Other products from "W.H.P.M. INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00841824104082 W2634 DOA 3 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box; CLIA Waived BUP/EDDP/MOR DJR,DJG Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates N/A
2 00841824105126 W7104 W7104 DOA 10 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA Waived, AMP/BARB/BZO/COC/mAMP/MTD/OPI DOA 10 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA Waived, AMP/BARB/BZO/COC/mAMP/MTD/OPI/PCP/PPX/THC DKZ,DIS,JXM,DIO,LAF,DJR,DJG,LCM,JXN,LDJ Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoass Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Propoxyphene,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids 2 n/a
3 00841824105096 ECOII-14154 W/AD6 ECOII-14154 W/AD6 DOA 15 in 1 Test ECO II Cup W/ AD, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA Waived AMP/BARB/BUP/BZO/COC/E DOA 15 in 1 Test ECO II Cup W/ AD, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA Waived AMP/BARB/BUP/BZO/COC/EDDP/mAMP/MDMA/MOR/MTD/OXY/PCP/PPX/TCA/THC/PH-SG-OX/NI-CR-GL DKZ,DIS,JXM,DIO,LAF,DJR,LCM,JXN,LFG,LDJ Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoass Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Propoxyphene,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids 2 N/A
4 00841824105089 W5104 W5104 DOA 10 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA Waived, AMP/BARB/BZO/COC/mAMP/MOR/MTD DOA 10 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA Waived, AMP/BARB/BZO/COC/mAMP/MOR/MTD/OXY/PPX/THC DKZ,DIS,JXM,DIO,LAF,DJG,DJR,JXN,LDJ Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoass Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Propoxyphene,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids 2 NA
5 00841824104938 W2844 W2844 DOA 4 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA Waived AMP/COC/mAMP/THC DKZ,DIO,LAF,LDJ Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metaboli Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids 2 NA
6 00841824104891 W22114 W22114 DOA 11 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, AMP/BARB/BZO/COC/mAMP/MDMA/MTD/OPI/OXY/PCP/TCA DKZ,DIS,JXM,DIO,LAF,DJR,DJG,LCM,LFG Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoass Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs 2 NA
7 00841824104129 W1924 DOA 2 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA Waived MDMA/THC LDJ,LAF Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine N/A
8 00841824104105 WED-25 DOA Single Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA Waived EDDP DJR Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone N/A
9 00841824104068 W1524 DOA 2 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA Waived COC/MOR DJG,DIO Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites N/A
10 00841824104044 W1384 DOA 8 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA Waived AMP/BUP/BZO/COC/EDDP/MDMA/MOR/THC LDJ,DJG,LAF,DJR,JXM,DIO,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Gas Chromatography, Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine N/A
11 00841824103634 WDCA244 WDCA244 DOA 4 in 1 Test Dip Card Cassette with Pipette, Sealed Pouch, CLIA WaivedAMP/COC/OPI/THC LDJ,DIO,DKZ,DJG Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabol Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates NA
12 00841824104006 W5154 DOA 5 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA WaivedAMP500/COC150/OPI/PCP/THC LCM,LDJ,DJG,DIO,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immuno Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine N/A
13 00841824103962 W22104 DOA 10 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA Waived BARB/BUP/BZO/COC/mAMP/MTD/OPI/ DOA 10 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA Waived BARB/BUP/BZO/COC/mAMP/MTD/OPI/OXY/TCA/THC LDJ,LFG,DJG,DJR,LAF,DIO,JXM,DIS Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drug Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate N/A
14 00841824103900 W5054 DOA 5 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA WaivedAMP/BZO/COC/OPI/OXY DJG,JXM,DIO,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassa Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine N/A
15 00841824103702 WBU-25 WBU-25 DOA Single Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA Waived BUP DJG Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates N/A
16 00841824103658 W13124 W13124 DOA 12 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA WaivedAMP/BARB/BUP/BZO/COC/mAMP/MDMA/ DOA 12 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA WaivedAMP/BARB/BUP/BZO/COC/mAMP/MDMA/MOR/MTD/OXY/PCP/THC LDJ,LCM,DJR,LAF,DIO,JXM,DJG,DIS,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immuno Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine NA
17 00841824103573 W3854 W3854 DOA 5 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/COC/mAMP/OPI/PCP DKZ,DIO,LAF,DJG,LCM Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metaboli Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine NA
