Other products from "USA INSTRUMENTS, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00840682120845 1.5T 4 CHANNEL CTL COIL MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
2 00840682122733 48CH HEAD COIL 5759259 MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
3 00840682121606 2413107 M1385AW MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
4 00840682118521 1.5T GEM PA LNH,MOS System, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging,Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
5 00840682118491 1.5T GEM ANTERIOR ARRAY MOS,LNH Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty,System, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging 2 NA
6 00840682145626 1.5T AIR MP L - 5020701 MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
7 00840682145619 1.5T AIR MP M - 5020601 MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
8 00840682145602 3.0T AIR MP M - 5040801 MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
9 00840682145589 3.0T AIR MP L - 5040901 MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
10 00840682143011 1.5T 16ch AIR AA MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
11 00840682142939 1.5T 30ch AIR AA MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
12 00840682138611 AIR Anterior Array 5746694 MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
13 00840682138291 MEDIAL LARGE GRID BREAST BIOPSY PLATE LNH System, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging 2 NA
14 00840682138284 LATERAL LARGE GRID BREAST BIOPSY PLATE LNH System, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging 2 NA
15 00840682138130 5432778 KXH Cradle, patient, radiologic 1 NA
16 00840682136655 5999959 MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
17 00840682123846 48CH HEAD COIL 5765213 M7006RA MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
18 00840682122740 48CH HEAD COIL 5759256 MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
19 00840682121613 1.5T 8-ch Cardiac Array M3087JD MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
20 00840682121309 2404877 MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
21 00840682121163 U1-100216 MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
22 00840682121149 U1-100401 MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
23 00840682120869 1.5T 8 CHANNEL CTL COIL MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
24 00840682120852 1.5T HD 4 CHANNEL CTL COIL MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
25 00840682120227 TDI POSTERIOR ARRAY 5015000 M7001NA LNH,MOS System, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging,Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
26 00840682120210 ANTERIOR ARRAY 5015100 M7001NB LNH,MOS System, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging,Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
27 00840682120067 5392802 MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
28 00840682120050 5391468 MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
29 00840682119818 1.5T HD 8 CHANNEL CTL COIL MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
30 00840682119504 1.5T HD 8CH CARDIAC ARRAY MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
31 00840682118101 Signa HD 1.5T 8-CH Body Array Coil MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
32 00840682117838 1.5T GEM HNU MOS,LNH Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty,System, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging 2 NA
33 00840682117777 1.5T 12 CHANNEL BODY ARRAY 2416616 MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
34 00840682117746 1.5T 12 CHANNEL BODY ARRAY 5396151 MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
35 00840682117739 1.5T 12 CHANNEL BODY ARRAY 2415561 MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
36 00840682115896 1.5T GEM RT Open Array MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
37 00840682115858 TDI HEAD NECK ARRAY MOS,LNH Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty,System, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging 2 NA
38 00840682115827 1.5T HD FLAT GEM TABLE BREAST ARRAY LNH System, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging 2 NA
39 00840682115810 1.5T HD SHOULDER ARRAY MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
40 00840682115780 1.5T GEM PVA LNH,MOS System, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging,Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
41 00840682114547 HD HEAD NECK AND SPINE ARRAY MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
42 00840682114400 MARK 9000 PHASED ARRAY SHOULDER COIL MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
43 00840682114394 1.5T HD BREAST ARRAY LNH System, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging 2 NA
44 00840682114387 SIGNA HD 1.5T PHASED ARRAY SHOULDER COIL MOS Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty 2 NA
45 00840682108867 TDI POSTERIOR ARRAY MOS,LHN Coil, magnetic resonance, specialty,System, radiation therapy, charged-particle, medical 2 NA
Other products with the same Product Codes "LNH, MOS"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 09369999026356 15 vials (0 to 3.2 mM) Sealed pack containing 15 vials of varying concentrations (0 mM to 3.2 mM) of aq Sealed pack containing 15 vials of varying concentrations (0 mM to 3.2 mM) of aqueous manganese chloride solutions in 10 mM hydrochloride acid solution. To be used for re-verification of MRI scanner for the use of R2-MRI Analysis System (FerriScan) FerriScan Phantom Pack RESONANCE HEALTH ANALYSIS SERVICES PTY LTD
2 08800086200019 V-B-mN1-01 Veuron-Brain-mN1 HEURON CO.,LTD.
