Other products from "INVACARE CORPORATION"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00841447112082 GRPL450-1 GRPL450-1 Invacare Reliant Lift FSA Lift, patient, non-ac-powered 1 Invacare® Reliant Lift
2 00841447112075 P5NXG1 P5NXG1 ASM, FINAL PLATINUM 5NXG NA CAW Generator, oxygen, portable 2 Invacare® Platinum® 5NXG Oxygen Concentrator
3 00841447111672 EC EC Invacare Absolute Cushion IMP CUSHION, WHEELCHAIR 1 Invacare® Absolute™ Cushion
4 00841447111658 IFX-20MP IFX-20MP Invacare® AVIVA FX Power Wheelchair ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 Invacare® AVIVA FX Power Wheelchair
5 00841447111641 IFX-20SP IFX-20SP Invacare® AVIVA FX Power Wheelchair ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 Invacare® AVIVA FX Power Wheelchair
6 00841447111634 IFX-20R IFX-20R Invacare® AVIVA FX Power Wheelchair ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 Invacare® AVIVA FX Power Wheelchair
7 00841447111627 IFX-20C IFX-20C Invacare® AVIVA FX Power Wheelchair ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 Invacare® AVIVA FX Power Wheelchair
8 00841447103172 MA800P microAIR MA800 Pump FNM MATTRESS, AIR FLOTATION, ALTERNATING PRESSURE 2 microAIR MA800 Pump
9 00841447103035 T4 T4 Invacare Tracer IV Wheelchair IOR Wheelchair, mechanical 1 Invacare Tracer IV Wheelchair
10 00841447102915 POC1-100C Platinum Mobile Oxygen Concentrator P5 CAW Generator, oxygen, portable 2 Invacare® Platinum™ Mobile Oxygen Concentractor
11 00841447102854 GHS350 GHS350 Get-U-Up Hydraulic Stand-Up Lift FSA LIFT, PATIENT, NON-AC-POWERED 1 Invacare Get-U-Up Hydraulic Stand-Up Lift
12 00841447102793 9JYLT 9JYLT 9000 Pediatric Manual Wheelchair IOR Wheelchair, mechanical 1 9000 Pediatric Manual Wheelchair
13 00841447102571 IH5937 LLI Bed, therapeutic, ac-powered, adjustable home-use 2 INVACARE® BED EXTENDER
14 00841447102540 5143IVC LLI Bed, therapeutic, ac-powered, adjustable home-use 2 INVACARE® BED EXTENDER
15 00841447102533 5143A LLI Bed, therapeutic, ac-powered, adjustable home-use 2 INVACARE® BED EXTENDER
16 00841447102502 MYONTS MYONTS Invacare® MyOn™ Ultralightweight Folding Wheelchair IOR Wheelchair, mechanical 1 Invacare® MyOn™ Ultralightweight Folding Wheelchair
17 00841447102441 MYONADLT MYONADLT Invacare® MyOn™ Ultralightweight Folding Wheelchair IOR Wheelchair, mechanical 1 Invacare® MyOn™ Ultralightweight Folding Wheelchair
20 00841447102243 5310IVC LLI Bed, therapeutic, ac-powered, adjustable home-use 2 INVACARE® IVC™ SERIES HOMECARE BED
21 00841447102199 5410IVC LLI Bed, therapeutic, ac-powered, adjustable home-use 2 INVACARE® IVC™ SERIES HOMECARE BED
22 00841447102168 5410LOW LLI Bed, therapeutic, ac-powered, adjustable home-use 2 INVACARE® IVC™ SERIES HOMECARE BED
23 00841447102014 FXMYONJRTS FXMYONJRTS Invacare MyOn Jr. Wheelchair - Fixed Frame IOR Wheelchair, mechanical 1 Invacare MyOn Jr. Wheelchair - Fixed Frame
24 00841447101987 FXMYONJR FXMYONJR Invacare MyOn Jr. Wheelchair - Fixed Frame IOR Wheelchair, mechanical 1 Invacare MyOn Jr. Wheelchair - Fixed Frame