18 00841824103542 CW2844 CW2844 DOA 4 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA WaivedAMP/COC/OPI/PCP LCM,DJG,DKZ,DIO Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites NA
19 00841824103320 W2334 W2334 DOA 3 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived BZO/mAMP/THC LDJ,JXM,LAF Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Gas Chromato Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine NA
20 00841824103191 W174 W174 DOA 7 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/BZO/COC/mAMP/OPI/OXY/THC LAF,DIO,DKZ,JXM,DJG,LDJ Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Meta Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids NA
21 00841824103177 WTH-25-FS WTH-25-FS DOA Single Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived THC LDJ Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids First Sign®
22 00841824103153 W174 W/AD W174 W/AD DOA 7 in 1 Test Dipcard W/AD, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/BZO/COC/mAMP/OPI/OXY/THC/PH-SG-OX LAF,DJG,JXM,DKZ,DIO,LDJ Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoass Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids NA
23 00841824103115 W9124 DOA 12 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA WaivedAMP/BARB/BUP/BZO/COC/mAMP/MDMA/ DOA 12 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA WaivedAMP/BARB/BUP/BZO/COC/mAMP/MDMA/MTD/OPI/OXY/PCP/THC DIS,DKZ,JXM,DIO,LAF,DJR,DJG,LCM,LDJ Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoass Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids N/A
24 00841824103108 W11124 W11124 DOA 12 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA WaivedAMP/BARB/BUP/BZO/COC/MDMA/MTD/O DOA 12 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA WaivedAMP/BARB/BUP/BZO/COC/MDMA/MTD/OPI/OXY/PCP/TCA/THC DJR,LCM,JXM,DIS,DIO,LFG,DKZ,LAF,LDJ,DJG Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoass Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates N/A
25 00841824103054 CW12104 CW12104 DOA 10 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box, Clia WaivedAMP/BARB/BUP/BZO/COC/mAMP/MTD/OPI/OXY/THC LAF,LDJ,JXM,DIS,DJR,DIO,DJG,DKZ Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immu Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine N/A
26 00841824103030 W6104 W6104 DOA 10 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/BARB/BZO/COC/mAMP/MOR/MTD/OXY/PCP/THC LDJ,LCM,LAF,DJR,DJG,DIO,JXM,DIS,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Gas Chromatog Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazipine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine NA
27 00841824103009 W14104 W14104 DOA 10 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/BARB/BZO/COC/mAMP/MDMA/MOR/MTD/OXY/THC LDJ,DJR,DJG,LAF,DIO,JXM,DIS,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassa Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazipine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine NA
28 00841824102989 W4104 W4104 DOA 10 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/BARB/BZO/COC/mAMP/MTD/OPI/OXY/PCP/THC LAF,LDJ,LCM,DJG,DJR,DIO,JXM,DIS,DKZ Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immu Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazipine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine NA
29 00841824102972 W3104 W3104 DOA 10 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/BARB/BZO/COC/mAMP/MDMA/MTD/OPI/PCP/THC LDJ,LCM,DJG,DJR,LAF,DIO,JXM,DIS,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immuno Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazipine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine NA
30 00841824102965 W2104 W2104 DOA 10 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/BARB/BZO/COC/mAMP/MOR/MTD/PCP/TCA/THC LAF,LDJ,LFG,LCM,DJR,DJG,DIO,JXM,DIS,DKZ Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Radioimmuno Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazipine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine NA
31 00841824102958 W14104 W/AD W14104 W/AD DOA 10 in 1 Test Dipcard W/AD, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/BARB/BZO/COC/mAMP/MDMA/ DOA 10 in 1 Test Dipcard W/AD, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/BARB/BZO/COC/mAMP/MDMA/MOR/MTD/OXY/THC/PH-SG-OX LDJ,DJR,DJG,LAF,DIO,JXM,DIS,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassa Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazipine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine NA
32 00841824102941 W1104 W1104 DOA 10 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/BARB/BZO/COC/mAMP/MTD/OPI/PCP/TCA/THC LAF,LDJ,LFG,LCM,DJG,DJR,DIO,JXM,DIS,DKZ Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Radioimmuno Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazipine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine NA
