No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Product Code | Product Code Name | Device Class | Brand Name |
1 | 00883940410425 | DF365N95HC | Honeywell DF365N95HC Surgical N95 Respirator Mask w/ Nose clip | MSH | Respirator, Surgical | 2 | DF365N95HC Respirator | |
2 | 00883940161068 | SF00003260 | First Aid kit containing Drugs OTC and Medical Devices class I: Triple Antibioti First Aid kit containing Drugs OTC and Medical Devices class I: Triple Antibiotic, First Aid Burn cream, Triangular Bandage, Gauze Pads, Adhesive Tape, Gauze Compress, Adhesive Bandage, Nitrile gloves, Antiseptic Towelettes, Elastic Bandage, Scissor bandage, Tweezer, Cold Pack, Micro shield, Wipe Sanitize, Antiseptic wipes, Face mask with shield. | LRR | First Aid Kit With Drug | Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc. | ||
3 | 00883940051529 | SF00001996 | First Aid Kit containing Drugs OTC and Medical Devices class I: Woven, Adhesive First Aid Kit containing Drugs OTC and Medical Devices class I: Woven, Adhesive tape, Nitrile Gloves, Antiseptic Towelettes, Survival Blanket, Scissor bandage, Splinter Forceps, Bandage compress, CPR Mask, Triangular bandage, Gauze pads. | LRR | First Aid Kit With Drug | Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc. | ||
4 | 00821812500157 | 6836JEA | First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Knuckle Bandage, First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Knuckle Bandage, Triple Antibiotic, Cold Pack, Burn Jel, Alcohol Pre Pads, Antimicrobial Antiseptic Towelettes, Adhesive Tape, Gauze clean-wrap Bandage, Blood stopper, Gauze Pads, Buffered Eye wash, Scissor Bandage, Triangular Bandage, Nox A Sting Swab, CPR Mask, Nitrile Gloves. | LRR | First Aid Kit With Drug | Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc. | ||
5 | 00821812400921 | 019700-4500F | First Aid kit containing Drugs OTC and Medical Devices class I: Tweezer Plastic, First Aid kit containing Drugs OTC and Medical Devices class I: Tweezer Plastic, Gauze clean-wrap bandage, Scissor bandage, Nitrile gloves, Plastics bands, Adhesive Tape, Adhesive Bandage, Triangular bandage, Cold Pack, Gauze Pads, Woven Fingertip, Antiseptic wipes, First Aid cream, Neomycin, Sting relief wipes, Aypanal. | LRR | First Aid Kit With Drug | Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc. | ||
6 | 00821812046778 | 013087-1725A | First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Knuckle band, Tr First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Knuckle band, Triangular Bandage, Gauze Pads, Adhesive Tape, Gauze Compress, Cold Pack, Buffered Eye Wash, Bandage Compress, Adhesive Bandage, PVP Iodine Wipes, Nitrile Gloves, Micro shield, Nox A Sting Wipes. | LRR | First Aid Kit With Drug | Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc. | ||
7 | 00821812040813 | 011008-4331 | First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Neomycin Antibio First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Neomycin Antibiotic, Triangular Bandage, Gauze Pads, Adhesive Tape, Rescue Blanket, Bandage Compress, Adhesive Bandage, Burn Jel, Biohazard bag, Adhesive Bandage, Nitrile gloves, Antimicrobial Antiseptic Towelettes, Buffered Eye wash, Nox A Sting Wipes. | LRR | First Aid Kit With Drug | Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc. | ||
8 | 00821812040752 | 010875-0349 | First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Knuckle bandage, First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Knuckle bandage, Ammonia Inhalants, Triangular Bandage, Gauze compress, Bandage Compress, Adhesive Bandage, Fingertip Bandage, Buffered Eye wash, Burn Jel, PVP Iodine wipes, Nox A Sting wipes and Tourniquet. | LRR | First Aid Kit With Drug | Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc. | ||
9 | 00821812040714 | 010742-3236 | First Aid kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: First Aid Burn c First Aid kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: First Aid Burn cream, Ammonia Inhalants, Triangular bandage, Gauze pads, Forceps & Scissors, Gauze Bandage, Buffered eye wash, Alcohol pre pads, Adhesive Tape. | LRR | First Aid Kit With Drug | Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc. | ||
