Other products from "VILEX LLC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00841731120038 ST-102020 ST-102020 Staple, Nitinex 10x20x20mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
2 00841731120212 ST-152020 ST-152020 Staple, Nitinex 15x20x20mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
3 00841731120045 ST-122020 ST-122020 Staple, Nitinex 12x20x20mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
4 00841731119216 ST-A101311 Staple, Alpine 10x13x11mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
5 00841731114884 635T-40T Washer, 4.0mm Ti - T40 Screw HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Vilex Implant Accessory
6 00841731114877 635T-30T Washer, 3.0mm Ti - T30 Screw HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Vilex Implant Accessory
7 00841731114860 635T-20T Washer, 2.0mm Ti - T20 Screw HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Vilex Implant Accessory
8 00841731114853 635-72T Washer, 7.2mm Ti Screw HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Vilex Implant Accessory
9 00841731114846 635-65T Washer, 6.5mm Ti Screws .468x.275x.040 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Vilex Implant Accessory
10 00841731114839 635-65S Washer, 6.5mm SS Screw 468x.275x.040 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Vilex Implant Accessory
11 00841731114822 635-45T Washer, 4.5mm Ti Screw 328x.218x.040 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Vilex Implant Accessory
12 00841731114815 635-45S Washer, 4.5mm SS Screw 328x.218x.040 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Vilex Implant Accessory
13 00841731114808 635-40T Washer, 4.0mm Ti Screw 312x.175x.040 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Vilex Implant Accessory
14 00841731114792 635-40S Washer, 4.0mm SS Screw 312x.175x.040 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Vilex Implant Accessory
15 00841731108432 ALD36-7U Plate, Avid Lapidus Med Angle HRS Plate, Fixation, Bone 2 Vilex AVID Plate
16 00841731106889 TH30-25T-1110 HammerFUZE Implant 3.0x25 Angled_Ti Magenta HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 HammerFuze
17 00841731106872 TH30-25T-1100 HammerFUZE Implant 3.0x25 Str._Ti Magenta HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 HammerFuze
18 00841731106865 TH25-20T-1110 HammerFUZE Implant 2.5x20 Angled_Ti Gold HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 HammerFuze
19 00841731106858 TH25-20T-1100 HammerFUZE Implant 2.5x20 Str._Ti Gold HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 HammerFuze
20 00841731106841 TH22-18T-0910 HammerFUZE Implant 2.2x18 Angled_Ti L.Blue HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 HammerFuze
21 00841731106834 TH22-18T-0900 HammerFUZE Implant 2.2x18 Str._Ti L.Blue HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 HammerFuze
22 00841731106827 ST-252222 Staple, Nitinex 25x22x22mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
23 00841731106810 ST-251616 Staple, Nitinex 25x16x16mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
24 00841731106803 ST-202020 Staple, Nitinex 20x20x20mm HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
25 00841731106797 ST-201616 Staple, Nitinex 20x16x16mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
26 00841731106780 ST-181715 Staple, Nitinex 18x17x15mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
27 00841731106773 ST-181414 Staple, Nitinex 18x14x14mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
28 00841731106766 ST-181212 Staple, Nitinex 18x12x12mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
29 00841731106759 ST-151515 Staple, Nitinex 15x15x15mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
30 00841731106742 ST-151212 Staple, Nitinex 15x12x12mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
31 00841731106735 ST-121916 Staple, Nitinex 12x19x16mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
32 00841731106728 ST-121715 Staple, Nitinex 12x17x15mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
