No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00841536135022 5799 Rot Fence 50x200mm GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
2 00841536132816 10070001 Retractor Rack GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
3 00841536115048 46124A Malleable 76x254mm GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
4 00841536113587 45674ATT Radio Pl 45x100mm GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
5 00841536109276 60023 Hex Tool 9/64" GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
6 00841536105704 SL6615 Concave 25x160mm GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
7 00841536104400 45650A Nerve Root 9x114mm GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
8 00841536101881 44109B 9in Angled Closure Arm 4 1/2x4 1/2in GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
9 00841536101874 SL42127WGPV S-Lock Cam III Rev3/8in Clip QA Hndl 8in GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
10 00841536101867 SL42127WGP Cam III Clip-On QA 8in(3/8) GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
11 00841536101850 42118CP Cam III Clip Joint 3/8 x1/4in GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
12 00841536101843 44014H 12in Extension Arm w/ Hinge Joint (3/8) GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
13 00841536101836 44119 19in Angled Arm 12x7in (3/8) GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
14 00841536101829 44117 17in Angled Arm 10x7in (3/8) GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
15 00841536101812 SL45619AT Meyerding w/Teeth 38x165mm GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
16 00841536101805 SL45618AT Meyerding w/Teeth 25x115mm GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
17 00841536101799 SL45611AT Meyerding w/Teeth 25x75mm GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
18 00841536101782 45329ET Dual Prong Hip Blade 8in GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
19 00841536101775 45325ET Hohmann Hip Blade 8in GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
20 00841536101768 45321ET Cobra Hip Blade 8in GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
21 00841536101744 45305ET Radio Hohmann Hip Blade 11in GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
22 00841536101737 45301ET Radio Cobra Hip Blade 11in GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
23 00841536101669 45329E Dual Prong Hip Blade 8in GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
24 00841536101652 45325E Hohmann Hip Blade 8in GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
25 00841536101645 45321E Cobra Hip Blade 8in GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
26 00841536101607 45329 Dual Prong Hip Blade 8in GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
27 00841536101591 45325 Hohmann Hip Blade 8in GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
28 00841536101584 45321 Cobra Hip Blade 8in GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
29 00841536101577 45309 Dual Png Hip Blade 11in GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
30 00841536101560 45305 Hohmann Hip Blade 11in GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
31 00841536101553 45301 Cobra Hip Blade 11in GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
32 00841536101522 50000ML Case - PLA Midline Blade KCT Sterilization Wrap Containers, Trays, Cassettes & Other Accessories 2 Thompson
33 00841536101515 50000UACT Case - Cervical Blade Tray KCT Sterilization Wrap Containers, Trays, Cassettes & Other Accessories 2 Thompson
34 00841536101478 50000UAC Case - Cervical Blade KCT Sterilization Wrap Containers, Trays, Cassettes & Other Accessories 2 Thompson
35 00841536101461 5844 Rail Extender 15in w/1 Prc GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
36 00841536101454 60025 Ortho Retractor Handle Knob GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
37 00841536101447 41938 Rail Extender 20in w/1 Prc GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
38 00841536101430 SL46183 Allison Lung Retractor 9in GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
39 00841536101423 42126OP Ortho Cam II Clip-On 8 1/2in GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
40 00841536101416 SL46187 Rectal 13x117mm GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
41 00841536101409 46187 Rectal 13x117mm GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
42 00841536101393 SL45610AT Meyerding w/Teeth 25x60mm GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
43 00841536101386 SL45603AT Meyerding w/Teeth 25x125mm GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
44 00841536101379 SL45602AT Meyerding w/Teeth 25x100mm GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
45 00841536101362 60015 MIS Dual Blade Adapter GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
46 00841536101355 45994 PLA Midline 27x130mm GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
47 00841536101348 45993 PLA Midline 27x120mm GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
48 00841536101331 45992 PLA Midline 27x110mm GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
49 00841536101324 45991 PLA Midline 27x100mm GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
50 00841536101317 45990 PLA Midline 27x90mm GAD Retractor 1 Thompson
Other products with the same Product Code "KCT"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00887517996060 MDLUSTLIFAXLIMP Modulus TLIF-A Implant Set - XL Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
2 00887517996053 MDLUSTLIFAOUTTRIAL Modulus TLIF-A Trial Set - Outlier Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
3 00887517996046 MDLUSTLIFAOUTIMP Modulus TLIF-A Implant Set - Outlier Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
4 00887517996039 MDLUSTLIFACOREIMP Modulus TLIF-A Implant Set - Core Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
5 00887517992574 RELVBDLEANIN RELINE VBD Instrument Tray (Lean) ReLine NUVASIVE, INC.
