Other products from "GSOURCE LLC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00840314261045 gS 71.7823 gS 71.7823 Love Kerrison Punch 8" up 3mm x 15mm TFP HTX Rongeur 1 gSource
2 00840314261021 gS 71.7816 gS 71.7816 Love Kerrison Punch 8" fwd 6mm x 15mm TFP HTX Rongeur 1 gSource
3 00840314261014 gS 71.7815 gS 71.7815 Love Kerrison Punch 8" fwd 5mm x 15mm TFP HTX Rongeur 1 gSource
4 00840314251039 TW.20.4660 TW.20.4660 g2 Foerster Sponge Fcps 7" str serr GEN Forceps, General & Plastic Surgery 1 gSource
5 00840314251022 ST.15.2200 ST.15.2200 g2 Littauer Stitch Scissors 5 1/2" str s/s LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
6 00840314251015 ST.15.1800 ST.15.1800 g2 Shortbent Stitch Scissors 3 1/2" cvd LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
7 00840314250995 ST.15.1680 ST.15.1680 g2 Spencer Stitch Scissors 3 1/2" LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
8 00840314250971 SK.12.1620 SK.12.1620 g2 Scalpel Handle #7 length 6 1/2" GDZ Handle, Scalpel 1 gSource
9 00840314250964 SK.12.1604 SK.12.1604 g2 Scalpel Handle Beaver-style 5 1/4" GDZ Handle, Scalpel 1 gSource
10 00840314250957 SK.12.1600 SK.12.1600 g2 Scalpel Handle #4 mm/cm scale 5 1/4" GDZ Handle, Scalpel 1 gSource
11 00840314250940 SK.12.1590 SK.12.1590 g2 Scalpel Handle #3 mm/cm scale 5" GDZ Handle, Scalpel 1 gSource
12 00840314250919 SC.13.5700 SC.13.5700 g2 Metzenbaum Scissors 7" cvd LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
13 00840314250902 SC.13.5660 SC.13.5660 g2 Metzenbaum Scissors 7" str LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
14 00840314250896 SC.13.5620 SC.13.5620 g2 Metzenbaum Scissors 5 3/4" cvd LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
15 00840314250889 SC.13.5580 SC.13.5580 g2 Metzenbaum Scissors 5 3/4" str LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
16 00840314250858 SC.13.4034 SC.13.4034 g2 Operating Scissors 6 1/2" cvd s/b LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
17 00840314250841 SC.13.4031 SC.13.4031 g2 Operating Scissors 6 1/2" str s/b LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
18 00840314250810 SC.13.4024 SC.13.4024 g2 Operating Scissors 5 1/2" cvd s/b LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
19 00840314250803 SC.13.4023 SC.13.4023 g2 Operating Scissors 6" str b/b LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
20 00840314250797 SC.13.4022 SC.13.4022 g2 Operating Sciss 5 1/2" str s/s LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
21 00840314250780 SC.13.4021 SC.13.4021 g2 Operating Scissors 5 1/2" str s/b LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
22 00840314250766 SC.13.3952 SC.13.3952 g2 Mayo Stille Scissors 6 3/4" str rounded LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
23 00840314250759 SC.13.3620 SC.13.3620 g2 Mayo Scissors 6 3/4" cvd LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
24 00840314250742 SC.13.3600 SC.13.3600 g2 Mayo Scissors 6 3/4" str LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
25 00840314250735 SC.13.3580 SC.13.3580 g2 Mayo Scissors 5 1/2" cvd LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
26 00840314250728 SC.13.3560 SC.13.3560 g2 Mayo Scissors 5 1/2" str LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
27 00840314250711 SC.13.2720 SC.13.2720 g2 Stevens Tenotomy Scissors 4" cvd b/b LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
28 00840314250704 SC.13.2680 SC.13.2680 g2 Stevens Tenotomy Scissors 4" str b/b LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
29 00840314250674 SC.13.1720 SC.13.1720 g2 Iris Scissors 4 1/2" cvd LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
30 00840314250667 SC.13.1680 SC.13.1680 g2 Iris Scissors 4 1/2" str LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
31 00840314250643 SB.15.8040 SB.15.8040 g2 Lister Bandage Scissors 7 1/4" HRR Scissors, Orthopedic, Surgical 1 gSource
32 00840314250629 SB.15.7920 SB.15.7920 g2 Lister Bandage Scissors 5 1/2" LRW Scissors, General, Surgical 1 gSource
33 00840314250575 RS.38.8820 RS.38.8820 g2 Gelpi Retractor 7" sharp GAD Retractor 1 gSource
34 00840314250568 RS.38.8800 RS.38.8800 g2 Gelpi Retractor 5 1/2" sharp GAD Retractor 1 gSource
35 00840314250544 RS.38.8760 RS.38.8760 g2 Gelpi Retractor 3 1/2" sharp GAD Retractor 1 gSource
36 00840314250537 RS.38.6220 RS.38.6220 g2 Weitlaner Retractor 6 1/2" blunt 3x4 GAD Retractor 1 gSource
37 00840314250520 RS.38.6180 RS.38.6180 g2 Weitlaner Retractor 5 1/2" blunt 3x4 GAD Retractor 1 gSource
38 00840314250513 RS.38.6020 RS.38.6020 g2 Weitlaner Retractor 6 1/2" sharp 3x4 GAD Retractor 1 gSource