33 00841824102934 CW4104 CW4104 DOA 10 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/BARB/BZO/COC/mAMP/MTD/OPI/OXY/PCP/THC LAF,LDJ,DJR,DKZ,DIS,JXM,DIO,DJG,LCM,LFG Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immu Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs NA
34 00841824102927 W8104 W8104 DOA 10 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived BARB/BZO/COC/mAMP/MDMA/MTD/OPI/OXY/PCP/THC LDJ,LCM,DJG,DJR,LAF,DIO,JXM,DIS Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immuno Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazipine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate NA
35 00841824102910 CW1104 CW1104 DOA 10 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/BARB/BZO/COC/mAMP/MTD/OPI/PCP/TCA/THC LAF,LDJ,LFG,LCM,DJG,DIO,JXM,DIS,DKZ,DJR Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Radioimmuno Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone NA
36 00841824102903 W1094 DOA 9 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box, Clia WaivedAMP/BUP/BZO/COC/mAMP/MOR/MTD/OXY/THC LFG,DJR,LAF,DIO,JXM,DJG,DKZ Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,G Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine N/A
37 00841824102897 W194 W194 DOA 9 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/BARB/BZO/COC/mAMP/MTD/OPI/PCP/THC LAF,LDJ,LCM,DJG,DJR,DIO,JXM,DIS,DKZ Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immu Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazipine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine NA
38 00841824102873 W184 W184 DOA 8 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/BARB/BZO/COC/mAMP/OPI/PCP/THC LAF,LDJ,LCM,DJG,DIO,JXM,DIS,DKZ Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immu Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazipine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine NA
39 00841824102859 W2874 W2874 DOA 7 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/BZO/COC/MTD/OPI/PCP/THC LDJ,LCM,DJG,DJR,DIO,JXM,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immuno Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazipine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine NA
40 00841824102842 W674 W674 DOA 7 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/COC/mAMP/MDMA/OPI/PCP/THC LDJ,LCM,DJG,LAF,DIO,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immuno Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine NA
41 00841824102835 W1574 W1574 DOA 7 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/BZO/COC/MOR/OXY/PCP/THC LDJ,LCM,DJG,DIO,JXM,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immuno Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazipine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine NA
42 00841824102798 W4764 W4764 DOA 6 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/COC/mAMP/MTD/OPI/THC DJG,DJR,DIO,DKZ,LAF,LDJ Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Co Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids NA
43 00841824102781 W20104 W20104 DOA 10 in 1 Test Dip Card, 25Pcs/Box, CLIA WaivedAMP/BARB/BUP/BZO/COC/mAMP/MOR/MTD/OXY/THC LDJ,DJR,LAF,DIO,JXM,DJG,DIS,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Gas Chromatograph Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine NA
44 00841824102774 W4064 W4064 DOA 6 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived BZO/COC/MDMA/OPI/OXY/THC DJG,LAF,DIO,JXM,LDJ Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoass Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazipine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids NA
45 00841824102767 W1564 W1564 DOA 6 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/BARB/BZO/COC/mAMP/THC DIO,JXM,DIS,DKZ,LAF,LDJ Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodia Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazipine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids NA
46 00841824102750 W2864 W2864 DOA 6 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/BZO/COC/mAMP/MOR/THC DJG,DIO,JXM,DKZ,LAF,LDJ Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazipine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids NA
47 00841824102743 W5064 W5064 DOA 6 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/COC/mAMP/MDMA/MOR/THC LDJ,DJG,LAF,DIO,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Gas Chromatography, Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine NA
48 00841824102712 W464 W464 DOA 6 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/COC/mAMP/MDMA/OPI/THC LDJ,DJG,LAF,DIO,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Gas Chromatography, Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine NA
49 00841824102705 W4464 W4464 DOA 6 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived AMP/BZO/COC/MOR/MTD/THC DJR,DJG,DIO,JXM,DKZ,LDJ Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Co Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazipine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids NA
