Other products from "ALLWIN MEDICAL DEVICES, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00812261016603 Insemina I-IUI MFD Cannula, Intrauterine Insemination 2 Insemina Intra Uterine Insemination Catheter
2 00819374022521 Soft Obturator for Twinkle Pro Embryo Trans SB-TPEB-ETC Soft Obturator for Twinkle Pro Embryo Trans MQF Catheter, Assisted Reproduction 2 Soft Obturator for Twinkle Pro Embryo Trans
3 00812261013213 7F, 22cm with Suture SOT 7/22-S 7F, 22cm with Suture FAD Stent, Ureteral 2 All Soft Ureteral Stent - 7F, 22cm with Suture
4 00812261010113 Ureteral Stent - 6F, 24cm SOT 6/24 Ureteral Stent - 6F, 24cm FAD Stent, Ureteral 2 All Soft Ureteral Stent - 6F, 24cm
5 00819374022019 Trackable Open Tip T-IUI-O MFD Cannula, Intrauterine Insemination 2 Trackable Intra Uterine Insemination Catheter Open Tip
6 00819374021524 Twinkle Embryo Trans (23cm) TEB-ETC23 Twinkle Embryo Trans Embryo Transfer Catheter 23cm MQF Catheter, Assisted Reproduction 2 Twinkle Embryo Trans Embryo Transfer Catheter (23cm)
7 00819374020572 Pro Embryo Trans ET Catheter PEB-ETC PRO EMBRYO TRANS - Embryo Transfer Catheter MQF Catheter, Assisted Reproduction 2 Pro Embryo Trans
8 00812261016894 Embryo Trans EB-ETC23 23cm Catheter MQF Catheter, Assisted Reproduction 2 Embryo Trans Embryo Transfer Catheter 23cm
9 00819374021821 ACE Single Lumen Ovum Pick-up Needle 18G, 35cm with Flushing Line A-OVM-SL-FL 18/35 ACE Single Lumen Ovum Pick-up Needle 18G, 35cm with Flushing Line MQE Needle, Assisted Reproduction 2 ACE-FL
10 00819374021777 ACE Single Lumen Ovum Pick-up Needle 16G, 35cm with Flushing Line A-OVM-SL-FL 16/35 ACE Single Lumen Ovum Pick-up Needle 16G, 35cm with Flushing Line MQE Needle, Assisted Reproduction 2 ACE-FL
11 00819374021289 Bulb Trans Star BT-ETC-U-S Bulb Trans Star Embryo Transfer Catheter - Bulb Tip MQF Catheter, Assisted Reproduction 2 Bulb Trans Star Embryo Transfer Catheter - Bulb Tip
12 00819374020268 Pro Embryo Trans with Stylet PEB-ETC-STY PRO EMBRYO TRANS Embryo Transfer Catheter with Stylet MQF Catheter, Assisted Reproduction 2 Pro Embryo Trans with Stylet
13 00812261016849 Pro Embryo Trans with Soft Obturator PEB-ETC-SB PRO EMBRYO TRANS- Embryo Transfer Catheter with Soft Obturator MQF Catheter, Assisted Reproduction 2 Pro Embryo Trans with Soft Obturator
14 00812261016559 Embryo Trans EB-ETC18 18cm Catheter MQF Catheter, Assisted Reproduction Embryo Trans Embryo Transfer Catheter 18cm
15 00812261014401 Bladder Irrigation TF Trackfinder Bladder Evacuator FFY Adaptor, Bulbs, Miscellaneous, For Endoscope 1 Trackfinder
16 00819374022491 Flexi Open Tip F-IUI-O MFD Cannula, Intrauterine Insemination 2 Flexi Intra Uterine Insemination Catheter Open Tip
17 00819374020589 ACE Single Lumen Ovum Pick-up Needle 17G 35cm with Flushing Line A-OVM-SL-FL 17/35 ACE Single Lumen Ovum Pick-up Needle 17G 35cm with Flushing Line MQE Needle, Assisted Reproduction 2 ACE-FL
18 00812261019413 Bladder Evacuator TV Tur Vac Bladder Evacuator KQT Evacuator, Gastro-Urology 2 Tur Vac
19 00812261016870 A-OVM-SL17/35 Ace Single Lumen Ovum Pickup Needle (17G,35cm) MQE Needle, Assisted Reproduction 2 ACE Single Lumen Ovum Pickup Needle
20 00812261012988 MDA MDA KOE Dilator, Urethral 2 Meatal Dilator Adult
21 00812261016610 Stumpy ST-IUI MFD Cannula, Intrauterine Insemination 2 Stumpy Intra Uterine Insemination Cannula
