Other products from "VILEX LLC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00841731120038 ST-102020 ST-102020 Staple, Nitinex 10x20x20mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
2 00841731120212 ST-152020 ST-152020 Staple, Nitinex 15x20x20mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
3 00841731120045 ST-122020 ST-122020 Staple, Nitinex 12x20x20mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
4 00841731119216 ST-A101311 Staple, Alpine 10x13x11mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
5 00841731114884 635T-40T Washer, 4.0mm Ti - T40 Screw HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Vilex Implant Accessory
6 00841731114877 635T-30T Washer, 3.0mm Ti - T30 Screw HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Vilex Implant Accessory
7 00841731114860 635T-20T Washer, 2.0mm Ti - T20 Screw HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Vilex Implant Accessory
8 00841731114853 635-72T Washer, 7.2mm Ti Screw HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Vilex Implant Accessory
9 00841731114846 635-65T Washer, 6.5mm Ti Screws .468x.275x.040 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Vilex Implant Accessory
10 00841731114839 635-65S Washer, 6.5mm SS Screw 468x.275x.040 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Vilex Implant Accessory
11 00841731114822 635-45T Washer, 4.5mm Ti Screw 328x.218x.040 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Vilex Implant Accessory
12 00841731114815 635-45S Washer, 4.5mm SS Screw 328x.218x.040 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Vilex Implant Accessory
13 00841731114808 635-40T Washer, 4.0mm Ti Screw 312x.175x.040 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Vilex Implant Accessory
14 00841731114792 635-40S Washer, 4.0mm SS Screw 312x.175x.040 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Vilex Implant Accessory
15 00841731108432 ALD36-7U Plate, Avid Lapidus Med Angle HRS Plate, Fixation, Bone 2 Vilex AVID Plate
16 00841731106889 TH30-25T-1110 HammerFUZE Implant 3.0x25 Angled_Ti Magenta HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 HammerFuze
17 00841731106872 TH30-25T-1100 HammerFUZE Implant 3.0x25 Str._Ti Magenta HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 HammerFuze
18 00841731106865 TH25-20T-1110 HammerFUZE Implant 2.5x20 Angled_Ti Gold HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 HammerFuze
19 00841731106858 TH25-20T-1100 HammerFUZE Implant 2.5x20 Str._Ti Gold HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 HammerFuze
20 00841731106841 TH22-18T-0910 HammerFUZE Implant 2.2x18 Angled_Ti L.Blue HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 HammerFuze
21 00841731106834 TH22-18T-0900 HammerFUZE Implant 2.2x18 Str._Ti L.Blue HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 HammerFuze
22 00841731106827 ST-252222 Staple, Nitinex 25x22x22mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
23 00841731106810 ST-251616 Staple, Nitinex 25x16x16mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
24 00841731106803 ST-202020 Staple, Nitinex 20x20x20mm HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
25 00841731106797 ST-201616 Staple, Nitinex 20x16x16mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
26 00841731106780 ST-181715 Staple, Nitinex 18x17x15mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
27 00841731106773 ST-181414 Staple, Nitinex 18x14x14mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
28 00841731106766 ST-181212 Staple, Nitinex 18x12x12mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
29 00841731106759 ST-151515 Staple, Nitinex 15x15x15mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
30 00841731106742 ST-151212 Staple, Nitinex 15x12x12mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
31 00841731106735 ST-121916 Staple, Nitinex 12x19x16mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
32 00841731106728 ST-121715 Staple, Nitinex 12x17x15mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
33 00841731106711 ST-121513 Staple, Nitinex 12x15x13mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
34 00841731106704 ST-121010 Staple, Nitinex 12x10x10mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
35 00841731106698 ST-101715 Staple, Nitinex 10x17x15mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
36 00841731106681 ST-101513 Staple, Nitinex 10x15x13mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
37 00841731106674 ST-101010 Staple, Nitinex 10x10x10mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
38 00841731106667 ST-081010 Staple, Nitinex 08x10x10mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