50 00841824102699 W564 W564 DOA 6 in 1 Test Dipcard, 25Pcs/Box Clia Waived BZO/COC/mAMP/OPI/OXY/THC DJG,DIO,JXM,LDJ,LAF Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazipine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine NA
Other products with the same Product Codes "LAF, LDJ, DJR, DJG, DIO, JXM, DIS"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00811727018311 60-MP0700-1L 60-MP0700-1L Pointe Methamphetamine Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Meth Pointe Methamphetamine Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Methamphetamine Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of d-methamphetamine in human urine at a cutoff value of 500 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Methamphetamine Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
2 00811727018304 60-MP0700-100 60-MP0700-100 Pointe Methamphetamine Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Meth Pointe Methamphetamine Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Methamphetamine Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of d-methamphetamine in human urine at a cutoff value of 500 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Methamphetamine Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
3 00811727018229 60-AC0580-1L 60-AC0580-1L Pointe 6-Acetylmorphine Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe 6-A Pointe 6-Acetylmorphine Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe 6-Acetylmorphine Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of 6-acetylmorphine in human urine at a cutoff value of 10 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe 6-Acetylmorphine Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
4 00811727018212 60-AC0580-100 60-AC0580-100 Pointe 6-Acetylmorphine Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe 6-A Pointe 6-Acetylmorphine Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe 6-Acetylmorphine Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of 6-acetylmorphine in human urine at a cutoff value of 10 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe 6-Acetylmorphine Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
5 00811727018083 60-MM0380-1L 60-MM0380-1L Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Reagent Set is an in vitro diagnostic test intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of methadone metabolite in human urine. The cutoff for both the qualitative and semi-quantitative modes of the assay are 100 ng/mL and 300 ng/mL for methadone metabolite. The assay is designed for prescription use on automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
6 00811727018076 60-MM0380-100 60-MM0380-100 Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Reagent Set is an in vitro diagnostic test intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of methadone metabolite in human urine. The cutoff for both the qualitative and semi-quantitative modes of the assay are 100 ng/mL and 300 ng/mL for methadone metabolite. The assay is designed for prescription use on automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
7 00811727017840 60-CC0680-1L 60-CC0680-1L Pointe Cocaine Metabolite 150 Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Poin Pointe Cocaine Metabolite 150 Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Cocaine Metabolite Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of benzoylecgonine (a cocaine metabolite) in human urine at a cutoff value of 150 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Cocaine Metabolite 150 Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
8 00811727017833 60-CC0680-100 60-CC0680-100 Pointe Cocaine Metabolite 150 Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Poin Pointe Cocaine Metabolite 150 Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Cocaine Metabolite Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of benzoylecgonine (a cocaine metabolite) in human urine at a cutoff value of 150 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Cocaine Metabolite 150 Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
9 00811727017765 60-CC0060-1L 60-CC0060-1L Pointe Cocaine Metabolite Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe C Pointe Cocaine Metabolite Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Cocaine Metabolite Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of benzoylecgonine (a cocaine metabolite) in human urine at a cutoff value of 300 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Cocaine Metabolite Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
10 00811727017758 60-CC0060-100 60-CC0060-100 Pointe Cocaine Metabolite Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe C Pointe Cocaine Metabolite Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Cocaine Metabolite Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of benzoylecgonine (a cocaine metabolite) in human urine at a cutoff value of 300 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Cocaine Metabolite Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