33 00841731106711 ST-121513 Staple, Nitinex 12x15x13mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
34 00841731106704 ST-121010 Staple, Nitinex 12x10x10mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
35 00841731106698 ST-101715 Staple, Nitinex 10x17x15mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
36 00841731106681 ST-101513 Staple, Nitinex 10x15x13mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
37 00841731106674 ST-101010 Staple, Nitinex 10x10x10mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
38 00841731106667 ST-081010 Staple, Nitinex 08x10x10mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
39 00841731106650 ST-080808 Staple, Nitinex 08x08x08mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
40 00841731106315 CHI-5TH Cannulated Hemi Implant #5 24x21 Ti HA Coated Bronze KWD Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal 2 Cannulated 1st MPJ Hemi Implant
41 00841731106308 CHI-5T Cannulated Hemi Implant #5 24x21 Ti Bronze KWD Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal 2 Cannulated 1st MPJ Hemi Implant
42 00841731106292 CHI-5CH Cannulated Hemi Implant #5 24x21 CoCr HA Coated KWD Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal 2 Cannulated 1st MPJ Hemi Implant
43 00841731106285 CHI-5C Cannulated Hemi Implant #5 24x21 CoCr KWD Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal 2 Cannulated 1st MPJ Hemi Implant
44 00841731106278 CHI-4TH Cannulated Hemi Implant #4 22x19 Ti HA Coated Green KWD Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal 2 Cannulated 1st MPJ Hemi Implant
45 00841731106261 CHI-4T Cannulated Hemi Implant #4 22x19 Ti Green KWD Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal 2 Cannulated 1st MPJ Hemi Implant
46 00841731106254 CHI-4CH Cannulated Hemi Implant #4 22x19 CoCr HA Coated KWD Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal 2 Cannulated 1st MPJ Hemi Implant
47 00841731106247 CHI-4C Cannulated Hemi Implant #4 22x19 CoCr KWD Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal 2 Cannulated 1st MPJ Hemi Implant
48 00841731106230 CHI-3TH Cannulated Hemi Implant #3 19x17 Ti HA Coated Magenta KWD Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal 2 Cannulated 1st MPJ Hemi Implant
49 00841731106223 CHI-3T Cannulated Hemi Implant #3 19x17 Ti Magenta KWD Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal 2 Cannulated 1st MPJ Hemi Implant
50 00841731106216 CHI-3CH Cannulated Hemi Implant #3 19x17 Cocr HA Coated KWD Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal 2 Cannulated 1st MPJ Hemi Implant
Other products with the same Product Codes "KTT, HTW"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00190660218522 Universal hand drill 43-554 Universal hand drill, 11'' Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
2 00190660218515 Ralks hand drill 43-553 Ralks hand drill, 6'' Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
3 00190660211073 Quick coupling tap 45-925 Quick coupling tap, 8'', 6.5mm diameter, calibrated with centimeter graduations, Quick coupling tap, 8'', 6.5mm diameter, calibrated with centimeter graduations, for cortical screws Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
4 00190660211066 Quick coupling tap 45-924 Quick coupling tap, 7'', 4.5mm diameter, calibrated with centimeter graduations, Quick coupling tap, 7'', 4.5mm diameter, calibrated with centimeter graduations, for cortical screws Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
5 00190660211059 Quick coupling tap 45-923 Quick coupling tap, 7'', 3.5mm diameter, calibrated with centimeter graduations, Quick coupling tap, 7'', 3.5mm diameter, calibrated with centimeter graduations, for cortical screws Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
6 00190660211042 Quick coupling tap 45-922 Quick coupling tap, 7 1/2'', 4.5mm diameter, extra long thread, for 4.5mm cortic Quick coupling tap, 7 1/2'', 4.5mm diameter, extra long thread, for 4.5mm cortical & 4.5mm malleolar shaft screws Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
