No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00816426021679 K180C-2M K180C-2M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for C-reactive protein (CRP). JJX Single (Specified) Analyte Controls (Assayed And Unassayed) 1 K-ASSAY® hsCRP Control
2 00816426021464 KAI-231C KAI-231C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® RF (Ver.2) assay JIS Calibrator, Primary 2 K-ASSAY® RF Calibrator (Ver.2)
3 00816426021303 KAI-282C KAI-282C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Beta-2 Microglobulin assay. JZG System, Test, Beta-2-Microglobulin Immunological 2 K-ASSAY® Beta-2 Microglobulin Urine Calibrator
4 00816426021297 KAI-281C KAI-281C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Beta-2 Microglobulin assay. JZG System, Test, Beta-2-Microglobulin Immunological 2 K-ASSAY® Beta-2 Microglobulin Serum / Plasma Calibrator
5 00816426020528 KAI-197 KAI-197 For the quantitative determination of human hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) in whole blood. LCP Assay, Glycosylated Hemoglobin 2 K-ASSAY® Hemoglobin A1c Reagent (L)
6 00816426020344 KAI-082 KAI-082 For the quantitative determination of human C-reactive protein (CRP) in serum an For the quantitative determination of human C-reactive protein (CRP) in serum and plasma by immunoturbidimetric assay. DCK C-Reactive Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, And Control 2 K-ASSAY® CRP (3) Reagent
7 00816426020191 KAI-031 KAI-031 For the quantitative determination of human rheumatoid factor (RF) in serum by i For the quantitative determination of human rheumatoid factor (RF) in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. DHR System, Test, Rheumatoid Factor 2 K-ASSAY® RF Reagent
8 00816426020139 KAI-019 KAI-019 For the quantitative determination of human albumin in urine by immunoturbidimet For the quantitative determination of human albumin in urine by immunoturbidimetric assay. DCF Albumin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® Microalbumin Reagent
9 00816426020108 KAI-014 KAI-014 For the quantitative determination of human IgG in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. DEW Igg, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® IgG Reagent
10 00816426021402 KAI-301 KAI-301 For the quantitative determination of unsaturated iron binding capacity (UIBC) in serum. JMO Ferrozine (Colorimetric) Iron Binding Capacity 1 K-ASSAY® UIBC Reagent (L)
11 00816426021082 KAI-136C KAI-136C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Fibrinogen assay. GIS Test, Fibrinogen 2 K-ASSAY® Fibrinogen Calibrator
12 00816426020658 KAI-089C KAI-089C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Fibrinogen assay. GIS Test, Fibrinogen 2 K-ASSAY® Fibrinogen Calibrator
13 00816426020801 K37C-SAM K37C-SAM For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for microalbumin. JJW Urinalysis Controls (Assayed And Unassayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Microalbumin Urine Control
14 00816426020795 K37C-4M K37C-4M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for microalbumin. JJW Urinalysis Controls (Assayed And Unassayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Microalbumin Urine Control
15 00816426020597 KAI-048C KAI-048C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Fructosamine assay. LCP Assay, Glycosylated Hemoglobin 2 K-ASSAY® Fructosamine Calibrator
16 00816426020313 KAI-073 KAI-073 For the quantitative determination of human cystatin C in serum, EDTA plasma, or For the quantitative determination of human cystatin C in serum, EDTA plasma, or lithium heparin plasma by immunoturbidimetric assay. NDY Test, Cystatin C 2 K-ASSAY® Cystatin C Reagent
17 00816426020252 KAI-046 KAI-046 For the quantitative determination of human ferritin in serum and plasma by immu For the quantitative determination of human ferritin in serum and plasma by immunoturbidimetric assay. DBF Ferritin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® Ferritin Reagent (L)
18 00816426020238 KAI-043 KAI-043 For the quantitative determination of fructosamine in serum. LCP Assay, Glycosylated Hemoglobin 2 K-ASSAY® Fructosamine Reagent + Calibrator
19 00816426020115 KAI-015 KAI-015 For the quantitative determination of human IgM in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. CFF Immunoelectrophoretic, Immunoglobulins, (G, A, M) 2 K-ASSAY® IgM Reagent
20 00816426020078 KAI-009 KAI-009 For the quantitative determination of human 3rd complement component (Complement For the quantitative determination of human 3rd complement component (Complement C3) in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. CZW Complement C3, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® Complement C3 Reagent
21 00816426021044 K59C-L3 K59C-L3 For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for the listed constituents. JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Ferritin / IgE / Insulin Control, L3
22 00816426020887 K80C-4M K80C-4M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for C-reactive protein (CRP). DCK C-Reactive Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, And Control 2 K-ASSAY® hs-CRP Control
