No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00816426021679 K180C-2M K180C-2M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for C-reactive protein (CRP). JJX Single (Specified) Analyte Controls (Assayed And Unassayed) 1 K-ASSAY® hsCRP Control
2 00816426021464 KAI-231C KAI-231C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® RF (Ver.2) assay JIS Calibrator, Primary 2 K-ASSAY® RF Calibrator (Ver.2)
3 00816426021303 KAI-282C KAI-282C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Beta-2 Microglobulin assay. JZG System, Test, Beta-2-Microglobulin Immunological 2 K-ASSAY® Beta-2 Microglobulin Urine Calibrator
4 00816426021297 KAI-281C KAI-281C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Beta-2 Microglobulin assay. JZG System, Test, Beta-2-Microglobulin Immunological 2 K-ASSAY® Beta-2 Microglobulin Serum / Plasma Calibrator
5 00816426020528 KAI-197 KAI-197 For the quantitative determination of human hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) in whole blood. LCP Assay, Glycosylated Hemoglobin 2 K-ASSAY® Hemoglobin A1c Reagent (L)
6 00816426020344 KAI-082 KAI-082 For the quantitative determination of human C-reactive protein (CRP) in serum an For the quantitative determination of human C-reactive protein (CRP) in serum and plasma by immunoturbidimetric assay. DCK C-Reactive Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, And Control 2 K-ASSAY® CRP (3) Reagent
7 00816426020191 KAI-031 KAI-031 For the quantitative determination of human rheumatoid factor (RF) in serum by i For the quantitative determination of human rheumatoid factor (RF) in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. DHR System, Test, Rheumatoid Factor 2 K-ASSAY® RF Reagent
8 00816426020139 KAI-019 KAI-019 For the quantitative determination of human albumin in urine by immunoturbidimet For the quantitative determination of human albumin in urine by immunoturbidimetric assay. DCF Albumin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® Microalbumin Reagent
9 00816426020108 KAI-014 KAI-014 For the quantitative determination of human IgG in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. DEW Igg, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® IgG Reagent
10 00816426021402 KAI-301 KAI-301 For the quantitative determination of unsaturated iron binding capacity (UIBC) in serum. JMO Ferrozine (Colorimetric) Iron Binding Capacity 1 K-ASSAY® UIBC Reagent (L)
11 00816426021082 KAI-136C KAI-136C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Fibrinogen assay. GIS Test, Fibrinogen 2 K-ASSAY® Fibrinogen Calibrator
12 00816426020658 KAI-089C KAI-089C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Fibrinogen assay. GIS Test, Fibrinogen 2 K-ASSAY® Fibrinogen Calibrator
13 00816426020795 K37C-4M K37C-4M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for microalbumin. JJW Urinalysis Controls (Assayed And Unassayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Microalbumin Urine Control
14 00816426020597 KAI-048C KAI-048C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Fructosamine assay. LCP Assay, Glycosylated Hemoglobin 2 K-ASSAY® Fructosamine Calibrator
15 00816426020313 KAI-073 KAI-073 For the quantitative determination of human cystatin C in serum, EDTA plasma, or For the quantitative determination of human cystatin C in serum, EDTA plasma, or lithium heparin plasma by immunoturbidimetric assay. NDY Test, Cystatin C 2 K-ASSAY® Cystatin C Reagent
16 00816426020252 KAI-046 KAI-046 For the quantitative determination of human ferritin in serum and plasma by immu For the quantitative determination of human ferritin in serum and plasma by immunoturbidimetric assay. DBF Ferritin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® Ferritin Reagent (L)
17 00816426020238 KAI-043 KAI-043 For the quantitative determination of fructosamine in serum. LCP Assay, Glycosylated Hemoglobin 2 K-ASSAY® Fructosamine Reagent + Calibrator
18 00816426020115 KAI-015 KAI-015 For the quantitative determination of human IgM in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. CFF Immunoelectrophoretic, Immunoglobulins, (G, A, M) 2 K-ASSAY® IgM Reagent