7 00190660211035 Quick coupling tap 45-921 Quick coupling tap, 5'', 4.5mm diameter, long thread, for 4.5mm cortical & 4.5mm Quick coupling tap, 5'', 4.5mm diameter, long thread, for 4.5mm cortical & 4.5mm malleolar shaft screws Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
8 00190660211028 Quick coupling tap 45-920 Quick coupling tap, 5'', 4.5mm diameter, for 4.5mm cortical & 4.5mm malleolar shaft screws Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
9 00190660211011 Quick coupling tap 45-917 Quick coupling tap, 4'', 2.7mm diameter, 1.0mm thread pitch, for cortical screws Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
10 00190660211004 Quick coupling tap 45-918 Quick coupling tap, 4 1/2'', 3.5mm diameter, fine, 1.25mm thread pitch, for cort Quick coupling tap, 4 1/2'', 3.5mm diameter, fine, 1.25mm thread pitch, for cortical screws Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
11 00190660210991 Quick coupling tap 45-919 Quick coupling tap, 4 1/2'', 3.5mm diameter, coarse, 1.75mm thread pitch, for 3. Quick coupling tap, 4 1/2'', 3.5mm diameter, coarse, 1.75mm thread pitch, for 3.5mm & 4.0mm cancellous screws Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
12 00190660210984 Quick coupling tap 45-915 Quick coupling tap, 2'', 1.5mm diameter, 0.5mm thread pitch, for cortical screws Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
13 00190660210977 Quick coupling tap 45-916 Quick coupling tap, 2 1/4'', 2.0mm diameter, 0.6mm thread pitch, for cortical screws Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
14 00190660203788 Quick coupling drill bit 45-881 Quick coupling drill bit, 85.0mm, 1.5mm diameter, 60.0mm working length, 23.0mm Quick coupling drill bit, 85.0mm, 1.5mm diameter, 60.0mm working length, 23.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
15 00190660203771 Quick coupling drill bit 45-880 Quick coupling drill bit, 60.0mm, 1.1mm diameter, 35.0mm working length, 20.0mm Quick coupling drill bit, 60.0mm, 1.1mm diameter, 35.0mm working length, 20.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
16 00190660203764 Quick coupling drill bit 45-891 Quick coupling drill bit, 195.0mm, 6.0mm diameter, 170.0mm working length, 60.0m Quick coupling drill bit, 195.0mm, 6.0mm diameter, 170.0mm working length, 60.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
17 00190660203757 Quick coupling drill bit 45-890 Quick coupling drill bit, 195.0mm, 4.5mm diameter, 170.0mm working length, 50.0m Quick coupling drill bit, 195.0mm, 4.5mm diameter, 170.0mm working length, 50.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
18 00190660203740 Quick coupling drill bit 45-889 Quick coupling drill bit, 195.0mm, 3.5mm diameter, 170.0mm working length, 50.0m Quick coupling drill bit, 195.0mm, 3.5mm diameter, 170.0mm working length, 50.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
19 00190660203733 Quick coupling drill bit 45-888 Quick coupling drill bit, 195.0mm, 3.2mm diameter, 170.0mm working length, 50.0m Quick coupling drill bit, 195.0mm, 3.2mm diameter, 170.0mm working length, 50.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
20 00190660203726 Quick coupling drill bit 45-887 Quick coupling drill bit, 145.0mm, 4.5mm diameter, 120.0mm working length, 50.0m Quick coupling drill bit, 145.0mm, 4.5mm diameter, 120.0mm working length, 50.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
21 00190660203719 Quick coupling drill bit 45-886 Quick coupling drill bit, 145.0mm, 3.2mm diameter, 120.0mm working length, 50.0m Quick coupling drill bit, 145.0mm, 3.2mm diameter, 120.0mm working length, 50.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
22 00190660203702 Quick coupling drill bit 45-885 Quick coupling drill bit, 110.0mm, 3.5mm diameter, 85.0mm working length, 50.0mm Quick coupling drill bit, 110.0mm, 3.5mm diameter, 85.0mm working length, 50.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
