Other products from "RSB SPINE LLC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00817893021292 L-PS 8 DEGREE SPACER CADDY OJH Orthopedic Tray 1 InterPlate®
2 00817893021575 L-Ti RSB0115 SCREW COVER KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
3 00817893021568 L-Ti RSB0114 SCREW COVER KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
4 00817893021278 L-PS RSB655S SLAP HAMMER LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 InterPlate®
5 00817893021254 L-PS RSB552 GUIDE INSERTER FZX Guide, Surgical, Instrument 1 InterPlate®
6 00817893021551 L-Ti RSB0113 SCREW COVER KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
7 00817893021308 L-PS 12 DEGREE SPACER CADDY OJH Orthopedic Tray 1 InterPlate®
8 00817893021872 L-Ti RSB510 COVER DRIVER HANDLE LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 InterPlate®
9 00817893022015 L-Ti 12 DEGREE PLATE CADDY OJH Orthopedic Tray 1 InterPlate®
10 00817893022008 L-Ti 8 DEGREE PLATE CADDY OJH Orthopedic Tray 1 InterPlate®
11 00817893022039 L-Ti BONE SCREW CADDY - 24 SCREWS OJH Orthopedic Tray 1 InterPlate®
12 00817893022022 L-Ti COVER CADDY OJH Orthopedic Tray 1 InterPlate®
13 00817893022084 L-Ti RSB515 CASE/TRAY - 25mm TRAY OJH Orthopedic Tray 1 InterPlate®
14 00817893022077 L-Ti BONE SCREW CADDY - 36 SCREWS OJH Orthopedic Tray 1 InterPlate®
15 00817893022060 L-Ti 30mm PLATE CADDY OJH Orthopedic Tray 1 InterPlate®
16 00817893022053 L-Ti 25mm PLATE CADDY OJH Orthopedic Tray 1 InterPlate®
17 00817893022046 L-Ti RSB515 CASE/TRAY OJH Orthopedic Tray 1 InterPlate®
18 00817893021995 L-Ti RSB519 FLEX BONE SCREW DRIVER HXX Screwdriver 1 InterPlate®
19 00817893021940 L-Ti RSB540 U-JOINT DRIVER - SHORT HXX Screwdriver 1 InterPlate®
20 00817893021933 L-Ti RSB539 U-JOINT DRIVER HXX Screwdriver 1 InterPlate®
21 00817893021926 L-Ti RSB537 FREE HAND GUIDE FZX Guide, Surgical, Instrument 1 InterPlate®
22 00817893021919 L-Ti RSB514 BONE SCREW EXTRACTOR HWB Extractor 1 InterPlate®
23 00817893021902 L-Ti RSB513 COVER SCREW EXTRACTOR HWB Extractor 1 InterPlate®
24 00817893021896 L-Ti RSB512 GUIDE INSERTER FZX Guide, Surgical, Instrument 1 InterPlate®
25 00817893021889 L-Ti RSB511 COVER DRIVER SHAFT LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 InterPlate®
26 00817893021865 L-Ti RSB509 BONE SCREW DRIVER HXX Screwdriver 1 InterPlate®
27 00817893021841 L-Ti RSB507 INSERTER LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 InterPlate®
28 00817893021605 L-Ti RSB5025 BONE SCREW - RESCUE KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
29 00817893021599 L-Ti RSB5020 BONE SCREW - STANDARD KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
30 00817893021582 L-Ti RSB0116 SCREW COVER KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
31 00817893021544 L-Ti RSB0112 SCREW COVER KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
32 00817893021537 L-Ti RSB121639 PLATE KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
33 00817893021520 L-Ti RSB121439 PLATE KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
34 00817893021513 L-Ti RSB121239 PLATE KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
35 00817893021506 L-Ti RSB081639 PLATE KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
36 00817893021490 L-Ti RSB081439 PLATE KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
37 00817893021483 L-Ti RSB081239 PLATE KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
38 00817893021476 L-Ti RSB121634 PLATE KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
39 00817893021469 L-Ti RSB121434 PLATE KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
40 00817893021452 L-Ti RSB121234 PLATE KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
41 00817893021445 L-Ti RSB081634 PLATE KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
42 00817893021438 L-Ti RSB081434 PLATE KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
43 00817893021421 L-Ti RSB081234 PLATE KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
44 00817893021414 L-Ti RSB8616 PLATE KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
45 00817893021407 L-Ti RSB8615 PLATE KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
46 00817893021391 L-Ti RSB8614 PLATE KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
47 00817893021384 L-Ti RSB8613 PLATE KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
48 00817893021377 L-Ti RSB8612 PLATE KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
49 00817893021360 L-Ti RSB8516 PLATE KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
50 00817893021353 L-Ti RSB8515 PLATE KWQ Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body 2 InterPlate®
Other products with the same Product Code "OJH"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00819251027861 2412.00.000 Knee PS-Post Auxiliary Instrumentation Tray Klassic ONE Knee PS-Post Auxiliary Instrumentation Tray TOTAL JOINT ORTHOPEDICS, INC.