3 08165890202018 20562 ATR002 Board Riser AtamAâ„¢ System MONTERIS MEDICAL INC
4 08056304454744 100009910 Magnifico MSK ESAOTE SPA
5 08056304454737 100009900 Magnifico Open ESAOTE SPA
6 08056304453396 9102000000 Coil for Artoscan WIRING BASE COIL N.5 ESAOTE SPA
7 08056304453365 9102373001 Coil for E-scan XQ SERVICE DPA SHOULDER COIL N.7 ESAOTE SPA
8 08056304453358 9102373000 Coil for E-scan XQ DPA SHOULDER COIL N.7 ESAOTE SPA
9 08056304453341 9102313001 Coil for E-scan XQ SERVICE MULTIPURPOSE FLEXIBLE COIL N.6 ESAOTE SPA
10 08056304453334 9102313000 Coil for E-scan XQ MULTIPURPOSE FLEXIBLE COIL N.6 ESAOTE SPA
11 08056304453327 9102206001 Coil for E-scan XQ SERVICE SHOULDER COIL N.5 ESAOTE SPA
12 08056304453310 9102206000 Coil for E-scan XQ SHOULDER COIL N.5 ESAOTE SPA
13 08056304453303 9101913001 Coil for E-scan, Opera SERVICE KIT ANKLE COIL N.4 ESAOTE SPA
14 08056304453297 9101913000 Coil for E-scan, Opera FOOT/ANKLE COIL N.4 ESAOTE SPA
15 08056304453280 9101912001 Coil for E-scan, Opera SERVICE KIT COIL N.3 ESAOTE SPA
16 08056304453273 9101912000 Coil for E-scan, Opera HAND/WRIST COIL N.3 ESAOTE SPA
17 08056304453266 9101824001 Coil for E-scan, Opera SERVICE KIT KNEE COIL N.2 ESAOTE SPA
18 08056304453259 9101824000 Coil for E-scan, Opera KNEE COIL N.2 ESAOTE SPA
19 08056304453242 9101819001 Coil for E-scan, Opera SERVICE KIT COIL N.1 ESAOTE SPA
20 08056304453235 9101819000 Coil for E-scan, Opera SHOULDER COIL N.1 ESAOTE SPA
21 08056304453228 9101645000 Coil for C-scan DPA ANKLE COIL N.5 ESAOTE SPA
22 08056304453211 9101644000 Coil for C-scan DPA KNEE COIL N.4 ESAOTE SPA
23 08056304453204 9101643000 Coil for C-scan DPA HAND/WRIST COIL ESAOTE SPA
24 08056304453198 9101585000 Coil for C-scan RF COIL N.1 (KNEE) ESAOTE SPA
25 08056304453181 9101584000 Coil for C-scan COIL N.3 (UPPER LIMB) ESAOTE SPA
26 08056304453174 9101034001 Coil for C-scan LARGE RF COIL N.2 (KNEE) ESAOTE SPA
27 08056304453167 9101034000 Coil for Artoscan COIL N.2 LARGE ESAOTE SPA
28 08056304452900 131001000 Coil for G-scan LUMBAR COIL N. 18 ESAOTE SPA
29 08056304452894 131000900 Coil for G-scan LUMBAR COIL N. 17 ESAOTE SPA
30 08056304452887 131000401 Coil for G-scan Brio Service CERVICAL COIL N.9 SERV ESAOTE SPA
31 08056304452870 131000400 Coil for G-scan Brio CERVICAL COIL N.9 ESAOTE SPA
32 08056304452832 9102693101 CERVICAL COIL N.9 SERV ESAOTE SPA
33 08056304452825 9102691101 FLEX COIL N. 6 SERV ESAOTE SPA
34 08056304452818 9102373101 SHOULDER COIL N. 7 SERV ESAOTE SPA
35 08056304452801 9101913101 FOOT/ANKLE COIL N. 4 SERV ESAOTE SPA
36 08056304452795 9101912101 HAND/WRIST COIL N. 3 SERV ESAOTE SPA
37 08056304452788 9101824201 Coil for S-scan KNEE COIL N. 2 SERV ESAOTE SPA
38 08056304452771 9101824101 KNEE COIL N. 2 SERV ESAOTE SPA
39 08056304452764 9101819101 SHOULDER COIL N. 1 SERV ESAOTE SPA
40 08056304452757 131000800 CERVICAL COIL N. 14 SERV ESAOTE SPA
41 08056304452740 9103050001 SPINE COIL N.10 SERV ESAOTE SPA
42 08056304452719 131000100 Coil for S-scan - G-scan Brio HEAD COIL N.16 ESAOTE SPA
43 08056304452702 130000014 Coil for S-scan - G-scan Brio SHOULDER COIL N.20 ESAOTE SPA
44 08056304452696 9101824100 Coil for G-scan KNEE COIL N. 2 ESAOTE SPA
45 08056304452689 9103531001 Coil for G-scan CERVICAL COIL N. 14 ESAOTE SPA
46 08056304452672 130000016 Coil for S-scan XL SPINE COIL N.10 ESAOTE SPA
47 08056304452634 229003500 TMJ COIL N. 15 ESAOTE SPA
48 08056304452542 9103531000 Coil for S-scan CERVICAL COIL N. 14 ESAOTE SPA
49 08056304452535 9103338000 Coil for O-scan ANKLE/FOOT COIL N.3 ESAOTE SPA
50 08056304452528 9103337000 Coil for O-scan HAND/WRIST COIL N.2 ESAOTE SPA