Other products from "INVACARE CORPORATION"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00841447112082 GRPL450-1 GRPL450-1 Invacare Reliant Lift FSA Lift, patient, non-ac-powered 1 Invacare® Reliant Lift
2 00841447112075 P5NXG1 P5NXG1 ASM, FINAL PLATINUM 5NXG NA CAW Generator, oxygen, portable 2 Invacare® Platinum® 5NXG Oxygen Concentrator
3 00841447111672 EC EC Invacare Absolute Cushion IMP CUSHION, WHEELCHAIR 1 Invacare® Absolute™ Cushion
4 00841447111658 IFX-20MP IFX-20MP Invacare® AVIVA FX Power Wheelchair ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 Invacare® AVIVA FX Power Wheelchair
5 00841447111641 IFX-20SP IFX-20SP Invacare® AVIVA FX Power Wheelchair ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 Invacare® AVIVA FX Power Wheelchair
6 00841447111634 IFX-20R IFX-20R Invacare® AVIVA FX Power Wheelchair ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 Invacare® AVIVA FX Power Wheelchair
7 00841447111627 IFX-20C IFX-20C Invacare® AVIVA FX Power Wheelchair ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 Invacare® AVIVA FX Power Wheelchair
8 00841447103172 MA800P microAIR MA800 Pump FNM MATTRESS, AIR FLOTATION, ALTERNATING PRESSURE 2 microAIR MA800 Pump
9 00841447103035 T4 T4 Invacare Tracer IV Wheelchair IOR Wheelchair, mechanical 1 Invacare Tracer IV Wheelchair
10 00841447102939 POC1-100C-U Platinum Mobile Oxygen Concentrator P5 - User CAW Generator, oxygen, portable 2 Invacare® Platinum™ Mobile Oxygen Concentractor
11 00841447102915 POC1-100C Platinum Mobile Oxygen Concentrator P5 CAW Generator, oxygen, portable 2 Invacare® Platinum™ Mobile Oxygen Concentractor
12 00841447102854 GHS350 GHS350 Get-U-Up Hydraulic Stand-Up Lift FSA LIFT, PATIENT, NON-AC-POWERED 1 Invacare Get-U-Up Hydraulic Stand-Up Lift
13 00841447102793 9JYLT 9JYLT 9000 Pediatric Manual Wheelchair IOR Wheelchair, mechanical 1 9000 Pediatric Manual Wheelchair
14 00841447102571 IH5937 LLI Bed, therapeutic, ac-powered, adjustable home-use 2 INVACARE® BED EXTENDER
15 00841447102540 5143IVC LLI Bed, therapeutic, ac-powered, adjustable home-use 2 INVACARE® BED EXTENDER
16 00841447102533 5143A LLI Bed, therapeutic, ac-powered, adjustable home-use 2 INVACARE® BED EXTENDER
17 00841447102502 MYONTS MYONTS Invacare® MyOn™ Ultralightweight Folding Wheelchair IOR Wheelchair, mechanical 1 Invacare® MyOn™ Ultralightweight Folding Wheelchair
18 00841447102441 MYONADLT MYONADLT Invacare® MyOn™ Ultralightweight Folding Wheelchair IOR Wheelchair, mechanical 1 Invacare® MyOn™ Ultralightweight Folding Wheelchair
21 00841447102243 5310IVC LLI Bed, therapeutic, ac-powered, adjustable home-use 2 INVACARE® IVC™ SERIES HOMECARE BED
22 00841447102199 5410IVC LLI Bed, therapeutic, ac-powered, adjustable home-use 2 INVACARE® IVC™ SERIES HOMECARE BED
23 00841447102168 5410LOW LLI Bed, therapeutic, ac-powered, adjustable home-use 2 INVACARE® IVC™ SERIES HOMECARE BED
24 00841447102014 FXMYONJRTS FXMYONJRTS Invacare MyOn Jr. Wheelchair - Fixed Frame IOR Wheelchair, mechanical 1 Invacare MyOn Jr. Wheelchair - Fixed Frame
25 00841447101987 FXMYONJR FXMYONJR Invacare MyOn Jr. Wheelchair - Fixed Frame IOR Wheelchair, mechanical 1 Invacare MyOn Jr. Wheelchair - Fixed Frame
26 00841447101604 ATO_FDX ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 INVACARE® FDX® POWER WHEELCHAIR
27 00841447101284 ATO_FDX-CG ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 INVACARE® FDX® POWER WHEELCHAIR
28 00841447101208 ATO_FDX-MCG ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 INVACARE® FDX® POWER WHEELCHAIR
29 00841447101178 FDX ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 INVACARE® FDX® POWER WHEELCHAIR
