No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00816022023602 PRO-ERY OL4162056 Disposable OL4162056 1-channel aEEG Needle Electrode Set, 12mm x29ga, 40", (20) GXZ Electrode, Needle 2 MedCare Visions
2 00816022023596 PRO-EBW OL5100046 Disposable OL5100046 aEEG Needle Electrode Set, 12mm x29ga, 40", (Pack of 40) GXZ Electrode, Needle 2 MedCare Visions
3 00816022023046 SSA-06RSAF SSA-06RSAF SSA-06RSAF GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
4 00816022023039 SSA-06BSAF SSA-06BSAF SSA-06BSAF GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
5 00816022023114 LGA-100(24)S LGA-100(24)S LGA-100(24)S GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
6 00816022023022 RE-M RE-M MINI FINGER RINGS/24"/1.5mm SOCKETS GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
7 00816022022230 AWM-D37 AWM-D37 1.50" DETACHABLE EMG NEEDLE, 50/PACK GXZ Electrode, Needle 2 The Electrode Store
8 00816022023619 PRO-25F(5) PRO-25F(5) Protectrode™ Disposable Monopolar Needle Electrodes, 1.00" Fine EMG NEEDLE GXZ Electrode, Needle 2 The Electrode Store
9 00816022023589 PRO-25SAF PRO-25SAF Protectrode™ Disposable Monopolar EMG Needle Electrodes, 25mm(1") X 28 ga GXZ Electrode, Needle 2 The Electrode Store
10 00816022023473 TGP-A60SAF TGP-A60SAF Reusable Ground Electrode, TIN GROUND/60"/1.5mm SOCKET GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
11 00816022023411 SEF-S924SAF SEF-S924SAF Reusable Bar Electrode, 9mm STEEL/LOCATOR/24" CABLE/1.5MM GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
12 00816022023381 WBT-6GSAF WBT-6GSAF EEG Single Disc Electrodes, Gold Plated with wire, 1.5mm sockets GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
13 00816022023374 SSF-948BSAF SSF-948BSAF 9mm STEEL/LOCATOR/48" BLACK/1.5mm GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
14 00816022023350 SEY-S9G-23 SEY-S9G-23 Reusable Bar Electrode, 9mm GOLD DISC/24" CABLE/23mm GROUND GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
15 00816022023336 FC-EZ36SAF FC-EZ36SAF Two Adult Finger Electrode Clips, 36" Twisted Leads, 1.5 mm sockets GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
16 00816022023282 FC-EZP(SEM)SAF FC-EZP(SEM)SAF PEDIATRIC FINGER CLIP/24" CABLE GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
17 00816022023244 SSF-942BSAF SSF-942BSAF 9mm STEEL/LOCATOR/42" BLACK/1.5mm GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
18 00816022023237 SSF-948RSAF SSF-948RSAF 9mm STEEL/LOCATOR/48" RED/1.5mm GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
19 00816022023220 SSA-942RSAF SSA-942RSAF 9mm TIN/42" RED/1.5mm GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
20 00816022023213 LG-37 LG-37 Reusable Ground Electrode, 37mm x 25mm LEAD GROUND/36" WIRE GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
21 00816022023206 SSA-942BSAF SSA-942BSAF 9mm TIN/42" BLACK/1.5mm GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
22 00816022023183 DDB-S30SAF DDB-S30SAF Reusable Bar Electrode, BLACK BAR/24"/SHIELDED GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
23 00816022023176 WBS-149QSAF WBS-149QSAF Ribbon Strand Electrodes, 9mm TIN/48"/14 STRAND RIBBON GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
24 00816022023169 SSF-942RSAF SSF-942RSAF 9mm STEEL/LOCATOR/42" RED/1.5mm GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
25 00816022023145 SEA-936SAF SEA-936SAF Reusable Bar Electrode, 9mm TIN/36"/1.5mm SOCKETS GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
26 00816022023138 DTM-6.00SAF DTM-6.00SAF Disposable Monopolar EMG Needle Electrodes, 6.00" EMG NEEDLE(PKG/10) GXZ Electrode, Needle 2 The Electrode Store
27 00816022023053 DDY-S30SAF DDY-S30SAF Reusable Bar Electrode, White, Concave 9mm Discs, 24" shielded wire; 1.5mm GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
