Other products from "Z-MEDICA, LLC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00841495140501 4050 4050 QuikClot Control+ Hemostatic Dressing 5" x 5" 4-ply POD Temporary, Internal Use Hemostatic QuikClot
2 00841495140303 4030 4030 QuikClot Control+ Hemostatic Dressing 12" x 12" 3-ply Pad POD Temporary, Internal Use Hemostatic QuikClot
3 00841495140204 4020 4020 QuikClot Control+ Hemostatic Dressing 3" x 2 yard Z-fold POD Temporary, Internal Use Hemostatic QuikClot
4 00841495140105 4010 4010 QuikClot Control+ Hemostatic Dressing 8" x 8" 2-ply Pad POD Temporary, Internal Use Hemostatic QuikClot
5 00841495140006 4000 4000 QuikClot Control+ Hemostatic Dressing 5" x 5" 4-ply POD Temporary, Internal Use Hemostatic QuikClot
6 00841495120107 2010 2010 QC Combat Gauze, Japanese,1x FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
7 00841495106361 0636 0636 QuikClot EMS 4x4 Dressing w/X-ray FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug QuikClot
8 00841495106330 0633 0633 QuikClot Roll Hemostatic Dressing,CE,Multi-lg,10x FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
9 00841495106323 0632 0632 QuikClot Z-Fold Hemostatic Dressing,Mult-lang,CE,10x FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
10 00841495106224 0622 0622 QuikClot Bleeding Control Bag, OTC,SOFTT-W FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
11 00841495106217 0621 0621 QuikClot Bleeding Control Bag, OTC, CAT FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
12 00841495106132 0613 0613 QuikClot Bleeding Control Kit, Stanford, OTC, CAT FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
13 00841495106125 0612 0612 QuikClot Bleeding Control Kit, OTC, SOFTT-W FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
14 00841495106118 0611 0611 QuikClot Bleeding Control Kit, OTC, CAT FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
15 00841495105838 0583 0583 BTK+, CG LE, H&H,Sof-T,Large FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
16 00841495105722 0572 0572 QuikClot Bleeding Control Dressing 3 IN x 4 FT FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
17 00841495105494 0549 0549 QuikClot Bleeding Control Bag, SOFTTW, NYPD FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
18 00841495105487 0548 0548 QuikClot Bleeding Control Bag,SOFTT-W, PRO FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
19 00841495105418 0541 0541 QuikClot Bleeding Control Kit, CG LE, H&H, CAT, UPMC FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
20 00841495105401 0540 0540 QuikClot Bleeding Control Kit,SOFTT-W, Pro FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
21 00841495105395 0539 0539 BCK, QuikClot Bleeding Control Kit, CAT, Pro FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
22 00841495105388 0538 0538 QuikClot Bleeding Control Dressing 3"x4yd,1x FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
23 00841495105340 0534 0534 BTK+, CG LE, H&H, Orange SOFTT-W,Large FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
24 00841495105265 0526 0526 BTK+, CG LE, H&H, CAT FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
25 00841495105104 0510 0510 QC Combat Gauze, Spanish,1x FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
26 00841495104992 0499 0499 BTK,QC Combat Gauze,SWAT-T FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
27 00841495104879 0487 0487 QuikClot Z-Fold Hemostatic Dressing FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug QuikClot
28 00841495104756 0475 0475 QuikClot EMS Rolled Gauze FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug QuikClot
29 00841495104732 0473 0473 QuikClot EMS 4x4 Dressing FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug QuikClot
30 00841495104671 467Z 467Z QuikClot Interventional, n/Clamshell,n/Tegaderm,Multi-Lang 10x FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug QuikClot
31 00841495104619 0461 0461 QuikClot Roll Hemostatic Dressing FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug QuikClot
32 00841495104602 0460 0460 QuikClot TraumaPad FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug QuikClot
33 00841495104596 0459 0459 QuikClot Hemostatic Dressing, 4x4 FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
34 00841495104589 0458 0458 QuikClot Hemostatic Dressing, 2x2 FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug QuikClot
35 00841495103742 0374 0374 QuikClot Radial FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug QuikClot