25 00841447101604 ATO_FDX ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 INVACARE® FDX® POWER WHEELCHAIR
26 00841447101284 ATO_FDX-CG ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 INVACARE® FDX® POWER WHEELCHAIR
27 00841447101208 ATO_FDX-MCG ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 INVACARE® FDX® POWER WHEELCHAIR
28 00841447101178 FDX ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 INVACARE® FDX® POWER WHEELCHAIR
29 00841447100973 POC1-CONNECT CAW Generator, oxygen, portable 2 Invacare® USB Dongle, Platinum Mobile
30 00841447100959 FDX-CG ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 INVACARE® FDX® POWER WHEELCHAIR
31 00841447100942 TDXSP2-CG ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 TDX SP2 Base for Single Act. System w/Ultra Low Maxx
32 00841447100881 FDX-MCG ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 INVACARE® FDX® POWER WHEELCHAIR
33 00841447100737 IRC450 CCL ANALYZER, GAS, OXYGEN, GASEOUS-PHASE 2 Invacare® Oxygen Analyzer
34 00841447100515 ATO_TDXSC ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 INVACARE® TDX® SC POWER WHEELCHAIR
35 04028698132854 AP1603992 AP1603992 Aquatec Ocean Front and back anti-tipper (Ergo VIP Models) INN CHAIR, ADJUSTABLE, MECHANICAL 1 Aquatec Ocean Front and Back anti-tipper (Ergo VIP Models)
36 04028698132816 AP1603152 AP1603152 Aquatec Ocean Small Soft Seat Insert INN CHAIR, ADJUSTABLE, MECHANICAL 1 Aquatec Ocean Small Soft Seat Insert
37 04028698114263 1535077 1535077 Aquatec Ocean Back Lateral (each) INN CHAIR, ADJUSTABLE, MECHANICAL 1 Aquatec Ocean Back Lateral (each)
38 00841447114703 BRDXPLUS BRDXPLUS INVACARE BIRDIE EVO XPLUS PATIENT LIFT FSA Lift, patient, non-ac-powered 1 Invacare Birdie Evo XPlus Full Body Lift
39 00841447112037 SO25 SO25 SILHOUETTE SEAT COVER IMP CUSHION, WHEELCHAIR 1 Invacare® Silhouette® Cushion
40 00841447112020 SO15 SO15 SILHOUETTE BACK COVER IMP CUSHION, WHEELCHAIR 1 Invacare® Silhouette® Cushion
41 00841447112013 SCSCSC SCSCSC SILH SEAT - SPRAY/COVER ONLY IMP CUSHION, WHEELCHAIR 1 Invacare® Silhouette® Cushion
44 00841447111986 SCSC SCSC SILHOUETTE SEAT CUSHION IMP CUSHION, WHEELCHAIR 1 Invacare® Silhouette® Cushion
45 00841447108641 TDXSP2HD TDXSP2HD TDXSP2 HD Power Wheelchair Base ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 Invacare® TDXSP2 HD Power Wheelchair Base
46 00841447103110 SPT SPT Compass SPT IOR Wheelchair, mechanical 1 Invacare® Compass™ SPT™
47 00841447103097 CM04SC CM04SC ContourU Vinyl Remake Seat IMP CUSHION, WHEELCHAIR 1 Invacare® ContourU® Vinyl Remake Seat
48 00841447103004 RPS350-2 RPS350-2 Invacare Reliant 350 Stand-Up Lift with Power Base FSA LIFT, PATIENT, NON-AC-POWERED 1 Invacare Reliant 350 Stand-Up Lift with Power Base
50 00841447102786 CM01B CM01B ContourU Vinyl Back IMP CUSHION, WHEELCHAIR 1 Invacare® ContourU® Vinyl Back
Other products with the same Product Code "CAW"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00855887006979 198705-RM 1900 SERIES,REG,02,EP5,870,GAUGE,12POS, NON-CE Precision Medical PRECISION MEDICAL, INC.