19 00816426020078 KAI-009 KAI-009 For the quantitative determination of human 3rd complement component (Complement For the quantitative determination of human 3rd complement component (Complement C3) in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. CZW Complement C3, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® Complement C3 Reagent
20 00816426021044 K59C-L3 K59C-L3 For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for the listed constituents. JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Ferritin / IgE / Insulin Control, L3
21 00816426020887 K80C-4M K80C-4M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for C-reactive protein (CRP). DCK C-Reactive Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, And Control 2 K-ASSAY® hs-CRP Control
22 00816426020856 K55C-4M K55C-4M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for the listed constituents. JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 K-ASSAY® ASO/RF/CRP Control
23 00816426020849 K55C-2M K55C-2M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for the listed constituents. JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 K-ASSAY® ASO/RF/CRP Control
24 00816426020788 K29C-4M K29C-4M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for hemoglobin A1c. LCP Assay, Glycosylated Hemoglobin 2 K-ASSAY® Hemoglobin A1c Control
25 00816426020566 KAI-016C KAI-016C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Alpha-1 AG, Alpha-1 AT, Complement C3, Comle For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Alpha-1 AG, Alpha-1 AT, Complement C3, Comlement C4, Haptoglobin, IgA, IgG, IgM, and Transferrin assays. JIX Calibrator, Multi-Analyte Mixture 2 K-ASSAY® Multi-Analyte Calibrator
26 00816426020412 KAI-072C KAI-072C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Insulin assay. CFP Radioimmunoassay, Immunoreactive Insulin 1 K-ASSAY® Insulin Calibrator
27 00816426020337 KAI-078 KAI-078 For the quantitative determination of human streptolysin O (ASO) in serum by imm For the quantitative determination of human streptolysin O (ASO) in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. GTQ Antistreptolysin - Titer/Streptolysin O Reagent 1 K-ASSAY® ASO (WHO) Reagent
28 00816426020214 KAI-035 KAI-035 For the quantitative determination of human fibrinogen in plasma. GIS Test, Fibrinogen 2 K-ASSAY® Fibrinogen Reagent + Calibrator
29 00816426020177 KAI-024 KAI-024 For the quantitative determination of human apolipoprotein B (Apo B) in serum by For the quantitative determination of human apolipoprotein B (Apo B) in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. DER Alpha-1-Lipoprotein, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® Apo B Reagent (L)
30 00816426020092 KAI-013 KAI-013 For the quantitative determination of human IgA in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. CFF Immunoelectrophoretic, Immunoglobulins, (G, A, M) 2 K-ASSAY® IgA Reagent
31 00816426020009 KAI-001 KAI-001 For the quantitative determination of human alpha-1 anti-trypsin (Alpha-1 AT) in For the quantitative determination of human alpha-1 anti-trypsin (Alpha-1 AT) in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. DEM Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® Alpha-1 AT Reagent
32 00816426021648 K310C-4M K310C-4M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for Apolipoprotein AI and B. JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Apo AI / B Control
33 00816426021631 K310C-2M K310C-2M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for Apolipoprotein AI and B. JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Apo AI / B Control
34 00816426021419 KAI-302C KAI-302C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® UIBC assay. JMO Ferrozine (Colorimetric) Iron Binding Capacity 1 K-ASSAY® UIBC Calibrator
35 00816426021341 K284C-4M K284C-4M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for beta-2 microglobulin. JJX Single (Specified) Analyte Controls (Assayed And Unassayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Beta-2 Microglobulin Urine Control
36 00816426021334 K284C-2M K284C-2M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for beta-2 microglobulin. JJX Single (Specified) Analyte Controls (Assayed And Unassayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Beta-2 Microglobulin Urine Control
37 00816426021273 K92C-4M K92C-4M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for D-Dimer. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 K-ASSAY® D-Dimer Control
