Other products from "RYMED TECHNOLOGIES, LLC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00817903010858 RYM-7107CV2 7” Microbore TwoPort Extension Set with check valves and CS InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
2 00817903010841 RYM-7107CV3 7” Microbore TriPort Extension Set with check valves and with InVision-Plus CS FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
3 00817903010834 RYM-7107CV4 7” Microbore QuadPort Extension Set with check valves and CS InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
4 00817903010827 RYM-3107F12 7” Microbore Extension Set with 1.2 Micron Filter FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
5 00817903010810 RYM-3107F2 7” Microbore Extension Set with .2 Micron Filter FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
6 00817903010803 RYM-3107CV4 7” Microbore QuadPort Extension Set with check valves FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
7 00817903010797 RYM-7107HPB 7" High Pressure Bifurcated MicroBore Catheter Extension Set with CS InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
8 00817903010780 460218 Bbraun 7" MicroBore Catheter Extension set with bonded Clear InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
9 00817903010766 460216 Bbraun 4" Bifurcated MicroBore Extension Set with Clear Junior InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
10 00817903010759 460215 Bbraun 7" MicroBore Catheter Extension set with Clear Junior InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
11 00817903010742 415306 Bbraun InVision-Plus Junior Clear Needleless IV Connector FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
12 00817903010735 RYM-8107CL 7" MicroBore Catheter Extension set with InVision-Plus Junior Clear FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
13 00817903010728 RYM-3104B 4" Bifurcated MicroBore Extension Set FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
14 00817903010711 RYM-3036 36" Mini Volume Syringe Pump Extension Set FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
15 00817903010643 RYM-8107 7" MicroBore Catheter Extension set with InVision-Plus Junior FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
16 00817903010636 460212 Bbraun 7" MacroBore High Pressure Catheter Extension Set with bonded InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
17 00817903010629 460213 Bbraun 7" MacroBore High Pressure Catheter Extension Set with bonded Clear InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
18 00817903010605 RYM-8001CL InVision-Plus Clear Junior Needleless IV Connector FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
19 00817903010582 RYM-5307HPU 7" MacroBore High Pressure Catheter Extension Set with InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
20 00817903010438 RYM-5942-28Y Double 4-Way stopcock with 28" tubing and bonded Invision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
21 00817903010421 RYM-5104T 4” MicroBore T-Port Extension Set with clear InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
22 00817903010414 460204 4" T-Port MicroBore Extension Set with InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
23 00817903010407 RYM-5412Y 12" StandardBore I.V. Extension Set with InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
24 00817903010391 RYM-5315 15" MacroBore Catheter Extension Set with InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
25 00817903010384 RYM-5104B 4" Bifurcated MicroBore Extension Set with InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
26 00817903010377 RYM-3360 60" MacroBore Extension Set FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
27 00817903010360 RYM-3060F 60" Mini Volume Syringe Pump Extension Set with .22 Micron Filter FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
28 00817903010353 RYM-3060 60" Mini Volume Syringe Pump Extension Set FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
29 00817903010346 RYM-3104TRF 4" Trifurcated MicroBore Extension Set with One .22 Micron Filter on 8" Tubing FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
30 00817903010339 460200 Bbraun 7" StandardBore Catheter Extension Set with InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
31 00817903010322 460208 Bbraun 7" StandardBore Catheter Extension Set with Clear InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
32 00817903010315 RYM-5407CL 7" StandardBore Catheter Extension Set with Clear InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
33 00817903010308 RYM-5407 7" StandardBore Catheter Extension Set with InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
34 00817903010292 460202 Bbraun 7" High Pressure Bifurcated MicroBore Catheter Extension Set with InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular Rymed
35 00817903010285 460206 Bbraun 7" High Pressure Bifurcated MicroBore Catheter Extension Set with Clear I Bbraun 7" High Pressure Bifurcated MicroBore Catheter Extension Set with Clear InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
36 00817903010278 RYM-5107HPBCL 7" High Pressure Bifurcated MicroBore Catheter Extension Set with Clear InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
37 00817903010261 RYM-5107HPB 7" High Pressure Bifurcated MicroBore Catheter Extension Set with InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
38 00817903010254 460203 Bbraun 7" MacroBore High Pressure Catheter Extension Set with InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
39 00817903010247 RYM-7307HP 7" MacroBore High Pressure Catheter Extension Set with InVision-Plus CS FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
40 00817903010216 460207 Bbraun 7" MacroBore High Pressure Catheter Extension Set with Clear InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
41 00817903010193 RYM-5307HPCL 7" MacroBore High Pressure Catheter Extension Set with Clear InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
42 00817903010186 460201 Bbraun 7" MicroBore Catheter Extension set with InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
43 00817903010179 460205 Bbraun 7" MicroBore Catheter Extension set with Clear InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
44 00817903010162 RYM-5107CL 7" MicroBore Catheter Extension set with Clear InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
45 00817903010155 RYM-5107 7" MicroBore Catheter Extension set with InVision-Plus FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
46 00817903010148 RYM-3107 7" MicroBore Extension Set FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