39 00841731106650 ST-080808 Staple, Nitinex 08x08x08mm JDR Staple, Fixation, Bone 2 Nitinex Memory Staple
40 00841731106315 CHI-5TH Cannulated Hemi Implant #5 24x21 Ti HA Coated Bronze KWD Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal 2 Cannulated 1st MPJ Hemi Implant
41 00841731106308 CHI-5T Cannulated Hemi Implant #5 24x21 Ti Bronze KWD Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal 2 Cannulated 1st MPJ Hemi Implant
42 00841731106292 CHI-5CH Cannulated Hemi Implant #5 24x21 CoCr HA Coated KWD Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal 2 Cannulated 1st MPJ Hemi Implant
43 00841731106285 CHI-5C Cannulated Hemi Implant #5 24x21 CoCr KWD Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal 2 Cannulated 1st MPJ Hemi Implant
44 00841731106278 CHI-4TH Cannulated Hemi Implant #4 22x19 Ti HA Coated Green KWD Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal 2 Cannulated 1st MPJ Hemi Implant
45 00841731106261 CHI-4T Cannulated Hemi Implant #4 22x19 Ti Green KWD Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal 2 Cannulated 1st MPJ Hemi Implant
46 00841731106254 CHI-4CH Cannulated Hemi Implant #4 22x19 CoCr HA Coated KWD Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal 2 Cannulated 1st MPJ Hemi Implant
47 00841731106247 CHI-4C Cannulated Hemi Implant #4 22x19 CoCr KWD Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal 2 Cannulated 1st MPJ Hemi Implant
48 00841731106230 CHI-3TH Cannulated Hemi Implant #3 19x17 Ti HA Coated Magenta KWD Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal 2 Cannulated 1st MPJ Hemi Implant
49 00841731106223 CHI-3T Cannulated Hemi Implant #3 19x17 Ti Magenta KWD Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal 2 Cannulated 1st MPJ Hemi Implant
50 00841731106216 CHI-3CH Cannulated Hemi Implant #3 19x17 Cocr HA Coated KWD Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal 2 Cannulated 1st MPJ Hemi Implant
Other products with the same Product Codes "HXC, KTT"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 04048844324667 74210000 MUTARS® socket wrench IMPLANTCAST GMBH
2 04048844281069 77551231 MUTARS® torque wrench adapter short IMPLANTCAST GMBH
3 04048844281052 77551230 MUTARS® torque wrench M8 M10 IMPLANTCAST GMBH
4 04048844056483 74900000 MUTARS® engineers wrench SW 24 IMPLANTCAST GMBH
5 04048266167637 33 28 FH07033S DuoMetaCun™ II Plate with Compression-Hole Size 33 28 TiAl6V4 ELI sterile DuoMetaCun™ II Plate MERETE GMBH
6 04048266167620 31 28 FH07031S DuoMetaCun™ II Plate with Compression-Hole Size 31 28 TiAl6V4 ELI sterile DuoMetaCun™ II Plate MERETE GMBH
7 04048266167576 33 25 FH06033 DuoMetaCun™ II Plate with Compression-Hole Size 33 25 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile DuoMetaCun™ II Plate MERETE GMBH
8 04048266167569 31 25 FH06031 DuoMetaCun™ II Plate with Compression-Hole Size 31 25 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile DuoMetaCun™ II Plate MERETE GMBH
9 04048266167507 35 FH03035 MetaCun™ II Plate with Compression-Hole Size 35 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile MetaCun™ II Plate MERETE GMBH
10 04048266167460 33 FH03033S MetaCun™ II Plate with Compression-Hole Size 33 TiAl6V4 ELI sterile MetaCun™ II Plate MERETE GMBH
11 04048266167453 31 FH03031S MetaCun™ II Plate with Compression-Hole Size 31 TiAl6V4 ELI sterile MetaCun™ II Plate MERETE GMBH
12 04048266167446 29 FH03029S MetaCun™ II Plate with Compression-Hole Size 29 TiAl6V4 ELI sterile MetaCun™ II Plate MERETE GMBH
13 04048266138989 CP10007 PediatrOS FlexTack/ RigidTack K-wire grip wrench non-sterile PediatrOS™ FlexTack™/ RigidTack™ MERETE GMBH
14 04048266135896 right 5 FH13005 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile MetaFix™ Open Wedge Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
15 04048266135889 right 3 FH13003 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile MetaFix™ Open Wedge Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
16 04048266135872 right 1 FH13001 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile MetaFix™ Open Wedge Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
17 04048266135865 left 5 FH12005 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile MetaFix™ Open Wedge Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
18 04048266135858 left 3 FH12003 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile MetaFix™ Open Wedge Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
19 04048266135841 left 1 FH12001 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile MetaFix™ Open Wedge Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
20 04048266130389 right 6 FH13006 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile MetaFix™ Open Wedge Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
21 04048266130372 right 4 FH13004 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile MetaFix™ Open Wedge Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
22 04048266130365 right 2 FH13002 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile MetaFix™ Open Wedge Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
23 04048266130358 right 0 FH13000 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile MetaFix™ Open Wedge Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
24 04048266130341 left 6 FH12006 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile MetaFix™ Open Wedge Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
25 04048266130334 left 4 FH12004 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile MetaFix™ Open Wedge Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
26 04048266130327 left 2 FH12002 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile MetaFix™ Open Wedge Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
27 04048266130310 left 0 FH12000 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile MetaFix™ Open Wedge Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
28 04048266077059 3.0 34 Hex2.5 FH30134 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile Merete® Cannulated PCS Compression Screw MERETE GMBH
29 04048266077042 3.0 32 Hex2.5 FH30132 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile Merete® Cannulated PCS Compression Screw MERETE GMBH
30 04048266077035 3.0 30 Hex2.5 FH30130 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile Merete® Cannulated PCS Compression Screw MERETE GMBH
31 04048266077028 3.0 28 Hex2.5 FH30128 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile Merete® Cannulated PCS Compression Screw MERETE GMBH
32 04048266077011 3.0 26 Hex2.5 FH30126 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile Merete® Cannulated PCS Compression Screw MERETE GMBH
33 04048266077004 3.0 24 Hex2.5 FH30124 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile Merete® Cannulated PCS Compression Screw MERETE GMBH
34 04048266076991 3.0 22 Hex2.5 FH30122 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile Merete® Cannulated PCS Compression Screw MERETE GMBH
35 04048266076984 3.0 20 Hex2.5 FH30120 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile Merete® Cannulated PCS Compression Screw MERETE GMBH
36 04048266076977 3.0 18 Hex2.5 FH30118 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile Merete® Cannulated PCS Compression Screw MERETE GMBH
37 04048266076960 3.0 16 Hex2.5 FH30116 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile Merete® Cannulated PCS Compression Screw MERETE GMBH
38 04048266076953 3.0 14 Hex2.5 FH30114 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile Merete® Cannulated PCS Compression Screw MERETE GMBH
39 04048266076946 3.0 12 Hex2.5 FH30112 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile Merete® Cannulated PCS Compression Screw MERETE GMBH
40 04048266076458 25 28 FH07025 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile DuoMetaCun™ Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
41 04048266076441 23 28 FH07023 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile DuoMetaCun™ Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
42 04048266076434 25 25 FH06025 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile DuoMetaCun™ Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
43 04048266076427 23 25 FH06023 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile DuoMetaCun™ Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
44 04048266076373 27 FH03027 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile MetaCun™ Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
45 04048266076366 25 FH03025 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile MetaCun™ Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
46 04048266076359 23 FH03023 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile MetaCun™ Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
47 04048266076342 21 FH03021 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile MetaCun™ Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
48 04048266076328 left 52 FH02252 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile MetaFix™ MTP Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
49 04048266076311 left 39 FH02239 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile MetaFix™ MTP Locking Plate MERETE GMBH
50 04048266076298 left 38 FH02138 TiAl6V4 ELI non-sterile MetaFix™ Ludloff Locking Plate MERETE GMBH