4.5mm x 15° angled -7mm Height. To fit Integrit Integrity Implant Abutment 3.7 - 4.5mm x 15° angled -7mm Height. To fit Integrity Implants diameter sizes 3.7 to 4.5 mm. Tatum Surgical Integrity Abutment SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
11 00083208906787 Abutment 6.0 - 8.0mm x 0° (Straight) Integrity Post PITI-6.0-8.0 (0°) Integrity Implant Abutment 6.0 - 8.0mm x 0° (Straight) -7mm Height. To fit Integ Integrity Implant Abutment 6.0 - 8.0mm x 0° (Straight) -7mm Height. To fit Integrity Implants diameter sizes 6.0 to 8.0mm. Tatum Surgical Integrity Abutment SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
12 00083208903458 Abutment3.7 - 4.5mm x 0° (Straight) Integrity Post PITI-3.7 - 4.5 (0°) Integrity Implant Abutment 3.7 - 4.5mm x 0° (Straight) -7mm Height. To fit Integ Integrity Implant Abutment 3.7 - 4.5mm x 0° (Straight) -7mm Height. To fit Integrity Implants diameter sizes 3.7 to 4.5 mm. Tatum Surgical Integrity Abutment SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
13 00083208870002 Abutment/7.0mm x 0 degree (Straight) Post - Short PN70.00S Implant Abutment 7.0mm x 0 degree(Straight)-5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
14 00083208860300 Abutment/6.0mm x 30 degree Post - Short PN60.30S Implant Abutment 6.0mm x 30 degree -5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
15 00083208860201 Abutment/6.0mm x 20 degree Post - Short PN60.20S Implant Abutment 6.0mm x 20 degree -5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
16 00083208860102 Abutment/6.0mm x 10 degree Post - Short PN60.10S Implant Abutment 6.0mm x 10 degree -5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
17 00083208860003 Abutment/6.0mm x 0 degree (Straight) Post - Short PN60.00S Implant Abutment 6.0mm x 0 degree(Straight)-5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
18 00083208850301 Abutment/5.0mm x 30 degree Post - Short PN50.30S Implant Abutment 5.0mm x 30 degree -5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
19 00083208850202 Abutment/5.0mm x 20 degree Post - Short PN50.20S Implant Abutment 5.0mm x 20 degree -5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
20 00083208850103 Abutment/5.0mm x 10 degree Post - Short PN50.10S Implant Abutment 5.0mm x 10 degree -5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
21 00083208850004 Abutment/5.0mm x 0 degree (Straight) Post - Short PN50.00S Implant Abutment 5.0mm x 0 degree(Straight)-5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
22 00083208845307 Abutment/4.5mm x 30 degree Post - Short PN45.30S Implant Abutment 4.5mm x 30 degree -5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
23 00083208845208 Abutment/4.5mm x 20 degree Post - Short PN45.20S Implant Abutment 4.5mm x 20 degree -5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
24 00083208845109 Abutment/4.5mm x 10 degree Post - Short PN45.10S Implant Abutment 4.5mm x 10 degree -5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
25 00083208845000 Abutment/4.5mm x 0 degree (Straight) Post - Short PN45.00S Implant Abutment 4.5mm x 0 degree(Straight)-5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
26 00083208840302 Abutment/4.0mm x 30 degree Post - Short PN40.30S Implant Abutment 4.0mm x 30 degree -5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
27 00083208840203 Abutment/4.0mm x 20 degree Post - Short PN40.20S Implant Abutment 4.0mm x 20 degree -5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
28 00083208840104 Abutment/4.0mm x 10 degree Post - Short PN40.10S Implant Abutment 4.0mm x 10 degree -5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
29 00083208840005 Abutment/4.0mm x 0 degree (Straight) Post - Short PN40.00S Implant Abutment 4.0mm x 0 degree(Straight)-5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
30 00083208835308 Abutment/3.5mm x 30 degree Post - Short PN35.30S Implant Abutment 3.5mm x 30 degree -5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
31 00083208835209 Abutment/3.5mm x 20 degree Post - Short PN35.20S Implant Abutment 3.5mm x 20 degree -5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
32 00083208835100 Abutment/3.5mm x 10 degree Post - Short PN35.10S Implant Abutment 3.5mm x 10 degree -5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
33 00083208835056 PN35.10PSh PN35.10PSh Implant Abutment 3.5mm x 10 degree Push-In Post (Short) -5mm Height Tatum Surgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
34 00083208835001 Abutment/3.5mm x 0 degree (Straight) Post - Short PN35.00S Implant Abutment 3.5mm x 0 degree(Straight)-5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
35 00083208830204 Abutment/3.0mm x 20 degree Post - Short PN30.20S Implant Abutment 3.0mm x 20 degree -5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
36 00083208830105 Abutment/3.0mm x 10 degree Post - Short PN30.10S Implant Abutment 3.0mm x 10 degree -5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
37 00083208830006 Abutment/3.0mm x 0 degree (Straight) Post - Short PN30.00S Implant Abutment 3.0mm x 0 degree (Straight) -5mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
38 00083208805073 8.0x5.0mm Integrity Implant Healing Cuff HCS-ITI 8.0x5.0mm Integrity Implant Healing Cuff 8.0x5.0mm TatumSurgical/8.0x5.0mm Integrity Implant Healing Cuff SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
39 00083208803079 8.0x3.0mm Integrity Implant Healing Cuff HCS-ITI 8.0x3.0mm Integrity Implant Healing Cuff 8.0x3.0mm TatumSurgical/8.0x3.0mm Integrity Implant Healing Cuff SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
40 00083208801075 8.0x1.0mm Integrity Implant Healing Cuff HCS-ITI 8.0x1.0mm Integrity Implant Healing Cuff 8.0x1.0mm TatumSurgical/8.0x1.0mm Integrity Implant Healing Cuff SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
41 00083208800771 Healing Cuff for 8.0mm Integrity Implant Healing Cuff for 8.0mm Integrity Implant Healing Cuff for 8.0mm Integrity Implant - Packaged with Implant Tatum Surgical / Healing Cuff for 8.0mm Integrity Implant SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
42 00083208800030 8.0mm Unipost Healing Cuff HCS-UNI 8.0 Unipost Healing Cuff 8.0mm for D, S & T implants TatumSurgical/Unipost Healing Cuff 8.0mm for D, S & T implants SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
43 00083208770005 Abutment/7.0mm x 0 degree (Straight) Post PN70.00 Implant Abutment 7.0mm x 0 degree (Straight) -9mm Height Tatum Surgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
44 00083208760303 Abutment/6.0mm x 30 degree Post PN60.30 Implant Abutment 6.0mm x 30 degree -9mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
45 00083208760204 Abutment/6.0mm x 20 degree Post PN60.20 Implant Abutment 6.0mm x 20 degree -9mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
46 00083208760105 Abutment/6.0mm x 10 degree Post PN60.10 Implant Abutment 6.0mm x 10 degree -9mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
47 00083208760006 Abutment/6.0mm x 0 degree (Straight) Post PN60.00 Implant Abutment 6.0mm x 0 degree(Straight)-9mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
48 00083208750304 Abutment/5.0mm x 30 degree Post PN50.30 Implant Abutment 5.0mm x 30 degree -9mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
49 00083208750205 Abutment/5.0mm x 20 degree Post PN50.20 Implant Abutment 5.0mm x 20 degree -9mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC
50 00083208750106 Abutment/5.0mm x 10 degree Post PN50.10 Implant Abutment 5.0mm x 10 degree -9mm Height TatumSurgical/Abutment (Post) SUNCOAST DENTAL, INC