No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00816426021679 K180C-2M K180C-2M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for C-reactive protein (CRP). JJX Single (Specified) Analyte Controls (Assayed And Unassayed) 1 K-ASSAY® hsCRP Control
2 00816426021464 KAI-231C KAI-231C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® RF (Ver.2) assay JIS Calibrator, Primary 2 K-ASSAY® RF Calibrator (Ver.2)
3 00816426021303 KAI-282C KAI-282C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Beta-2 Microglobulin assay. JZG System, Test, Beta-2-Microglobulin Immunological 2 K-ASSAY® Beta-2 Microglobulin Urine Calibrator
4 00816426021297 KAI-281C KAI-281C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Beta-2 Microglobulin assay. JZG System, Test, Beta-2-Microglobulin Immunological 2 K-ASSAY® Beta-2 Microglobulin Serum / Plasma Calibrator
5 00816426020528 KAI-197 KAI-197 For the quantitative determination of human hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) in whole blood. LCP Assay, Glycosylated Hemoglobin 2 K-ASSAY® Hemoglobin A1c Reagent (L)
6 00816426020344 KAI-082 KAI-082 For the quantitative determination of human C-reactive protein (CRP) in serum an For the quantitative determination of human C-reactive protein (CRP) in serum and plasma by immunoturbidimetric assay. DCK C-Reactive Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, And Control 2 K-ASSAY® CRP (3) Reagent
7 00816426020191 KAI-031 KAI-031 For the quantitative determination of human rheumatoid factor (RF) in serum by i For the quantitative determination of human rheumatoid factor (RF) in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. DHR System, Test, Rheumatoid Factor 2 K-ASSAY® RF Reagent
8 00816426020139 KAI-019 KAI-019 For the quantitative determination of human albumin in urine by immunoturbidimet For the quantitative determination of human albumin in urine by immunoturbidimetric assay. DCF Albumin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® Microalbumin Reagent
9 00816426020108 KAI-014 KAI-014 For the quantitative determination of human IgG in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. DEW Igg, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® IgG Reagent
10 00816426021402 KAI-301 KAI-301 For the quantitative determination of unsaturated iron binding capacity (UIBC) in serum. JMO Ferrozine (Colorimetric) Iron Binding Capacity 1 K-ASSAY® UIBC Reagent (L)
11 00816426021082 KAI-136C KAI-136C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Fibrinogen assay. GIS Test, Fibrinogen 2 K-ASSAY® Fibrinogen Calibrator
12 00816426020658 KAI-089C KAI-089C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Fibrinogen assay. GIS Test, Fibrinogen 2 K-ASSAY® Fibrinogen Calibrator
13 00816426020801 K37C-SAM K37C-SAM For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for microalbumin. JJW Urinalysis Controls (Assayed And Unassayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Microalbumin Urine Control
14 00816426020795 K37C-4M K37C-4M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for microalbumin. JJW Urinalysis Controls (Assayed And Unassayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Microalbumin Urine Control
15 00816426020597 KAI-048C KAI-048C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Fructosamine assay. LCP Assay, Glycosylated Hemoglobin 2 K-ASSAY® Fructosamine Calibrator
16 00816426020313 KAI-073 KAI-073 For the quantitative determination of human cystatin C in serum, EDTA plasma, or For the quantitative determination of human cystatin C in serum, EDTA plasma, or lithium heparin plasma by immunoturbidimetric assay. NDY Test, Cystatin C 2 K-ASSAY® Cystatin C Reagent
17 00816426020252 KAI-046 KAI-046 For the quantitative determination of human ferritin in serum and plasma by immu For the quantitative determination of human ferritin in serum and plasma by immunoturbidimetric assay. DBF Ferritin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® Ferritin Reagent (L)
18 00816426020238 KAI-043 KAI-043 For the quantitative determination of fructosamine in serum. LCP Assay, Glycosylated Hemoglobin 2 K-ASSAY® Fructosamine Reagent + Calibrator
19 00816426020115 KAI-015 KAI-015 For the quantitative determination of human IgM in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. CFF Immunoelectrophoretic, Immunoglobulins, (G, A, M) 2 K-ASSAY® IgM Reagent
20 00816426020078 KAI-009 KAI-009 For the quantitative determination of human 3rd complement component (Complement For the quantitative determination of human 3rd complement component (Complement C3) in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. CZW Complement C3, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® Complement C3 Reagent
