No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Product Code | Product Code Name | Device Class | Brand Name |
1 | 00840415111744 | 35LU | 35LU | LAP APRON UNLEADED | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
2 | 00840415111737 | 35LN | 35LN | LAP APRON .3MM NYLON | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
3 | 00840415111720 | 35LM | 35LM | LAP APRON .5MM | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
4 | 00840415111713 | 35L | 35L | LAP APRON .3MM | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
5 | 00840415111706 | 3546T25 | 3546T25 | VACUUM SHOCK TRIAL 25 TABLETS | NRD | Unit, operative dental, accessories | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
6 | 00840415111690 | 3546T12 | 3546T12 | VACUUM SHOCK TRIAL 12 TABLETS | NRD | Unit, operative dental, accessories | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
7 | 00840415111683 | 34WHITE | 34WHITE | DENTAL COAT APRON WHITE | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
8 | 00840415111676 | 34UWHITE | 34UWHITE | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED WHITE | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
9 | 00840415111669 | 34UTEAL | 34UTEAL | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED TEAL | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
10 | 00840415111652 | 34UTAUPE | 34UTAUPE | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED TAUPE | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
11 | 00840415111645 | 34USTEELGREY | 34USTEELGREY | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED STEEL GREY | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
12 | 00840415111638 | 34USLATEBLUE | 34USLATEBLUE | DENTAL COATE APRON UNLEADED SLATE BLU | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
13 | 00840415111621 | 34UROYALBLUE | 34UROYALBLUE | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED ROYAL BLUE | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
14 | 00840415111614 | 34UMAUVE | 34UMAUVE | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED MAUVE | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
15 | 00840415111607 | 34ULIGHTGREY | 34ULIGHTGREY | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED LIGHT GREY | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
16 | 00840415111591 | 34UGREY | 34UGREY | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED GREY | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
17 | 00840415111584 | 34UGREEN | 34UGREEN | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED GREEN | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
18 | 00840415111577 | 34UFORESTGREEN | 34UFORESTGREEN | DENTAL COAT UNLEAD FOREST GREEN | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
19 | 00840415111560 | 34UBURGUNDY | 34UBURGUNDY | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED BURGUNDY | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
20 | 00840415111553 | 34UBLUE | 34UBLUE | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED BLUE | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
21 | 00840415111546 | 34UBLACK | 34UBLACK | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED BLACK | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
22 | 00840415111539 | 34UBEIGE | 34UBEIGE | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED BEIGE | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
23 | 00840415111522 | 34UAQUA | 34UAQUA | DENTAL COAT APRON UNLEADED AQUA | IWO | Apron, protective | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
24 | 00840415111515 | 34TEAL | 34TEAL | DENTAL COAT APRON TEAL | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
25 | 00840415111508 | 34TAUPE | 34TAUPE | DENTAL COAT APRON TAUPE | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
26 | 00840415111492 | 34STEELGREY | 34STEELGREY | DENTAL COAT APRON STEEL GREY | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
27 | 00840415111485 | 34SLATEBLUE | 34SLATEBLUE | DENTAL COAT APRON SLATE BLUE | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
28 | 00840415111478 | 34ROYALBLUE | 34ROYALBLUE | DENTAL COAT APRON ROYAL BLUE | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
29 | 00840415111461 | 34N | 34N | DENTAL COAT APRON NYLON | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
30 | 00840415111454 | 34MWHITE | 34MWHITE | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON WHITE | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
31 | 00840415111447 | 34MTEAL | 34MTEAL | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON TEAL | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