22 00819374022538 Embryo Transfer Catheter TEB-ETC18 Twinkle Embryo Trans embryo transfer catheter (18cm) MQF Catheter, Assisted Reproduction 2 Twinkle Embryo Trans (18cm)
23 00819374021890 Curved Insemina Open Tip I-IUI-C-O MFD Cannula, Intrauterine Insemination 2 Curved Insemina Intra Uterine Insemination Catheter Open Tip
24 00819374021845 OVUMPICK Double Lumen Ovum Pickup Needle 17G 35cm OVM-DL 17/35 OVUMPICK Double Lumen Ovum Pickup Needle 17G, 35cm MQE Needle, Assisted Reproduction 2 OVUMPICK
25 00819374021753 TWINKLE PRO EMBRYO TRANS Embryo Transfer Catheter with Stylet TPEB-ETC-STY TWINKLE PRO EMBRYO TRANS Embryo Transfer Catheter with Stylet MQF Catheter, Assisted Reproduction 2 Twinkle Pro with Stylet
26 00819374021456 Stylet for Pro Embryo Trans/ Twinkle Pro Embryo Trans STY-PE Stylet for Pro Embryo Trans/ Twinkle Pro Embryo Trans MQF Catheter, Assisted Reproduction 2 Stylet for Pro Embryo Trans/ Twinkle Pro Embryo Trans
27 00812261016863 Trackable T-IUI MFD Cannula, Intrauterine Insemination 2 Trackable Intra Uterine Insemination Catheter
28 00812261016535 OVUMPICK - Double Lumen Ovum Pickup Needle 16G, 35cm OVM-DL 16/35 OVUMPICK - Double Lumen Ovum Pickup Needle 16G, 35cm MQE Needle, Assisted Reproduction 2 OVUMPICK
29 00812261015279 7F, 26cm with Suture SOT 7/26-S All Soft Ureteral Stent - 7F, 26cm with Suture FAD Stent, Ureteral 2 All Soft Ureteral Stent - 7F, 26cm with Suture
30 00812261013756 6F, 26cm with Suture SOT 6/26-S All Soft Ureteral Stent - 6F, 26cm with Suture FAD Stent, Ureteral 2 All Soft Ureteral Stent - 6F, 26cm with Suture
31 00812261012995 MDP MDP KOE Dilator, Urethral 2 Meatal Dilator Pediatric
32 00812261010663 Ureteral Stent - 6F, 24cm with Suture SOT 6/24-S Ureteral Stent - 6F, 24cm with Suture FAD Stent, Ureteral 2 All Soft Ureteral Stent - 6F, 24cm with Suture
33 00812261016634 Soft Obturator for Pro Embryo Trans SB-PEB-ETC Soft Obturator for Pro Embryo Trans MQF Catheter, Assisted Reproduction 2 Soft Obturator for Pro Embryo Trans
34 00819374021906 ACE-M Manual Single Lumen Ovum Pickup Needle 17G, 35 cm A-OVM-SL17-35-M ACE-M Manual Single Lumen Ovum Pickup Needle 17G, 35 cm MQE Needle, Assisted Reproduction 2 ACE-M
35 00819374022484 ACE-M Manual Single Lumen Ovum Pickup Needle 18G, 35 cm A-OVM-SL 18/35-M ACE-M Manual Single Lumen Ovum Pickup Needle 18G, 35 cm MQE Needle, Assisted Reproduction 2 ACE-M
36 00819374022477 ACE-M Manual Single Lumen Ovum Pickup Needle 16G, 35 cm A-OVM-SL 16/35 - M ACE-M Manual Single Lumen Ovum Pickup Needle 16G, 35 cm MQE Needle, Assisted Reproduction 2 ACE-M
37 00812261016825 Flexi F-IUI MFD Cannula, Intrauterine Insemination 2 Flexi Intra Uterine Insemination Catheter
38 00812261016818 Curved Insemina I-IUI-C MFD Cannula, Intrauterine Insemination 2 Curved Intra Uterine Insemination Catheter
39 00812261016566 Stylet 23cm (Embryo Trans/Twinkle Embryo Trans) STY23 Stylet for Embryo Trans and Twinkle Embryo Trans (23cm) MQF Catheter, Assisted Reproduction 2 Stylet for Embryo Trans 23cm/ Stylet for Twinkle Embryo Trans 23cm
40 00819374022460 ACE Single Lumen Ovum Pickup Needle 16G, 35cm A-OVM-SL 16/35 ACE Single Lumen Ovum Pickup Needle 16G, 35cm MQE Needle, Assisted Reproduction 2 ACE
41 00819374021852 TWINKLE PRO EMBRYO TRANS Embryo Transfer Catheter with Soft Obturator TPEB-ETC-SB TWINKLE PRO EMBRYO TRANS Embryo Transfer Catheter with Soft Obturator MQF Catheter, Assisted Reproduction 2 Twinkle Pro with Soft Obturator
42 00819374021814 Insemina Open Tip I-IUI-O MFD Cannula, Intrauterine Insemination 2 Insemina Open Tip Intra Uterine Insemination Catheter
43 00812261016832 Bulb Trans Ultra BT-ETC-U Bulb Trans Ultra Embryo Transfer Catheter - Bulb Tip MQF Catheter, Assisted Reproduction 2 Bulb Trans Ultra Embryo Transfer Catheter
44 00812261016580 Stylet for Bulb Trans Ultra/ Bulb Trans Star Embryo Transfer Catheter STY-BU Stylet for Bulb Trans Ultra/ Bulb Trans Star Embryo Transfer Catheter - Bulb Tip MQF Catheter, Assisted Reproduction 2 Stylet for Bulb Trans Ultra/ Bulb Trans Star Embryo Transfer Catheter - Bulb Tip
45 00812261016573 Stylet for Embryo Trans/Twinkle Embryo Trans (18cm) STY18 Stylet for Embryo Trans/Twinkle Embryo Trans (18cm) MQF Catheter, Assisted Reproduction 2 Stylet for Embryo Trans/Twinkle Embryo Trans (18cm)
46 00812261010694 7F, 24cm with Suture SOT 7/24-S 7F, 24cm with Suture FAD Stent, Ureteral 2 All Soft Ureteral Stent - 7F, 24cm with Suture
47 00812261010120 Ureteral Stent - 6F, 26cm SOT 6/26 6F, 26cm FAD Stent, Ureteral 2 All Soft Ureteral Stent - 6F, 26cm
48 00812261010007 Ureteral Stent - 6F, 22cm with Suture SOT 6/22-S 6F, 22cm with Suture FAD Stent, Ureteral 2 All Soft Ureteral Stent - 6F, 22cm with Suture
Other products with the same Product Code "MQF"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 07290016876024 EK002 EK002 Slow Release Insemination Catheter Evie FERTILIGENT LTD
2 07290016876017 EK001 EK001 Slow Release Insemination Catheter Evie FERTILIGENT LTD
3 05425017502081 #4220 Plus Intrauterine insemination cannula Intrauterine insemination cannula GYNETICS MEDICAL PRODUCTS NV
4 05425017502067 #4502 B Seminor Flexible Intrauterine insemination cannula Intrauterine insemination cannula GYNETICS MEDICAL PRODUCTS NV
5 05425017502050 #4502 A Seminor Rigid Intrauterine insemination cannula Intrauterine insemination cannula GYNETICS MEDICAL PRODUCTS NV
6 05425017502043 #4225 Smooze Long Intrauterine insemination cannula Intrauterine insemination cannula GYNETICS MEDICAL PRODUCTS NV
7 05425017502036 #4225 Smooze Medium Intrauterine insemination cannula Intrauterine insemination cannula GYNETICS MEDICAL PRODUCTS NV
8 05425017502029 #4225 Smooze Intrauterine insemination cannula Intrauterine insemination cannula GYNETICS MEDICAL PRODUCTS NV
9 05425017502012 #4220 IUI Memo Intra uterine Artificial Insemination Intrauterine insemination cannula GYNETICS MEDICAL PRODUCTS NV
10 05425017502005 #4220 IUI Intra uterine Artificial Insemination Intrauterine insemination cannula GYNETICS MEDICAL PRODUCTS NV
11 05425017501411 #4000 The Tulip Memo Embryo transfer catheter used for introduction of embryos into the uterine cavity. Embryo transfer catheter GYNETICS MEDICAL PRODUCTS NV
12 05425017501312 #4000 The Tulip Embryo transfer catheter used for introduction of embryos into the uterine cavity. Embryo transfer catheter GYNETICS MEDICAL PRODUCTS NV
13 05425017501114 #2000 Semtrac W-240 Embryo transfer catheter used for introduction of embryos into the uterine cavity. Soft embryo transfer catheter GYNETICS MEDICAL PRODUCTS NV
14 05425017501107 #2000 Semtrac W-180 Embryo transfer catheter used for introduction of embryos into the uterine cavity. Soft embryo transfer catheter GYNETICS MEDICAL PRODUCTS NV