30 00841447100973 POC1-CONNECT CAW Generator, oxygen, portable 2 Invacare® USB Dongle, Platinum Mobile
31 00841447100959 FDX-CG ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 INVACARE® FDX® POWER WHEELCHAIR
32 00841447100942 TDXSP2-CG ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 TDX SP2 Base for Single Act. System w/Ultra Low Maxx
33 00841447100881 FDX-MCG ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 INVACARE® FDX® POWER WHEELCHAIR
34 00841447100737 IRC450 CCL ANALYZER, GAS, OXYGEN, GASEOUS-PHASE 2 Invacare® Oxygen Analyzer
35 00841447100515 ATO_TDXSC ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 INVACARE® TDX® SC POWER WHEELCHAIR
36 04028698132854 AP1603992 AP1603992 Aquatec Ocean Front and back anti-tipper (Ergo VIP Models) INN CHAIR, ADJUSTABLE, MECHANICAL 1 Aquatec Ocean Front and Back anti-tipper (Ergo VIP Models)
37 04028698132816 AP1603152 AP1603152 Aquatec Ocean Small Soft Seat Insert INN CHAIR, ADJUSTABLE, MECHANICAL 1 Aquatec Ocean Small Soft Seat Insert
38 04028698114263 1535077 1535077 Aquatec Ocean Back Lateral (each) INN CHAIR, ADJUSTABLE, MECHANICAL 1 Aquatec Ocean Back Lateral (each)
39 00841447114703 BRDXPLUS BRDXPLUS INVACARE BIRDIE EVO XPLUS PATIENT LIFT FSA Lift, patient, non-ac-powered 1 Invacare Birdie Evo XPlus Full Body Lift
40 00841447112037 SO25 SO25 SILHOUETTE SEAT COVER IMP CUSHION, WHEELCHAIR 1 Invacare® Silhouette® Cushion
41 00841447112020 SO15 SO15 SILHOUETTE BACK COVER IMP CUSHION, WHEELCHAIR 1 Invacare® Silhouette® Cushion
42 00841447112013 SCSCSC SCSCSC SILH SEAT - SPRAY/COVER ONLY IMP CUSHION, WHEELCHAIR 1 Invacare® Silhouette® Cushion
45 00841447111986 SCSC SCSC SILHOUETTE SEAT CUSHION IMP CUSHION, WHEELCHAIR 1 Invacare® Silhouette® Cushion
46 00841447108641 TDXSP2HD TDXSP2HD TDXSP2 HD Power Wheelchair Base ITI Wheelchair, powered 2 Invacare® TDXSP2 HD Power Wheelchair Base
47 00841447103110 SPT SPT Compass SPT IOR Wheelchair, mechanical 1 Invacare® Compass™ SPT™
48 00841447103097 CM04SC CM04SC ContourU Vinyl Remake Seat IMP CUSHION, WHEELCHAIR 1 Invacare® ContourU® Vinyl Remake Seat
49 00841447103004 RPS350-2 RPS350-2 Invacare Reliant 350 Stand-Up Lift with Power Base FSA LIFT, PATIENT, NON-AC-POWERED 1 Invacare Reliant 350 Stand-Up Lift with Power Base
Other products with the same Product Code "FSA"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00887761984332 3687701US Patient lifting system stretcher RepoSheet™ Original lift aid LIKO AB
2 00887761984325 3687701 Patient lifting system stretcher RepoSheet™ Original lift aid LIKO AB
3 00887761984318 3687302 Patient lifting system stretcher RepoSheet™ Original lift aid LIKO AB
4 00887761984301 3687301 Patient lifting system stretcher RepoSheet™ Original lift aid LIKO AB
5 00887761984295 36871004 Patient lifting system stretcher Solo RepoSheet™ lift aid LIKO AB
6 00887761984288 3692908 Patient lifting system lift pants Solo Cover for Ultra LiftPants™ LIKO AB
7 00887761984271 36871003 Patient lifting system stretcher Solo RepoSheet™ lift aid LIKO AB
8 00887761984264 3684106 Patient lifting system stretcher LiftSheet XL™ LIKO AB
9 00887761984257 3684105 Patient lifting system stretcher LiftSheet XL™ LIKO AB
10 00887761984240 3684001 Patient lifting system stretcher Straps Mod 600 IC™ LIKO AB
11 00887761984233 3695915 General-purpose patient lifting system sling/harness Solo MultiStrap™ LIKO AB
12 00887761984226 3683906 Patient lifting system stretcher Solo Octo LiftSheet™ LIKO AB
13 00887761984219 3695916 General-purpose patient lifting system sling/harness Solo MultiStrap™ LIKO AB
14 00887761984202 3683905 Patient lifting system stretcher Solo Octo LiftSheet™ LIKO AB
