Other products from "STERNGOLD DENTAL LLC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00841549115417 922377 Designed for both transitional and long-term denture stabilization, the ERA Micr DZE Implant, Endosseous, Root-Form 2 ERA 2.2mm IMP 0' Micro Head 10X2 MM Acid Etch, Ti
2 00841549114908 905337 A metal device used in dental surgery to create channels of appropriate depth an DZE Implant, Endosseous, Root-Form 2 Sterngold Implant System Dense Bone Drill 4.05mm
3 00841549114991 905377 A metal device used in dental surgery to create channels of appropriate depth an DZI Drill, Bone, Powered 2 WP 4.3mm Pilot Drill
4 00841549114984 905374 A metal device used in dental surgery to create channels of appropriate depth an DZI Drill, Bone, Powered 2 WP 4.3mm Externally Cooled Drill, 7.0 - 15.0mm
5 00841549114816 905289 A metal device used in dental surgery to create channels of appropriate depth an DZI Drill, Bone, Powered 2 TRU/PUR 3.0mm Drill 6,8,10,12,14mm
6 00841549114915 905338 A metal device used in dental surgery to create channels of appropriate depth an DZE Implant, Endosseous, Root-Form 2 Sterngold Implant System Dense Bone Drill 4.75mm
7 00841549114649 905192 A metal device used in dental surgery to create channels of appropriate depth an DZI Drill, Bone, Powered 2 RP 3.3mm Externally Cooled Drill, 7.0 - 20.0mm
8 00841549114250 904932 Intended for use with dental implants to support and/or retain removable dental NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Stern Snap Abutment Base 4.0mm (S)
9 00841549114199 904925 Intended for use with dental implants to support and/or retain removable dental NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Abutment Base 2.5mm (B)
10 00841549114069 904910 Devices are used in dental implant applications for oral rehabilitation of edent DZE Implant, Endosseous, Root-Form 2 Natural Profile Healing Abutment 6.0mm x 2.0mm, RP, Biomain, Ti
11 00841549114052 904909 Devices are used in dental implant applications for oral rehabilitation of edent DZE Implant, Endosseous, Root-Form 2 Natural Profile Healing Abutment 6.0mm x 1.0mm, RP, Biomain, Ti
12 00841549114045 904908 Devices are used in dental implant applications for oral rehabilitation of edent DZE Implant, Endosseous, Root-Form 2 Natural Profile Healing Abutment 5.0mm x 4.0mm, RP, Biomain, Ti
13 00841549114038 904907 Devices are used in dental implant applications for oral rehabilitation of edent DZE Implant, Endosseous, Root-Form 2 Natural Profile Healing Abutment 5.0mm x 3.0mm, RP, Biomain, Ti
14 00841549113918 904823 ERA abutments provide a resilient attachment with universal hinge movement. Ava NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 ERA Implant Abutment Std 0 Deg, 2mm Cuff (AE)
15 00841549113796 904805 The SternSnap Attachment is indicated for use with dental implants to support an NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Stern Snap One Piece Abutment 4mm Cuff (BF)
16 00841549113482 904766 PUR UCLA Abutment RP Engaging - Gold. The UCLA-Type Abutment is attached direct NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 PUR UCLA Abutment RP Engaging - GOLD
17 00841549113390 904754 Can be used to make a temporary crown. It can also be used as a base with which NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 MOR® Temporization Cap
18 00841549113345 904721 TRU Prosthetic Screw RP .048" Hex. These Prosthetic Screws are intended for fix NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TRU Prosthetic Screw RP .048 Hex
19 00841549113291 904715 Intended for use with Stern IC dental implants to support and/or retain removabl NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Stern IC RN UCLA Engaging Plastic Abutment (S)
20 00841549113246 904704 Intended for use with Stern IC dental implants to support and/or retain removabl NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Stern IC RN Solid Abutment 4.0mm
21 00841549113215 904701 Intended for use with Stern IC dental implants to support and/or retain removabl NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Stern IC RN Solid Abutment 4.0mm, Biomain
22 00841549113055 904685 The ORA System is indicated for use with dental implants to support and/or retai NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 ORA Implant Abutment 1.0mm Cuff (AJ)
23 00841549113017 904681 The ORA System is indicated for use with dental implants to support and/or retai NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 ORA Implant Abutment 2.0mm Cuff (AY)
24 00841549112911 904671 The ORA System is indicated for use with dental implants to support and/or retai NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 ORA Implant Abutment 2.0mm Cuff (AN)
25 00841549112904 904670 The ORA System is indicated for use with dental implants to support and/or retai NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 ORA Implant Abutment 1.0mm Cuff (AN)
26 00841549112898 904667 The ORA System is indicated for use with dental implants to support and/or retai NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 ORA Implant Abutment 3.0mm Cuff (BH)
27 00841549112874 904657 TRU Prosthetic Screw RP .048" Hex. These Prosthetic Screws are intended for fix NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TRU® Prosthetic Screw RP .050" Hex, Ti
28 00841549112867 904656 TRU Prosthetic Screw NP .048" Hex. The TRU Prosthetic Screws are intended for f NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 TRU® Prosthetic Screw NP .050" Hex, Ti
29 00841549112775 904645 Intended for use with dental implants to support and/or retain removable dental NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Stern Snap Abutment Base 2.2mm (AK)
30 00841549112713 904639 Intended for use with dental implants to support and/or retain removable dental NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Stern Snap Abutment Base 5.0mm (AY)
31 00841549112560 904624 Intended for use with dental implants to support and/or retain removable dental NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Stern Snap Abutment Base 2.0mm (AE)
32 00841549112546 904622 Intended for use with dental implants to support and/or retain removable dental NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Stern Snap Abutment Base 4.0mm (BE)
33 00841549112461 904614 SternSnap Overdenture Implant Abutment System that can be used to retain overden NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Stern Snap One Piece Abutment 3mm Cuff (A)
34 00841549112416 904609 SternSnap Overdenture Implant Abutment System that can be used to retain overden NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Stern Snap One Piece Abutment 2mm Cuff (BH)
35 00841549112393 904607 The SternSnap Attachment is indicated for use with dental implants to support an NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Stern Snap One Piece Abutment 4mm Cuff (X)
36 00841549100406 220218 A temporary crown and bridge material refill for temporary crowns and bridges, l EBG Crown And Bridge, Temporary, Resin 2 InstaTemp® Max Temp. Material B1 76g cart., 15 mixing tips
37 00841549112232 904591 Stern Snap Product Description:The SternSnap Attachment is indicated for use wit NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Stern Snap One Piece Abutment 4mm Cuff (AN)
38 00841549112126 904580 The SternSnap Attachment is indicated for use with dental implants to support an NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Stern Snap One Piece Abutment 1mm Cuff (T)
39 00841549112119 904579 SternSnap Overdenture Implant Abutment System that can be used to retain overden NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Stern Snap One Piece Abutment 3mm Cuff (S)
40 00841549112058 904573 SternSnap Overdenture Implant Abutment System that can be used to retain overden NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Stern Snap One Piece Abutment 2mm Cuff (AP)