10 | 00821812033785 | 010998-4407 | First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices Class I and Drugs OTC: Ammonia Inhalant First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices Class I and Drugs OTC: Ammonia Inhalants, Gauze Bandage, Triangular Bandage, Adhesive Tape, Bandage Compress, Burn Ointment, PVP wipes, Nitrile gloves, Scissors angled. | LRR | First Aid Kit With Drug | Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc. | ||
11 | 00821812030388 | 019741-0028L | First Aid Kit containing Drugs OTC and Medical Devices class I: Wipe Alcohol Pre First Aid Kit containing Drugs OTC and Medical Devices class I: Wipe Alcohol Pre Pad, Sting relief wipes, Plastic Bandage, | LRR | First Aid Kit With Drug | Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc. | ||
12 | 00821812030289 | 019727-0014L | First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices Class I and Drugs OTC: Gauze Bandage, T First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices Class I and Drugs OTC: Gauze Bandage, Tape Adhesive, Buffered Eye Wash, Scissor Bandage, Nitrile gloves, Burn Dressing. | LRR | First Aid Kit With Drug | Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc. | ||
13 | 00821812030111 | 019746-0032L | First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices Class I and Drugs OTC: Elastic Band, B First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices Class I and Drugs OTC: Elastic Band, Biohazard Bag, Antiseptic Wipes, Facemask with shield, Nitrile Gloves. | LRR | First Aid Kit With Drug | Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc. | ||
14 | 00821812025315 | 019715-0008L | First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Knuckle bandage, First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Knuckle bandage, Triple Antibiotic, Triangular Bandage, Gauze Pads, Adhesive Tape, Forceps and Scissors, Gauze Bandage, Gauze compress, Cold Pack, Buffered eyewash, Bandage compress, Adhesive Compress, Fingertip Bandage, PVP Iodine wipes, Nitrile gloves, Nox A Sting wipes. | LRR | First Aid Kit With Drug | Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc. | ||
15 | 00821812025278 | 019713-0007L | First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Knuckle Bandage, First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Knuckle Bandage, Triple Antibiotic, First Aid Burn cream, Triangular Bandage, Gauze Pads, Adhesive Tape, Forceps, Scissor, Gauze Bandage, Gauze Compress, Cold Pack, Buffered Eyewash, Bandage compress, Adhesive Bandage, Fingertip Bandage, PVP Iodine wipes, Nitrile gloves. | LRR | First Aid Kit With Drug | Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc. | ||
16 | 00821812025216 | 019710-0006L | First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Knuckle Band, Tr First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Knuckle Band, Triple Antibiotic, First Aid Burn Cream, Triangular Bandage, Gauze Pads, Adhesive Tape, Forceps, Scissors, Gauze compress, Cold Pack, Buffered Eye wash, Bandage compress, Adhesive Bandage, PVP Iodine wipes, Nitrile Gloves, Nox A Sting Wipes. | LRR | First Aid Kit With Drug | Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc. | ||
17 | 00821812025193 | 019709-0005L | First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Triple Antibioti First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Triple Antibiotic, Triangular Bandage, Gauze Pads, Adhesive Tape, Gauze Compress, Cold Pack, Adhesive Bandage, PVP Iodine Wipes, Nitrile Gloves, Scissor Bandage. | LRR | First Aid Kit With Drug | Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc. | ||