11 00811727017451 60-OX0480-1L 60-OX0480-1L Pointe Oxycodone Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Oxycodone Pointe Oxycodone Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Oxycodone Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of oxycodone in human urine, at cutoff values of 100 ng/mL and 300 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Oxycodone Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
12 00811727017444 60-OX0480-100 60-OX0480-100 Pointe Oxycodone Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Oxycodone Pointe Oxycodone Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Oxycodone Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of oxycodone in human urine, at cutoff values of 100 ng/mL and 300 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Oxycodone Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
13 00811727017253 60-CA0140-1L 60-CA0140-1L Pointe Cannabinoid (THC) Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Ca Pointe Cannabinoid (THC) Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Cannabinoids (THC) Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of cannabinoids in human urine using 11-nor-9-THC-9-COOH, (referred to hereafter as THC). The calibrator at the cutoff has a value of 25 ng/mL, 50 ng/mL, or 100 ng/mL dependent on the chosen parameters. The semi-quantitative mode is for purposes of (1) enabling laboratories to determine an appropriate dilution of the specimen for confirmation by a confirmatory method such as GCMS or (2) permitting laboratories to establish quality control procedures. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. These assays are for prescription use only. Pointe Cannabinoid (THC) Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
14 00811727017246 60-CA0140-100 60-CA0140-100 Pointe Cannabinoid (THC) Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Ca Pointe Cannabinoid (THC) Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Cannabinoids (THC) Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of cannabinoids in human urine using 11-nor-9-THC-9-COOH, (referred to hereafter as THC). The calibrator at the cutoff has a value of 25 ng/mL, 50 ng/mL, or 100 ng/mL dependent on the chosen parameters. The semi-quantitative mode is for purposes of (1) enabling laboratories to determine an appropriate dilution of the specimen for confirmation by a confirmatory method such as GCMS or (2) permitting laboratories to establish quality control procedures. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. These assays are for prescription use only. Pointe Cannabinoid (THC) Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
15 00811727017185 60-BA0280-1L 60-BA0280-1L Pointe Barbiturate Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Barbitur Pointe Barbiturate Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Barbiturate Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of barbiturates in human urine at a cutoff value of 200 ng/mL or 300 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Barbiturate Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
16 00811727017178 60-BA0280-100 60-BA0280-100 Pointe Barbiturate Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Barbitur Pointe Barbiturate Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Barbiturate Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of barbiturates in human urine at a cutoff value of 200 ng/mL or 300 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Barbiturate Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
17 00811727017116 60-BZ0260-1L 60-BZ0260-1L Pointe Benzodiazepine Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Benzo Pointe Benzodiazepine Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Benzodiazepine Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of benzodiazepines in human urine at a cutoff value of 200 ng/mL or 300 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Benzodiazepine Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
18 00811727017109 60-BZ0260-100 60-BZ0260-100 Pointe Benzodiazepine Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Benzo Pointe Benzodiazepine Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Benzodiazepine Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of benzodiazepines in human urine at a cutoff value of 200 ng/mL or 300 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Benzodiazepine Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
19 00811727017031 60-ME0220-1L 60-ME0220-1L Pointe Methadone Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Methadone Pointe Methadone Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Methadone Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of methadone in human urine at a cutoff value of 300 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Methadone Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