2 00855887006948 198705OG 1900 SERIES,REG,02,EP5,870,GAUGE,OG Easy Pulse II Oxygen Conserver PRECISION MEDICAL, INC.
3 00855887006887 PM4155 Portable Oxygen Concentrator PM4155, Active Five, Portable Oxygen Concentrator Precision Medical Inc. PRECISION MEDICAL, INC.
5 00855887006689 1901-76501 1901-76501,PM4150 SERIES,CONCENTRATOR,OXYGEN,PORTABLE, 5 LITER Manufactured by P 1901-76501,PM4150 SERIES,CONCENTRATOR,OXYGEN,PORTABLE, 5 LITER Manufactured by Precision Medical Inc. for Luxfer Precision Medical Inc. \ Luxfer PRECISION MEDICAL, INC.
6 00855887006672 1901-76301 1901-76301,PM4130 SERIES,CONCENTRATOR,OXYGEN,PORTABLE,3 LITERManufactured by Pre 1901-76301,PM4130 SERIES,CONCENTRATOR,OXYGEN,PORTABLE,3 LITERManufactured by Precision Medical Inc. for Luxfer Precision Medical Inc. PRECISION MEDICAL, INC.
9 00855573007969 3-Pack PRT-01206-000 VOCSN Fan Filters, 3-Pack VOCSN Fan Filters VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
10 00855573007952 3-Pack PRT-01203-000 VOCSN Patient Air Intake Filters, 3-Pack VOCSN Patient Air Intake Filters VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
11 00855573007792 V+O+C+S+N+Pro, English PRT-00490-0XX V+O+C+S+N+Pro, English: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to prov V+O+C+S+N+Pro, English: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide continuous or intermittent ventilatory support for the care of individuals who require mechanical ventilation. It may be used in invasive and non- invasive applications. The VOCSN is intended for pediatric through adult patients weighing at least 5 kg. It is intended for use in home, hospital, institutional and transport settings, including portable applications. The integral oxygen concentrator is intended for the administration of supplemental oxygen. The integral suction pump is intended for airway fluid removal and oral/ pharyngeal hygiene. The integral cough assist option is intended for patients who are additionally unable to cough or clear secretions effectively. www.VentecLife.com VOCSN VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
12 00855573007761 V+O+C+S+N+Pro, Japanese PRT-00490-100 V+O+C+S+N+Pro, Japanese: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to pro V+O+C+S+N+Pro, Japanese: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide continuous or intermittent ventilatory support for the care of individuals who require mechanical ventilation. It may be used in invasive and non- invasive applications. The VOCSN is intended for pediatric through adult patients weighing at least 5 kg. It is intended for use in home, hospital, institutional and transport settings, including portable applications. The integral oxygen concentrator is intended for the administration of supplemental oxygen. The integral suction pump is intended for airway fluid removal and oral/ pharyngeal hygiene. The integral cough assist option is intended for patients who are additionally unable to cough or clear secretions effectively. www.VentecLife.com VOCSN VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
13 00855573007747 V+O+C+S+N, English PRT-01100-0XX V+O+C+S+N, English: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide V+O+C+S+N, English: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide continuous or intermittent ventilatory support for the care of individuals who require mechanical ventilation. It may be used in invasive and non- invasive applications. The VOCSN is intended for pediatric through adult patients weighing at least 5 kg. It is intended for use in home, hospital, institutional and transport settings, including portable applications. The integral oxygen concentrator is intended for the administration of supplemental oxygen. The integral suction pump is intended for airway fluid removal and oral/ pharyngeal hygiene. The integral cough assist option is intended for patients who are additionally unable to cough or clear secretions effectively. www.VentecLife.com VOCSN VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
14 00855573007679 Pediatric, Passive, Heated, Oxygen, Blue PRT-00805-001 VOCSN Patient Breathing Package (Pediatric, Passive, Heated, Oxygen, Blue) VOCSN Patient Breathing Package VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