36 00841495103506 0350 0350 QuikClot Combat Gauze LE FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug QuikClot
37 00841495103452 0345 0345 QuikClot Combat Gauze XL FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug QuikClot
38 00841495103032 0303 0303 QuikClot TraumaPad, CE,Multi-language, 10x FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
39 00841495103025 0302 0302 QuikClot Hemostatic Dressing 2x2 ,CE,Multi-lang10x FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
40 00841495103018 0301 0301 QuikClot Hemostatic Dressing 4x4 ,CE,Multi-lang10x FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
41 00841495102899 0289 0289 QuikClot Combat Gauze,CE,German,1x FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
42 00841495102615 0261 0261 BTK, Combat Gauze LE FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug U QuikClot
43 00841495102103 0210 0210 QuikClot Combat Gauze TraumaPad FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug QuikClot
44 00841495102004 0200 0200 QuikClot Combat Gauze FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug QuikClot
45 00841495101885 0188 0188 QuikClot Interventional Pre-Slit w/ Tegaderm FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug QuikClot
46 00841495101830 0183 0183 QuikClot Interventional w/ Tegaderm FRO Dressing, Wound, Drug QuikClot
Other products with the same Product Code "FRO"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00854827008592 HBCC4550 Hydrofera Blue Classic Comfortcell Interface Antibacterial Foam Dressing Hydrofera Blue HYDROFERA, LLC
2 00854258006303 RMESH-5X7 The Restrata Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in lo The Restrata Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in local management of wounds. Restrata Meshed ACERA SURGICAL INC
3 00854258006297 RMESH-4X5 The Restrata Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in lo The Restrata Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in local management of wounds. Restrata Meshed ACERA SURGICAL INC
4 00854258006280 RMESH-3X3 The Restrata Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in lo The Restrata Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in local management of wounds. Restrata Meshed ACERA SURGICAL INC
5 00854258006273 RMESH-2X2 The Restrata Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in lo The Restrata Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in local management of wounds. Restrata Meshed ACERA SURGICAL INC
6 00854258006266 RMESH-1.5X2 The Restrata Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in lo The Restrata Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in local management of wounds. Restrata Meshed ACERA SURGICAL INC
7 00854258006259 RWM1-1.5X2 The Restrata Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in lo The Restrata Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in local management of wounds. Restrata Wound Matrix ACERA SURGICAL INC
8 00854258006242 RWM1-0.5X1 The Restrata Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in lo The Restrata Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in local management of wounds. Restrata Wound Matrix ACERA SURGICAL INC
9 00854258006228 COV1-10X12.5 CovoraTM is a sterile,single use device intended for use in partial thickness bu CovoraTM is a sterile,single use device intended for use in partial thickness burns. CovoraTM is a soft, conformable, non-friable, absorbable matrix that provides an environment for the body’s natural healing process to occur CovoraTM ACERA SURGICAL INC
10 00854258006211 COV1-7.5X7.5 CovoraTM is a sterile,single use device intended for use in partial thickness bu CovoraTM is a sterile,single use device intended for use in partial thickness burns. CovoraTM is a soft, conformable, non-friable, absorbable matrix that provides an environment for the body’s natural healing process to occur CovoraTM ACERA SURGICAL INC
11 00854258006204 COV1-5X5 CovoraTM is a sterile,single use device intended for use in partial thickness bu CovoraTM is a sterile,single use device intended for use in partial thickness burns. CovoraTM is a soft, conformable, non-friable, absorbable matrix that provides an environment for the body’s natural healing process to occur CovoraTM ACERA SURGICAL INC