15 05425017501084 #2000 Semtrac Set 5 Embryo transfer catheter used for introduction of embryos into the uterine cavity. Soft embryo transfer catheter GYNETICS MEDICAL PRODUCTS NV
16 05425017501077 #2000 Semtrac Set 4.2 Embryo transfer catheter used for introduction of embryos into the uterine cavity. Soft embryo transfer catheter GYNETICS MEDICAL PRODUCTS NV
17 05425017501053 #4219 Emtrac Set Embryo transfer catheter used for introduction of embryos into the uterine cavity. Embryo transfer catheter GYNETICS MEDICAL PRODUCTS NV
18 05425017501022 #4219 Emtrac Delphin Embryo transfer catheter used for introduction of embryos into the uterine cavity. Embryo transfer catheter GYNETICS MEDICAL PRODUCTS NV
19 04580745042405 225733 225733 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
20 04580745042368 225533 225533 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
21 04580745042320 294030 294030 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
22 04580745042313 294025 294025 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
23 04580745042306 275333 275333 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
24 04580745042290 275328 275328 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
25 04580745042283 275133 275133 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
26 04580745042276 275128 275128 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
27 04580745042269 275033 275033 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
28 04580745042252 275028 275028 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
29 04580745042245 234335 234335 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
30 04580745042238 234332 234332 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
31 04580745042221 233350 233350 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
32 04580745042214 233335 233335 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
33 04580745042207 233332 233332 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
34 04580745042191 224435 224435 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
35 04580745042184 224432 224432 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
36 04580745042177 215333 215333 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
37 04580745042160 215328 215328 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
38 04580745042153 215233 215233 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
39 04580745042146 215228 215228 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
40 04580745042139 215133 215133 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
41 04580745042122 215128 215128 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
42 04580745042115 215033 215033 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
43 04580745042108 215028 215028 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
44 04580745042092 214435 214435 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
45 04580745042085 214432 214432 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
46 04580745042078 205328 205328 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
47 04580745042061 205233 205233 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
48 04580745042054 205228 205228 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
49 04580745042047 205133 205133 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION
50 04580745042030 205128 205128 Kitazato ET Catheter KITAZATO CORPORATION