41 00841549112041 904572 The SternSnap Attachment is indicated for use with dental implants to support an NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Stern Snap One Piece Abutment 1mm Cuff (AP)
42 00841549112034 904571 The SternSnap Attachment is indicated for use with dental implants to support an NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Stern Snap One Piece Abutment 4mm Cuff (AY)
43 00841549111976 904565 SternSnap Overdenture Implant Abutment System that can be used to retain overden NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Stern Snap One Piece Abutment 2mm Cuff (C)
44 00841549111952 904563 The SternSnap Attachment is indicated for use with dental implants to support an NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Stern Snap One Piece Abutment 4mm Cuff (B)
45 00841549111945 904562 Stern Snap One-Piece Implant Abutment 3mm Cuff (B) Contents: 1 attachment, 1 eac NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Stern Snap One Piece Abutment 3mm Cuff (B)
46 00841549104664 812794 Implant retained overdentures are an established treatment modality. ERA abutmen NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 ERA® Implant Abutment Micro 0°, 4mm Cuff (C)
47 00841549111846 904552 The ORA System is indicated for use with dental implants to support and/or retai NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 ORA Implant Abutment 3.0mm Cuff (BE)
48 00841549111785 904518 The UCLA-Type Abutment is attached directly to the implant. It provides a patter NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 NP UCLA Abutment Titanium, Hexed
49 00841549111747 904512 The UCLA-Type Abutment is attached directly to the implant. It provides a patter NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 NP UCLA Abutment Plastic, Non-Hexed
50 00841549111587 904474 The ORA System is indicated for use with dental implants to support and/or retai NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 ORA Implant Abutment 5.0mm Cuff (BD)
Other products with the same Product Code "NHA"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00813110028983 260-350-735 260-350-735 Universal Abutment UA5 XP 15° - 3.0mm Post Universal Abutment BICON, LLC
2 00813110028976 260-350-730 260-350-730 Universal Abutment UA5 XP 0° - 3.0mm Post Universal Abutment BICON, LLC
3 00813110028969 260-250-735 260-250-735 Universal Abutment UA5 XP 15° - 2.5mm Post Universal Abutment BICON, LLC
4 00813110028952 260-250-730 260-250-730 Universal Abutment UA5 XP 0° - 2.5mm Post Universal Abutment BICON, LLC
5 00813110028945 260-240-735 260-240-735 Universal Abutment UA4 XP 15° - 2.5mm Post Universal Abutment BICON, LLC
6 00813110028938 260-240-730 260-240-730 Universal Abutment UA4 XP 0° - 2.5mm Post Universal Abutment BICON, LLC
7 00813110027955 260-265-765 260-265-765 6.5 x 6.5mm PEEK Temporary Abutment - 2.5mm Post PEEK Temporary Abutment BICON, LLC
8 00813110027948 260-265-745 260-265-745 6.5 x 4.5mm PEEK Temporary Abutment - 2.5mm Post PEEK Temporary Abutment BICON, LLC
9 00813110027931 260-250-765 260-250-765 5.0 x 6.5mm PEEK Temporary Abutment - 2.5mm Post PEEK Temporary Abutment BICON, LLC
10 00813110027924 260-250-745 260-250-745 5.0 x 4.5mm PEEK Temporary Abutment - 2.5mm Post PEEK Temporary Abutment BICON, LLC
11 00813110027917 260-240-765 260-240-765 4.0 x 6.5mm PEEK Temporary Abutment - 2.5mm Post PEEK Temporary Abutment BICON, LLC
12 00813110027900 260-240-745 260-240-745 4.0 x 4.5mm PEEK Temporary Abutment - 2.5mm Post PEEK Temporary Abutment BICON, LLC
13 00813110027351 260-265-565 260-265-565 6.5 x 6.5mm Temporary Abutment - 2.5mm Post Temporary Abutment BICON, LLC
14 00813110027344 260-265-545 260-265-545 6.5 x 4.5mm Temporary Abutment - 2.5mm Post Temporary Abutment BICON, LLC
15 00813110026842 260-240-725 260-240-725 Universal Abutment UA4 TP 15° - 2.5mm Post Universal Abutment BICON, LLC