39 00840314250506 RS.38.5980 RS.38.5980 g2 Weitlaner Retractor 5 1/2" sharp 3x4 GAD Retractor 1 gSource
40 00840314250490 RS.38.5940 RS.38.5940 g2 Weitlaner Retractor 4" blunt 2x3 GAD Retractor 1 gSource
41 00840314250483 RS.38.5920 RS.38.5920 g2 Weitlaner Retractor 4" sharp 2x3 GAD Retractor 1 gSource
42 00840314250476 RS.38.5160 RS.38.5160 g2 Alm Retractor 4" blunt GAD Retractor 1 gSource
43 00840314250469 RH.36.9300 RH.36.9300 g2 Hohmann Retractor Mini 6 1/2" 6mm GAD Retractor 1 gSource
44 00840314250452 RH.36.6210 RH.36.6210 g2 Cushing Vein Retractor 9" 12mm ring hdl GAD Retractor 1 gSource
45 00840314250445 RH.36.4720 RH.36.4720 g2 US Army Retractor 8 1/2" set of 2 GAD Retractor 1 gSource
46 00840314250414 RH.36.3760 RH.36.3760 g2 Volkmann Retractor 8 1/2" 6 prgs blunt GAD Retractor 1 gSource
47 00840314250407 RH.36.3740 RH.36.3740 g2 Volkmann Retractor 8 1/2" 4 prgs blunt GAD Retractor 1 gSource
48 00840314250391 RH.36.3660 RH.36.3660 g2 Volkmann Retractor 8 1/2" 6 prgs sharp GAD Retractor 1 gSource
49 00840314250384 RH.36.3640 RH.36.3640 g2 Volkmann Retractor 8 1/2" 4 prgs sharp GAD Retractor 1 gSource
50 00840314250377 RH.36.3620 RH.36.3620 g2 Volkmann Retractor 8 1/2" 3 prgs sharp GAD Retractor 1 gSource
Other products with the same Product Code "HXZ"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00190776212551 VM80-1156 Double Action Pin Cutter, Avalign AVALIGN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
2 00190776212544 VM61-2141 Double Action Wire Cutter Avalign AVALIGN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
3 00190776212537 VM61-2236 Wire Cutting Pliers, TC, angled Avalign AVALIGN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
4 00190776212520 VM61-2116 Side Cutter, TC Avalign AVALIGN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
5 00190776184001 75-132128 Side WirePin Cutter TC DA Ang Jaws . Millennium AVALIGN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
6 00190776183998 1-913 Wire Cutter TC . ma Millennium AVALIGN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
9 00190776183967 1-32128 Side WirePin Cutter TC DA Ang Jaws . Millennium AVALIGN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
10 00190776183950 1-32127 Side WirePin Cutter TC DA Ang Jaw Millennium AVALIGN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
11 00190776183943 1-32117 Side WirePin Cutter TC DA Millennium AVALIGN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
12 00190776183936 1-275525 TC FLUSH WIRE CUTTER Millennium AVALIGN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
14 00190776183912 1-0391 Wire Cutter - TC . ma Side Cutting Millennium AVALIGN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
15 00190776183905 1-039 Wire Cutter . ma, tungsten carbide Millennium AVALIGN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
16 00190776053369 VM61-2116X Side Cutter TC, Avalign AVALIGN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
17 00190776053352 VM61-2164 Wire Cutter, TC, hard Avalign AVALIGN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
18 00190776052140 VM61-2029 Modified Smith Wire Cutter, Avalign AVALIGN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
19 00190776052133 VM61-2031 Smith TC Wire Cutter, Avalign AVALIGN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
20 00190776034962 VM61-2117 Side Cutting Forceps Avalign AVALIGN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
21 00190660211899 Wire cutting scissors 80-504 Wire cutting scissors, 4 3/4'', straight blades, serrated bottom blade, ring handle Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
22 00190660211875 Hercules supercutter 46-632 Hercules supercutter, 9'', TC jaws, cuts up to 0.118'' (3.0mm) Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
23 00190660211868 Cable cutter 46-618 Cable cutter, 7'', angled, TC jaws, cuts up to 0.078'' (2.0mm) Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
24 00190660203306 Wire cutting scissors 80-507 Wire cutting scissors, 4'', curved blades, serrated bottom blade, ring handle Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
25 00190660197346 Smith wire cutting scissors 43-670 Smith wire cutting scissors, 6 1/4'', straight, TC serrated blades, sharp tips, Smith wire cutting scissors, 6 1/4'', straight, TC serrated blades, sharp tips, ring handle Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
26 00190660126766 Flat nose pliers 64-230 Flat nose pliers, 7 1/8'', double-action, 7.0mm tips Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
27 00190660027018 Wire cutting scissors 80-500 Wire cutting scissors, 4'', straight blades, serrated bottom blade, ring handle Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