15 00855573007655 Pediatric, Passive, Oxygen, Blue PRT-00801-001 VOCSN Patient Breathing Package (Pediatric, Passive, Oxygen, Blue) VOCSN Patient Breathing Package VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
16 00855573007600 Pediatric, Active, Heated, Oxygen, Blue PRT-00806-001 VOCSN Patient Breathing Package (Pediatric, Active, Heated, Oxygen, Blue) VOCSN Patient Breathing Package VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
17 00855573007587 Pediatric, Active, Oxygen, Blue PRT-00802-001 VOCSN Patient Breathing Package (Pediatric, Active, Oxygen, Blue) VOCSN Patient Breathing Package VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
18 00855573007471 Lithium-ion PRT-00980-000 VOCSN Removable, Rechargeable Battery Set, Lithium-ion VOCSN Removable, Rechargeable Battery Set VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
19 00855573007440 PRT-01027-000 PRT-01027-000 VOCSN 24 Volt Wheelchair Power Cable VOCSN 24 Volt Wheelchair Power Cable VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
20 00855573007426 25-Pack PRT-00978-000 VOCSN Fan Filters, 25-Pack VOCSN Fan Filters VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
21 00855573007419 25-Pack PRT-00977-000 VOCSN Patient Air Intake Filters, 25-Pack VOCSN Patient Air Intake Filters VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
22 00855573007389 PRT-00990-000 PRT-00990-000 VOCSN Power Supply VOCSN Power Supply VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
23 00855573007204 V+O+C+S+N+Pro, Japanese PRT-00490-1XX V+O+C+S+N+Pro, Japanese: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to pro V+O+C+S+N+Pro, Japanese: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide continuous or intermittent ventilatory support for the care of individuals who require mechanical ventilation. It may be used in invasive and non- invasive applications. The VOCSN is intended for pediatric through adult patients weighing at least 5 kg. It is intended for use in home, hospital, institutional and transport settings, including portable applications. The integral oxygen concentrator is intended for the administration of supplemental oxygen. The integral suction pump is intended for airway fluid removal and oral/ pharyngeal hygiene. The integral cough assist option is intended for patients who are additionally unable to cough or clear secretions effectively. www.VentecLife.com VOCSN VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
24 00855573007068 Adult, Passive, Heated, Oxygen, Blue PRT-00797-001 VOCSN Patient Breathing Package (Adult, Passive, Heated, Oxygen, Blue) VOCSN Patient Breathing Package VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
25 00855573007051 Adult, Active, Heated, Oxygen, Blue PRT-00798-001 VOCSN Patient Breathing Package (Adult, Active, Heated, Oxygen, Blue) VOCSN Patient Breathing Package VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
26 00855573007044 Adult, Passive, Oxygen, Blue PRT-00793-001 VOCSN Patient Breathing Package (Adult, Passive, Oxygen, Blue) VOCSN Patient Breathing Package VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
27 00855573007037 Adult, Active, Oxygen, Blue PRT-00794-001 VOCSN Patient Breathing Package (Adult, Active, Oxygen, Blue) VOCSN Patient Breathing Package VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
28 00855573007006 VOCSN, English PRT-00490-001 VOCSN Pro, English: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intend VOCSN Pro, English: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide continuous or intermittent ventilatory support for the care of individuals who require mechanical ventilation. It may be used in invasive and non- invasive applications. The VOCSN is intended for pediatric through adult patients weighing at least 5 kg. It is intended for use in home, hospital, institutional and transport settings, including portable applications. The integral oxygen concentrator is intended for the administration of supplemental oxygen. The integral suction pump is intended for airway fluid removal and oral/ pharyngeal hygiene. The integral cough assist option is intended for patients who are additionally unable to cough or clear secretions effectively.www.VentecLife.com VOCSN VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
29 00853041003819 CIR1020 CIR1030 3B Medical, Inc. filter replacements for cabinent and panel filters 3B Medical, Inc 3B MEDICAL, INC.
