Other products from "ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00816063020790 211377 Scanner, wand upgrade NTK Caries Detector, Laser Light, Transmission 2 iTero Element 5D Plus wand upgrade
2 00816063020776 211573 Scanner, mobile configuration NTK Caries Detector, Laser Light, Transmission 2 iTero Element 5D Plus upgrade mobile configuration
3 00816063020752 211492 Scanner, mobile configuration NTK Caries Detector, Laser Light, Transmission 2 iTero Element 5D Plus US mobile configuration
4 00816063020707 211485 Scanner, cart configuration NTK Caries Detector, Laser Light, Transmission 2 iTero Element 5D Plus US cart configuration
5 00816063020608 209174 Scanner Sleeve NOF System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) Of Dental Restorations 2 iTero Element Barrier Sleeves
6 00816063021360 SW-0000159 ClinCheck Pro 6 NXC Aligner, Sequential 2 ClinCheck
7 00816063020493 205929 Scanner NTK Caries Detector, Laser Light, Transmission 2 iTero Element 5D
8 00816063021070 211789 DOA Kits NOF System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) Of Dental Restorations 2 DOA Kit, Element 2 Plus
9 00816063020011 1011 Retainer DYW Bracket, Plastic, Orthodontic 2 Invisalign
10 00816063020004 8500 8500 Sequential Aligners NXC Aligner, Sequential 2 Invisalign Full
11 00816063020073 8528 Aligner NXC Aligner, Sequential 2 Invisalign i7
12 00816063020998 211889 Wand RMAs NOF System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) Of Dental Restorations 2 Packed Element Plus Scanning Unit, RMA
13 00816063020813 211899 Scanner, mobile configuration NTK Caries Detector, Laser Light, Transmission 2 iTero Element 5D Plus Ready US Mobile configuration
14 00816063020738 211490 Scanner, mobile configuration NOF System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) Of Dental Restorations 2 iTero Element 2 Plus mobile configuration
15 00816063020721 211572 Scanner, upgrade cart configuration NTK Caries Detector, Laser Light, Transmission 2 iTero Element 5D Plus upgrade cart configuration
16 00816063020714 211376 Scanner, upgrade cart configuration NOF System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) Of Dental Restorations 2 iTero Element 2 Plus upgrade cart configuration
17 00816063020646 209157 Scanner Upgrade Kit NTK Caries Detector, Laser Light, Transmission 2 iTero Element 5D LC Upgrade, Kit US
18 00816063020615 204284 Scanner Sleeves NTK Caries Detector, Laser Light, Transmission 2 iTero Element 5D Sleeves
19 00816063020592 9027 Aligner NXC Aligner, Sequential 2 Invisalign Swift
20 00816063020585 109236 Scanner Sleeve NOF System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) Of Dental Restorations 2 iTero Element Scanner Sleeve (25pcs/Box)
21 00816063020578 206856 Scanner Upgrade Kit NTK Caries Detector, Laser Light, Transmission 2 iTero Element 5D Upgrade kit Laptop Configuration
22 00816063021094 212270 DOA Kits NTK Caries Detector, Laser Light, Transmission 2 DOA Kit, 5D US Plus
23 00816063021018 212261 Wand RMAs NTK Caries Detector, Laser Light, Transmission 2 Packed 5D Plus US Scanning Unit, RMA
24 00816063020257 9006 9006 Sequential Aligner NXC Aligner, Sequential 2 Invislign First - Moderate
25 00816063021001 212260 Packed 5D Plus Scanning Unit, RMA NTK Caries Detector, Laser Light, Transmission 2 Packed 5D Plus Scanning Unit, RMA
26 00816063020837 211385 Scanner computer unit NOF,NTK System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) Of Dental Restorations,Caries Detector, Laser Light, Transmission 2 iTero Computing Unit
27 00816063020523 9025 Aligner NXC Aligner, Sequential 2 Invisalign Signature Smile
28 00816063021025 212203 Wand RMAs NTK Caries Detector, Laser Light, Transmission 2 Packed 5D Plus Lite Scanning Unit, RMA
29 00816063020981 211563 WS service NOF System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) Of Dental Restorations 2 iTero Element Plus wheel stand, service
30 00816063020844 211386 Scanner computer unit NOF,NTK System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) Of Dental Restorations,Caries Detector, Laser Light, Transmission 2 iTero Mobile Computing Unit
31 00816063020172 8567 Retainer DYT Maintainer, Space Preformed, Orthodontic 1 Vivera Realine
32 00816063020165 8800 Aligner NXC Aligner, Sequential 2 Invisable Aligner System
