Other products from "INNOVAQUARTZ LLC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00816959021719 550 Reusable Laser Lithotripsy Fiber var. Trimedyne R-LLF550-T-USL GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
2 00816959021702 365 Reusable Laser Lithotripsy Fiber R-LLF365-USL GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
3 00816959021696 365 Reusable Laser Lithotripsy Fiber var. Trimedyne R-LLF365-T-USL GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
4 00816959021665 273 Reusable Laser Lithotripsy Fiber R-LLF273LT-USL GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
5 00816959021658 200 Reusable Laser Lithotripsy Fiber R-LLF200TG-USL GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
6 00816959021641 200 Reusable Laser Lithotripsy Fiber var. Trimedyne R-LLF200TG-T-USL GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
7 00816959021771 200 Single-Use Laser Lithotripsy Fiber S-LLF200TG-USL GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
8 00816959021764 200 Single-Use Laser Lithotripsy Fiber S-LLF200TG-T-USL GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
9 00816959021740 910 Reusable Laser Lithotripsy Fiber R-LLF910-USL, R-LLF1000-USL GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
10 00816959021733 910 Reusable Laser Lithotripsy Fiber var. Trimedyne R-LLF910-T-USL, R-LLF1000-T-USL GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
11 00816959021726 550 Reusable Laser Lithotripsy Fiber R-LLF550-USL GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
12 00816959021856 910 Single-Use Laser Lithotripsy Fiber var. Trimedyne S-LLF910-T-USL, S-LLF1000-T-USL GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
13 00816959021849 550 Single-Use Laser Lithotripsy Fiber S-LLF550-USL GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
14 00816959021832 550 Single-Use Laser Lithotripsy Fiber var. Trimedyne S-LLF550-T-USL GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
15 00816959021825 365 Single-Use Laser Lithotripsy Fiber S-LLF365-USL GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
16 00816959021818 365 Single-Use Laser Lithotripsy Fiber var. Trimedyne S-LLF365-T-USL GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
17 00816959021801 273 Single-Use Laser Lithotripsy Fiber S-LLF273TG-USL GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
18 00816959020668 Reusable 550 Laser Fiber var. Aurora™ R-LLF550AU, R-LLF550AU-OCS Maximum Power (J x PPS): 120W.Wavelengths Range: 500nm to 2200nm. GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
19 00816959020651 Reusable 365 Laser Fiber var. Aurora™ R-LLF365AU, R-LLF365AU-OCS Maximum Power (J x PPS): 120W.Wavelengths Range: 500nm to 2200nm. GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
20 00816959020644 Single Use 365 Laser Fiber var. Aurora™ S-LLF365AU, S-LLF365AU-OCS Maximum Power (J x PPS): 120W.Wavelengths Range: 500nm to 2200nm. GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
21 00816959020637 Single Use 273 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber var. ProTrac S-LLF273TRC, S-LLF273TRC-OCS Maximum Power (J x PPS): 50W.Wavelengths Range: 500nm to 2200nm. GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
22 00816959020620 Single Use 200 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber var. ProTrac S-LLF200TRC, S-LLF200TRC-OCS Maximum Power (J x PPS): 30W.Wavelengths Range: 500nm to 2200nm. GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
23 00816959020613 Reusable 910 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber R-LLF910, R-LLF910-OCS, R-LLF1000, R-LLF1000-OCS Maximum Power (J x PPS): 120W.Wavelengths Range: 500nm to 2200nm. GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
24 00816959020606 Single Use 910 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber S-LLF910, S-LLF910-OCS, S-LLF1000, S-LLF1000-OCS Maximum Power (J x PPS): 120W.Wavelengths Range: 500nm to 2200nm. GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
25 00816959020590 Reusable 550 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber R-LLF550, R-LLF550-OCS Maximum Power (J x PPS): 120W.Wavelengths Range: 500nm to 2200nm. GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
26 00816959020583 Single Use 550 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber S-LLF550, S-LLF550-OCS Maximum Power (J x PPS): 120W.Wavelengths Range: 500nm to 2200nm. GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
27 00816959020576 Reusable 365 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber R-LLF365, R-LLF365-OCS Maximum Power (J x PPS): 120W.Wavelengths Range: 500nm to 2200nm. GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
28 00816959020569 Single Use 365 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber S-LLF365, S-LLF365-OCS Maximum Power (J x PPS): 120W.Wavelengths Range: 500nm to 2200nm. GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
29 00816959020552 Reusable 273 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber R-LLF273LT, R-LLF273TG, R-LLF273-OCS Maximum Power (J x PPS): 50W.Wavelengths Range: 500nm to 2200nm. GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