6 00887517992567 MDLUSTLIFAXLINS Modulus TLIF-A XL Ins Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
7 00887517992550 MDLUSTLIFACOREINS Modulus TLIF-A Core Ins Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
8 00887517991997 MDLUSTLIFOTRIAL2 Modulus TLIF-O Trial Set - Outlier 2 Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
9 00887517991980 MDLUSTLIFOTRIAL1 Modulus TLIF-O Trial Set - Outlier 1 Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
10 00887517991959 MDLUSTLIFOCOREINS Modulus TLIF-O Instrument Set - Core Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
11 00887517991461 TLX20LPINS TLX 20° LP Inserter Instruments TLX NUVASIVE, INC.
12 00887517991058 EXGENINS Excavation Posterior General Instruments Excavation NUVASIVE, INC.
13 00887517991041 EXDISCPREPSTRT Excavation Posterior Disc Prep Straight Excavation NUVASIVE, INC.
14 00887517991034 EXDISCPREPBAY Excavation Posterior Disc Prep Bayoneted Excavation NUVASIVE, INC.
15 00887517991027 EXAUXINS Excavation Posterior Aux Instruments Excavation NUVASIVE, INC.
16 00887517990945 MDLUSCRVTRIALS Modulus Cervical Trials Ins Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
17 00887517990938 MDLUSCRVINS Modulus Cervical Instruments Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
18 00887517990921 MDLUSCRVIMP3 Modulus Cervical 19x16 Implants Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
19 00887517990914 MDLUSCRVIMP2 Modulus Cervical 17x14 Implants Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
20 00887517990907 MDLUSCRVIMP1 Modulus Cervical 15x12 Implants Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
21 00887517987938 ALIFWIDEBLADES ALIF Retractor 50mm Wide Blades ALIF NUVASIVE, INC.
22 00887517987051 HELIXRINS997 Helix Revolution Instrument Tray Helix NUVASIVE, INC.
23 00887517987044 HELIXRIMP997 Helix Revolution Implant Tray Helix NUVASIVE, INC.
24 00887517987020 ALPILIACSADDLEIMP Alpha Iliac Saddle Implant Tray ReLine NUVASIVE, INC.
25 00887517986702 MDLUSXLXW Modulus XLXW Movers STERILE Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
26 00887517984920 RMMNAVS RMM Navigation.S Instruments ILIF NUVASIVE, INC.
27 00887517984913 RELNAVSCONSOLTTAP RELINE Navigation.S ConSol Tip Tap ReLine NUVASIVE, INC.
28 00887517984906 RELMASNAVSCONSOL RELINE MAS Navigvation.S ConSol ReLine NUVASIVE, INC.
29 00887517975911 BETMDLUSTLOTRIAL2 Beta Modulus TLIF-O Outlier Trial Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
30 00887517975904 BETMDLUSTLOTRIAL1 Beta Modulus TLIF-O 7&14 Tall Trial Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
31 00887517975898 BETMDLUSTLOOUT2 Beta Modulus TLIF-O Outlier Imp Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
32 00887517975881 BETMDLUSTLOOUT1 Beta Modulus TLIF-O 7&14 Tall Imp Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
33 00887517975652 MDLUSPLATE Modulus XLIF Plate Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
34 00887517975577 BETMDLUSTLAXLINS Beta Modulus TLIF-A XL Ins Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
35 00887517975560 BETMDLUSTLAXLIMP Beta Modulus TLIF-A XL Imp Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
36 00887517975553 BETMDLUSTLATRIAL Beta Modulus TLIF-A Outlier Trial Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
37 00887517975546 BETMDLUSTLAOUTIMP Beta Modulus TLIF-A Outlier Imp Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
38 00887517975539 BETMDLUSTLACOREINS Beta Modulus TLIF-A Core Ins Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
39 00887517975522 BETMDLUSTLACOREIMP Beta Modulus TLIF-A Core Imp Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
40 00887517973719 RELMASREDMODL RELINE MAS Redux Mod - Lean ReLine NUVASIVE, INC.
41 00887517973627 HELIXRDM997 Helix Revolution Set Dismantable Helix NUVASIVE, INC.
42 00887517970404 TLX20MAG TLX 20° Graft Delivery Tray TLX NUVASIVE, INC.
43 00887517970381 RSSVBDIN RSS Derotation Tray ReLine NUVASIVE, INC.
44 00887517970374 RSSALTHOOKIMP RSS Alternative Hook Imp. Tray ReLine NUVASIVE, INC.
45 00887517970305 CORXLDMINS CoRoent XL Instruments - Dismantlable CoRoent NUVASIVE, INC.
46 00887517968746 BRIGADELATINS Brigade Lateral Instrument Set Brigade NUVASIVE, INC.
47 00887517968739 BRIGADELATIMP Brigade Lateral Implant Set Brigade NUVASIVE, INC.
48 00887517960368 BETRELCOBRA2IN RELINE Cobra 2 Reducer Set ReLine NUVASIVE, INC.
49 00887517958662 TLX20INS Launch TLX 20° Instruments TLX NUVASIVE, INC.
50 00887517957474 TLX20IMP36 TLX 20°, 36mm Implant Tray TLX NUVASIVE, INC.