32 | 00840415111430 | 34MTAUPE | 34MTAUPE | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON TAUPE | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
33 | 00840415111423 | 34MSTEELGREY | 34MSTEELGREY | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON STEEL GREY | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
34 | 00840415111416 | 34MSLATEBLUE | 34MSLATEBLUE | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON SLATE BLUE | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
35 | 00840415111409 | 34MROYALBLUE | 34MROYALBLUE | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON ROYAL BLUE | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
36 | 00840415111393 | 34MMAUVE | 34MMAUVE | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON MAUVE | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
37 | 00840415111386 | 34MLIGHTGREY | 34MLIGHTGREY | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON LIGHT GREY | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
38 | 00840415111379 | 34MGREY | 34MGREY | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON GREY | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
39 | 00840415111362 | 34MGREEN | 34MGREEN | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON GREEN | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
40 | 00840415111355 | 34MFORESTGREEN | 34MFORESTGREEN | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON FOREST GREEN | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
41 | 00840415111348 | 34MBURGUNDY | 34MBURGUNDY | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON BURGUNDY NYLO | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
42 | 00840415111331 | 34MBLUE | 34MBLUE | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON BLUE | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
43 | 00840415111324 | 34MBLACK | 34MBLACK | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON BLACK | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
44 | 00840415111317 | 34MBEIGE | 34MBEIGE | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON BEIGE | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
45 | 00840415111300 | 34MAUVE | 34MAUVE | DENTAL COAT APRON MAUVE | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
46 | 00840415111294 | 34MAQUA | 34MAQUA | .5MM MEDICAL COAT APRON AQUA NYLON | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
47 | 00840415111287 | 34LIGHTGREY | 34LIGHTGREY | DENTAL COAT APRON LIGHT GREY NYLON | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
48 | 00840415111270 | 34GREY | 34GREY | DENTAL COAT APRON GREY | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
49 | 00840415111263 | 34GREEN | 34GREEN | DENTAL COAT APRON GREEN | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
50 | 00840415111256 | 34FORESTGREEN | 34FORESTGREEN | DENTAL COAT APRON FOREST GREEN | EAJ | Apron, leaded | 1 | Palmero Healthcare, LLC |
No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Brand Name | Organization Name |
1 | 00810111220491 | 1405-2573 | Instrument Tray | Instrument Tray | TREACE MEDICAL CONCEPTS, INC. | |
2 | 00810111220385 | 1405-2548 | Instrument Tray | Instrument Tray | TREACE MEDICAL CONCEPTS, INC. | |
3 | 00810074752244 | OTS-030000 | OTS-030000 | 4WEB Medical | 4WEB MEDICAL | |
4 | 00810061910763 | T2-0005 | T2-0005 | Plastic Instrument Tray, 6.0x10.0x1.5 (Double Level) | Stephens Instruments | KRISHNA IMPORTS INC |
5 | 00810061910756 | T1-0007 | T1-0007 | Plastic Instrument Tray, 2.5x6.0x0.75 (Silicone Bars) | Stephens Instruments | KRISHNA IMPORTS INC |
6 | 00810061910749 | T1-0005 | T1-0005 | Plastic Instrument Tray, 6.0x10.0x0.75 | Stephens Instruments | KRISHNA IMPORTS INC |
7 | 00810061910732 | T1-0004 | T1-0004 | Plastic Instrument Tray, 4.0x7.5x0.75 | Stephens Instruments | KRISHNA IMPORTS INC |
8 | 00810061910725 | T1-0003 | T1-0003 | Plastic Instrument Tray, 4.0x6.5x0.75 | Stephens Instruments | KRISHNA IMPORTS INC |
9 | 00810061910718 | T1-0002 | T1-0002 | Plastic Instrument Tray, 2.5x7.5x0.75 | Stephens Instruments | KRISHNA IMPORTS INC |
10 | 00810061910701 | T1-0001 | T1-0001 | Plastic Instrument Tray, 2.5x6.0x0.75 | Stephens Instruments | KRISHNA IMPORTS INC |
11 | 00810045930060 | M-20 | M-20 | Premium Mobile Instrument Stand | Clinton Industries | CLINTON INDUSTRIES, INC. |
12 | 00810045930053 | M-21 | M-21 | Single Post Mayo Stand | Clinton Industries | CLINTON INDUSTRIES, INC. |
13 | 00810045930046 | M-22 | M-22 | Double Post Mayo Stand | Clinton Industries | CLINTON INDUSTRIES, INC. |
14 | 00810045930039 | M-24 | M-24 | Stainless Steel Replacement Trays | Clinton Industries | CLINTON INDUSTRIES, INC. |
15 | 00810045930022 | M-29 | M-29 | Value Instrument Stand | Clinton Industries | CLINTON INDUSTRIES, INC. |