2 00819251027854 2411.00.000 Knee PS-Post Primary Instrumentation Tray Klassic ONE Knee PS-Post Primary Instrumentation Tray TOTAL JOINT ORTHOPEDICS, INC.
3 00819251021951 1408.00.000 Offset Femur Provisional Case Klassic HD Offset Femur Provisional Case TOTAL JOINT ORTHOPEDICS, INC.
4 00819251021944 1407.00.000 Hip Case 3, Acetabular Reamer and Miscellaneous Instruments, AL Klassic HD Hip Case 3, Acetabular Reamer and Miscellaneous Instruments, AL TOTAL JOINT ORTHOPEDICS, INC.
5 00819251021937 1406.00.000 Hip Case 2, Acetabular Instruments Klassic HD Hip Case 2, Acetabular Instruments TOTAL JOINT ORTHOPEDICS, INC.
6 00819251021920 1405.00.000 Hip Case 1, Femur Instruments Klassic HD Hip Case 1, Femur Instruments TOTAL JOINT ORTHOPEDICS, INC.
7 00819251021913 1404.00.000 BiPolar Instrument Set Sterilization Case Klassic BiPolar Instrument Set Sterilization Case TOTAL JOINT ORTHOPEDICS, INC.
8 00819251021906 1403.00.000 Hip Case 3, Femoral Preparation Instruments Klassic HD Hip Case 3, Femoral Preparation Instruments TOTAL JOINT ORTHOPEDICS, INC.
9 00819251021890 1402.00.000 Hip Case 2, Acetabular Preparation Instruments Klassic HD Hip Case 2, Acetabular Preparation Instruments TOTAL JOINT ORTHOPEDICS, INC.
10 00819251021883 1401.00.000 Hip Case 1, Miscellaneous Hip Instruments Klassic HD Hip Case 1, Miscellaneous Hip Instruments TOTAL JOINT ORTHOPEDICS, INC.
11 00817893022084 L-Ti RSB515 CASE/TRAY - 25mm TRAY InterPlate® RSB SPINE LLC
12 00817893022077 L-Ti BONE SCREW CADDY - 36 SCREWS InterPlate® RSB SPINE LLC
13 00817893022060 L-Ti 30mm PLATE CADDY InterPlate® RSB SPINE LLC
14 00817893022053 L-Ti 25mm PLATE CADDY InterPlate® RSB SPINE LLC
15 00817893022046 L-Ti RSB515 CASE/TRAY InterPlate® RSB SPINE LLC
16 00817893022039 L-Ti BONE SCREW CADDY - 24 SCREWS InterPlate® RSB SPINE LLC
17 00817893022022 L-Ti COVER CADDY InterPlate® RSB SPINE LLC
18 00817893022015 L-Ti 12 DEGREE PLATE CADDY InterPlate® RSB SPINE LLC
19 00817893022008 L-Ti 8 DEGREE PLATE CADDY InterPlate® RSB SPINE LLC
20 00817893021315 L-PS RSB680S CASE/TRAY InterPlate® RSB SPINE LLC
21 00817893021308 L-PS 12 DEGREE SPACER CADDY InterPlate® RSB SPINE LLC
22 00817893021292 L-PS 8 DEGREE SPACER CADDY InterPlate® RSB SPINE LLC
23 00817893020745 C-Ti RSB500 CASE/TRAY InterPlate® RSB SPINE LLC
24 00817893020738 C-Ti SCREW CADDY InterPlate® RSB SPINE LLC
25 00817893020721 C-Ti PLATE CADDY InterPlate® RSB SPINE LLC
26 00817893020257 C-PS RSB600S SPACER TRAY InterPlate® RSB SPINE LLC
27 00817893020240 C-PS SPACER CADDY InterPlate® RSB SPINE LLC
28 00817329025672 84-0001 84-0001 VertebraLINK MI Set VertebraLINK MI LINKSPINE, INC.
29 00817329025665 84-0000 84-0000 VertebraLINK Set VertebraLINK LINKSPINE, INC.
30 00817329025658 80-2500 80-2500 FacetLINK MI Set FacetLINK MI LINKSPINE, INC.
31 00817329024910 80-4989 80-4989 Screw Caddy ModuLIF LINKSPINE, INC.
32 00816342025409 XT00001-B XT00001-B X-Twist Mini Sterilization Tray, Base X-Twist PARCUS MEDICAL LLC
33 00816342025393 XT00001-L XT00001-L X-Twist Mini Sterilization Tray, Lid X-Twist PARCUS MEDICAL LLC
34 00816342022453 XT00001 XT00001 X-Twist Mini Sterilization Tray X-Twist PARCUS MEDICAL LLC
35 00811954013165 6058 6058 Instruments Tray HP Instrument Tray INTERVENTIONAL SPINE, INC
36 00811954012816 6020 6020 Instruments Tray MVP Instrument Tray Assembly INTERVENTIONAL SPINE, INC
37 00811954012779 6016 6016 Instruments Tray SLX Instrument Tray Assembly INTERVENTIONAL SPINE, INC
38 00811870034817 Nine011 Custom Healthcare Systems, Inc. CUSTOM HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS, INC.
39 00811870034794 NINE010 Custom Healthcare Systems, Inc. CUSTOM HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS, INC.
40 00811870033957 B9-16999B Custom Healthcare Systems Inc. CUSTOM HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS, INC.
41 00810011361195 60.333.008 60.333.008 5.5MM/7.5MM SCREW RACK FOR LARGE CANN SCREWS Cannulated Compression Headless Screw TYBER MEDICAL LLC
42 00810011361188 60.333.007 60.333.007 7.5MM SCREW RACK FOR LARGE CANN SCREWS Cannulated Compression Headless Screw TYBER MEDICAL LLC
43 00810011361003 60.333.006 60.333.006 6.5MM SCREW RACK FOR LARGE CANN SCREWS Cannulated Compression Headless Screw TYBER MEDICAL LLC
44 00810011360990 60.333.005 60.333.005 5.5MM SCREW RACK FOR LARGE CANN SCREWS Cannulated Compression Headless Screw TYBER MEDICAL LLC
45 00810011360983 60.333.004 60.333.004 4.5MM SCREW RACK FOR LARGE CANN SCREWS Cannulated Compression Headless Screw TYBER MEDICAL LLC
46 00810011360976 60.333.003 60.333.003 3.5MM/4.0MM SCREW RACK FOR SMALL CANN SCREWS Cannulated Compression Headless Screw TYBER MEDICAL LLC
47 00810011360969 60.333.002 60.333.002 2.5MM/3.0MM SCREW RACK FOR SMALL CANN SCREWS Cannulated Compression Headless Screw TYBER MEDICAL LLC
48 00810011360952 60.333.001 60.333.001 2.0MM/QIS SCREW RACK FOR QIS AND SMALL CANN SCREWS Cannulated Compression Headless Screw TYBER MEDICAL LLC
49 00810011360891 60.333.105 60.333.105 6.5MM/7.5MM INSTRUMENT TRAY FOR LARGE CANN SCREWS Cannulated Compression Headless Screw TYBER MEDICAL LLC
50 00810011360884 60.333.104 60.333.104 4.5MM/5.5MM INSTRUMENT TRAY FOR LARGE CANN SCREWS Cannulated Compression Headless Screw TYBER MEDICAL LLC