28 00816022022971 SDF-18 SDF-18 Reusable Ground Electrode, 25mm FLAT STEEL WITH TAB, 18" LEAD GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
29 00816022022964 SDY-48SAF SDY-48SAF Reusable Ground Electrode, 23mm GROUND/LOCATOR/48"/1.5mm GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
30 00816022022957 EVR-541(48)B EVR-541(48)B Reusable Ground Electrode, 32mm GROUND/48"/1.5mm SOCKET GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
31 00816022022933 SDW-18SAF SDW-18SAF Reusable Ground Electrode, 23mm Dia, Concave Disc, Smooth, 18" wire, 1.5mm GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
32 00816022022896 WBS-09G72 WBS-09G72 Ribbon Strand Electrodes, 9mm GOLD/72" RIBBON/1.5mm SOCKETS GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
33 00816022022797 LG-180 LG-180 Reusable Ground Electrode, 180mm x 25mm LEAD GROUND/36" WIRE GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
34 00816022022759 FC-N94SAF FC-N94SAF FINGER CLIPS/24" CABLE/1.5mm SOCKET GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
35 00816022022728 DDB-S30B DDB-S30B Reusable Bar Electrode, SHIELDED BAR, BLACK DOT DISTAL GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
36 00816022022704 TGP-A48SAF TGP-A48SAF Reusable Ground Electrode, TIN GROUND/48"/1.5mm SOCKET GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
37 00816022022698 SEA-942SAF SEA-942SAF Reusable Bar Electrode, 9mm TIN/42"/1.5mm SOCKETS GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
38 00816022022681 SDY-18SAF SDY-18SAF Reusable Ground Electrode, 23mm GROUND/LOCATOR/18"/1.5mm GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
39 00816022022650 SSA-924RSAF SSA-924RSAF 9mm TIN/24" RED/1.5mm GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
40 00816022022643 SSA-624RSAF SSA-624RSAF 6mm TIN/24" RED/1.5mm GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
41 00816022022629 SDW-48SAF SDW-48SAF Reusable Ground Electrode, 23mm Dia. Concave Disc, Smooth, 48" wire, 1.5mm GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
42 00816022022605 SSA-624BSAF SSA-624BSAF 6mm TIN/24" BLACK/1.5mm GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
43 00816022022582 SSF-924BSAF SSF-924BSAF 9mm STEEL/LOCATOR/24" BLACK/1.5mm GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
44 00816022022568 WBT-9S72 WBT-9S72 EEG Single Disc Electrodes, 9mm SILVER/72"(PKG-10) GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
45 00816022022551 SSF-924RSAF SSF-924RSAF 9mm STEEL/LOCATOR/24" RED/1.5mm GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
46 00816022022544 SSA-924BSAF SSA-924BSAF 9mm TIN/24" BLACK/1.5mm GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
47 00816022022490 WBS-149QGSAF WBS-149QGSAF Ribbon Strand Electrodes, 9mm GOLD/48"/14 STRAND RIBBON GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
48 00816022022469 DDB-30BSAF DDB-30BSAF Reusable Bar Electrode, BLACK WIRE DISTAL/24"/1.5mm GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
49 00816022022445 WBS-09G120 WBS-09G120 Ribbon Strand Electrodes, 9mm GOLD/120" RIBBON/1.5mm SOCKETS GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
50 00816022022438 SEF-942SAF SEF-942SAF Reusable Bar Electrode, 9mm STEEL/LOCATOR/42"/1.5mm SOCKETS GXY Electrode, Cutaneous 2 The Electrode Store
Other products with the same Product Code "GXY"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 20884521657837 186-0160 Extend Sensor BIS COVIDIEN LP
2 20884521134307 186-0106 4 Electrode Sensor For use with BIS Monitoring Systems BIS COVIDIEN LP
3 20858184006455 20-0591 WallkAide Oval Velcro Electrode, 1.5" x 3.25", case of 14 each 10-pack WalkAide INNOVATIVE NEUROTRONICS, INC.
4 20857901006006 Sensor Strips Sensor Strips Bag of 25 pairs (1-right & 1-left per pair) of electrodes for use with the RETev Bag of 25 pairs (1-right & 1-left per pair) of electrodes for use with the RETeval visual electrophysiology system. RETeval™ L K C TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
5 20850689007791 202-276 2"x 3.5" Cloth, Case of 10 Dex Trodes COMPASS RICHMAR, LLC
6 20813150021351 A7-5 A7-5 Disposable Medical Electrodes 5 per pouch, 15 pouches per box, 10 boxes per case Disposable Medical Electrodes 5 per pouch, 15 pouches per box, 10 boxes per case 750 per case NeuroPlus™ GRAPHIC CONTROLS ACQUISITION CORP
7 20813150020996 A10050-60 A10050-60 Disposable Medical Electrodes 60 per pouch, 10 pouch per case 600 per case NeuroPlus™ GRAPHIC CONTROLS ACQUISITION CORP
8 20813150020972 A10043 A10043 Disposable Medical Electrodes 30 per pouch, 10 pouch per case 300 per case NeuroPlus™ GRAPHIC CONTROLS ACQUISITION CORP
9 20813150020941 A10042-10 A10042-10 Disposable Medical Electrodes 10 per pouch, 45 pouch per case 450 per case NeuroPlus™ GRAPHIC CONTROLS ACQUISITION CORP
10 20813150020866 A10040-30 A10040-30 Disposable Medical Electrodes 30 per pouch, 15 pouches per case 450 per case NeuroPlus™ GRAPHIC CONTROLS ACQUISITION CORP
11 20660584000885 DSF2X4V-CS Bag of 10 electrode packs Superior Foam Electrodes 2"x4" Oval DYNATRONICS CORPORATION
12 20660584000878 DSF2X4-CS Bag of 10 electrode packs Superior Foam Electrodes 2"x4" DYNATRONICS CORPORATION
13 20660584000861 DSF2X2-CS Bag of 10 electrode packs Superior Foam Electrodes 2"x2" DYNATRONICS CORPORATION
14 20660584000854 DSF2R-CS Bag of 10 electrode packs Superior Foam Electrodes 2" Round DYNATRONICS CORPORATION
15 20660584000847 SDF1.5X2.5V-CS Bag of 10 electrode packs Superior Foam Electrodes 1.5"x2.5" Oval DYNATRONICS CORPORATION
16 20660584000830 DSC2X4-CS Bag of 10 electrode packs Superior Cloth Electrodes 2"x4" DYNATRONICS CORPORATION
17 20660584000823 DSC2X2-CS Bag of 10 electrode packs Superior Cloth Electrodes 2"x2" DYNATRONICS CORPORATION
18 20660584000816 DSC2R-CS Bag of 10 electrode packs Superior Cloth Electrodes 2" Round DYNATRONICS CORPORATION
19 20660584000809 DSC2.75R-CS Bag of 10 electrode packs Superior Cloth Electrodes 2.75" Round DYNATRONICS CORPORATION
20 20660584000762 7B0206-CS Polys Clear Gel Electrodes 2" Round, case DYNATRONICS CORPORATION
21 20660584000755 7B0204-CS Polys Clear Gel Electrodes 2"x4", Pigtail, case DYNATRONICS CORPORATION
22 20653405987137 72620-M-CM-27 72620-M-CM-27 CONMED BRAINSTREAM Disposable Deep Cup EEG Electrodes, 200 cm Length, 27 Electrodes BRAINSTREAM CONMED CORPORATION
23 20653405987120 72620-M-CM-25 72620-M-CM-25 CONMED BRAINSTREAM Disposable Deep Cup EEG Electrodes, 200 cm Length, 25 Electrodes BRAINSTREAM CONMED CORPORATION
24 20653405987113 72615-M-CM-27 72615-M-CM-27 CONMED BRAINSTREAM Disposable Deep Cup EEG Electrodes, 150 cm Length, 27 Electrodes BRAINSTREAM CONMED CORPORATION
25 20653405987106 72615-M-CM-26 72615-M-CM-26 CONMED BRAINSTREAM Disposable Deep Cup EEG Electrodes, 150 cm Length, 26 Electrodes BRAINSTREAM CONMED CORPORATION
26 20653405987090 72615-M-CM-25 72615-M-CM-25 CONMED BRAINSTREAM Disposable Deep Cup EEG Electrodes, 150 cm Length, 25 Electrodes BRAINSTREAM CONMED CORPORATION
27 20653405987083 72615-M-CM-24 72615-M-CM-24 CONMED BRAINSTREAM Disposable Deep Cup EEG Electrodes, 150 cm Length, 24 Electrodes BRAINSTREAM CONMED CORPORATION
28 20653405987076 72615-M-CM-21 72615-M-CM-21 CONMED BRAINSTREAM Disposable Deep Cup EEG Electrodes, 150 cm Length, 21 Electrodes BRAINSTREAM CONMED CORPORATION
29 20653405987069 72610-M-CM-27 72610-M-CM-27 CONMED BRAINSTREAM Disposable Deep Cup EEG Electrodes, 100 cm Length, 27 Electrodes BRAINSTREAM CONMED CORPORATION
30 20653405987052 72610-M-CM-25 72610-M-CM-25 CONMED BRAINSTREAM Disposable Deep Cup EEG Electrodes, 100 cm Length, 25 Electrodes BRAINSTREAM CONMED CORPORATION
31 20653405986666 72620-M-CM-10 72620-M-CM-10 CONMED BRAINSTREAM Disposable Deep Cup EEG Electrodes, 200 cm Length CONMED BRAINSTREAM CONMED CORPORATION
32 20653405986659 72610-M-CM-10 72610-M-CM-10 CONMED BRAINSTREAM Disposable Deep Cup EEG Electrodes, 100 cm Length CONMED BRAINSTREAM CONMED CORPORATION
33 20653405986642 72615-M-CM-10 72615-M-CM-10 CONMED BRAINSTREAM Disposable Deep Cup EEG Electrodes, 150 cm Length CONMED BRAINSTREAM CONMED CORPORATION
34 20613994802396 DSE4115 ELECTRODE DSE4115 24PK 20X27MM 1.5M ROHS NA MEDTRONIC XOMED, INC.
35 20613994802389 DSE3125 ELECTRODE DSE3125 24PK 15X20MM 2.5M ROHS NA MEDTRONIC XOMED, INC.
36 20613994802372 DSE3115 ELECTRODE DSE3115 24PK 15X20MM 1.5M ROHS NA MEDTRONIC XOMED, INC.
37 20613994802365 DME1004 ELECTRODE DME1004 24PK 35X50 2M GND ROHS NA MEDTRONIC XOMED, INC.
38 20613994801436 DSE2125 ELECTRODE DSE2125 48PK 20X27MM 2.5M ROHS NA MEDTRONIC XOMED, INC.
39 20613994801429 DSE2115 ELECTRODE DSE2115 48PK 20X27MM 1.5M ROHS NA MEDTRONIC XOMED, INC.
40 20613994801412 DSE1125 ELECTRODE DSE1125 48PK 15X20MM 2.5M ROHS NA MEDTRONIC XOMED, INC.
41 20613994328117 945DSE1125 ELECTRODE 945DSE1125 1.5X2CM 2.5M SINGLE N/A MEDTRONIC SOFAMOR DANEK, INC.
42 20613994328100 945DSE2115 ELECTRODE 945DSE2115 2X2.7CM 1.5M SINGLE N/A MEDTRONIC SOFAMOR DANEK, INC.
43 20613994328094 945DSE2125 ELECTRODE 945DSE2125 2X2.7CM 2.5M SINGLE N/A MEDTRONIC SOFAMOR DANEK, INC.
44 20613994328087 945DSE3115 ELECTRODE 945DSE3115 1.5X2CM 1.5M DUAL N/A MEDTRONIC SOFAMOR DANEK, INC.
45 20613994328070 945DSE3125 ELECTRODE 945DSE3125 1.5X2CM 2.5M DUAL N/A MEDTRONIC SOFAMOR DANEK, INC.
46 20613994328063 945DSE4115 ELECTRODE 945DSE4115 2X2.7CM 1.5M DUAL N/A MEDTRONIC SOFAMOR DANEK, INC.
47 20613994328056 945DSE4125 ELECTRODE 945DSE4125 2X2.7CM 2.5M DUAL N/A MEDTRONIC SOFAMOR DANEK, INC.
48 20613994327899 945DME1004 ELECTRODE 945DME1004 3.5X5CM 2M SING GR N/A MEDTRONIC SOFAMOR DANEK, INC.
49 20613994327882 945DSE1115 ELECTRODE 945DSE1115 1.5X2CM 1.5M SINGLE N/A MEDTRONIC SOFAMOR DANEK, INC.
50 20185098000874 ProM-053B ProM-053B (200) 3" Round Black Silicone Electrodes (200 Packs per Case - 2 Electrodes Per Pack) ProMed PRO MEDICAL SUPPLIES, INC.