15 00887761984196 3683106 Patient lifting system stretcher LiftSheet Octo™ LIKO AB
16 00887761984189 3683105 Patient lifting system stretcher LiftSheet Octo™ LIKO AB
17 00887761984110 3666006 Gait rehabilitation system harness Leg Harness MasterVest™, Mod. 66 LIKO AB
18 00887761984103 3666005 Gait rehabilitation system harness Leg Harness MasterVest™, Mod. 66 LIKO AB
19 00887761984097 3666004 Gait rehabilitation system harness Leg Harness MasterVest™, Mod. 66 LIKO AB
20 00887761984080 3595417 Standing mobile lift system sling/harness Liko ComfortVest™, Mod. 95 LIKO AB
21 00887761984073 3595416 Standing mobile lift system sling/harness Liko ComfortVest™, Mod. 95 LIKO AB
22 00887761984066 3595415 Standing mobile lift system sling/harness Liko ComfortVest™, Mod. 95 LIKO AB
23 00887761984059 3595414 Standing mobile lift system sling/harness Liko ComfortVest™, Mod. 95 LIKO AB
24 00887761984042 3593116 Standing mobile lift system sling/harness Liko SafetyVest™, Mod. 93 LIKO AB
25 00887761984035 3593115 Standing mobile lift system sling/harness Liko SafetyVest™, Mod. 93 LIKO AB
26 00887761984028 3592327 Patient lifting system lift pants Liko LiftPants™, Mod. 92 LIKO AB
27 00887761984011 3592326 Patient lifting system lift pants Liko LiftPants™, Mod. 92 LIKO AB
28 00887761984004 3592325 Patient lifting system lift pants Liko LiftPants™, Mod. 92 LIKO AB
29 00887761983991 3592324 Patient lifting system lift pants Liko LiftPants™, Mod. 92 LIKO AB
30 00887761983984 35920329 Patient lifting system lift pants Ultra LiftPants™, Mod. 920 LIKO AB
31 00887761983977 35920328 Patient lifting system lift pants Ultra LiftPants™, Mod. 920 LIKO AB
32 00887761983946 3591137 Standing mobile lift system sling/harness Liko SupportVest™, Mod. 91 LIKO AB
33 00887761983939 3591136 Standing mobile lift system sling/harness Liko SupportVest™, Mod. 91 LIKO AB
34 00887761983922 3591135 Standing mobile lift system sling/harness Liko SupportVest™, Mod. 91 LIKO AB
35 00887761983915 3591134 Standing mobile lift system sling/harness Liko SupportVest™, Mod. 91 LIKO AB
36 00887761983908 3591115 Standing mobile lift system sling/harness Sabina SeatStrap™ LIKO AB
37 00887761983892 3575315 Patient lifting system amputee sling Liko Amputee HighBack Sling™, Mod. 75 LIKO AB
38 00887761983885 3575117 Patient lifting system amputee sling Liko Amputee HighBack Sling™, Mod. 75 LIKO AB
39 00887761983878 3575116 Patient lifting system amputee sling Liko Amputee HighBack Sling™, Mod. 75 LIKO AB
40 00887761983861 3575115 Patient lifting system amputee sling Liko Amputee HighBack Sling™, Mod. 75 LIKO AB
41 00887761983854 3575114 Patient lifting system amputee sling Liko Amputee HighBack Sling™, Mod. 75 LIKO AB
42 00887761983847 3564118 Gait rehabilitation system harness Liko MasterVest™, front closure, Mod. 64 LIKO AB
43 00887761983830 3564117 Gait rehabilitation system harness Liko MasterVest™, front closure, Mod. 64 LIKO AB
44 00887761983823 3564116 Gait rehabilitation system harness Liko MasterVest™, front closure, Mod. 64 LIKO AB
45 00887761983816 3564115 Gait rehabilitation system harness Liko MasterVest™, front closure, Mod. 64 LIKO AB
46 00887761983809 3564114 Gait rehabilitation system harness Liko MasterVest™, front closure, Mod. 64 LIKO AB
47 00887761983793 3560118 Gait rehabilitation system harness Liko MasterVest™, Mod. 60 LIKO AB
48 00887761983786 3560117 Gait rehabilitation system harness Liko MasterVest™, Mod. 60 LIKO AB
49 00887761983779 3560116 Gait rehabilitation system harness Liko MasterVest™, Mod. 60 LIKO AB
50 00887761983762 3560115 Gait rehabilitation system harness Liko MasterVest™, Mod. 60 LIKO AB