21 00816426021044 K59C-L3 K59C-L3 For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for the listed constituents. JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Ferritin / IgE / Insulin Control, L3
22 00816426020887 K80C-4M K80C-4M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for C-reactive protein (CRP). DCK C-Reactive Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, And Control 2 K-ASSAY® hs-CRP Control
23 00816426020856 K55C-4M K55C-4M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for the listed constituents. JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 K-ASSAY® ASO/RF/CRP Control
24 00816426020849 K55C-2M K55C-2M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for the listed constituents. JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 K-ASSAY® ASO/RF/CRP Control
25 00816426020788 K29C-4M K29C-4M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for hemoglobin A1c. LCP Assay, Glycosylated Hemoglobin 2 K-ASSAY® Hemoglobin A1c Control
26 00816426020566 KAI-016C KAI-016C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Alpha-1 AG, Alpha-1 AT, Complement C3, Comle For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Alpha-1 AG, Alpha-1 AT, Complement C3, Comlement C4, Haptoglobin, IgA, IgG, IgM, and Transferrin assays. JIX Calibrator, Multi-Analyte Mixture 2 K-ASSAY® Multi-Analyte Calibrator
27 00816426020412 KAI-072C KAI-072C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Insulin assay. CFP Radioimmunoassay, Immunoreactive Insulin 1 K-ASSAY® Insulin Calibrator
28 00816426020337 KAI-078 KAI-078 For the quantitative determination of human streptolysin O (ASO) in serum by imm For the quantitative determination of human streptolysin O (ASO) in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. GTQ Antistreptolysin - Titer/Streptolysin O Reagent 1 K-ASSAY® ASO (WHO) Reagent
29 00816426020214 KAI-035 KAI-035 For the quantitative determination of human fibrinogen in plasma. GIS Test, Fibrinogen 2 K-ASSAY® Fibrinogen Reagent + Calibrator
30 00816426020177 KAI-024 KAI-024 For the quantitative determination of human apolipoprotein B (Apo B) in serum by For the quantitative determination of human apolipoprotein B (Apo B) in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. DER Alpha-1-Lipoprotein, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® Apo B Reagent (L)
31 00816426020092 KAI-013 KAI-013 For the quantitative determination of human IgA in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. CFF Immunoelectrophoretic, Immunoglobulins, (G, A, M) 2 K-ASSAY® IgA Reagent
32 00816426020009 KAI-001 KAI-001 For the quantitative determination of human alpha-1 anti-trypsin (Alpha-1 AT) in For the quantitative determination of human alpha-1 anti-trypsin (Alpha-1 AT) in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. DEM Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® Alpha-1 AT Reagent
33 00816426021648 K310C-4M K310C-4M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for Apolipoprotein AI and B. JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Apo AI / B Control
34 00816426021631 K310C-2M K310C-2M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for Apolipoprotein AI and B. JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Apo AI / B Control
35 00816426021419 KAI-302C KAI-302C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® UIBC assay. JMO Ferrozine (Colorimetric) Iron Binding Capacity 1 K-ASSAY® UIBC Calibrator
36 00816426021341 K284C-4M K284C-4M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for beta-2 microglobulin. JJX Single (Specified) Analyte Controls (Assayed And Unassayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Beta-2 Microglobulin Urine Control
37 00816426021334 K284C-2M K284C-2M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for beta-2 microglobulin. JJX Single (Specified) Analyte Controls (Assayed And Unassayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Beta-2 Microglobulin Urine Control
38 00816426021266 K92C-2M K92C-2M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for D-Dimer. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 K-ASSAY® D-Dimer Control
39 00816426020863 K59C-3M K59C-3M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for the listed constituents. JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Ferritin / IgE / Insulin Control
40 00816426020559 KAI-012C KAI-012C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® CRP assay. DCK C-Reactive Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, And Control 2 K-ASSAY® CRP Calibrator