28 00190660027001 Wire cutting scissors 80-501 Wire cutting scissors, 4'', straight blades, ring handle Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
29 00190660026998 Wire cutting scissors 80-505 Wire cutting scissors, 4 3/4'', curved blades, serrated bottom blade, sharp tips Wire cutting scissors, 4 3/4'', curved blades, serrated bottom blade, sharp tips, ring handle Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
30 00190660026981 Wire cutting scissors 80-512 Wire cutting scissors, 4'', angled TC blades, serrated bottom blade, gold ring handle Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
31 00190660026974 Wire cutting scissors 80-511 Wire cutting scissors, 4'', angled TC blades, serrated bottom blade, gold ring handle Ambler Value Line AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
32 00190660026967 Wire cutting scissors 80-514 Wire cutting scissors, 4 3/4'', angled blades, serrated bottom blade, ring handle Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
33 00190660026950 Wire cutting scissors 80-510 Wire cutting scissors, 4 3/4'', angled blades, serrated bottom blade, ring handle Ambler Value Line AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
34 00190660026943 Wire cutting scissors 80-506 Wire cutting scissors, 4 1/8'', curved blades, sharp tips, ring handle Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
35 00190660026936 Tessier wire cutting scissors 43-625 Tessier wire cutting scissors, 4 3/4'', straight, serrated blades, ring handle Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
36 00190660026929 Smith wire cutting scissors 43-620 Smith wire cutting scissors, 6 3/4'', straight, serrated blades, ring handle Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
37 00190660026912 Smith wire cutting scissors 43-621 Smith wire cutting scissors, 6 3/4'', straight blades, ring handle Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
38 00190660026882 Pliers/K-wire cutter 43-680 Pliers/K-wire cutter, 8 1/2'', heavy duty, straight, TC jaws cuts up to 0.062'' (1.6mm) Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
39 00190660026875 Wire cutter 43-640 Wire cutter, 9 1/4'', double-action, straight, side cutting TC jaws, cuts up to Wire cutter, 9 1/4'', double-action, straight, side cutting TC jaws, cuts up to 0.094'' (2.4mm) Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
40 00190660026868 Wire cutter 43-659 Wire cutter, 8'', straight, heavy, TC jaws, cuts up to 0.062'' (1.6mm) Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
41 00190660026851 Wire cutter 43-667 Wire cutter, 8 3/4'', double-action, front cutting TC jaws, cuts up to 0.094'' (2.4mm) Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
42 00190660026844 Wire cutter 43-665 Wire cutter, 8 1/2'', double-action, angled, side cutting TC jaws, cuts up to 0. Wire cutter, 8 1/2'', double-action, angled, side cutting TC jaws, cuts up to 0.094'' (2.4mm) Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
43 00190660026837 Wire cutter 43-657 Wire cutter, 7'', straight, TC jaws, cuts up to 0.062'' (1.6mm) Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
44 00190660026820 Wire cutter 43-656 Wire cutter, 7'', double-action, straight, front and side cutting TC jaws, cuts Wire cutter, 7'', double-action, straight, front and side cutting TC jaws, cuts up to 0.062'' (1.6mm) Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
45 00190660026813 Wire cutter 43-635 Wire cutter, 7'', double-action, straight, flush cutting TC jaws, cuts up to 0.0 Wire cutter, 7'', double-action, straight, flush cutting TC jaws, cuts up to 0.062'' (1.6mm) Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
46 00190660026806 Wire cutter 43-655 Wire cutter, 7'', double-action, angled, side cutting TC jaws, cuts up to 0.062'' (1.6mm) Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
47 00190660026790 Wire cutter 43-654 Wire cutter, 6'', straight, TC jaws, cuts up to 1.0mm hard wire Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
48 00190660026783 Wire cutter 43-658 Wire cutter, 6'', straight jaws, cuts up to 0.062'' (1.5mm) soft wire and 0.031' Wire cutter, 6'', straight jaws, cuts up to 0.062'' (1.5mm) soft wire and 0.031'' (1.0mm) hard wire Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
49 00190660026776 Wire cutter 43-652 Wire cutter, 5'', straight, TC jaws, cuts up to 0.6mm soft wire and 0.4mm hard wire Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.
50 00190660026769 Wire cutter 43-623 Wire cutter, 5'', straight, TC jaws, cuts up to 0.031'' (0.8mm) Ambler Surgical AMBLER SURGICAL CORP.