12 00854258006129 RWM1-1X2 Restrata(R) is a sterile, single use device intended for use in local management Restrata(R) is a sterile, single use device intended for use in local management of wounds. Restrata(R) is a soft, white, conformable, non-friable, absorbable matrix that provides an environment for the body’s natural healing process to occur. Restrata(R) ACERA SURGICAL INC
13 00854258006112 RWM1-4X5 The Restrata™ Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in l The Restrata™ Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in local management of wounds. The Restrata™ Wound Matrix is a soft, white, conformable, non-friable, absorbable matrix that acts as a protective covering for wound defects, providing a moist environment for the body’s natural healing process to occur. Restrata™ Wound Matrix ACERA SURGICAL INC
14 00854258006105 RWM1-5X7 The Restrata Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in lo The Restrata Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in local management of wounds. Restrata Wound Matrix ACERA SURGICAL INC
15 00854258006099 RWM1-3X3 The Restrata™ Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in l The Restrata™ Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in local management of wounds. The Restrata™ Wound Matrix is a soft, white, conformable, non-friable, absorbable matrix that acts as a protective covering for wound defects, providing a moist environment for the body’s natural healing process to occur. Restrata™ Wound Matrix ACERA SURGICAL INC
16 00854258006082 RWM1-2X2 The Restrata™ Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in l The Restrata™ Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in local management of wounds. The Restrata™ Wound Matrix is a soft, white, conformable, non-friable, absorbable matrix that acts as a protective covering for wound defects, providing a moist environment for the body’s natural healing process to occur. Restrata™ Wound Matrix ACERA SURGICAL INC
17 00854258006075 RWM1-1X3 The Restrata™ Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in l The Restrata™ Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in local management of wounds. The Restrata™ Wound Matrix is a soft, white, conformable, non-friable, absorbable matrix that acts as a protective covering for wound defects, providing a moist environment for the body’s natural healing process to occur. Restrata™ Wound Matrix ACERA SURGICAL INC
18 00854258006068 RWM1-1X1 The Restrata™ Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in l The Restrata™ Wound Matrix is a sterile, single use device intended for use in local management of wounds. The Restrata™ Wound Matrix is a soft, white, conformable, non-friable, absorbable matrix that acts as a protective covering for wound defects, providing a moist environment for the body’s natural healing process to occur. Restrata™ Wound Matrix ACERA SURGICAL INC
19 00854056008134 FH0049D First Honey Sterile Honey Ointment (1.0 Oz) MANUKAMED LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
20 00854056008042 FH0161 A unit carton of six 3" x4" Manuka Honey coated adhesive island wound dressings First Honey Manuka Dressings MANUKAMED LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
21 00854056008035 FH0160 A unit carton of 12 Bandages. First Honey Manuka Bandages MANUKAMED LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
22 00854056008011 FH0052 First Honey Sterile Honey Ointment (0.5 Oz) MANUKAMED LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
23 00854056008004 FH0049 First Honey Sterile Honey Ointment (1.0 Oz) MANUKAMED LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
24 00852513007300 FG-0038 AN-0038 Anthem Wound Matrix Fenestrated NANOFIBER SOLUTIONS, INC.
25 00852513007294 FG-0037 AN-0037 Anthem Wound Matrix Fenestrated NANOFIBER SOLUTIONS, INC.
26 00852513007287 FG-0036 AN-0036 Anthem Wound Matrix Fenestrated NANOFIBER SOLUTIONS, INC.
27 00852513007270 FG-0035 AN-0035 Anthem Wound Matrix Fenestrated NANOFIBER SOLUTIONS, INC.
28 00852513007263 FG-0034 AN-0034 Anthem Wound Matrix Fenestrated NANOFIBER SOLUTIONS, INC.
29 00852513007256 FG-0033 AN-0033 Anthem Wound Matrix Fenestrated NANOFIBER SOLUTIONS, INC.
30 00852513007249 FG-0032 AN-0032 Anthem Wound Matrix Fenestrated NANOFIBER SOLUTIONS, INC.
31 00852513007232 FG-0031 AN-0031 Anthem Wound Matrix Fenestrated NANOFIBER SOLUTIONS, INC.
32 00852513007201 FG-0026 FG-0026 Phoenix Wound Matrix Fenestrated NANOFIBER SOLUTIONS, INC.