47 00817903010100 RYM-7000 InVision-Plus CS, Needleless IV Connector, in Touch Free Container FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
48 00817903010094 RYM-5000CL InVision-Plus Clear, Needleless IV Connector , in Touch Free Container FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
49 00817903010087 RYM-5000 InVision-Plus, Needleless IV Connector , in Touch Free Container FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
50 00817903010070 415305 Bbraun InVision-Plus CS, Needleless IV Connector FPA Set, Administration, Intravascular 2 Rymed
Other products with the same Product Code "FPA"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
2 00749756787642 35-400834 Universal 108" IV Set, Vented Bulk NS DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
3 00749756787635 35-530003 Bifurcated 72" IV Set, Vented Bulk NS DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
4 00749756787628 35-530002 72" IV Set, Sosa NS Bulk DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
5 00749756748001 77-400954 Infusion Set S86 w/Filter 72" DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
8 00749756715591 77-400899 Lake Regional CT Scan Injection Line DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
9 00749756682916 77-400859 Vented Standard Tubing w/o Macro Drip Chamber DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
10 00749756679138 77-400838 72" Yellow Stripe Non-Vent w/ Macro Drip Chamber DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
11 00749756679121 77-400837 72" Red Stripe Non-Vented W/ Macro Drip Chamber DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
12 00749756679114 77-400836 72" Blue Stripe Non-Vented W/ Macro Drip Chamber DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
13 00749756679107 77-400835 72"Green Stripe Non-Vent w/ Macro Drip Chamber DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
14 00749756679091 77-400834 108" Universal Admin Set W/ Macro Drip Chamber DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
15 00749756669559 35-420530 Contrast Saver Set DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
16 00749756653862 35-530007 72" NON-VENT BI MACRO DRIP DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
17 00749756653855 35-530001 72" NONVENTED MACRO DRIP DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
18 00749756629386 77-400621 72" NON-VENT BIF MACRO DRIP DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
19 00749756582940 77-420530 Contrast Saver Set DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
20 00749756582902 35-530042 35-530042 Contrast Administration Sets DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
21 00749756318624 77-400160 60" LP COILED INJECTOR TUBING DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
22 00749756289979 77-530000 72" VENTED MACRO DRIP DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
23 00749756289948 77-400259 Male to Male DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
24 00749756282437 77-530007 72" NON-VENT BI MACRO DRIP DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
25 00749756282420 77-530003 Contrast Administration Sets DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
26 00749756282413 77-530002 72" VENT CNTRST MED W/.22FILT DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
27 00749756281904 77-400265 CONTRAST SAVER SET DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
28 00749756281843 77-400258 Rotating Adapters DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
29 00749756281287 77-301042 72" MACRO DRIP W/.15 FILTER DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
30 00749756169189 77-530042 Contrast Administration Sets DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
31 00749756169172 77-530006 Contrast Administration Sets DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
32 00749756169165 77-530001 72" NONVENTED MACRO DRIP DeRoyal DEROYAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
33 00690103200218 MHD8VRZTW MHD8VRZTW FloTrac sensor with VAMP Optima system and transducer FloTrac, VAMP Optima, TruWave EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES LLC
34 00690103200201 MHD8VRZ5 MHD8VRZ5 FloTrac sensor with VAMP Optima system FloTrac, VAMP Optima EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES LLC
35 00690103199185 MHDQ8VLTW MHDQ8VLTW FloTrac IQ sensor with VAMP Optima system and transducer FloTrac IQ, VAMP Optima, TruWave EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES LLC
36 00690103199178 MHDQ8VZTW MHDQ8VZTW FloTrac IQ sensor with VAMP Optima system and transducer FloTrac IQ, VAMP Optima, TruWave EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES LLC
37 00690103199161 MHDQ8VRL5 MHDQ8VRL5 FloTrac IQ sensor with VAMP Optima system FloTrac IQ, VAMP Optima EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES LLC
38 00690103199154 MHDQ8VRL MHDQ8VRL FloTrac IQ sensor with VAMP Optima system FloTrac IQ, VAMP Optima EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES LLC
39 00690103199093 MHDQ8VZ5 MHDQ8VZ5 FloTrac IQ sensor with VAMP Optima system FloTrac IQ, VAMP Optima EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES LLC
40 00690103199086 MHDQ8VZ MHDQ8VZ FloTrac IQ Sensor with VAMP Optima system FloTrac IQ, VAMP Optima EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES LLC
43 00690103199017 MHD8VLTW MHD8VLTW FloTrac sensor with VAMP Optima system and transducer FloTrac, VAMP Optima, TruWave EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES LLC
44 00690103199000 MHD8VZTW MHD8VZTW FloTrac sensor with VAMP Optima system and transducer FloTrac, VAMP Optima, TruWave EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES LLC
45 00690103198997 MHD8VRL5 MHD8VRL5 FloTrac sensor with VAMP Optima system FloTrac, VAMP Optima EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES LLC
46 00690103198980 MHD8VRL MHD8VRL FloTrac sensor with VAMP Optima system FloTrac, VAMP Optima EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES LLC
47 00690103198973 MHD8VZ5 MHD8VZ5 FloTrac sensor with VAMP Optima system FloTrac, VAMP Optima EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES LLC
48 00690103198966 MHD8VZ MHD8VZ FloTrac sensor with VAMP Optima system FloTrac, VAMP Optima EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES LLC
49 00659443003071 SUPER62614 SUPER62614 26 Gauge Needle Sets 6 leg 14mm HIgH-Flo™ Needle Set REPRO MED SYSTEMS, INC.
50 00659443003064 SUPER62612 SUPER62612 26 Gauge Needle Sets 6 leg 12mm HIgH-Flo™ Needle Set REPRO MED SYSTEMS, INC.