38 00816426021266 K92C-2M K92C-2M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for D-Dimer. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 K-ASSAY® D-Dimer Control
39 00816426020863 K59C-3M K59C-3M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for the listed constituents. JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Ferritin / IgE / Insulin Control
40 00816426020559 KAI-012C KAI-012C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® CRP assay. DCK C-Reactive Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, And Control 2 K-ASSAY® CRP Calibrator
41 00816426020764 KAI-206C KAI-206C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Factor XIII assay. DBT Factor Xiii A, S, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 1 K-ASSAY® Factor XIII Calibrator
42 00816426020719 KAI-106C KAI-106C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Factor XIII assay. DBT Factor Xiii A, S, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 1 K-ASSAY® Factor XIII Calibrator
43 00816426020542 KAI-008C KAI-008C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Apo AI and Apo B assays. JIX Calibrator, Multi-Analyte Mixture 2 K-ASSAY® Apo AI/B Calibrator
44 00816426020375 KAI-092 KAI-092 For the quantitative determination of human total IgE in serum or plasma by immu For the quantitative determination of human total IgE in serum or plasma by immunoturbidimetric assay. DGC Ige, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® Total IgE Reagent
45 00816426020368 KAI-090 KAI-090 For the quantitative determination of human D-dimer in plasma or serum by immuno For the quantitative determination of human D-dimer in plasma or serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. GHH Fibrin Split Products 2 K-ASSAY® D-Dimer Reagent
46 00816426020221 KAI-040 KAI-040 For the quantitative determination of human insulin in serum and plasma by immun For the quantitative determination of human insulin in serum and plasma by immunoturbidimetric assay. CFP Radioimmunoassay, Immunoreactive Insulin 1 K-ASSAY® Insulin Reagent
47 00816426020207 KAI-033 KAI-033 For the quantitative determination of human C-reactive protein (CRP) in serum by For the quantitative determination of human C-reactive protein (CRP) in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. DCK C-Reactive Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, And Control 2 K-ASSAY® CRP Reagent (L)
48 00816426020085 KAI-010 KAI-010 For the quantitative determination of human 4th complement component (Complement For the quantitative determination of human 4th complement component (Complement C4) in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. DBI Complement C4, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® Complement C4 Reagent
49 00816426021396 KAI-300 KAI-300 For the quantitative determination of unsaturated iron binding capacity (UIBC) in serum. JMO Ferrozine (Colorimetric) Iron Binding Capacity 1 K-ASSAY® UIBC Reagent
50 00816426021327 K283C-4M K283C-4M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for beta-2 microglobulin. JJX Single (Specified) Analyte Controls (Assayed And Unassayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Beta-2 Microglobulin / Ferritin - Serum / Plasma Control
Other products with the same Product Code "JJW"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00896863002387 1400-02 1400-02 The Dipper POCT is a two level urinalysis dipstick control. Each level is contai The Dipper POCT is a two level urinalysis dipstick control. Each level is contained in a single-use plastic pouch filled with 1.5mL of liquid control material that is ready-to-use, requiring no reconstitution of dilution. The controls are formulated from a simulated urine matrix fortified with preservatives and stabilizers to maintain product integrity and inhibit microbial growth. Each control level is formulated to target levels with compounds that produce the desired reaction when tested by methods indicated in the product insert. Dipper POCT Level 1&2 Set 20x1.5mL QUANTIMETRIX CORPORATION