30 00853041003796 CIR5550 Cirrus 6" humidifier extension tube 3B Medical, Inc. 3B MEDICAL, INC.
31 00853041003703 CIR1005 Stationary 5 lpm oxygen concentrator 3B Medical, Inc.'s Cirrus 5 3B MEDICAL, INC.
32 00853041003000 Aer X 021000M Aer X is a portable Oxygen concentrator 3B Medical Aer 3B MEDICAL, INC.
33 00853040224734 1025KS 1025KS 10-liter oxygen concentrator (international Model) DeVilbiss DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE LLC
34 00853040026352 535D-E-870 535D-E-870 E CYL W/IFILL POST ADAPTER, W/870 POST VALVE DeVilbiss DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE LLC
35 00850029991007 50051-1 Portable oxygen concentrator X-PLO2R BELLUSCURA PLC
36 00850018761178 PRT-01333-000 PRT-01333-000 VOCSN Power Supply VOCSN Power Supply VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
37 00850018761130 V+O+C+S+N, Japanese PRT-01100-1XX V+O+C+S+N, Japanese: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide V+O+C+S+N, Japanese: The VOCSN Unified Respiratory System is intended to provide continuous or intermittent ventilatory support for the care of individuals who require mechanical ventilation. It may be used in invasive and non- invasive applications. The VOCSN is intended for pediatric through adult patients weighing at least 5 kg. It is intended for use in home, hospital, institutional and transport settings, including portable applications. The integral oxygen concentrator is intended for the administration of supplemental oxygen. The integral suction pump is intended for airway fluid removal and oral/ pharyngeal hygiene. The integral cough assist option is intended for patients who are additionally unable to cough or clear secretions effectively. www.VentecLife.com VOCSN VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
38 00850018761062 Adult, Active, Heated, Oxygen, Blue PRT-00798-00X VOCSN Patient Breathing Package (Adult, Active, Heated, Oxygen, Blue) VOCSN Patient Breathing Package VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
39 00850018761048 Adult, Active, Oxygen, Blue PRT-00794-00X VOCSN Patient Breathing Package (Adult, Active, Oxygen, Blue) VOCSN Patient Breathing Package VENTEC LIFE SYSTEMS, INC.
40 00841447112075 P5NXG1 P5NXG1 ASM, FINAL PLATINUM 5NXG NA Invacare® Platinum® 5NXG Oxygen Concentrator INVACARE CORPORATION
41 00841447102939 POC1-100C-U Platinum Mobile Oxygen Concentrator P5 - User Invacare® Platinum™ Mobile Oxygen Concentractor INVACARE CORPORATION
42 00841447102915 POC1-100C Platinum Mobile Oxygen Concentrator P5 Invacare® Platinum™ Mobile Oxygen Concentractor INVACARE CORPORATION
43 00841447101086 POC1-100B-U Invacare® Platinum™ Mobile Oxygen Concentrator INVACARE CORPORATION
44 00841447100973 POC1-CONNECT Invacare® USB Dongle, Platinum Mobile INVACARE CORPORATION
45 00841447100379 POC1-115 Invacare® Battery Charger INVACARE CORPORATION
46 00841447100362 POC1-110 Invacare® Battery INVACARE CORPORATION
47 00841447100355 POC1-100B Invacare® Platinum™ Mobile Oxygen Concentrator INVACARE CORPORATION
48 00841447100270 HF2POSTD81 HF2POSTD81 Invacare® HomeFill® Oxygen System INVACARE CORPORATION
49 00841447100263 HF2PCM2KIT HF2PCM2KIT Invacare® HomeFill® Oxygen System INVACARE CORPORATION
50 00841447100256 HF2PCL4 HF2PCL4 Invacare® HomeFill® Oxygen System INVACARE CORPORATION