30 00816959020545 Single Use 273 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber S-LLF273LT, S-LLF273TG, S-LLF273-OCS Maximum Power (J x PPS): 50W.Wavelengths Range: 500nm to 2200nm. GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
31 00816959020538 Reusable 200 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber R-LLF200LT, R-LLF200TG, R-LLF200-OCS Maximum Power (J x PPS): 30W.Wavelengths Range: 500nm to 2200nm. GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
32 00816959020521 Single Use 200 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber S-LLF200LT, S-LLF200TG, S-LLF200-OCS Maximum Power (J x PPS): 30W.Wavelengths Range: 500nm to 2200nm. GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
33 00816959020514 Reusable 150 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber R-LLF150LT Maximum Power (J x PPS): 10W.Wavelengths Range: 500nm to 2200nm. GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
34 00816959020507 Single Use 150 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber S-LLF150LT Maximum Power (J x PPS): 10W.Wavelengths Range: 500nm to 2200nm. GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
35 00816959020491 Single Use 550 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber var. AU S-LLF550AU, S-LLF550AU-OCS Maximum Power (J x PPS): 120W.Wavelengths Range: 500nm to 2200nm. GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
36 00816959020484 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
37 00816959020477 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
38 00816959020460 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
39 00816959020453 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
40 00816959020446 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
41 00816959020439 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
42 00816959020422 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
43 00816959020415 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
44 00816959020408 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
45 00816959020392 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
46 00816959020385 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
47 00816959020378 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
48 00816959020361 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
49 00816959020354 Reusable 910 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber var. Trimedyne R-LLF910-T, R-LLF1000-T Maximum Power (J x PPS): 120W. Compatible with Trimedyne Omnipulse Lasers: Not a Maximum Power (J x PPS): 120W. Compatible with Trimedyne Omnipulse Lasers: Not a Trimedyne Product. GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
50 00816959020347 Single Use 910 Laser Lithotripsy Fiber var. Trimedyne S-LLF910-T, S-LLF1000-T Maximum Power (J x PPS): 120W. Compatible with Trimedyne Omnipulse Lasers: Not a Maximum Power (J x PPS): 120W. Compatible with Trimedyne Omnipulse Lasers: Not a Trimedyne Product. GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 ProFlex™
Other products with the same Product Code "GEX"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00819601022683 Cryogenic Gas RL MDGPD12CA44 Description: 1,1,1,2 Tetrafluoroethane;Cylinder: PD;Valve: CGA 600;For reducti Description: 1,1,1,2 Tetrafluoroethane;Cylinder: PD;Valve: CGA 600;For reduction of pain and to prevent any undesired skin damage by cooling of skin prior to treatment with a Candela laser system. Refer to the laser manufacturer's instructions for installation and use of the cryogen. SkinKool AIRGAS USA LLC
2 00819601021853 Skin Cooling RL MDGPD12C996 Description: H-134a;Cylinder: PD; Valve: CGA 600;R-134a in a canister for use in Description: H-134a;Cylinder: PD; Valve: CGA 600;R-134a in a canister for use in a Candela laser system. The gas is used for reduction of pain by cooling of skin prior to treatment with a Candela laser system. Applied Medical Laser AIRGAS USA LLC
3 00819601020016 RLMDGPD12C840 RLMDGPD12C840 R-134a in a canister for use in a Candela laser system. The gas is used for redu R-134a in a canister for use in a Candela laser system. The gas is used for reduction of pain by cooling of skin prior to treatment with a Candela laser system. OriginAL Pure Cryogen AIRGAS USA LLC
4 00818257020081 D11-0318-504 Cool Breeze LED wand - Blue CoolBreeze GENESIS BIOSYSTEMS, INC.
5 00818257020074 D11-0318-503 Cool Breeze LED Wand - Red CoolBreeze GENESIS BIOSYSTEMS, INC.
6 00817688022930 ICM-000-0600 ICM-000-0600 Speculum Tubing, 22mm to 10mm Connector, Sterile Speculum Tubing I.C. MEDICAL, INC.
7 00817688022305 2195J 2195J ICM-000-0418 NA I.C. MEDICAL, INC.
8 00817688021414 2195 ICM-000-0418 Speculum Tubing I.C. MEDICAL, INC.
9 00817688021391 ICM-000-0365 Speculum Tubing I.C. MEDICAL, INC.
10 00817688021377 ICM-000-0027 Speculum Tubing I.C. MEDICAL, INC.
11 00817688021353 ICM-000-0021 Speculum Tubing I.C. MEDICAL, INC.