2 00896863002370 1400-01 1400-01 The Dipper POCT is a two level urinalysis dipstick control. Each level is contai The Dipper POCT is a two level urinalysis dipstick control. Each level is contained in a single-use plastic pouch filled with 1.5mL of liquid control material that is ready-to-use, requiring no reconstitution of dilution. The controls are formulated from a simulated urine matrix fortified with preservatives and stabilizers to maintain product integrity and inhibit microbial growth. Each control level is formulated to target levels with compounds that produce the desired reaction when tested by methods indicated in the product insert. Dipper POCT Level 1&2 Set 62x1.5mL QUANTIMETRIX CORPORATION
3 00896863002226 1432-32 1432-32 The Dropper Urine Chemistry Control is intended for use as a control for human u The Dropper Urine Chemistry Control is intended for use as a control for human urine assay methods. It is supplied as a ready-to-use liquid requiring no reconstitution. They are prepared from human urine and fortified to target levels with human proteins and reagent grade chemicals. Preservatives have been added to inhibit microbial growth. Dropper Urine Chemistry Control Level 2 Set 3x25mL QUANTIMETRIX CORPORATION
4 00896863002219 1432-31 1432-31 The Dropper Urine Chemistry Control is intended for use as a control for human u The Dropper Urine Chemistry Control is intended for use as a control for human urine assay methods. It is supplied as a ready-to-use liquid requiring no reconstitution. They are prepared from human urine and fortified to target levels with human proteins and reagent grade chemicals. Preservatives have been added to inhibit microbial growth. Dropper Urine Chemistry Control Level 2 Set 3x10mL QUANTIMETRIX CORPORATION
5 00896863002202 1431-32 1431-32 The Dropper Urine Chemistry Control is intended for use as a control for human u The Dropper Urine Chemistry Control is intended for use as a control for human urine assay methods. It is supplied as a ready-to-use liquid requiring no reconstitution. They are prepared from human urine and fortified to target levels with human proteins and reagent grade chemicals. Preservatives have been added to inhibit microbial growth. Dropper Urine Chemistry Control Level 1 Set 3x25mL QUANTIMETRIX CORPORATION
6 00896863002196 1431-31 1431-31 The Dropper Urine Chemistry Control is intended for use as a control for human u The Dropper Urine Chemistry Control is intended for use as a control for human urine assay methods. It is supplied as a ready-to-use liquid requiring no reconstitution. They are prepared from human urine and fortified to target levels with human proteins and reagent grade chemicals. Preservatives have been added to inhibit microbial growth. Dropper Urine Chemistry Control Level 1 Set 3x10mL QUANTIMETRIX CORPORATION
7 00896863002189 1430-01 1430-01 The Dropper Urine Chemistry Control is intended for use as a control for human u The Dropper Urine Chemistry Control is intended for use as a control for human urine assay methods. It is supplied as a ready-to-use liquid requiring no reconstitution. They are prepared from human urine and fortified to target levels with human proteins and reagent grade chemicals. Preservatives have been added to inhibit microbial growth. Dropper Urine Chemistry Control Level 1&2 Set 2x10mL QUANTIMETRIX CORPORATION
8 00896863002165 1440-06 1440-06 The Dropper Plus Point-of-Care Urinalysis Dipstick Control is intended as a cont The Dropper Plus Point-of-Care Urinalysis Dipstick Control is intended as a control for urinalysis reagent strips, microalbumin, and creatinine by the listed test methods, and as a control for confirmatory tests. They are supplied in two levels, liquid, ready-to-use, requiring no reconstitution or dilution. They are prepared from human urine fortified to target levels with compounds that produce the desired reaction when tested by the methods indicated in the product insert. Preservatives have been added to inhibit microbial growth. Dropper Plus Point-of-Care Urinalysis Dipstick Control Level 1&2 Set 2x5mL QUANTIMETRIX CORPORATION