33 00852513007195 FG-0025 FG-0025 Phoenix Wound Matrix Fenestrated NANOFIBER SOLUTIONS, INC.
34 00852513007188 FG-0024 FG-0024 Phoenix Wound Matrix Fenestrated NANOFIBER SOLUTIONS, INC.
35 00852513007171 FG-0023 FG-0023 Phoenix Wound Matrix Fenestrated NANOFIBER SOLUTIONS, INC.
36 00852513007164 FG-0022 FG-0022 Phoenix Wound Matrix Fenestrated NANOFIBER SOLUTIONS, INC.
37 00852513007157 FG-0021 FG-0021 Phoenix Wound Matrix Fenestrated NANOFIBER SOLUTIONS, INC.
38 00852513007096 FG-0014 Phoenix Wound Matrix NANOFIBER SOLUTIONS, INC.
39 00852513007089 FG-0013 Phoenix Wound Matrix NANOFIBER SOLUTIONS, INC.
40 00852513007072 FG-0006 Phoenix Wound Matrix NANOFIBER SOLUTIONS, INC.
41 00852513007065 FG-0005 Phoenix Wound Matrix NANOFIBER SOLUTIONS, INC.
42 00852513007041 FG-0004 Phoenix Wound Matrix NANOFIBER SOLUTIONS, INC.
43 00852513007034 FG-0003 Phoenix Wound Matrix NANOFIBER SOLUTIONS, INC.
44 00852513007027 FG-0002 Phoenix Wound Matrix NANOFIBER SOLUTIONS, INC.
45 00852513007010 FG-0001 Phoenix Wound Matrix NANOFIBER SOLUTIONS, INC.
46 00852181005332 3 oz Catasyn OTC is indicated for the dressing and management of minor burns, minor c Catasyn OTC is indicated for the dressing and management of minor burns, minor cuts, minor lacerations, minor abrasions, and minor irritations of the skin.Catasyn may be used under the direction of a health care professional for the dressing and management of partial to full thickness dermal ulcers (pressure sores, venous stasis ulcers, arterial ulcers, diabetic ulcers), surgical wounds (postoperative incisions and donor sites) and superficial and partial thickness (second degree) burns. Catasyn (3oz) SYNEDGEN, INC.
47 00852181005301 8 oz SynePure™ Wound Cleanser is intended for the cleansing and rinsing of dermal wou SynePure™ Wound Cleanser is intended for the cleansing and rinsing of dermal wounds such as pressure ulcers, stasis ulcers, diabetic ulcers, foot ulcers, post-surgical wounds, first and second degree burns, cuts, abrasions and minor irritations of the skin. SynePure Wound Cleanser SYNEDGEN, INC.
48 00852181005295 4oz SynePure™ Wound Cleanser is intended for the cleansing and rinsing of dermal wou SynePure™ Wound Cleanser is intended for the cleansing and rinsing of dermal wounds such as pressure ulcers, stasis ulcers, diabetic ulcers, foot ulcers, post-surgical wounds, first and second degree burns, cuts, abrasions and minor irritations of the skin. SynePure Wound Cleanser SYNEDGEN, INC.
49 00851383003238 00323 00323 Vashe Wound Solution is a skin, wound, burn cleansing solution that is for use f Vashe Wound Solution is a skin, wound, burn cleansing solution that is for use for debridement, irrigation, physical disruption of biofilm and removal of microorganisms. This is the 1 L (34 fl oz) size with the instillation cap. Vashe Wound Solution 1 L (34 fl oz) Instillation Cap Container URGO MEDICAL NORTH AMERICA, LLC
50 00851383003221 00322 00322 Vashe Wound Solution is a skin, wound, burn cleansing solution that is for use f Vashe Wound Solution is a skin, wound, burn cleansing solution that is for use for debridement, irrigation, physical disruption of biofilm and removal of microorganisms. This is the 1 L (34 fl oz) size with the flip top cap. Vashe Wound Solution 1 L (34 fl oz) Flip Top Container URGO MEDICAL NORTH AMERICA, LLC