16 00813110026835 260-240-720 260-240-720 Universal Abutment UA4 TP 0° - 2.5mm Post Universal Abutment BICON, LLC
17 00813110022165 260-265-725 260-265-725 Universal Abutment UA6 TP 15° - 2.5mm Post Universal Abutment BICON, LLC
18 00813110022158 260-265-720 260-265-720 Universal Abutment UA6 TP 0° - 2.5mm Post Universal Abutment BICON, LLC
19 00813110022141 260-265-715 260-265-715 Universal Abutment UA6 SP 15° - 2.5mm Post Universal Abutment BICON, LLC
20 00813110022134 260-265-710 260-265-710 Universal Abutment UA6 SP 0° - 2.5mm Post Universal Abutment BICON, LLC
21 00813110022127 260-265-705 260-265-705 Universal Abutment UA6 LP 15° - 2.5mm Post Universal Abutment BICON, LLC
22 00813110022110 260-265-700 260-265-700 Universal Abutment UA6 LP 0° - 2.5mm Post Universal Abutment BICON, LLC
23 00813110022103 260-265-055 260-265-055 6.5 x 5.0mm 15° Non-Shouldered Abutment - 2.5mm Post Non-Shouldered Abutment BICON, LLC
24 00813110022097 260-265-050 260-265-050 6.5 x 5.0mm 0° Non-Shouldered Abutment - 2.5mm Post Non-Shouldered Abutment BICON, LLC
25 00813110022080 260-260-503 260-260-503 6.0 x 2.5mm Sinus Lift Temporary Abutment - 2.5mm Post Temporary Abutment BICON, LLC
26 00813110022073 260-250-940 260-250-940 5.0 x 6.0mm Healing Abutment - 2.5mm Post Healing Abutment BICON, LLC
27 00813110022066 260-250-920 260-250-920 5.0 x 4.0mm Healing Abutment - 2.5mm Post Healing Abutment BICON, LLC
28 00813110022059 260-250-910 260-250-910 5.0 x 3.0mm Healing Abutment - 2.5mm Post Healing Abutment BICON, LLC
29 00813110022035 260-250-725 260-250-725 Universal Abutment UA5 TP 15° - 2.5mm Post Universal Abutment BICON, LLC
30 00813110022028 260-250-720 260-250-720 Universal Abutment UA5 TP 0° - 2.5mm Post Universal Abutment BICON, LLC
31 00813110022011 260-250-715 260-250-715 Universal Abutment UA5 SP 15° - 2.5mm Post Universal Abutment BICON, LLC
32 00813110022004 260-250-710 260-250-710 Universal Abutment UA5 SP 0° - 2.5mm Post Universal Abutment BICON, LLC
33 00813110021991 260-250-705 260-250-705 Universal Abutment UA5 LP 15° - 2.5mm Post Universal Abutment BICON, LLC
34 00813110021984 260-250-700 260-250-700 Universal Abutment UA5 LP 0° - 2.5mm Post Universal Abutment BICON, LLC
35 00813110021977 260-250-565 260-250-565 5.0 x 6.5mm Temporary Abutment - 2.5mm Post Temporary Abutment BICON, LLC
36 00813110021960 260-250-545 260-250-545 5.0 x 4.5mm Temporary Abutment - 2.5mm Post Temporary Abutment BICON, LLC
37 00813110021953 260-250-540 260-250-540 5.0 x 6.0mm Healing Abutment - 2.5mm Post Healing Abutment BICON, LLC
38 00813110021946 260-250-525 260-250-525 5.0 x 5.0mm 0° Healing Abutment - 2.5mm Post Healing Abutment BICON, LLC
39 00813110021939 260-250-520 260-250-520 5.0 x 4.0mm Healing Abutment - 2.5mm Post Healing Abutment BICON, LLC
40 00813110021922 260-250-510 260-250-510 5.0 x 3.0mm Healing Abutment - 2.5mm Post Healing Abutment BICON, LLC
41 00813110021908 260-250-429 260-250-429 6.0mm 15° Brevis™ Abutment - 2.5mm Post Brevis BICON, LLC
42 00813110021892 260-250-428 260-250-428 6.0mm 0° Brevis™ Abutment - 2.5mm Post Brevis BICON, LLC
43 00813110021885 260-250-427 260-250-427 4.0mm 15° Brevis™ Abutment - 2.5mm Post Brevis BICON, LLC
44 00813110021878 260-250-426 260-250-426 4.0mm 0° Brevis™ Abutment - 2.5mm Post Brevis BICON, LLC
45 00813110021861 260-250-425 260-250-425 2.0mm 15° Brevis™ Abutment - 2.5mm Post Brevis BICON, LLC
46 00813110021854 260-250-424 260-250-424 2.0mm 0° Brevis™ Abutment - 2.5mm Post Brevis BICON, LLC
47 00813110021847 260-250-400 260-250-400 4.0 x 3.5mm 0° Stealth Abutment - 2.5mm Post Stealth Abutment BICON, LLC
48 00813110021830 260-250-342 260-250-342 5.0 x 6.0mm 10° Stealth Abutment - 2.5mm Post Stealth Abutment BICON, LLC
49 00813110021823 260-250-341 260-250-341 5.0 x 6.0mm 0° Stealth Abutment - 2.5mm Post Stealth Abutment BICON, LLC
50 00813110021816 260-250-322 260-250-322 5.0 x 4.0mm 10° Stealth Abutment - 2.5mm Post Stealth Abutment BICON, LLC