9 00896863002158 1440-04 1440-04 The Dropper Plus Point-of-Care Urinalysis Dipstick Control is intended as a cont The Dropper Plus Point-of-Care Urinalysis Dipstick Control is intended as a control for urinalysis reagent strips, microalbumin, and creatinine by the listed test methods, and as a control for confirmatory tests. They are supplied in two levels, liquid, ready-to-use, requiring no reconstitution or dilution. They are prepared from human urine fortified to target levels with compounds that produce the desired reaction when tested by the methods indicated in the product insert. Preservatives have been added to inhibit microbial growth. Dropper Plus Point-of-Care Urinalysis Dipstick Control Level 1&2 Set 10x5mL QUANTIMETRIX CORPORATION
10 00896863002141 1442-61 1442-61 The Dipper Urinalysis Dipstick Control is intended as a control for urinalysis r The Dipper Urinalysis Dipstick Control is intended as a control for urinalysis reagent strips, microalbumin, and creatinine by the listed test methods, and as a control for confirmatory tests. They are supplied in two levels as 6x15mL, three tubes of each level or 6x15mL level 2 only. They are liquid, ready-to-use requiring no reconstitution or dilution. They are prepared from human urine fortified to target levels with compounds that produce the desired reaction when tested by the methods indicated in the product insert. Preservatives have been added to inhibit microbial growth. Dipper Urinalysis Dipstick Control Level 2 Set 6x15mL QUANTIMETRIX CORPORATION
11 00896863002134 1440-01 1440-01 The Dipper Urinalysis Dipstick Control is intended as a control for urinalysis r The Dipper Urinalysis Dipstick Control is intended as a control for urinalysis reagent strips, microalbumin, and creatinine by the listed test methods, and as a control for confirmatory tests. They are supplied in two levels as 6x15mL, three tubes of each level or 6x15mL level 2 only. They are liquid, ready-to-use requiring no reconstitution or dilution. They are prepared from human urine fortified to target levels with compounds that produce the desired reaction when tested by the methods indicated in the product insert. Preservatives have been added to inhibit microbial growth. Dipper Urinalysis Dipstick Control Level 1&2 Set 6x15mL QUANTIMETRIX CORPORATION
12 00896863002127 1440-03 1440-03 The Dropper Urinalysis Dipstick Control is intended as a control for urinalysis The Dropper Urinalysis Dipstick Control is intended as a control for urinalysis reagent strips, microalbumin, and creatinine by the listed test methods, and as a control for confirmatory tests. They are liquid, ready-to-use requiring no reconstitution or dilution. They are prepared from human urine fortified to target levels with compounds that produce the desired reaction when tested by the methods indicated in the product insert. Preservatives have been added to inhibit microbial growth. Dropper Urinalysis Dipstick Control Level 1&2 Set 2x25mL QUANTIMETRIX CORPORATION
13 00896863002110 1440-02 1440-02 The Dropper Urinalysis Dipstick Control is intended as a control for urinalysis The Dropper Urinalysis Dipstick Control is intended as a control for urinalysis reagent strips, microalbumin, and creatinine by the listed test methods, and as a control for confirmatory tests. They are liquid, ready-to-use requiring no reconstitution or dilution. They are prepared from human urine fortified to target levels with compounds that produce the desired reaction when tested by the methods indicated in the product insert. Preservatives have been added to inhibit microbial growth. Dropper Urinalysis Dipstick Control Level 1&2 Set 4x25mL QUANTIMETRIX CORPORATION
14 00896863002103 1250-01 1250-01 The Microbumin Microalbumin Control is intended as a means of monitoring various The Microbumin Microalbumin Control is intended as a means of monitoring various microalbumin assay methods to validate quantitation of patient samples. It is supplied in two levels, 5x7mL each level per box. They are ready-to-use, liquid, requiring no reconstitution. They are prepared from human urine, fortified to target levels with human albumin and creatinine. Preservatives have been added to inhibit microbial growth. Microbumin Microalbumin Control Level 1&2 Set 10x7mL QUANTIMETRIX CORPORATION
15 00896863002042 1540-02 1540-02 The Chromascopics Urinalysis Control with Microscopics is intended as an assayed The Chromascopics Urinalysis Control with Microscopics is intended as an assayed quality control for the Siemens Clinitek Novus Automated Urine Chemistry Analyzer. It is also compatible with Siemens urinalysis dipsticks and Clinitek analyzers, confirmatory tests, and qualitative methods. It may also be used as a means of validating the processing and centrifugation of patient urine samples prior to the microscopic evaluation of urine sediment. It is supplied as a liquid, ready-to-use control in two levels, configured with 2x120mL of each level per box. It does not required reconstitution or dilution. They are prepared from human urine to which stabilized human red and white blood cells, calcium oxalate crystals, non-pathogenic bacteria, and other compounds have been added to produce desired reactions when tested by the methods indicated in the product insert. Preservatives have been added to inhibit microbial growth. Chromascopics Control Level 1&2 Set 4x120mL (Domestic) QUANTIMETRIX CORPORATION
16 00896863002035 1540-01 1540-01 The Chromascopics Urinalysis Control with Microscopics is intended as an assayed The Chromascopics Urinalysis Control with Microscopics is intended as an assayed quality control for the Siemens Clinitek Novus Automated Urine Chemistry Analyzer and Atellica 800 and 1500 systems. It is also compatible with Siemens urinalysis dipsticks, confirmatory tests, and qualitative methods. It may also be used as a means of validating the processing and centrifugation of patient urine samples prior to the microscopic evaluation of urine sediment. It is supplied as a liquid, ready-to-use control in two levels, configured with 2x120mL of each level per box. It does not required reconstitution or dilution. They are prepared from human urine to which stabilized human red and white blood cells, calcium oxalate crystals, non-pathogenic bacteria, and other compounds have been added to produce desired reactions when tested by the methods indicated in the product insert. Preservatives have been added to inhibit microbial growth. Chromascopics Control Level 1&2 Set 4x120mL (International) QUANTIMETRIX CORPORATION
17 00884883004405 10014127 MAS® UrichemTRAK Liquid Assayed Urine Control MICROGENICS CORPORATION
18 00884883004160 024227 MAS Urinalysis Liquid Urinalysis Control 3 MICROGENICS CORPORATION
19 00884883004153 024224 MAS Urinalysis Liquid Urinalysis Control 3 MICROGENICS CORPORATION
20 00884883004146 024225 MAS Urinalysis Liquid Urinalysis Control 1 MICROGENICS CORPORATION
21 00884883004139 024222 MAS Urinalysis Liquid Urinalysis Control 1 MICROGENICS CORPORATION
22 00884883003958 UAT-MP MAS UA DipTube Liquid Assayed Urinalysis Control MICROGENICS CORPORATION
23 00884883003934 UAB-MP MAS UA Control Liquid Assayed Urinalysis Control MICROGENICS CORPORATION
24 00884883003927 UAB-260 MAS UA Control Liquid Assayed Urinalysis Control MICROGENICS CORPORATION
25 00884883003910 UAB-215 MAS UA Control Liquid Assayed Urinalysis Control MICROGENICS CORPORATION
26 00884883003903 UAB-160 MAS UA Control Liquid Assayed Urinalysis Control MICROGENICS CORPORATION
27 00884883003897 UAB-115 MAS UA Control Liquid Assayed Urinalysis Control MICROGENICS CORPORATION
28 00884883002494 UR-MP MAS UrichemTRAK Liquid Assayed Urine Control MICROGENICS CORPORATION
29 00884883002487 UR22002 MAS® UrichemTRAK Liquid Assayed Urine Control MICROGENICS CORPORATION
30 00884883002470 UR11001 MAS UrichemTRAK Liquid Assayed Urine Control MICROGENICS CORPORATION
31 00855617006866 88105 88105 KOVA-poc (10 x 5mL) KOVA KOVA INTERNATIONAL, INC.
32 00855617006859 88205 88205 KOVA-poc (2 x 5mL) KOVA KOVA INTERNATIONAL, INC.
33 00855617006842 88125 88125 KOVA-poc (4 x 25mL) KOVA KOVA INTERNATIONAL, INC.
34 00855617006835 88115 88115 KOVA-poc (6 X 15mL) KOVA KOVA INTERNATIONAL, INC.
35 00855617006774 87123 87123 Level II Normal with hCG and Microscopics KOVA KOVA INTERNATIONAL, INC.
37 00855617006750 87177 87177 KOVA LQT ABNORMAL 4X120ML KOVA KOVA INTERNATIONAL, INC.
39 00855617006736 87122 87122 LQT/HCG NORMAL 2X120ML KOVA KOVA INTERNATIONAL, INC.
40 00855617006729 87112 87112 KOVA LQT W/HCG ABN/NORM 6X15 KOVA KOVA INTERNATIONAL, INC.
42 00855617006705 87111 87111 KOVA LQT HCG 2X15 NORM/ABN KOVA KOVA INTERNATIONAL, INC.
43 00855617006699 87110 87110 KOVA LQT W/HCG 120ML NORM/ABN KOVA KOVA INTERNATIONAL, INC.
45 00855617006675 87332 87332 KOVA-TROL I HIGH W/UB 4X60 ML KOVA KOVA INTERNATIONAL, INC.
47 00855617006651 87329 87329 KOVA-TROL I 4X15ML KOVA KOVA INTERNATIONAL, INC.