41 00816426020764 KAI-206C KAI-206C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Factor XIII assay. DBT Factor Xiii A, S, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 1 K-ASSAY® Factor XIII Calibrator
42 00816426020719 KAI-106C KAI-106C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Factor XIII assay. DBT Factor Xiii A, S, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 1 K-ASSAY® Factor XIII Calibrator
43 00816426020542 KAI-008C KAI-008C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Apo AI and Apo B assays. JIX Calibrator, Multi-Analyte Mixture 2 K-ASSAY® Apo AI/B Calibrator
44 00816426020375 KAI-092 KAI-092 For the quantitative determination of human total IgE in serum or plasma by immu For the quantitative determination of human total IgE in serum or plasma by immunoturbidimetric assay. DGC Ige, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® Total IgE Reagent
45 00816426020368 KAI-090 KAI-090 For the quantitative determination of human D-dimer in plasma or serum by immuno For the quantitative determination of human D-dimer in plasma or serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. GHH Fibrin Split Products 2 K-ASSAY® D-Dimer Reagent
46 00816426020221 KAI-040 KAI-040 For the quantitative determination of human insulin in serum and plasma by immun For the quantitative determination of human insulin in serum and plasma by immunoturbidimetric assay. CFP Radioimmunoassay, Immunoreactive Insulin 1 K-ASSAY® Insulin Reagent
47 00816426020207 KAI-033 KAI-033 For the quantitative determination of human C-reactive protein (CRP) in serum by For the quantitative determination of human C-reactive protein (CRP) in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. DCK C-Reactive Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, And Control 2 K-ASSAY® CRP Reagent (L)
48 00816426020085 KAI-010 KAI-010 For the quantitative determination of human 4th complement component (Complement For the quantitative determination of human 4th complement component (Complement C4) in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. DBI Complement C4, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® Complement C4 Reagent
49 00816426021396 KAI-300 KAI-300 For the quantitative determination of unsaturated iron binding capacity (UIBC) in serum. JMO Ferrozine (Colorimetric) Iron Binding Capacity 1 K-ASSAY® UIBC Reagent
50 00816426021327 K283C-4M K283C-4M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for beta-2 microglobulin. JJX Single (Specified) Analyte Controls (Assayed And Unassayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Beta-2 Microglobulin / Ferritin - Serum / Plasma Control
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No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 20812747018514 07-665US Reagent QC Level 2 Haemonetics TEG 6s HAEMONETICS CORPORATION
2 20812747018491 07-664-US Reagent QC Level 1 US Haemonetics TEG 6s HAEMONETICS CORPORATION
3 20763000014807 306-09POR CONTROL 306-09POR PORC PUR/BLK 6L 10BX N/A MEDTRONIC, INC.
4 20613994923336 306-09POR CONTROL 306-09POR PORC PUR/BLK 6L 10BX NA MEDTRONIC, INC.
5 13607450011392 01139 Pool Norm DIAGNOSTICA STAGO
6 10859394006184 35-201 35-201 Assayed Reference Plasma L-2 10 x 1 ml PlasmaRef ARL-2 R 2 DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
7 10859394006177 33-201 33-201 Assayed Reference Plasma 10 x 1 ml PlasmaRef ARN R 2 DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
8 10711234540046 DCJ-005 DCJ-005 Protective Sleeves directCHECK Whole Blood Controls ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
9 10711234170373 000DCGLR-2 000DCGLR-2 directCHECK GH100 ACTLR2 15/box directCHECK ACT-LR Whole Blood Control, Level 2 ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
10 10711234170366 000DCGLR-1 000DCGLR-1 directCHECK GH100 ACTLRL1 15/box. directCHECK ACT-LR Whole Blood Controls, Level 1 ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
11 10711234170359 000DCGACT-2 000DCGACT-2 directCHECK GH100 ACT+L2 15/box directCHECK ACT+ Whole Blood Control, Level 2 ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
12 10711234170342 000DCGACT-1 000DCGACT-1 directCHECK GH100 ACT+L1 15/box directCHECK ACT+ Whole Blood Control Level 1 ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
13 10711234170243 DCJLR-N DCJLR-N directCHECK ACT-LR - Normal 15/box directCHECK Whole Blood Controls ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
14 10711234170236 DCJPT-N DCJPT-N directCHECK PT - Normal 15/box directCHECK Whole Blood Controls ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
15 10711234170229 DCJACT-N DCJACT-N directCHECK ACT+ Normal 15/box directCHECK Whole Blood Controls ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
