No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Product Code | Product Code Name | Device Class | Brand Name |
1 | 00840415111744 | 35LU | 35LU | LAP APRON UNLEADED | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
2 | 00840415111737 | 35LN | 35LN | LAP APRON .3MM NYLON | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
3 | 00840415111720 | 35LM | 35LM | LAP APRON .5MM | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
4 | 00840415111713 | 35L | 35L | LAP APRON .3MM | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
5 | 00840415111706 | 3546T25 | 3546T25 | VACUUM SHOCK TRIAL 25 TABLETS | NRD | Unit, operative dental, accessories | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
6 | 00840415111690 | 3546T12 | 3546T12 | VACUUM SHOCK TRIAL 12 TABLETS | NRD | Unit, operative dental, accessories | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
7 | 00840415111683 | 34WHITE | 34WHITE | DENTAL COAT APRON WHITE | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
8 | 00840415111676 | 34UWHITE | 34UWHITE | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED WHITE | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
9 | 00840415111669 | 34UTEAL | 34UTEAL | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED TEAL | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
10 | 00840415111652 | 34UTAUPE | 34UTAUPE | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED TAUPE | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
11 | 00840415111645 | 34USTEELGREY | 34USTEELGREY | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED STEEL GREY | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
12 | 00840415111638 | 34USLATEBLUE | 34USLATEBLUE | DENTAL COATE APRON UNLEADED SLATE BLU | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
13 | 00840415111621 | 34UROYALBLUE | 34UROYALBLUE | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED ROYAL BLUE | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
14 | 00840415111614 | 34UMAUVE | 34UMAUVE | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED MAUVE | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
15 | 00840415111607 | 34ULIGHTGREY | 34ULIGHTGREY | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED LIGHT GREY | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
16 | 00840415111591 | 34UGREY | 34UGREY | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED GREY | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
17 | 00840415111584 | 34UGREEN | 34UGREEN | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED GREEN | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
18 | 00840415111577 | 34UFORESTGREEN | 34UFORESTGREEN | DENTAL COAT UNLEAD FOREST GREEN | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
19 | 00840415111560 | 34UBURGUNDY | 34UBURGUNDY | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED BURGUNDY | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
20 | 00840415111553 | 34UBLUE | 34UBLUE | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED BLUE | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
21 | 00840415111546 | 34UBLACK | 34UBLACK | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED BLACK | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
22 | 00840415111539 | 34UBEIGE | 34UBEIGE | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED BEIGE | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
23 | 00840415111522 | 34UAQUA | 34UAQUA | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED AQUA | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
24 | 00840415111515 | 34TEAL | 34TEAL | DENTAL COAT APRON TEAL | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
25 | 00840415111508 | 34TAUPE | 34TAUPE | DENTAL COAT APRON TAUPE | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
26 | 00840415111492 | 34STEELGREY | 34STEELGREY | DENTAL COAT APRON STEEL GREY | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
27 | 00840415111485 | 34SLATEBLUE | 34SLATEBLUE | DENTAL COAT APRON SLATE BLUE | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
28 | 00840415111478 | 34ROYALBLUE | 34ROYALBLUE | DENTAL COAT APRON ROYAL BLUE | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
29 | 00840415111461 | 34N | 34N | DENTAL COAT APRON NYLON | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
30 | 00840415111454 | 34MWHITE | 34MWHITE | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON WHITE | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
31 | 00840415111447 | 34MTEAL | 34MTEAL | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON TEAL | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
32 | 00840415111430 | 34MTAUPE | 34MTAUPE | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON TAUPE | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
33 | 00840415111423 | 34MSTEELGREY | 34MSTEELGREY | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON STEEL GREY | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