23 00190660203696 Quick coupling drill bit 45-884 Quick coupling drill bit, 110.0mm, 2.5mm diameter, 85.0mm working length, 50.0mm Quick coupling drill bit, 110.0mm, 2.5mm diameter, 85.0mm working length, 50.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
24 00190660203689 Quick coupling drill bit 45-883 Quick coupling drill bit, 100.0mm, 2.7mm diameter, 75.0mm working length, 50.0mm Quick coupling drill bit, 100.0mm, 2.7mm diameter, 75.0mm working length, 50.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
25 00190660203672 Quick coupling drill bit 45-882 Quick coupling drill bit, 100.0mm, 2.0mm diameter, 75.0mm working length, 50.0mm Quick coupling drill bit, 100.0mm, 2.0mm diameter, 75.0mm working length, 50.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
26 00190660203665 Jacobs chuck drill bit 45-872 Jacobs chuck drill bit, 95.0mm, 2.5mm diameter, 43.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
27 00190660203658 Jacobs chuck drill bit 45-871 Jacobs chuck drill bit, 85.0mm, 2.0mm diameter, 38.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
28 00190660203641 Jacobs chuck drill bit 45-870 Jacobs chuck drill bit, 70.0mm, 1.5mm diameter, 30.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
29 00190660203634 Jacobs chuck drill bit 45-869 Jacobs chuck drill bit, 55.0mm, 1.0mm diameter, 25.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
30 00190660203627 Jacobs chuck drill bit 45-879 Jacobs chuck drill bit, 180.0mm, 6.0mm diameter, 70.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
31 00190660203610 Jacobs chuck drill bit 45-878 Jacobs chuck drill bit, 180.0mm, 4.5mm diameter, 70.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
32 00190660203603 Jacobs chuck drill bit 45-877 Jacobs chuck drill bit, 180.0mm, 3.5mm diameter, 70.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
33 00190660203597 Jacobs chuck drill bit 45-876 Jacobs chuck drill bit, 180.0mm, 3.2mm diameter, 70.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
34 00190660203580 Jacobs chuck drill bit 45-875 Jacobs chuck drill bit, 112.0mm, 3.5mm diameter, 52.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
35 00190660203573 Jacobs chuck drill bit 45-874 Jacobs chuck drill bit, 106.0mm, 3.2mm diameter, 48.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
36 00190660203566 Jacobs chuck drill bit 45-873 Jacobs chuck drill bit, 100.0mm, 2.7mm diameter, 45.0mm flute length Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
37 00190660203559 Drill bit 45-897 Drill bit, 9'', 4.5mm diameter, calibrated, 3 flutes Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
38 00190660203542 Drill bit 45-896 Drill bit, 9'', 3.2mm diameter, calibrated, 3 flutes Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
39 00190660203535 Drill bit 45-895 Drill bit, 9'', 2.5mm diameter, calibrated, 3 flutes Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
40 00190660201753 Power drill adapter 43-245 Power drill adapter, 2 1/2'' Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
41 00190660082802 Small quick coupling handle 43-054 Small quick coupling handle, 4 1/2'' Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
42 00190660082789 Mini quick coupling handle 43-052 Mini quick coupling handle, 4 1/2'' Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
43 00190446289272 803-15-009 Drill Bit, 3.2x45mm, Bayonet DJO SURGICAL ENCORE MEDICAL, L.P.
44 00190446289265 803-15-008 Drill Bit, 3.2x35mm, Bayonet DJO SURGICAL ENCORE MEDICAL, L.P.
45 00190446289258 803-15-007 Drill Bit, 3.2x25mm, Bayonet DJO SURGICAL ENCORE MEDICAL, L.P.
46 00190376419060 16803-052 5.2mm S2AI Drill Invictus ALPHATEC SPINE, INC.
47 00190376419053 16803-048 4.8mm S2AI Drill Invictus ALPHATEC SPINE, INC.
48 00190376419046 16803-045 4.5mm S2AI Drill Invictus ALPHATEC SPINE, INC.
49 00190376419039 16803-041 4.1mm S2AI Drill Invictus ALPHATEC SPINE, INC.
50 00190376419022 16803-038 3.8mm S2AI Drill Invictus ALPHATEC SPINE, INC.