12 00817495027210 7123-57-0191 Handpiece Assembly FSE, PicoWay 785nm Handpiece CANDELA CORPORATION
13 00817495023670 1600-00-0224 Canister HFC-134a /980g, ALUM, 15 pack Canister HFC-134a /980g, ALUM, 15 pack CANDELA CORPORATION
14 00817495023632 1600-00-0223 Canister HFC-134a / 980g, ALUM Canister HFC-134a / 980g, ALUM CANDELA CORPORATION
15 00817495023625 1600-00-0231 Canister HFC-134a /980g, ALUM, 12 pack Canister HFC-134a /980g, ALUM, 12 pack CANDELA CORPORATION
16 00817495023618 1600-00-0230 Canister HFC-134a /980g, ALUM, 3 pack Canister HFC-134a /980g, ALUM, 3 pack CANDELA CORPORATION
17 00817495023601 1600-00-0229 Canister HFC-134a /980g, ALUM, 1 pack Canister HFC-134a /980g, ALUM, 1 pack CANDELA CORPORATION
18 00817495023595 9914-JB-9060 Pulse Laser PicoWay Laser System CANDELA CORPORATION
21 00817495023496 9914-VT-0300 9914-VT-0300 Pulse Dye Laser Vbeam Perfecta CANDELA CORPORATION
22 00817495023489 9APP7908 Frax 1940 ( Laser) Frax 1940 CANDELA CORPORATION
23 00817495023472 9SYS7852-202-CNDL Frax Pro System - CE Configuration CANDELA CORPORATION
24 00817495023465 9SYS7852-001-CNDL Frax Pro Frax Pro CANDELA CORPORATION
25 00817495023458 9SYS7751-203 Nordlys System - 200-240V China configuration Nordlys System CANDELA CORPORATION
26 00817495023441 9SYS7773-CNDL Multi-modality skin surface treatment system: Intense Pulsed Light (IPL). Sirius CANDELA CORPORATION
27 00817495023434 9SYS7751-CNDL Multi-modality skin surface treatment system: Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Laser device. Nordlys CANDELA CORPORATION
28 00817495023427 9APP7908-CNDL Applicator Frax 1940 1940 nm CANDELA CORPORATION
29 00817495023410 9APP7829-CNDL Applicator Frax 1550 1550 nm CANDELA CORPORATION
30 00817495023403 9APP7815-CNDL Applicator PRS 530 530 - 750 nm CANDELA CORPORATION
31 00817495023397 9APP7814-CNDL Applicator VLS 555 555 - 950 nm CANDELA CORPORATION
32 00817495023380 9APP7744-CNDL Applicator HR 600 600 - 950 nm CANDELA CORPORATION
33 00817495023373 9APP7745-CNDL Applicator HRL 600 600 - 950 nm CANDELA CORPORATION
34 00817495023366 9APP7746-CNDL Applicator HRD 645 645 - 950 nm CANDELA CORPORATION
35 00817495023359 9APP7747-CNDL Applicator VL 555 555 - 950 nm CANDELA CORPORATION
36 00817495023342 9APP7748-CNDL Applicator PR 530 530 - 750 nm CANDELA CORPORATION
37 00817495023335 9APP7749-CNDL Applicator PL 400 400 - 720 nm CANDELA CORPORATION
38 00817495023328 9APP7750-CNDL Applicator Nd:YAG 1064 nm CANDELA CORPORATION
39 00817495023304 9914-KK-9084 Pulsed Laser Vbeam Prima Base Laser System with 1064 CANDELA CORPORATION
40 00817495023298 9914-KK-9082 Pulsed Laser Vbeam Prima Base Laser System with Contact Cooling, JP CANDELA CORPORATION
41 00817495023281 9914-KK-9081 Pulsed Laser Vbeam Prima Base Laser System, JP CANDELA CORPORATION
42 00817495023274 9914-KK-9080 Pulsed Laser VBeam Prima Laser System, JP CANDELA CORPORATION
43 00817495023243 7123-CE-0658 7123-CE-0658 FIBER, STANDARD, HC, GMPP CANDELA CORPORATION
44 00817495023236 7123-CE-0653 7123-CE-0653 GMPP ACC Large Spot Option Kit, w/HP, w/SAs, w/Fiber Assembly CANDELA CORPORATION
45 00817495023229 7123-CE-0652 7123-CE-0652 GMPP DCD Large Spot Option Kit, w/HP, w/SAs, w/Fiber Assembly CANDELA CORPORATION
46 00817495023212 7123-CE-0651 7123-CE-0651 GMPP ACC HP AIR CLIP Kit, w/o Fiber Assembly CANDELA CORPORATION
47 00817495023205 7123-CE-0650 7123-CE-0650 GMPP DCD Small Spot Option Kit, w/Fiber Assembly CANDELA CORPORATION
48 00817495023199 7123-CE-0648 7123-CE-0648 GMPP ACC Medium Spot Option Kit, w/Fiber Assembly CANDELA CORPORATION
49 00817495023182 7123-CE-0635 7123-CE-0635 FIBER, LARGE SPOT, GC, GMPP CANDELA CORPORATION
50 00817495023175 7123-CE-0633 7123-CE-0633 DCD HAND PIECE, SMALL SPOT, GMPP CANDELA CORPORATION