18 | 00821812025070 | 019702-0002L | First Aid kit containing Medical Devices Class I and Drugs OTC: Gauze Pads, Twee First Aid kit containing Medical Devices Class I and Drugs OTC: Gauze Pads, Tweezer Plastics, Gauze clean-wrap, CPR Filter shield, Bandage Compressed, Scissor Bandage, Nitrile Gloves, Plastic Bands, Tape Adhesive, Triangular Bandage, Eye Pads, Woven Fingertip Bandage, Woven Knuckle Bandage, Eye saline. | LRR | First Aid Kit With Drug | Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc. | ||
19 | 00821812025032 | 019700-0001L | First Aid kit containing Medical Devices Class I: Gauze Pads, Tweezer Plastics, First Aid kit containing Medical Devices Class I: Gauze Pads, Tweezer Plastics, Gauze clean-wrap, Scissor Bandage, Nitrile Gloves, Plastic Bands, Tape Adhesive, Triangular Bandage, Eye Pads, Woven Fingengertip Bandage, Cold Pack. | OHO | First Aid Kit Without Drug | 1 | Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc. | |
20 | 00821812024523 | 018504-4222 | First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Neomycin Antibio First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Neomycin Antibiotic, Triangular Bandage, Rescue Blanket, Gauze Compress, Hydrocortisone, Plastic Tweezer, Adhesive Bandage, Antiseptic, Burn Relief, Adhesive Tape, Gauze Clean-wrap Bandage, Gauze Pads, CPR Filter Shield, PVP Pre pads, Buffered Eye Wash, Scissor Bandage, Nitrile gloves, Cold Pack, Eye Pads, Woven Fingertip Bandage, Woven Knuckle Bandage. | LRR | First Aid Kit With Drug | Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc. | ||
21 | 00821812024462 | 011798-1494 | First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: First Aid Burn c First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: First Aid Burn cream, Ammonia Inhalants, Gauze Bandage, Triangular Bandage, Adhesive Tape, Bandage Compress, Adhesive bandage, PVP Iodine wipes, Scissor bandage, Nitrile gloves. | LRR | First Aid Kit With Drug | Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc. | ||
22 | 00821812021270 | 010101-4354L | First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices Class I and Drugs OTC: Plastic Bandage, First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices Class I and Drugs OTC: Plastic Bandage, Tweezer, Gauze Clean-Wrap Bandage, Scissor Bandage, Nitrile Gloves, Tape Adhesive, Triangular Bandage, Eye Pad, Gauze Pads, Antiseptic Wipes, First Aid Cream, Neomycin Antibiotic. | LRR | First Aid Kit With Drug | Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc. | ||
23 | 00821812020976 | 018503-4219 | First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drug OTC: Plastic Tweezer, First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drug OTC: Plastic Tweezer, PVP Pre Pads, Nitrile gloves, First Aid cream, Adhesive Tape, Neomycin Antibiotic, Cold Pack, Gauze Pads, Woven Fingertip Bandage, Woven Knuckle Bandage. | LRR | First Aid Kit With Drug | Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc. | ||
24 | 00821812042237 | 010019-4320 | First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Gauze Bandage, T First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Gauze Bandage, Triangular Bandage, Gauze Pads, Adhesive Tape, Cold Pack, Eye wash, Adhesive Bandage, Burn Jel, Biohazard bag, Nitrile gloves, Antimicrobial Towelettes, CPR Micro shield, Nox A Sting wipes. | LRR | First Aid Kit With Drug | Honeywell Safety Prodycts USA, Inc. |
No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Brand Name | Organization Name |
1 | 00738743711302 | 71-130 | 71-130 | First aid kit refill containing first aid supplies for major wounds. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
2 | 00738743710800 | 71-080 | 71-080 | First aid kit refill module. Contains first aid supplies for eye injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
3 | 00738743710305 | 71-030 | 71-030 | First aid kit refill. Module with first aid supplies for minor wounds. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
4 | 00738743710206 | 71-020 | 71-020 | First aid kit with first aid supplies for minor injuries | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