34 | 00840415111416 | 34MSLATEBLUE | 34MSLATEBLUE | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON SLATE BLUE | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
35 | 00840415111409 | 34MROYALBLUE | 34MROYALBLUE | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON ROYAL BLUE | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
36 | 00840415111393 | 34MMAUVE | 34MMAUVE | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON MAUVE | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
37 | 00840415111386 | 34MLIGHTGREY | 34MLIGHTGREY | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON LIGHT GREY | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
38 | 00840415111379 | 34MGREY | 34MGREY | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON GREY | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
39 | 00840415111362 | 34MGREEN | 34MGREEN | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON GREEN | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
40 | 00840415111355 | 34MFORESTGREEN | 34MFORESTGREEN | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON FOREST GREEN | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
41 | 00840415111348 | 34MBURGUNDY | 34MBURGUNDY | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON BURGUNDY NYLO | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
42 | 00840415111331 | 34MBLUE | 34MBLUE | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON BLUE | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
43 | 00840415111324 | 34MBLACK | 34MBLACK | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON BLACK | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
44 | 00840415111317 | 34MBEIGE | 34MBEIGE | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON BEIGE | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
45 | 00840415111300 | 34MAUVE | 34MAUVE | DENTAL COAT APRON MAUVE | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
46 | 00840415111294 | 34MAQUA | 34MAQUA | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON AQUA NYLON | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
47 | 00840415111287 | 34LIGHTGREY | 34LIGHTGREY | DENTAL COAT APRON LIGHT GREY NYLON | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
48 | 00840415111270 | 34GREY | 34GREY | DENTAL COAT APRON GREY | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
49 | 00840415111263 | 34GREEN | 34GREEN | DENTAL COAT APRON GREEN | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
50 | 00840415111256 | 34FORESTGREEN | 34FORESTGREEN | DENTAL COAT APRON FOREST GREEN | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Brand Name | Organization Name |
1 | 00885556781586 | 72205422 | 72205422 | SHIELD FACE HALF BOX OF 50 | No Brand | SMITH & NEPHEW, INC. |
2 | 00885556781579 | 72205421 | 72205421 | SHIELD FACE FULL BOX OF 50 | No Brand | SMITH & NEPHEW, INC. |
3 | 00883205019721 | 914- | 914- | Black and Orange Frame/Brown Lens | UltraTect | ULTRADENT PRODUCTS, INC. |
4 | 00883205004819 | 508- | 508- | Black Frame/Orange Lens | UltraTect | ULTRADENT PRODUCTS, INC. |
5 | 00883205004765 | 501- | 501- | Safety Glasses Clear Kit | UltraTect | ULTRADENT PRODUCTS, INC. |
6 | 00860008240118 | SFER-0S-1001 | Respiratory Shield | ROBRADY INC | ||
7 | 00860008240101 | SFER-0S-2001 | EndoShield | ROBRADY INC | ||
8 | 00860005054404 | 1 | Prevent dust and pollutants from the environmentStandard quality of dust filterS Prevent dust and pollutants from the environmentStandard quality of dust filterSoft elastic earloops for comfortable use. | MONOPOWER FACE MASK | MONOPOWER BIOPHARMACEUTICALS COMPANY LIMITED | |
9 | 00860004437864 | 2111 | ASTM LEVEL 1 FACE MASK BLUE | WYZ Face Mask | WYZ MEDICAL SUPPLIES LLC | |
10 | 00860004437833 | 2121 | ASTM LEVEL 2 FACE MASK BLUE | WYZ Face Mask | WYZ MEDICAL SUPPLIES LLC | |
11 | 00860004103325 | 1 | Fabric mask washable up to 30x timesWater ResistantSoft and BreathbleTripple Lay Fabric mask washable up to 30x timesWater ResistantSoft and BreathbleTripple Layer Protection | PULSE QUALITY MASK | IMPULSE FASHION VIETNAM GARMENT EXPORTING LIMITED COMPANY | |
12 | 00860004103318 | 1 | Fabric mask washable up to 30x timesWater ResistantSoft and BreathableTripple La Fabric mask washable up to 30x timesWater ResistantSoft and BreathableTripple Layer Protection | PULSE QUALITY MASK | IMPULSE FASHION VIETNAM GARMENT EXPORTING LIMITED COMPANY | |
13 | 00857387006565 | 20-P01-00-0000 | 20-P01-00-0000 | Intubation Shield | Intubation Shield | PARAGON MEDICAL, INC. |
14 | 00856145008391 | 008-391 | 008-391 | Safco REPLACEMENT Face Shields-12 Pack | Safco REPLACEMENT Face Shields-12 Pack | CLIKTECH LLC |
15 | 00856145008384 | 008-384 | 008-384 | Safco PPE Face Shield System- 6 Pack | Safco PPE Face Shield System-6 Pack | CLIKTECH LLC |
16 | 00856145008377 | 008-377 | 008-377 | ClikRay Face Shield System- 10 Pack | ClikRay Face Shield System-10 Pack | CLIKTECH LLC |
17 | 00856145008353 | 008-353 | 008-353 | ClikRay Face Shield Replacement Shields- 3 Pack | ClikRay Face Shield Replacement Shields- 3 Pack | CLIKTECH LLC |
18 | 00856145008346 | 008-346 | 008-346 | ClikRay Face Shield System | ClikRay Face Shield System | CLIKTECH LLC |
19 | 00855956008996 | 49314 | VR Elastic Top Shoe Cover, Regular 4 Mil Yellow, GRIT, Case - 200 Ct. | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
20 | 00855956008989 | 49314 | VR Elastic Top Shoe Cover, Regular 4 Mil Yellow, GRIT | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
21 | 00855956008972 | 49315 | VR Elastic Top Shoe Cover, Regular 6 Mil Yellow, GRIT, Case - 200 Ct. | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
22 | 00855956008965 | 49315 | VR Elastic Top Shoe Cover, Regular 6 Mil Yellow, GRIT | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
23 | 00855956008958 | 49316 | VR Elastic Top Shoe Cover, Regular 4 Mil Clear, GRIT, Case - 200 Ct. | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
24 | 00855956008941 | 49316 | VR Elastic Top Shoe Cover, Regular 4 Mil Clear, GRIT | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
25 | 00855956008934 | 49310 | VR Elastic Top Shoe Cover, Regular 4 Mil trans Blue, GRIT, Case - 200 Ct. | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
26 | 00855956008927 | 49310 | VR Elastic Top Shoe Cover, Regular 4 Mil Trans Blue, GRIT | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
27 | 00855956008910 | 49350 | VR Elastic Top Boot Cover, Regular 4 Mil Trans Blue, GRIT, Case - 100 Ct. | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
28 | 00855956008903 | 49350 | VR Elastic Top Boot Cover, Regular 4 Mil Trans Blue, GRIT | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
29 | 00855956008897 | 49351 | VR Elastic Top Boot Cover, Regular 6 Mil Trans Blue, GRIT, Case - 100 Ct. | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
30 | 00855956008880 | 49351 | VR Elastic Top Boot Cover, Regular 6 Mil Trans Blue, GRIT | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
31 | 00855956008873 | 49354 | VR Elastic Top Boot Cover, Regular 4 Mil Yellow, GRIT, Case - 100 Ct. | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
32 | 00855956008866 | 49354 | VR Elastic Top Boot Cover, Regular 4 Mil Yellow, GRIT | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
33 | 00855956008859 | 49355 | VR Elastic Top Boot Cover, Regular 6 Mil Yellow, GRIT, Case - 100 Ct. | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
34 | 00855956008842 | 49355 | VR Elastic Top Boot Cover, Regular 6 Mil Yellow, GRIT | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
35 | 00855956008835 | 49356 | VR Elastic Top Boot Cover, Regular 4 Mil Clear, GRIT, Case - 100 Ct. | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
36 | 00855956008828 | 49356 | VR Elastic Top Boot Cover, Regular 4 Mil Clear, GRIT | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
37 | 00855956008811 | 49357 | VR Elastic Top Boot Cover, Regular 6 Mil Clear, GRIT, Case - 100 Ct. | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
38 | 00855956008804 | 49357 | VR Elastic Top Boot Cover, Regular 6 Mil Clear, GRIT | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
39 | 00855956008798 | 49504 | VR Plain Top Boot Cover, Large 4 Mil Yellow, GRIT, Case - 200 Ct. | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
40 | 00855956008781 | 49504 | VR Plain Top Boot Cover, Large 4 Mil Yellow, GRIT | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
41 | 00855956008774 | 49510 | VR Elastic Top Shoe Cover, Large 4 Mil Trans Blue, GRIT, Case - 200 Ct. | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
42 | 00855956008767 | 49510 | VR Elastic Top Shoe Cover, Large 4 Mil Trans Blue, GRIT | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
43 | 00855956008750 | 49511 | VR Elastic Top Shoe Cover, Large 6 Mil Trans Blue, GRIT, Case - 200 Ct. | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
44 | 00855956008743 | 49511 | VR Elastic Top Shoe Cover, Large 6 Mil Trans Blue, GRIT | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
45 | 00855956008736 | 49514 | VR Elastic Top Shoe Cover, Large 4 Mil Yellow, GRIT, Case - 200 Ct. | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
46 | 00855956008729 | 49514 | VR Elastic Top Shoe Cover, Large 4 Mil Yellow, GRIT | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
47 | 00855956008712 | 49515 | VR Elastic Top Shoe Cover, Large 6 Mil Yellow, GRIT, Case - 200 Ct. | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
48 | 00855956008705 | 49515 | VR Elastic Top Shoe Cover, Large 6 Mil Yellow, GRIT | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
49 | 00855956008699 | 49516 | VR Elastic Top Shoe Cover, Large 4 Mil Clear, GRIT, Case - 200 Ct. | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. | |
50 | 00855956008682 | 49516 | VR Elastic Top Shoe Cover, Large 4 Mil Clear, GRIT | VR | POLYCONVERSIONS, INC. |