20 00811727017024 60-ME0220-100 60-ME0220-100 Pointe Methadone Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Methadone Pointe Methadone Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Methadone Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of methadone in human urine at a cutoff value of 300 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Methadone Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
21 00811727016959 60-OP0660-1L 60-OP0660-1L Pointe Opiates 2000 Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Opiates Pointe Opiates 2000 Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Opiates 2000 Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of morphine in human urine at a cutoff value of 2000 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Opiates 2000 Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
22 00811727016942 60-OP0660-100 60-OP0660-100 Pointe Opiates 2000 Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Opiates Pointe Opiates 2000 Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Opiates 2000 Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of morphine in human urine at a cutoff value of 2000 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Opiates 2000 Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
23 00811727016874 60-OP0040-1L 60-OP0040-1L Pointe Opiates 300 Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Opiates Pointe Opiates 300 Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Opiates 300 Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of opiates in human urine at a cutoff value of 300 ng/mL when calibrated against morphine. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. This assay is for prescription use only. Pointe Opiates 300 Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
24 00811727016867 60-OP0040-100 60-OP0040-100 Pointe Opiates 300 Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Opiates Pointe Opiates 300 Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Opiates 300 Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of opiates in human urine at a cutoff value of 300 ng/mL when calibrated against morphine. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. This assay is for prescription use only. Pointe Opiates 300 Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
25 00811727016775 60-HY0780-100 60-HY0780-100 Pointe Hydrocodone 300 Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Hydr Pointe Hydrocodone 300 Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Hydrocodone 300 Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of hydrocodone in human urine at a cutoff value of 300 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Hydrocodone 300 Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
26 00811727016706 60-HY0760-1L 60-HY0760-1L Pointe Hydrocodone 100 Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Hydr Pointe Hydrocodone 100 Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Hydrocodone 100 Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of hydrocodone in human urine at a cutoff value of 100 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Hydrocodone 100 Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
27 00811727016690 60-HY0760-100 60-HY0760-100 Pointe Hydrocodone 100 Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Hydr Pointe Hydrocodone 100 Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Hydrocodone 100 Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of hydrocodone in human urine at a cutoff value of 100 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Hydrocodone 100 Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
28 00811727016416 60-FN0620-1L 60-FN0620-1L Pointe Fentanyl (Qualitative) Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Poin Pointe Fentanyl (Qualitative) Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Fentanyl Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative determination of norfentanyl in human urine at the cutoff value of 5 ng/mL when calibrated against norfentanyl. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Fentanyl (Qualitative) Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
29 00811727016409 60-FN0620-100 60-FN0620-100 Pointe Fentanyl (Qualitative) Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Poin Pointe Fentanyl (Qualitative) Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Fentanyl Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative determination of norfentanyl in human urine at the cutoff value of 5 ng/mL when calibrated against norfentanyl. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Fentanyl (Qualitative) Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