5 | 00738743540438 | 54043 | 54043 | Custom first aid kit containing first aid supplies for minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
6 | 00738743540421 | 54042 | 54042 | Custom first aid kit containing first aid supplies needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
7 | 00738743540414 | 54041 | 54041 | Custom first aid kit containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
8 | 00738743540247 | 54024 | 54024 | Custom first aid kit containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
9 | 00738743540230 | 54023 | 54023 | Custom first aid kit containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
10 | 00738743540223 | 54022 | 54022 | Custom first aid kit containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
11 | 00738743540216 | 54021 | 54021 | Custom first aid kit containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
12 | 00738743540209 | 54020 | 54020 | Custom first aid kit containing first aid supplies needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
13 | 00738743540186 | 54018 | 54018 | Custom first aid kit containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
14 | 00738743401296 | 40129 | 40129 | Custom first aid kit refill containing first aid items needed to help treat mino Custom first aid kit refill containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
15 | 00738743401289 | 40128 | 40128 | Custom first aid kit containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
16 | 00738743367028 | 36702 | 36702 | Custom first aid kit containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
17 | 00738743366748 | 36674 | 36674 | Custom first aid kit containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
18 | 00738743366663 | 36666 | 36666 | Custom first aid kit refill containing first aid items needed to help treat mino Custom first aid kit refill containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
19 | 00738743366656 | 36665 | 36665 | Custom first aid kit containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
20 | 00738743366502 | 36650 | 36650 | Custom first aid kit containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
21 | 00738743366069 | 36606 | 36606 | Custom first aid kit containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
22 | 00738743364713 | 36471 | 36471 | Custom first aid kit containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
23 | 00738743364676 | 36467 | 36467 | Custom first aid kit containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
24 | 00738743364201 | 36420 | 36420 | Custom first aid kit containing first aid supplies needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
25 | 00738743362733 | 36273 | 36273 | Custom first aid kit refill containing first aid items needed to help treat mino Custom first aid kit refill containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
26 | 00738743245005 | 24-500 | 24-500 | Eyewash station and First aid kit. Contains: Adhesive Plastic Bandages, 1" x 3 Eyewash station and First aid kit. Contains: Adhesive Plastic Bandages, 1" x 3" (100), Alcohol prep pads (30), Cold Pack, 4" x 5" , Conforming Gauze Roll, First Aid/Burn Cream Packets, 0.9g each (6), First Aid Guide, First Aid Tape, 1/2" x 5yd, Nitrile Exam Gloves (4), Scissors, Trauma Pad, 8" x 10", Triangular Bandage, 40" x 40" x 56", Triple Antibiotic Ointment Packets, 0.5g each (6), Tweezers, Sterile eye wash 16 oz. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
27 | 00738743080507 | 8050 | 8050 | Custom first aid kit containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
28 | 00738743080309 | 8030 | 8030 | First Aid Kit for aviation | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
29 | 00738743080200 | 8020 | 8020 | Custom first aid kit containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
30 | 00738743080101 | 8010 | 54841 | First aid kit for life boats containing first aid items needed to help treat mi First aid kit for life boats containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