16 10711234170175 DCJCAPTT-A DCJCAPTT-A directCHECK Citrate APTT - Abnormal 15/box directCHECK Whole Blood Controls ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
17 10711234107102 DCP214-A DCP214-A HepCheck P214 - Abnormal 15/box HepCheck Whole Blood Control ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
18 10711234107096 DCP214-N DCP214-N HepCheck P214 - Normal 15/box HepCheck Whole Blood Control ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
19 10711234107089 DCJLR-A DCJLR-A directCHECK ACT-LR Abnormal 15/box directCHECK Whole Blood Controls ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
20 10711234107072 DCJCPT-N DCJCPT-N directCHECK Citrate PT - Normal 15/box directCHECK Whole Blood Controls ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
21 10711234107065 DCJCPT-A DCJCPT-A directCHECK Citrate PT - Abnormal 15/box directCHECK Whole Blood Controls ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
22 10711234107058 DCJACT-A DCJACT-A directCHECK ACT+ Abnormal 15/box directCHECK Whole Blood Controls ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
23 10711234107041 DCJPT-A DCJPT-A directCHECK PT - Abnormal 15/box directCHECK Whole Blood Controls ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
24 10711234107034 DCJAPTT-A DCJAPTT-A directCHECK APTT - Abnormal 15/box directCHECK Whole Blood Controls ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
25 10711234107027 DCJAPTT-N DCJAPTT-N directCHECK APTT- Normal 15/box directCHECK Whole Blood Controls ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
26 10711234102206 QCACT QCACT ACT Whole Blood Quality Control 40/box Hemochron Whole Blood Coagulation System ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
27 10629009131101 LYNCP01 A pool of normal citrated human plasma collected from a minimum of 20 donors, bu A pool of normal citrated human plasma collected from a minimum of 20 donors, buffered with 0.05M HEPES and stabilizers, dispensed and lyophilized. This plasma is used for the quality control of coagulation assays in the normal range, including fibrinogen, coagulation factors II, V, VII, VIII, IX, X XI and XII, ATIII activity, Protein C activity and Protein S activity. VisuCon-L(TM) Normal Control Plasma AFFINITY BIOLOGICALS INC
28 10629009121102 LYABP01 A pool of citrated normal human plasma collected from a minimum of 20 donors, an A pool of citrated normal human plasma collected from a minimum of 20 donors, and diluted to defined concentrations. Plasma is buffered with 0.05M HEPES and stabilizers, dispensed and lyophilized. This plasma is used for the quality control of coagulation assays in the normal range, including fibrinogen, coagulation factors II, V, VII, VIII, IX, X XI and XII, ATIII activity, Protein C activity and Protein S activity. VisuCon-L(TM) Abnormal Control Plasma AFFINITY BIOLOGICALS INC
29 10629009111103 LCSAB201 A pool of citrated human plasma collected from a minimum of 20 donors that has b A pool of citrated human plasma collected from a minimum of 20 donors that has been depleted of specific clotting factors. The plasma is buffered with 0.05M HEPES buffer and stabilizers, dispensed and lyophilized. This plasma is used for the quality control of coagulation assays (PT and APTT) in the highly abnormal range. VisuCon-L Coag Screen ABN2 Plasma AFFINITY BIOLOGICALS INC
30 10629009101104 LCSAB101 A pool of citrated human plasma collected from a minimum of 20 donors that has b A pool of citrated human plasma collected from a minimum of 20 donors that has been depleted of specific clotting factors. The plasma is buffered with 0.05M HEPES buffer and stabilizers, dispensed, and lyophilized. This plasma is used for the quality control of coagulation assays (PT and APTT) in the mid-level abnormal range. VisuCon-L Coag Screen ABN1 Plasma AFFINITY BIOLOGICALS INC
31 10629009091108 LSCN01 A pool of normal citrated human plasma collected from a minimum of 20 donors, bu A pool of normal citrated human plasma collected from a minimum of 20 donors, buffered with 0.05M HEPES buffer and stabilizers, dispensed and lyophilized. This plasma is used for the quality control of coagulation assays (PT, APTT and Fibinogen) in the normal range. VisuCon-L Coag Screen N Plasma AFFINITY BIOLOGICALS INC
32 10629009084810 FCSAB0481 Intended for use in the quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, incl Intended for use in the quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, including Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) in the mid-level abnormal range. VisuCon-F Frozen Coag Screen ABN AFFINITY BIOLOGICALS INC