33 00816063020066 8523 Aligner NXC Aligner, Sequential 2 Invisalign Lite
34 00816063020035 8506 8506 Aligner NXC Aligner, Sequential 2 Invisalign Teen
35 00816063020769 211372 Scanner, mobile configuration NOF System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) Of Dental Restorations 2 iTero Element 2 Plus upgrade mobile configuration
36 00816063020677 107806 Scanner EJP Articulators 1 iTero Articulator Kit
37 00816063020509 206160 Scanner NTK Caries Detector, Laser Light, Transmission 2 iTero Element 5D Laptop Configuration
38 00816063020462 9019 Sequential Aligner NXC Aligner, Sequential 2 Invisalign Deluxe Smile
39 00816063020288 202965 NOF System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) Of Dental Restorations 2 iTero Element 2
40 00816063020264 9007 Sequential Aligner NXC Aligner, Sequential 2 Invisalign First-Comprehensive
41 00816063021032 209865 PPC RMAs NOF System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) Of Dental Restorations 2 Packed iTero Computing Unit RMA E2 Plus
42 00816063020875 211871 Scanning unit NTK Caries Detector, Laser Light, Transmission 2 iTero 5D Scanning Unit
43 00816063020868 211783 Scanning unit NTK Caries Detector, Laser Light, Transmission 2 iTero 5D Scanning Unit
44 00816063020240 9016 9016 Sequential Aligner NXC Aligner, Sequential 2 The Signature Smile
45 00816063020233 9005 9005 Sequential Aligner NXC Aligner, Sequential 2 NuMe
46 00816063020226 9004 9004 Sequential Aligners NXC Aligner, Sequential 2 NuMe
47 00816063020202 9002 9002 Sequential Aligners NXC Aligner, Sequential 2 Invisalign System - Lite
48 00816063020196 9001 9001 Sequential Aligners NXC Aligner, Sequential 2 Invisalign System - Moderate
49 00816063020189 9000 9000 Sequential Aligners NXC Aligner, Sequential 2 Invisalign System - Comprehensive
50 00816063020806 211898 Scanner, cart configuration NTK Caries Detector, Laser Light, Transmission 2 iTero Element 5D Plus Ready US Cart configuration
Other products with the same Product Code "NXC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00817645020177 800-ALN Dental Aligners 6MS Aligners SIX MONTH SMILES
2 00816063021636 9037 Aligner Invisalign System - Teen Package ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
3 00816063021360 SW-0000159 ClinCheck Pro 6 ClinCheck ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
4 00816063020592 9027 Aligner Invisalign Swift ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
5 00816063020530 9023 Aligner Invisalign Touch-up ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
6 00816063020523 9025 Aligner Invisalign Signature Smile ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
7 00816063020486 9018 Sequential Aligner iGO ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
8 00816063020479 9017 Sequential Aligner iGO Plus ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
9 00816063020462 9019 Sequential Aligner Invisalign Deluxe Smile ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
10 00816063020455 9020 Sequential Aligner Invisalign Signature Plus Smile ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
11 00816063020448 9021 Sequential Aligner Invisalign Signature Smile ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
12 00816063020431 9012 Aligner Invisalign Go Plus ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
13 00816063020424 9014 Sequential Aligner Invisalign Go ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
14 00816063020271 9011 Sequential Aligner Invisalign System-Comprehensive Phase 2 ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
15 00816063020264 9007 Sequential Aligner Invisalign First-Comprehensive ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
16 00816063020257 9006 9006 Sequential Aligner Invislign First - Moderate ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
17 00816063020240 9016 9016 Sequential Aligner The Signature Smile ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
18 00816063020233 9005 9005 Sequential Aligner NuMe ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
19 00816063020226 9004 9004 Sequential Aligners NuMe ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
20 00816063020219 9003 9003 Sequential Aligners Invisalign System - Express ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
21 00816063020202 9002 9002 Sequential Aligners Invisalign System - Lite ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
22 00816063020196 9001 9001 Sequential Aligners Invisalign System - Moderate ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
23 00816063020189 9000 9000 Sequential Aligners Invisalign System - Comprehensive ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
24 00816063020165 8800 Aligner Invisable Aligner System ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
25 00816063020127 8612 Aligner Invisalign Go ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
26 00816063020097 8554 Aligner Realine ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
27 00816063020080 8534 Aligner Invisalign Assist ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
28 00816063020073 8528 Aligner Invisalign i7 ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
29 00816063020066 8523 Aligner Invisalign Lite ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
30 00816063020059 8518 Aligner Invisalign Express 5 ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
31 00816063020042 8512 Aligner Invisalign Express 10 ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
32 00816063020035 8506 8506 Aligner Invisalign Teen ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
33 00816063020004 8500 8500 Sequential Aligners Invisalign Full ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.
34 00810064700002 1021 1021 A series of preformed teeth aligners or positioners, worn in succession and chan A series of preformed teeth aligners or positioners, worn in succession and changed every few weeks, designed to influence the shape and/or function of the stomatognathic system; often used to impact a patient's appearance and self image. It is typically custom-made using computer-generated modelling based on an initial oral impression, and a consultation with an orthodontist. It is typically made of a clear hard plastic, e.g., a thermoformed polycarbonate (PC). It is typically used to correct malocclusions such as underbites, overbites, cross bites and open bites, or crooked teeth and various other flaws of teeth and jaws, whether cosmetic or structural. This is a single-use device. NEOLab Clear Aligners NEW ENGLAND ORTHODONTIC LAB
35 00810002220135 3014680794 Orthodontic plastic bracket. The device moves the teeth by continuous gentle for Orthodontic plastic bracket. The device moves the teeth by continuous gentle force for treatment of minor tooth malocclusion. The device moves the teeth by continuous gentle force for treatment of minor tooth malocclusion. A custom-made orthodontic appliance, typically supplied in series intended to be worn in succession and self-changed every few weeks, designed to influence the shape and/or function of the stomatognathic system to correct malocclusions (e.g., underbites, overbites, cross bites, open bites, crooked teeth) and/or other cosmetic and/or structural flaws of teeth and/or jaws. Also described as sequential or successive, the device is custom-made based on an oral impression, self-removable, and is typically made of clear/transparent synthetic polymers (e.g., a thermoformed polycarbonate); a post-treatment orthodontic retainer/positioner may be included with the device. This is a reusable device. Redline JOHN'S DENTAL LABORATORY INC
36 D798PPD30 PPD3 PPD3 Pontic Paint is intended for use as a light cure coloring agent of thermoplastic Pontic Paint is intended for use as a light cure coloring agent of thermoplastic aligners. This patented formula works with clear thermoforming aligner plastics. It is not recommended for use with cloudy (C) thermoforming materials.This is a 4g jar of the D3 Shade pontic paint. Perfect A Smile RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
37 D798PPC40 PPC4 PPC4 Pontic Paint is intended for use as a light cure coloring agent of thermoplastic Pontic Paint is intended for use as a light cure coloring agent of thermoplastic aligners. This patented formula works with clear thermoforming aligner plastics. It is not recommended for use with cloudy (C) thermoforming materials.This is a 4g jar of the C4 Shade pontic paint. Perfect A Smile RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
38 D798PPC10 PPC1 PPC1 Pontic Paint is intended for use as a light cure coloring agent of thermoplastic Pontic Paint is intended for use as a light cure coloring agent of thermoplastic aligners. This patented formula works with clear thermoforming aligner plastics. It is not recommended for use with cloudy (C) thermoforming materials.This is a 4g jar of the C1 Shade pontic paint. Perfect A Smile RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
39 D798PPBL0 PPBL PPBL Pontic Paint is intended for use as a light cure coloring agent of thermoplastic Pontic Paint is intended for use as a light cure coloring agent of thermoplastic aligners. This patented formula works with clear thermoforming aligner plastics. It is not recommended for use with cloudy (C) thermoforming materials.This is a 4g jar of the Bleach Shade pontic paint. Perfect A Smile RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
40 D798PPB10 PPB1 PPb1 Perfect A Smile Pontic Paint is intended for use as a light cure coloring agent Perfect A Smile Pontic Paint is intended for use as a light cure coloring agent of thermoplastic aligners. This patented formula works with clear thermoforming aligner plastics. It is not recommended for use with cloudy (C) thermoforming materials. Perfect A Smile RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
41 D798PPA350 PPA35 PPA35 Pontic Paint is intended for use as a light cure coloring agent of thermoplastic Pontic Paint is intended for use as a light cure coloring agent of thermoplastic aligners. This patented formula works with clear thermoforming aligner plastics. It is not recommended for use with cloudy (C) thermoforming materials.This is a 4g jar of A3 Shade pontic paint. Perfect A Smile RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
42 D798PPA30 PPA3 PPA3 Pontic Paint is intended for use as a light cure coloring agent of thermoplastic Pontic Paint is intended for use as a light cure coloring agent of thermoplastic aligners. This patented formula works with clear thermoforming aligner plastics. It is not recommended for use with cloudy (C) thermoforming materials. This is 4g jar of dark shade pontic paint. Perfect A Smile RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
43 D798PPA20 PPA2 PPA2 Pontic Paint is intended for use as a light cure coloring agent of thermoplastic Pontic Paint is intended for use as a light cure coloring agent of thermoplastic aligners. This patented formula works with clear thermoforming aligner plastics. It is not recommended for use with cloudy (C) thermoforming materials.This is a 4g jar of the original Medium Shade pontic paint. Perfect A Smile RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
44 D798PPA10 PPA1 PPA1 Pontic Paint is intended for use as a light cure coloring agent of thermoplastic Pontic Paint is intended for use as a light cure coloring agent of thermoplastic aligners. This patented formula works with clear thermoforming aligner plastics. It is not recommended for use with cloudy (C) thermoforming materials.This is a 4g jar of the A1 Shade pontic paint. Perfect A Smile RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
45 D798PASM0 PASM PASM Pontic Paint is intended for use as a light cure coloring agent of thermoplastic Pontic Paint is intended for use as a light cure coloring agent of thermoplastic aligners. This patented formula works with clear thermoforming aligner plastics. It is not recommended for use with cloudy (C) thermoforming materials.This is a 4g jar of Medium Shade pontic paint shade. Perfect A Smile RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
46 D798PASL0 PASL PASL Pontic Paint is intended for use as a light cure coloring agent of thermoplasti Pontic Paint is intended for use as a light cure coloring agent of thermoplastic aligners. This patented formula works with clear thermoforming aligner plastics. It is not recommended for use with cloudy (C) thermoforming materials.This is a 4g jar of Light Shade pontic paint. Pontic Paint RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
47 D7461E3251 1E325 1E325 Essix EmbraceĀ® Plastic - .030in 125mm Cir Essix EmbraceĀ® DENTSPLY SIRONA ORTHODONTICS INC.
50 D746PAB1 PAB PAB Composite aligner button 10pk Composite RAINTREE ESSIX INC.