31 | 00738743076005 | 7-600 | 7-600 | First aid kit for eyes containing 4 ounces of eye wash and eye pads | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
32 | 00738743071505 | 7150 | 7150 | Sport first aid kit in a soft pack | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
33 | 00738743071192 | 7119 | 7119 | Custom first aid kit in a fanny pack. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
34 | 00738743071154 | 7115 | 7115 | First aid kit for travel in a soft pack | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
35 | 00738743071109 | 7110 | 7110 | Travel First Aid Kit, Waterproof Fabric Case, 40 Pieces - Contains Adhesive Fabr Travel First Aid Kit, Waterproof Fabric Case, 40 Pieces - Contains Adhesive Fabric Bandage, 2" x 3"; Adhesive Fabric Bandages, 1" x 3" 10); Alcohol Pads (15); Extra-Strength Non-Aspirin Tablets (2); Fingertip Fabric Bandage;First Aid Tape, 1/2" x 5yd; First Aid/Burn Cream Packet;Knuckle Fabric Bandage;Motion Sickness Tablets (Dimenhydrinate) (2); Nitrile Exam Gloves (2); Sterile Gauze Pads, 3" x 3" (2); Sting Relief Wipe; Triple Antibiotic Ointment Packet. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
36 | 00738743071079 | 7107 | 7107 | Travel First Aid Kit, Weatherproof Plastic Case, 64 Pieces - Adhesive Fabric Ban Travel First Aid Kit, Weatherproof Plastic Case, 64 Pieces - Adhesive Fabric Bandages, 1" x 3" (10); Adhesive Fabric Bandages, 2" x 3" (3); Alcohol Pads (15); Cold Pack, 4" x 5"; Conforming Gauze Roll, 2"; Extra-Strength Non-Aspirin Tablets (4); Fingertip Fabric Bandages (5); First Aid Guide; First Aid Tape, 1/2" x 5 yd; First Aid/Burn Cream Packets (3); Ibuprofen Tablets (4); Knuckle Fabric Bandages (4); Motion Sickness Tablets (Dimenhydrinate) (2); Nitrile Exam Gloves (2); Sterile Gauze Pads, 3" x 3" (2); Sting Relief Wipes (3). | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
37 | 00738743071017 | 7101 | 7101 | Pocket first aid kit | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
38 | 00738743070881 | 7088 | 7088 | First aid kit in a soft case with first aid supplies | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
39 | 00738743070096 | 7-009-001 | 7-009-001 | First aid kit for eyes containing eye wash and eye pads | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
40 | 00738743064903 | 6490 | 6490 | First Aid Kit, for 50 people in plastic case. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
41 | 00738743064507 | 6450 | 6450 | First Aid Kit, 50 person for vehicles, in a metal case. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
42 | 00738743064309 | 6430 | 6430 | First aid kit for 25 people in plastic case. Contains first aid supplies for tr First aid kit for 25 people in plastic case. Contains first aid supplies for treating minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
43 | 00738743064200 | 6420 | 6420 | First aid kit for vehicles in a metal case containing first aid supplies | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
44 | 00738743064101 | 6410 | 6410 | 10 Person First Aid Kit, Plastic Case - Contains: Adhesive Plastic Bandages, 1 10 Person First Aid Kit, Plastic Case - Contains: Adhesive Plastic Bandages, 1" x 3" (16); Alcohol Pads (30); Conforming Gauze Roll, 4"; Eyewash, 1 oz; First Aid Guide; First Aid Tape, 1/2" x 5 yd; First Aid/Burn Cream Packets (6); Nitrile Exam Gloves (4); Scissors; Sterile Eye Pads and Strips (2); Sterile Gauze Pads, 3" x 3" (4); Trauma Pad, 5" x 9"; Triangular Bandage, 40" x 40" x 56"; Triple Antibiotic Ointment Packets (6); Tweezers. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
45 | 00738743064002 | 6400 | 6400 | 10 Person Vehicle First Aid Kit, Weatherproof Steel Case - Contains: Adhesive 10 Person Vehicle First Aid Kit, Weatherproof Steel Case - Contains: Adhesive Plastic Bandages, 1" x 3" (16); Alcohol Pads (30); Conforming Gauze Roll, 4"; Eyewash, 1 oz; First Aid Guide; First Aid Tape, 1/2" x 5 yd; First Aid/Burn Cream Packets (6); Nitrile Exam Gloves (4); Scissors; Sterile Eye Pads and Strips (2); Sterile Gauze Pads, 3" x 3" (4); Trauma Pad, 5" x 9"; Triangular Bandage, 40" x 40" x 56"; Triple Antibiotic Ointment Packets (6); Tweezers. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
46 | 00738743061957 | 6195 | 6195 | First aid kit, industrial with 5 shelves. Contains first aid supplies to treat First aid kit, industrial with 5 shelves. Contains first aid supplies to treat minor injuries. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
47 | 00738743061827 | 6182 | 6182 | First Aid kit in metal cabinet containing sufficient first aid supplies to meet First Aid kit in metal cabinet containing sufficient first aid supplies to meet ANSI standard. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
48 | 00738743061759 | 6175 | 6175 | 4 Shelf OSHA First Aid Station - Contains: Alcohol Pads, 100ct; Antacid Tablets 4 Shelf OSHA First Aid Station - Contains: Alcohol Pads, 100ct; Antacid Tablets, 50ct; Antiseptic Spray, 4 oz; Antiseptic Wipes 25ct; Aspirin Tablets, 50ct; Burn Spray, 4 oz; Cotton Tipped Applicators, 100ct; Elastic Bandage Wrap, 4" x 5 yd; Extra-Strength Non-Aspirin Tablets, 50ct; Eyewash, 4oz, Sterile Eye Cup, 2 Eye Pads and Strips; First Aid Guide; First Aid/Burn Cream Packets, 25ct; Heavy Woven Fabric Bandages, 1" x 3", 50ct; Heavy Woven Fabric Bandages, 2" x 3", 25ct; Heavy Woven Fingertip Fabric Bandages, 25ct; Heavy Woven Knuckle Fabric Bandages, 25ct; Hema-Seal 8 x10 Trauma Pad in 4" x 4yd gauze, 2 Nitrile Exam Gloves; Ibuprofen Tablets, 50ct; Nitrile Exam Gloves, 10ct; Scissors; Sinus Tablets, 50ct; Sterile Gauze Bandage, 2" x 4 yd (2); Sterile Gauze Bandage, 4" x 4yd (2); Sterile Gauze Pads, 2" x 2", 10ct; Sterile Gauze Pads, 3" x 3", 10ct; Sterile Gauze Pads, 4" x 4", 10ct; Triangular Bandage, 40" x 40" x 56" (2); Triple Antibiotic Ointment Packets, 25ct; Triple Cut Adhesive Tape Roll, 2"; Tweezers. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
49 | 00738743061551 | 6155 | 6155 | 100 Person 3 Shelf First Aid Kit with Steel Cabinet - Contains: Eyewash, 4oz, S 100 Person 3 Shelf First Aid Kit with Steel Cabinet - Contains: Eyewash, 4oz, Sterile Eye Cup, 2 Eye Pads and Strips; Alcohol Wipes, 100ct; Antiseptic Spray, 4 oz; Antiseptic Wipes, 25ct; Burn Spray, 4 oz; Cold Pack, 6" x 9"; Cotton Tipped Applicators, 100ct; Elastic Bandage Wrap, 4" x 5 yd; Extra-Strength Non-Aspirin Tablets, 50ct; First Aid Guide; First Aid/Burn Cream Packets, 25ct: Heavy Woven Fabric Bandages, 1" x 3", 50ct: Heavy Woven Fabric Bandages, 2" x 3", 10ct: Heavy Woven Fingertip Fabric Bandages, 25ct: Heavy Woven Knuckle Fabric Bandages, 25ct; Hema-Seal 8x10 Trauma Pad in 4" x 4 yd gauze, 2 Nitrile Exam Gloves; Nitrile Exam Gloves, 10ct; Scissors; Sterile Gauze Bandage, 2" x 4 yd; Sterile Gauze Bandage, 4" x 4 yd; Sterile Gauze Pads, 2" x 2", 10ct; Sterile Gauze Pads, 3" x 3", 10ct; Sterile Gauze Pads, 4" x 4", 10ct; Triangular Bandage, 40" x 40" x 56" (2); Triple Antibiotic Ointment Packets, 25ct; Triple Cut Adhesive Tape Roll, 2"; Tweezers. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |
50 | 00738743061353 | 6135 | 6135 | 75 Person 2 Shelf First Aid Steel Cabinet - Contains: Adhesive Fabric Bandages 75 Person 2 Shelf First Aid Steel Cabinet - Contains: Adhesive Fabric Bandages, 2" x 4", 6ct; Adhesive Plastic Bandages, 1" x 3", 100ct; Adhesive Plastic Bandages, 3/4" x 3", 100ct; Alcohol Pads, 100ct; Antiseptic Spray, 4 oz; Antiseptic Wipes, 10ct; Burn Spray, 4 oz; Cold Pack, 6" x 9"; Elastic Bandage Wrap, 4" x 5 yd; Extra-Strength Non-Aspirin Tablets, 50ct; Eyewash, 4 oz, Sterile Eye Cup, 2 Eye Pads and Strips; Fingertip Fabric Bandages, 10ct; First Aid Guide; First Aid/Burn Cream Packets, 12ct; Hema-Seal 8x10 Trauma Pad in 4" x 4 yd gauze, 2 Nitrile Exam Gloves; Knuckle Fabric Bandages, 8ct; Nitrile Exam Gloves, 10ct; Scissors; Sterile Gauze Bandage, 2" x 4yd; Sterile Gauze Bandage, 4" x 4 yd; Sterile Gauze Pads, 3" x 3", 10ct; Triangular Bandage, 40" x 40" x 56"; Triple Antibiotic Ointment Packets, 12ct; Tweezers; Waterproof Tape, 1" x 5 yd. | First Aid Only | ACME UNITED CORPORATION |