23 00816426020856 K55C-4M K55C-4M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for the listed constituents. JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 K-ASSAY® ASO/RF/CRP Control
24 00816426020849 K55C-2M K55C-2M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for the listed constituents. JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 K-ASSAY® ASO/RF/CRP Control
25 00816426020788 K29C-4M K29C-4M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for hemoglobin A1c. LCP Assay, Glycosylated Hemoglobin 2 K-ASSAY® Hemoglobin A1c Control
26 00816426020566 KAI-016C KAI-016C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Alpha-1 AG, Alpha-1 AT, Complement C3, Comle For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Alpha-1 AG, Alpha-1 AT, Complement C3, Comlement C4, Haptoglobin, IgA, IgG, IgM, and Transferrin assays. JIX Calibrator, Multi-Analyte Mixture 2 K-ASSAY® Multi-Analyte Calibrator
27 00816426020412 KAI-072C KAI-072C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Insulin assay. CFP Radioimmunoassay, Immunoreactive Insulin 1 K-ASSAY® Insulin Calibrator
28 00816426020337 KAI-078 KAI-078 For the quantitative determination of human streptolysin O (ASO) in serum by imm For the quantitative determination of human streptolysin O (ASO) in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. GTQ Antistreptolysin - Titer/Streptolysin O Reagent 1 K-ASSAY® ASO (WHO) Reagent
29 00816426020214 KAI-035 KAI-035 For the quantitative determination of human fibrinogen in plasma. GIS Test, Fibrinogen 2 K-ASSAY® Fibrinogen Reagent + Calibrator
30 00816426020177 KAI-024 KAI-024 For the quantitative determination of human apolipoprotein B (Apo B) in serum by For the quantitative determination of human apolipoprotein B (Apo B) in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. DER Alpha-1-Lipoprotein, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® Apo B Reagent (L)
31 00816426020092 KAI-013 KAI-013 For the quantitative determination of human IgA in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. CFF Immunoelectrophoretic, Immunoglobulins, (G, A, M) 2 K-ASSAY® IgA Reagent
32 00816426020009 KAI-001 KAI-001 For the quantitative determination of human alpha-1 anti-trypsin (Alpha-1 AT) in For the quantitative determination of human alpha-1 anti-trypsin (Alpha-1 AT) in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. DEM Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® Alpha-1 AT Reagent
33 00816426021648 K310C-4M K310C-4M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for Apolipoprotein AI and B. JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Apo AI / B Control
34 00816426021631 K310C-2M K310C-2M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for Apolipoprotein AI and B. JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Apo AI / B Control
35 00816426021419 KAI-302C KAI-302C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® UIBC assay. JMO Ferrozine (Colorimetric) Iron Binding Capacity 1 K-ASSAY® UIBC Calibrator
36 00816426021341 K284C-4M K284C-4M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for beta-2 microglobulin. JJX Single (Specified) Analyte Controls (Assayed And Unassayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Beta-2 Microglobulin Urine Control
37 00816426021334 K284C-2M K284C-2M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for beta-2 microglobulin. JJX Single (Specified) Analyte Controls (Assayed And Unassayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Beta-2 Microglobulin Urine Control
38 00816426021273 K92C-4M K92C-4M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for D-Dimer. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 K-ASSAY® D-Dimer Control
39 00816426021266 K92C-2M K92C-2M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for D-Dimer. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 K-ASSAY® D-Dimer Control
40 00816426020863 K59C-3M K59C-3M For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay For use as a consistent test sample of known concentration for monitoring assay conditions for the listed constituents. JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 K-ASSAY® Ferritin / IgE / Insulin Control
41 00816426020559 KAI-012C KAI-012C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® CRP assay. DCK C-Reactive Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, And Control 2 K-ASSAY® CRP Calibrator
42 00816426020764 KAI-206C KAI-206C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Factor XIII assay. DBT Factor Xiii A, S, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 1 K-ASSAY® Factor XIII Calibrator
43 00816426020719 KAI-106C KAI-106C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Factor XIII assay. DBT Factor Xiii A, S, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 1 K-ASSAY® Factor XIII Calibrator
44 00816426020542 KAI-008C KAI-008C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® Apo AI and Apo B assays. JIX Calibrator, Multi-Analyte Mixture 2 K-ASSAY® Apo AI/B Calibrator
45 00816426020375 KAI-092 KAI-092 For the quantitative determination of human total IgE in serum or plasma by immu For the quantitative determination of human total IgE in serum or plasma by immunoturbidimetric assay. DGC Ige, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® Total IgE Reagent
46 00816426020368 KAI-090 KAI-090 For the quantitative determination of human D-dimer in plasma or serum by immuno For the quantitative determination of human D-dimer in plasma or serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. GHH Fibrin Split Products 2 K-ASSAY® D-Dimer Reagent
47 00816426020221 KAI-040 KAI-040 For the quantitative determination of human insulin in serum and plasma by immun For the quantitative determination of human insulin in serum and plasma by immunoturbidimetric assay. CFP Radioimmunoassay, Immunoreactive Insulin 1 K-ASSAY® Insulin Reagent
48 00816426020207 KAI-033 KAI-033 For the quantitative determination of human C-reactive protein (CRP) in serum by For the quantitative determination of human C-reactive protein (CRP) in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. DCK C-Reactive Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, And Control 2 K-ASSAY® CRP Reagent (L)
49 00816426020085 KAI-010 KAI-010 For the quantitative determination of human 4th complement component (Complement For the quantitative determination of human 4th complement component (Complement C4) in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. DBI Complement C4, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 K-ASSAY® Complement C4 Reagent
50 00816426021396 KAI-300 KAI-300 For the quantitative determination of unsaturated iron binding capacity (UIBC) in serum. JMO Ferrozine (Colorimetric) Iron Binding Capacity 1 K-ASSAY® UIBC Reagent
Other products with the same Product Code "LCP"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 10304040080594 5701036 5701036 Handheld portable analyzer for Lipid and Glucose Testing, Blood Sample used is 40ul Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
2 07613336157824 08445699190 08445699190 Tina-quant Hemoglobin A1cDx Gen.3 ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
3 07613336140680 08105677190 08105677190 Fructosamine ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
4 07613336120927 08056668190 08056668190 Tina-quant Hemoglobin A1cDx Gen.3 ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
5 07070060005683 1115015 1115015 Hemoglobin A1c test kit. Intended use: For determination of hemoglobin A1c in hu Hemoglobin A1c test kit. Intended use: For determination of hemoglobin A1c in human whole blood. Contents: 15 Test Cartridges. 1 Package Insert. DI covers Alere Afinion HbA1c and Afinion HbA1c. Alere Afinion™ HbA1c ABBOTT DIAGNOSTICS TECHNOLOGIES AS
6 05391516749473 Tri-stat 2 Analyzer 03-06-0002 Tri-stat 2 Analyzer Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
7 05391516748636 PDQ Wash Reagent 01-03-0067 Hemoglobin A1c assay, PDQ Wash Reagent Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
8 05391516748629 PDQ Diluent Reagent - 940mL 01-03-0066 Hemoglobin A1c assay, PDQ Diluent Reagent - 940mL Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
9 05391516748612 PDQ 2 Reagent - 940mL 01-03-0065 Hemoglobin A1c assay, PDQ 2 Reagent - 940mL Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
10 05391516748605 PDQ1 Reagent - 940mL 01-03-0064 Hemoglobin A1c assay, PDQ1 Reagent - 940mL Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
11 05391516748223 Tri-stat Reagent Kit 03-06-0010 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Tri-stat Reagent Kit Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
12 05391516748162 Ultra2 Affinity A1c 3000 01-04-0080 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Ultra2 Affinity A1c 3000 Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
13 05391516748155 Ultra2 Affinity HbA1c Analyzer (110V) 03-01-0052 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Ultra2 Affinity HbA1c Analyzer (110V) Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
14 05391516748148 Premier Affinity A1c 3000 - 1 kit 09-03-0007 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Premier Affinity A1c 3000 - 1 kit Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
15 05391516748131 Premier Affinity A1c 1000 - 1 kit 09-03-0010 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Premier Affinity A1c 1000 - 1 kit Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
16 05391516748124 Premier Affinity A1c 500 - 1 kit 09-03-0008 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Premier Affinity A1c 500 - 1 kit Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
17 05391516748117 Premier Sample Diluent Reagent - 940mL 01-03-0101 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Premier Sample Diluent Reagent - 940mL Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
18 05391516748100 Premier Buffer B Reagent - 3.8L 01-03-0081 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Premier Buffer B Reagent - 3.8L Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
19 05391516748094 Premier Buffer A Reagent - 3.8L 01-03-0080 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Premier Buffer A Reagent - 3.8L Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
20 05391516748063 Premier Hb9210 HbA1c Analytical Column (500) 09-06-0050 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Premier Hb9210 HbA1c Analytical Column (500) Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
21 05391516748056 Premier Hb9210 HbA1c Analytical Column (1000) 09-06-0046 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Premier Hb9210 HbA1c Analytical Column (1000) Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
22 05391516744799 Premier Wash Reagent - 940mL 01-03-0098 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Premier Wash Reagent - 940mL Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
23 05391516744782 Premier Diluent Reagent - 3.8L 01-03-0097 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Premier Diluent Reagent - 3.8L Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
24 05391516744775 Premier Buffer B Reagent - 940mL 01-03-0096 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Premier Buffer B Reagent - 940mL Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
25 05391516744768 Premier Buffer A Reagent - 940mL 01-03-0095 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Premier Buffer A Reagent - 940mL Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
26 05391516744751 Premier Hb9210 HbA1c Analyzer - 1 each 09-00-0001 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Premier Hb9210 HbA1c Analyzer Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
27 05391516744553 Affinity Analytical Column 03-02-0079 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Affinity Analytical Column Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
28 05391516744546 Enzyme Cleaner Tube 01-12-0001 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Enzyme Cleaner Tube Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
29 05391516744317 2 Diluent Reagent - 940mL 01-03-0059 Hemoglobin A1c assay, 2 Diluent Reagent - 940mL Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
30 05391516744294 2 Diluent Reagent - 3.8L 01-03-0058 Hemoglobin A1c assay, 2 Diluent Reagent - 3.8L Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
31 05391516744287 Ultra2 Buffer 2A Reagent - 3.8L 01-03-0054 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Ultra2 Buffer 2A Reagent - 3.8L Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
32 05391516744270 Ultra2 Buffer 2A Reagent - 940mL 01-03-0053 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Ultra2 Buffer 2A Reagent - 940mL Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
33 05391516744218 System Wash Reagent - 940mL 01-03-0035 Hemoglobin A1c assay, System Wash Reagent - 940mL Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
34 05391516744171 Ultra2 Buffer B Reagent - 3.8L 01-03-0012 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Ultra2 Buffer B Reagent - 3.8L Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
35 05391516744164 Ultra2 Buffer B Reagent - 940mL 01-03-0011 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Ultra2 Buffer B Reagent - 940mL Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
36 05391516744126 Ultra2 Affinity HbA1c Analyzer (220V) 03-01-0048 Hemoglobin A1c assay, Ultra2 Affinity HbA1c Analyzer (220V) Trinity Biotech PRIMUS CORPORATION
37 05055273208856 HA8321 HA8321 The product is intended for the quantitative in vitro determination of Haemoglob The product is intended for the quantitative in vitro determination of Haemoglobin A1c concentration in whole blood. HbA1C RANDOX LABORATORIES LIMITED
39 05055273208726 FR3133 FR3133 Enzymatic assay for the quantitative in vitro determination of glycated protein Enzymatic assay for the quantitative in vitro determination of glycated protein (fructosamine) in human serum or plasma. FRUC RANDOX LABORATORIES LIMITED
40 05055273203561 HA3830 HA3830 A Haemoglobin A1c test system is a device intended for the quantitative in vitro A Haemoglobin A1c test system is a device intended for the quantitative in vitro determination of Haemoglobin A1c concentration in whole blood HbA1C RANDOX LABORATORIES LIMITED
42 05055273203530 HA3444 HA3444 This product is intended for in vitro diagnostic use in the calibration of HbA1c This product is intended for in vitro diagnostic use in the calibration of HbA1c on clinical chemistry systems. HbA1C CAL RANDOX LABORATORIES LIMITED
43 04987153301047 L242GA L242GA ALB R-2 Coloring solution 20mL x 2 Lucica® Glycated Albumin-L ALB R-2 ASAHI KASEI PHARMA CORPORATION
44 04987153301030 L232GA L232GA ALB R-1 Pretreatment solution 40 mL x 2 Lucica® Glycated Albumin-L ALB R-1 ASAHI KASEI PHARMA CORPORATION
45 04987153301023 L222GA L222GA GA R-2 Enzymatic solution 10mL x 2 Lucica® Glycated Albumin-L GA R-2 ASAHI KASEI PHARMA CORPORATION
46 04987153301016 L212GA L212GA GA R-1 Pretreatment solution 40 mL x 2 Lucica® Glycated Albumin-L GA R-1 ASAHI KASEI PHARMA CORPORATION
47 04560189283640 N/A Hemoglobin A1c Calibrator Set TOSOH CORPORATION
48 04560189283626 N/A G8 Variant Elution Buffer HSi No.3 (S) TOSOH CORPORATION
49 04560189283619 N/A G8 Variant Elution Buffer HSi No.2 (S) TOSOH CORPORATION
50 04560189283602 N/A G8 Variant Elution Buffer HSi No.1 (S) TOSOH CORPORATION