16 | 00810045930015 | MS-23 | MS-23 | Single Post Stainless Steel Mayo Stand | Clinton Industries | CLINTON INDUSTRIES, INC. |
17 | 00810045930008 | MS-29 | MS-29 | Mobile Stainless Steel Instrument Stand | Clinton Industries | CLINTON INDUSTRIES, INC. |
18 | 00810045538969 | ASY-00581 | ASY-00581 | ENDO Access Tray, FH7 | N/A | INTEGRITY IMPLANTS INC. |
19 | 00810045538952 | ASY-00582 | ASY-00582 | MIS Access Tray, FH7 | N/A | INTEGRITY IMPLANTS INC. |
20 | 00810045538945 | ASY-00580 | ASY-00580 | Implants/ Insertion Instrument Tray, FH7 | N/A | INTEGRITY IMPLANTS INC. |
21 | 00810045538938 | ASY-00579 | ASY-00579 | Implant/ Access Case, FH7 | N/A | INTEGRITY IMPLANTS INC. |
22 | 00810045534909 | ASY-00747 | ASY-00747 | 5.5-6.0 Reduction Instrument Tray | N/A | INTEGRITY IMPLANTS INC. |
23 | 00810045534633 | ASY-01048 | ASY-01048 | ALIF Disc Prep 1 Bottom Insert | N/A | INTEGRITY IMPLANTS INC. |
24 | 00810027270160 | 40-999-0003 | 40-999-0003 | CitreLock Tendon Fixation Lid | ACUITIVE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | |
25 | 00810027270153 | 40-899-0003 | 40-899-0003 | CitreLock Tendon Fixation Kit, Empty | ACUITIVE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | |
26 | 00810027270146 | 40-898-0003 | CitreLock Tendon Fixation Tray | ACUITIVE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | ||
27 | 00810022402351 | TLTCI01 | LinkBio Instruments Tray: TrabecuLink Tibial Cones | LinkBio Instrument | LINK BIO CORP | |
28 | 00810022401590 | MCGI | LinkBio Instrument Tray (Mega C): Mega C General Instruments | LinkBio Instrument | LINK BIO CORP | |
29 | 00810022401583 | MCGAT | LinkBio Instrument Trays (Mega C): Mega C Assembly Tools | LinkBio Instrument | LINK BIO CORP | |
30 | 00810022401576 | MCPFGI | LinkBio Instrument Tray (Mega C): Mega C Proximal Femur General Instruments | LinkBio Instrument | LINK BIO CORP | |
31 | 00810022401569 | MCSSPI | LinkBio Instruments Tray (Mega C): Mega C Stem Segments/Push Thru/Intercalary Trials | LinkBio Instrument | LINK BIO CORP | |
32 | 00810022401552 | MCSLTP | LinkBio Instrument Tray (Mega C): Mega C SL Tibia Prep Instruments | LinkBio Instrument | LINK BIO CORP | |
33 | 00810022401545 | MCGTEI | LinkBio Instrument Tray (Mega C): Mega C General Tibia Stem Trials and Extraction Tools | LinkBio Instrument | LINK BIO CORP | |
34 | 00810022401538 | MCSFTA | LinkBio Instrument Tray (Mega C): Mega C SL Femoral, Tibia Trials & Augments | LinkBio Instrument | LINK BIO CORP | |
35 | 00810022401521 | MCLFT2 | LinkBio Instrument Trays (Mega C): Mega C Classic Femoral & Tibia Augments and Trials | LinkBio Instrument | LINK BIO CORP | |
36 | 00810022401514 | MCLFT1 | LinkBio Instrument Tray (Mega C): Mega C Classic Femoral & Tibia Prep Inst. With Trials | LinkBio Instrument | LINK BIO CORP | |
37 | 00810022401507 | MC160F | LinkBio Instrument Trays (Mega C): Mega C 160mm Reamers and 160mm Femoral Stem Trials | LinkBio Instrument | LINK BIO CORP | |
38 | 00810022401491 | MC130F | LinkBio Instrument Trays (Mega C): Mega C 130mm Reamers and 130mm Femoral Stem Trials | LinkBio Instrument | LINK BIO CORP | |
39 | 00810022401484 | MC100F | MC100F | LinkBio Instrument Tray (Mega C): Mega C 100mm Reamers and 100mm Femoral Stem Trials | LinkBio Instrument | LINK BIO CORP |
40 | 00810021861388 | C01 N0001 | Instrument Tray, 7.5 x 4.0 x 1.5 inches | In2Bones USA | IN2BONES USA, LLC | |
41 | 00810021839943 | MFV-1196-CASE | Medfix® Case With Lid, 22" x 10" x 2" | Medfix | MEDFIX INTERNATIONAL, LLC | |
42 | 00810021839936 | MFV-1195-CASE | Medfix® Vision Universal 1 Level Large Case | Medfix | MEDFIX INTERNATIONAL, LLC | |
43 | 00810021839929 | MFV-1150-INSERT | Medfix® Vision CS Cervical Retractor Set Insert | Medfix | MEDFIX INTERNATIONAL, LLC | |
44 | 00810021839912 | MFV-1011L-INSERT | Medfix® Ti TRS Tubular Retractor Set Large Insert | Medfix | MEDFIX INTERNATIONAL, LLC | |
45 | 00810021839905 | MFV-1010L-INSERT | Medfix® Vision TRS Large Insert For 18, 22, 26mm Tubes | Medfix | MEDFIX INTERNATIONAL, LLC | |
46 | 00810021839899 | MFV-1010-INSERT-26L | Medfix® Vision TRS Tubular Retractor Set Large Insert, 26mm | Medfix | MEDFIX INTERNATIONAL, LLC | |
47 | 00810021839882 | MFV-1010-INSERT-22L | Medfix® Vision TRS Tubular Retractor Set Large Insert, 22mm | Medfix | MEDFIX INTERNATIONAL, LLC | |
48 | 00810021839875 | MFV-1010-INSERT-18L | Medfix® Vision TRS Tubular Retractor Set Large Insert, 18mm | Medfix | MEDFIX INTERNATIONAL, LLC | |
49 | 00810021839868 | MFV-1009L2-CASE | Medfix® Vision Universal 2 Level Large Case | Medfix | MEDFIX INTERNATIONAL, LLC | |
50 | 00810021839851 | MFV-1008-INSERT | Medfix® Vision Elliptical Lumbar Retractor Insert | Medfix | MEDFIX INTERNATIONAL, LLC |