30 00811727016317 60-BP0540-1L 60-BP0540-1L Pointe Buprenorphine Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Bupren Pointe Buprenorphine Reagent Set 1 x 1000 mL R1, 1 x 375 mL R2 The Pointe Buprenorphine Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of norbuprenorphine (a buprenorphine metabolite) in human urine at a cutoff value of 5 ng/mL and 10 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Buprenorphine Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
31 00811727016300 60-BP0540-100 60-BP0540-100 Pointe Buprenorphine Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Bupren Pointe Buprenorphine Reagent Set 1 x 100 mL R1, 1 x 37.5 mL R2 The Pointe Buprenorphine Reagent Set is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of norbuprenorphine (a buprenorphine metabolite) in human urine at a cutoff value of 5 ng/mL and 10 ng/mL. The assay is designed for prescription use with a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Pointe Buprenorphine Reagent Set POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
32 00810038633671 EDTH-114 EDTH-114-12 Easy@Home Single Drug Screen Test (Marijuana Urine Test)- 12 tests kit Easy@Home Single Drug Screen Test (Marijuana Urine Test) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
33 00810038633626 EDTH-114 EDTH-114-12 Easy@Home Single Drug Screen Test (Marijuanan Urine Test)- 12 tests kit Easy@Home Single Drug Screen Test (Marijuanan Urine Test) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
34 00810038633367 EDOAP-1124 EDOAP-1124-1 1 test kit;12-Panel Dip Card;AMP-COC/OXY-THC/OPI/MET/BZO/MDMA/MTD/BAR/PCP/PPX Easy@Home Multi-Drug Screen Test (1 test kit) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
35 00810038633367 EDOAP-1124 EDOAP-1124-1 1 test kit;12-Panel Dip Card;AMP-COC/OXY-THC/OPI/MET/BZO/MDMA/MTD/BAR/PCP/PPX Easy@Home Multi-Drug Screen Test (1 test kit) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
36 00810038633367 EDOAP-1124 EDOAP-1124-1 1 test kit;12-Panel Dip Card;AMP-COC/OXY-THC/OPI/MET/BZO/MDMA/MTD/BAR/PCP/PPX Easy@Home Multi-Drug Screen Test (1 test kit) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
37 00810038633367 EDOAP-1124 EDOAP-1124-1 1 test kit;12-Panel Dip Card;AMP-COC/OXY-THC/OPI/MET/BZO/MDMA/MTD/BAR/PCP/PPX Easy@Home Multi-Drug Screen Test (1 test kit) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
38 00810038633367 EDOAP-1124 EDOAP-1124-1 1 test kit;12-Panel Dip Card;AMP-COC/OXY-THC/OPI/MET/BZO/MDMA/MTD/BAR/PCP/PPX Easy@Home Multi-Drug Screen Test (1 test kit) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
39 00810038633367 EDOAP-1124 EDOAP-1124-1 1 test kit;12-Panel Dip Card;AMP-COC/OXY-THC/OPI/MET/BZO/MDMA/MTD/BAR/PCP/PPX Easy@Home Multi-Drug Screen Test (1 test kit) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
40 00810038633367 EDOAP-1124 EDOAP-1124-1 1 test kit;12-Panel Dip Card;AMP-COC/OXY-THC/OPI/MET/BZO/MDMA/MTD/BAR/PCP/PPX Easy@Home Multi-Drug Screen Test (1 test kit) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
41 00810038632988 ACDOA-754 ACDOA-754-6 Areta 5 Panel Drug Test Cup (6 Test Kit) - THC,COC,OPI2000,BZO,AMP Areta Multi-Drug Test Cup (6 tests kit) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
42 00810038632988 ACDOA-754 ACDOA-754-6 Areta 5 Panel Drug Test Cup (6 Test Kit) - THC,COC,OPI2000,BZO,AMP Areta Multi-Drug Test Cup (6 tests kit) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
43 00810038632988 ACDOA-754 ACDOA-754-6 Areta 5 Panel Drug Test Cup (6 Test Kit) - THC,COC,OPI2000,BZO,AMP Areta Multi-Drug Test Cup (6 tests kit) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
44 00810038632988 ACDOA-754 ACDOA-754-6 Areta 5 Panel Drug Test Cup (6 Test Kit) - THC,COC,OPI2000,BZO,AMP Areta Multi-Drug Test Cup (6 tests kit) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
45 00810038632018 EDTH-114 EDTH-114-20 20 tests per kit;THC Single Panel Easy@Home Single Drug Screen Test (Cannabinoids Urine Test) (20 tests/kit) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
46 00810038631684 EDOAP-754 EDOAP-754-10 10 tests kit;5-Panel Dip Card; AMP/BZO/COC/OPI/THC Easy@Home Multi-Drug Screen Test (10 tests kit) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
47 00810038631684 EDOAP-754 EDOAP-754-10 10 tests kit;5-Panel Dip Card; AMP/BZO/COC/OPI/THC Easy@Home Multi-Drug Screen Test (10 tests kit) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
48 00810038631684 EDOAP-754 EDOAP-754-10 10 tests kit;5-Panel Dip Card; AMP/BZO/COC/OPI/THC Easy@Home Multi-Drug Screen Test (10 tests kit) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
49 00810038631684 EDOAP-754 EDOAP-754-10 10 tests kit;5-Panel Dip Card; AMP/BZO/COC/OPI/THC Easy@Home Multi-Drug Screen Test (10 tests kit) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
50 00810038631639 EDTH-114 EDTH-114-5 5 tests per kit;THC Single Panel Easy@Home Single Drug Screen Test (Cannabinoids Urine Test) (5 tests/kit) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION