Bioness Integrated Therapy System, Version 2.0, Mobile Configuration, 24" Displa
Bioness Integrated Therapy System, Version 2.0, Mobile Configuration, 24" Display with Software
Bioness Integrated System (BITS) Mobile Configuration
Bioness Integrated Therapy System Version 3.0, Hardware It - 55" Display, BITS S
Bioness Integrated Therapy System Version 3.0, Hardware It - 55" Display, BITS Software Kit, BITS PC Kit, BITS Balance Accessory Kit, and BITS Balance Platform Kit
Bioness Integrated Therapy System Version 3.0, Hardware It - 55" Display, BITS S
Bioness Integrated Therapy System Version 3.0, Hardware It - 55" Display, BITS Software Kit, BITS PC Kit, BITS Balance Accessory Kit, and BITS Balance Platform Kit
Bioness Integrated Therapy System, Version 2.0, Mobile Configuration, 24" Displa
Bioness Integrated Therapy System, Version 2.0, Mobile Configuration, 24" Display with Software
Bioness Integrated System (BITS) Mobile Configuration
The ReJoyce is a rehabilitation device intended to increase the strength of musc
The ReJoyce is a rehabilitation device intended to increase the strength of muscles and the range of motion of joints of the upper extremities.The ReJoyce helps patients to retrain and condition their muscles by using their hands and arms to play interactive computer games.The activities required by the computer games are similar to tasks used in everyday life, such as pouring a drink or opening a jar. Practicing these motions will help patients to replicate them in real life.
A recumbent, closed-chain exercise device that provides eccentric (negative) res
A recumbent, closed-chain exercise device that provides eccentric (negative) resistance to lower extremity motion. It also measures strength and dynamic workload through its computer interface.
A rehabilitation device for neck strengthening exercises, as well as measurement
A rehabilitation device for neck strengthening exercises, as well as measurement of cervical spine range of motion and strength. Neck musculoskeletal measurements can be taken for flexion, extension, lateral flexion, rotation, and for combined planes.
A rehabilitation system used to quantify muscle strength and range of motion, as
A rehabilitation system used to quantify muscle strength and range of motion, as well as quantify compound physical abilities needed for the performance of functional tasks.
A portable measurement system for quantifying musculoskeletal strength and range
A portable measurement system for quantifying musculoskeletal strength and range of motion. Various EV versions are available that are different configurations of the same medical device model.
A portable measurement system for quantifying musculoskeletal strength and range
A portable measurement system for quantifying musculoskeletal strength and range of motion.
A rehabilitation system used to quantify muscle strength and range of motion, as
A rehabilitation system used to quantify muscle strength and range of motion, as well as quantify compound physical abilities needed for the performance of functional tasks.
A portable measurement system for quantifying musculoskeletal strength and range
A portable measurement system for quantifying musculoskeletal strength and range of motion.
A rehabilitation system used to quantify muscle strength and range of motion, as
A rehabilitation system used to quantify muscle strength and range of motion, as well as quantify compound physical abilities needed for the performance of functional tasks.
The LEXO is a mechatronic therapy system for body weight-supported gait rehabili
The LEXO is a mechatronic therapy system for body weight-supported gait rehabilitation of patients with a limited ability to walk.
huno s is a robotic medical device for functional sensorimotor rehabilitation an
huno s is a robotic medical device for functional sensorimotor rehabilitation and evaluation of the lower limbs and trunk
huno is a robotic medical device for functional sensorimotor rehabilitation and
huno is a robotic medical device for functional sensorimotor rehabilitation and evaluation of the lower limbs and trunk
hunova is a robotic medical device for functional sensorimotor rehabilitation an
hunova is a robotic medical device for functional sensorimotor rehabilitation and evaluation of the lower limbs and trunk
Robotic system for neurorehabilitation and rehabilitation of the upper limbs and
Robotic system for neurorehabilitation and rehabilitation of the upper limbs and shoulders of patients with neuromotor disabilities.