33 10629009081819 FCSAB0181 Intended for use in the quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, incl Intended for use in the quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, including Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT), in the mid-level abnormal range. VisuCon-F Frozen Coag Screen ABN AFFINITY BIOLOGICALS INC
34 10629009081253 FCSAB0125 Intended for use in the quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, incl Intended for use in the quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, including Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT), in the mid-level abnormal range. VisuCon-F Frozen Coag Screen ABN AFFINITY BIOLOGICALS INC
35 10629009074811 FCSN0481 Intended for use in the quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, incl Intended for use in the quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, including Prothrombin Time (PT), Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) and Fibrinogen, in the normal range. VisuCon-F Frozen Coag Screen N AFFINITY BIOLOGICALS INC
36 10629009071810 FCSN0181 Intended for the use in the quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, Intended for the use in the quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, including Prothrombin Time (PT), Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) and Fibrinogen, in the normal range. VisuCon-F Frozen Coag Screen N AFFINITY BIOLOGICALS INC
37 10629009071254 FCSN0125 Intended for the use in quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, incl Intended for the use in quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, including Prothrombin Time (PT), Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) and Fibrinogen, in the normal range. VisuCon-F Frozen Coag Screen N AFFINITY BIOLOGICALS INC
38 10629009061255 FRABP0125 Intended for use in the quality control of coagulation assays in the borderline Intended for use in the quality control of coagulation assays in the borderline pathological range. VisuCon-F Frozen Abnormal Control Plasma AFFINITY BIOLOGICALS INC
39 10629009061057 FRABP0105 Intended for use in the quality control of coagulation assays in the borderline Intended for use in the quality control of coagulation assays in the borderline pathological range. VisuCon-F Frozen Abnormal Control Plasma AFFINITY BIOLOGICALS INC
40 10629009051256 FRNCP0125 Intended for use in the quality control of coagulation assays in the normal range. VisuCon-F Frozen Normal Control Plasma AFFINITY BIOLOGICALS INC
41 10629009051058 FRNCP0105 Intended for use in the quality control of coagulation assays in the normal range. VisuCon-F Frozen Calibrator Plasma AFFINITY BIOLOGICALS INC
42 10629009031814 LFGCP0181 Assayed control plasma prepared from de-fibrinated human plasma intended for use Assayed control plasma prepared from de-fibrinated human plasma intended for use in the quality control of quantitative fibrinogen assays in the low abnormal range. VisuCon-F Low Fibrinogen Control Plasma AFFINITY BIOLOGICALS INC
43 10629009031258 LFGCP0125 Assayed control plasma prepared from de-fibrinated human plasma intended for use Assayed control plasma prepared from de-fibrinated human plasma intended for use in the quality control of quantitative fibrinogen assays in the low abnormal range. VisuCon-F Low Fibrinogen Control Plasma AFFINITY BIOLOGICALS INC
44 10629009031050 LFGCP0105 Assayed control plasma prepared from de-fibrinated human plasma intended for use Assayed control plasma prepared from de-fibrinated human plasma intended for use in the quality control of quantitative fibrinogen assays in the low abnormal range. VisuCon-F Low Fibrinogen Control Plasma AFFINITY BIOLOGICALS INC
45 M52551850 5185 Coagulation S.A.R.P (Specialty Assayed Reference Plasma) HELENA LABORATORIES CORPORATION
46 M52551830 5183 AB-Trol 3 Coagulation Control HELENA LABORATORIES CORPORATION
47 08426951126538 0009800131 00009800131 1. Low HIT Control (Cat. No. 00009800132)2. High HIT Control (Cat. No. 00009800133): HemosIL Acustar HIT Controls INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
48 08426951024032 0022550030 00022550030 HemosIL D-Dimer HS 500 Controls (Liquid) HemosIL D-Dimer HS 500 Controls (Liquid) INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
49 08426950975397 00020014700 00020014700 HemosIL HIT-Ab(PF4-H) Controls HemosIL HIT-Ab(PF4-H) Controls INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
50 08426950660675 00020014100 00020014100 HemosIL Abnormal Control 3 HemosIL Abnormal Control 3 INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY