Other products from "GEORGE KING BIO-MEDICAL, INC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00815696021235 0075-10 George King Single Donor Normal Control Kit contains fresh frozen citrated human George King Single Donor Normal Control Kit contains fresh frozen citrated human plasmas derived from non-medicated, non-smoking donors between the ages of 18 and 65 years of age. The kit is intended for use in establishing controlling reference ranges for coagulation assays. GNN Antisera, Neutralization, Coxsackievirus A 1-24, B 1-6 1 George King SDN Control Kit
2 00815696021204 0075-20 George King Single Donor Normal Control Kit contains fresh frozen citrated human George King Single Donor Normal Control Kit contains fresh frozen citrated human plasmas derived from non-medicated, non-smoking donors between the ages of 18 and 65 years of age. The kit is intended for use in establishing controlling reference ranges for coagulation assays. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King SDN Control Kit
3 00815696021099 0090-30 The George King Coumadin® Plasma Kit is a convenience control kit that contains The George King Coumadin® Plasma Kit is a convenience control kit that contains citrated human fresh frozen plasma from donors on Coumadin® therapy. Each kit contains control material with six different INR levels. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King Coumadin® Plasma Convenience Kit
4 00815696021068 0085-20 George King Abnormal Correlation (AbCOR) Kit is a convenience kit containing 20 George King Abnormal Correlation (AbCOR) Kit is a convenience kit containing 20 vials of select control material that can be used to correlate reagent lot numbers and/or instrument platforms. (individual product inserts are included with each kit) GGC Control, Plasma, Abnormal 2 George King AbCOR Convenience Kit
5 00815696021051 0085-10 George King Abnormal Correlation (AbCOR) Kit is a convenience kit containing 10 George King Abnormal Correlation (AbCOR) Kit is a convenience kit containing 10 vials of select control material that can be used to correlate reagent lot numbers and/or instrument platforms. (individual product inserts are included with each kit) GGC Control, Plasma, Abnormal 2 George King AbCOR Convenience Kit
6 00815696021297 0010-60.0 George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma is intend George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma is intended to be used as a normal control for the one-stage prothrombin time assay (PT), the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assay and the fibrinogen assay. it may also be used as the normal pooled plasma for mixing studies in the determination of a prolonged (PT and/or aPTT. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King Pooled Normal Plasma
7 00815696021013 0900-250.0 George King Factor IX Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma der George King Factor IX Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma derived from congenital Factor IX deficient donors GJT Plasma, Coagulation Factor Deficient 2 George King Factor IX Deficient Plasma
8 00815696021006 0900-5.0 George King Factor IX Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma der George King Factor IX Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma derived from congenital Factor IX deficient donors GJT Plasma, Coagulation Factor Deficient 2 George King Factor IX Deficient Plasma
9 00815696020962 1401 - 1.5 George King von Willebrand plasma, Type 1, is citrated human fresh frozen plasma George King von Willebrand plasma, Type 1, is citrated human fresh frozen plasma derived from a donor diagnosed with vWD Type 1. This plasma is intended for use as a control in the quantitative determination of von Willebrand Ag in citrated plasma. GGC Control, Plasma, Abnormal 2 George King von Willebrand Plasma, Type 1
10 00815696020009 0900-1.0 George King Factor IX Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma der George King Factor IX Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma derived from congenital Factor IX Deficient donors GJT Plasma, Coagulation Factor Deficient 2 George King Factor IX Deficient Plasma
11 00815696020221 0900-100.0 George King Factor IX Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma der George King Factor IX Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma derived from congenital Factor IX Deficient donors GJT Plasma, Coagulation Factor Deficient 2 George King Factor IX Deficient Plasma
12 00815696020719 9400 - 25 George King Multi-Coumadin® Kit is citrated fresh frozen human plasma derived fr George King Multi-Coumadin® Kit is citrated fresh frozen human plasma derived from donors stabilized on Coumadin® therapy and is intended for use as a control in the quantitative determination of the INR using the clottable prothrombin time assay. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King Multi-Coumadin® Kit
13 00815696020610 0900-2.0 George King Factor IX Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma der George King Factor IX Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma derived from congenital Factor IX Deficient donors GJT Plasma, Coagulation Factor Deficient 2 George King Factor IX Deficient Plasma
14 00815696020139 0010-5.0 George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma and is in George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma and is intended to be used as a normal control for the one-stage prothrombin time assay (PT), the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assay and the fibrinogen assay. It may also be used as the normal pooled plasma for mixing studies in the determination of a prolonged (PT) and/or aPTT. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King Pooled Normal Plasma
15 00815696021259 0010-10.0 George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma and is in George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma and is intended to be used as a normal control for the one-stage prothrombin time assay (PT), the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assay and the fibrinogen assay. It may also be used as the normal pooled plasma for mixing studies in the determination of a prolonged PT or aPTT. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King Pooled Normal Plasma
16 00815696021198 0010-500.0 George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated plasma and is intended George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated plasma and is intended to be used as a normal control for the one-stage prothrombin time assay (PT), the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assay and the fibrinogen assay. It may also be used as the normal pooled plasma for mixing studies in the determination of a prolonged PT and.or aPTT. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King Pooled Normal Plasma
17 00815696021044 0010-180.0 George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated plasma and is intended George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated plasma and is intended to be used as a normal control for the one-stage prothrombin time assay (PT), the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assay and the fibrinogen assay. It may be used as the normal pooled plasma for mixing studies in the determination of a prolonged (PT) ad/or aPTT. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King Pooled Normal Plasma
18 00815696021037 0055-5 George King CFD is a Congenital Factor Deficient Convenience Kit which contains George King CFD is a Congenital Factor Deficient Convenience Kit which contains five different factor deficient plasma's for product evaluation GJT Plasma, Coagulation Factor Deficient 2 George King Congential Factor Deficiency Convenience Kit
19 00815696020597 0001-100.0 George King Single Donor Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma and George King Single Donor Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma and is intended to be used as a normal control for the one-stage prothrombin time (PT) assay, the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assay and the fibrinogen assay. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King Single Normal Donor Plasma
20 00815696020580 0030-1.5 George King A-FACT is a low abnormal fresh frozen citrated control that is used George King A-FACT is a low abnormal fresh frozen citrated control that is used to verify the performance of an assay intended to be used for the quantitative determination of multiple coagulation factors, intermediates and/or activated components. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King A-FACT
21 00815696020566 0020-1.5 George King FACT is a normal fresh frozen citrated control that is used to verif George King FACT is a normal fresh frozen citrated control that is used to verify the performance of an assay intended to be used for the quantitative determination of multiple coagulation factors, intermediates and/or activated components. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King FACT
22 00815696020542 0010-240.0 George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated plasma and is intended George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated plasma and is intended to be used as a normal control for the one-stage prothrombin time assay (PT), the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assay and the fibrinogen assay. It may also be used as the normal pooled plasma for mixing studies in the determination of a prolonged (PT) and/or aPTT. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King Pooled Normal Plasma
23 00815696020399 0030-1.0 George King A-FACT is a low abnormal fresh frozen citrated control that is used George King A-FACT is a low abnormal fresh frozen citrated control that is used to verify the performance of an assay intended to be used for the quantitative determination of multiple coagulation factors, intermediates and/or activated components. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King A-FACT
24 00815696020535 0010-150.0 George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma and is in George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma and is intended to be used as a normal control for the one-stage prothrombin time assay (PT), the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assay and the fibrinogen assay. It may also be used as the normal pooled plasma for mixing studies in the determination of a prolonged (PT) and/or aPTT. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King Pooled Normal Plasma
25 00815696020528 0010-125.0 George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma and is in George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma and is intended to be used as a normal control for the one-stage prothrombin time assay (PT), the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assay and the fibrinogen assay. It may also be used as the normal pooled plasma for mixing studies in the determination of a prolonged (PT) and/or aPTT. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King Pooled Normal Plasma
26 00815696020467 0014-30 The AMR Coagulation Kit is a convenience kit that contains three levels of contr The AMR Coagulation Kit is a convenience kit that contains three levels of control material that can be used to verify the analytical measurement range of the eight different assays. GGN,GGC Plasma, Coagulation Control,Control, Plasma, Abnormal 2 George King AMR Coagulation Kit
27 00815696020450 5000-1.5 George King Positive Lupus Anticoagulant is citrated human fresh frozen plasma d George King Positive Lupus Anticoagulant is citrated human fresh frozen plasma derived from donors who have been diagnosed with the Anti-Phospholipid Antibody Syndrome. (APS) GGC Control, Plasma, Abnormal 2 George King Positive Lupus Anticoagulant
28 00815696020382 0030-0.5 George King A-FACT is a low abnormal fresh frozen citrated control that is used George King A-FACT is a low abnormal fresh frozen citrated control that is used to verify the performance of an assay intended to be used for the quantitative determination of multiple coagulation factors, intermediates and/or activated components. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King A-FACT
29 00815696020375 0020-1.0 George King FACT is a normal fresh frozen citrated control that is used to verif George King FACT is a normal fresh frozen citrated control that is used to verify the performance of an assay intended to be used for the quantitative determination of multiple coagulation factors, intermediates and/or activated components. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King FACT
30 00815696020368 0020-0.5 George King FACT is a normal fresh frozen citrated control that is used to verif George King FACT is a normal fresh frozen citrated control that is used to verify the performance of an assay intended to be used for the quantitative determination of multiple coagulation factors, intermediates and/or activated components. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King FACT
31 00815696020306 0900-bulk George King Factor IX Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma der George King Factor IX Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma derived from congenital Factor IX Deficient donors. GJT Plasma, Coagulation Factor Deficient 2 George King Factor IX Deficient Plasma
32 00815696020290 0010-250.0 George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma and is i George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma and is intended to be used as a normal control for the one-stage prothrombin time assay (PT), the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assay and the fibrinogen assay. It may also be used as the normal pooled plasma for mixing studies in the determination of a prolonged (PT) and/or aPTT. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King Pooled Normal Plasma
33 00815696020283 0010-200.0 George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen human citrated plasma and is in George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen human citrated plasma and is intended to be used as a normal control for the one-stage prothrombin time assay (PT), the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assay and the fibrinogen assay. It may also be used as the normal pooled plasma for mixing studies in the determination of a prolonged (PT) and/or aPTT. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King Pooled Normal Plasma
34 00815696020276 0010-100.0 George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma is intend George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma is intended to be used as a normal control for the one-stage prothrombin time assay (PT), the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assay and the fibrinogen assay. It may also be used as the normal pooled plasma for mixing studies in the determination of a prolonged (PT) and/or aPTT. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King Pooled Normal Plasma
35 00815696020245 0010-50.0 George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma and is in George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma and is intended to be used as a normal control for the one-stage prothrombin time assay (PT), the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assay and the fibrinogen assay. It may also be used as the normal pooled plasma for mixing studies in the determination of a prolonged (PT) and/or aPTT. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King Pooled Normal Plasma
36 00815696020214 0900-50.0 George King Factor IX Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma der George King Factor IX Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma derived from congenital Factor IX Deficient donors GJT Plasma, Coagulation Factor Deficient 2 George King Factor IX Deficient Plasma
37 00815696020122 0010-1.5 George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma and is in George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma and is intended to be used as a normal control for the one-stage prothrombin time assay (PT), the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assay and the fibrinogen assay. It may also be used as the normal pooled plasma for mixing studies in the determination of a prolonged (PT) and/or aPTT. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King Pooled Normal Plasma
38 00815696020115 0010-0.5 George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma and is in George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma and is intended to be used as a normal control for the one-stage prothrombin time assay (PT), the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assay and the fibrinogen assay. It may also be used as the normal pooled plasma for mixing studies in the determination of a prolonged (PT) and/or aPTT. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King Pooled Normal Plasma
39 00815696020108 0010-1.0 George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated plasma and is intended George King Pooled Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated plasma and is intended to be used as a normal control for the one-stage prothrombin time assay (PT), the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assay and the fibrinogen assay. It may also be used as the normal pooled plasma for mixing studies in the determination of a prolonged (PT) and/or aPTT. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King Pooled Normal Plasma
40 00815696021303 0001-60.0 George King Single Donor Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma and George King Single Donor Normal Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma and is intended to be used as a normal control for the one-stage prothrombin time (PT) assay, the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assay and the fibrinogen assay. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King Single Donor Normal Plasma
41 00815696020924 0700-bulk George King Factor VII Deficient Plasma is a fresh frozen citrated human plasma George King Factor VII Deficient Plasma is a fresh frozen citrated human plasma derived from congenital Factor VII deficient donors. GJT Plasma, Coagulation Factor Deficient 2 George King Factor VII Deficient Plasma
42 00815696020993 1000-5.0 George King Factor X Deficient Plasma is a fresh frozen citrated human plasma de George King Factor X Deficient Plasma is a fresh frozen citrated human plasma derived from congenital Factor X deficient donors. GJT Plasma, Coagulation Factor Deficient 2 George King Factor X Deficient Plasma
43 00815696020931 1000-bulk George King Factor X Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma deri George King Factor X Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma derived from congenital Factor X deficient donors. GJT Plasma, Coagulation Factor Deficient 2 George King Factor X Deficient Plasma
44 00815696020788 1000 - 250.0 George King Factor X Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma deri George King Factor X Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma derived from congenital Factor X deficient donors. GJT Plasma, Coagulation Factor Deficient 2 George King Factor X Deficient Plasma
45 00815696020771 1000 - 150.0 George King Factor X Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma deri George King Factor X Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma derived from congenital Factor X deficient donors. GJT Plasma, Coagulation Factor Deficient 2 George King Factor X Deficient Plasma
46 00815696020764 1000 - 100.0 George King Factor X Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma deri George King Factor X Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma derived from congenital Factor X deficient donors. GJT Plasma, Coagulation Factor Deficient 2 George King Factor X Deficient Plasma
47 00815696020757 1000 - 50.0 George King Factor X Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma deri George King Factor X Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma derived from congenital Factor X deficient donors. GJT Plasma, Coagulation Factor Deficient 2 George King Factor X Deficient Plasma
48 00815696020726 1700-1.5 George King Prekallikrein Deficient plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma George King Prekallikrein Deficient plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma derived from congenital Prekallikrein Deficient donors. GGC Control, Plasma, Abnormal 2 George King Prekallikrein Deficient Plasma
49 00815696020603 0001 - 50.0 George King Single Donor Normal Plasma is fresh frozen human citrated plasma and George King Single Donor Normal Plasma is fresh frozen human citrated plasma and is intended to be used as a normal control for the one-stage prothrombin time (PT) assay, the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assay and the fibrinogen assay. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 George King Single Donor Normal Plasma
50 00815696020184 0800-100.0 George King Factor VIII Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma d George King Factor VIII Deficient Plasma is fresh frozen citrated human plasma derived from congenital Factor VIII Deficient donors GJT Plasma, Coagulation Factor Deficient 2 George King Factor FVIII Deficient Plasma
Other products with the same Product Codes "GGN, GGC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 08426951126538 0009800131 00009800131 1. Low HIT Control (Cat. No. 00009800132)2. High HIT Control (Cat. No. 00009800133): HemosIL Acustar HIT Controls INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
2 08426951024032 0022550030 00022550030 HemosIL D-Dimer HS 500 Controls (Liquid) HemosIL D-Dimer HS 500 Controls (Liquid) INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
3 08426950975397 00020014700 00020014700 HemosIL HIT-Ab(PF4-H) Controls HemosIL HIT-Ab(PF4-H) Controls INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
4 08426950660675 00020014100 00020014100 HemosIL Abnormal Control 3 HemosIL Abnormal Control 3 INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
5 08426950660668 00020014000 00020014000 HemosIL Abnormal Control 2 HemosIL Abnormal Control 2 INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
6 08426950660651 00020013900 00020013900 HemosIL Normal Control 1 HemosIL Normal Control 1 INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
7 08426950584933 00020013100 00020013100 HemosIL D-Dimer HS 500 Controls (Liquid) HemosIL D-Dimer HS 500 Controls (Liquid) INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
8 08426950513735 00020012500 00020012500 HemosIL LA Positive Control HemosIL LA Positive Control INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
9 08426950513728 00020012600 00020012600 HemosIL LA Negative Control HemosIL LA Negative Control INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
10 08426950498032 0009802100 0009802100 HemosIL AcuStar D-Dimer Controls HemosIL AcuStar D-Dimer Controls INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
11 08426950485629 00020010500 00020010500 HemosIL INR Validate HemosIL INR Validate INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
12 08426950484745 00020011500 00020011500 HemosIL Factor V Deficient Plasma (10 X 1 mL) HemosIL Factor V Deficient Plasma (10 X 1 mL) INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
13 08426950482970 00020500200 00020500200 HemosIL D-Dimer HS 500 Controls HemosIL D-Dimer HS 500 Controls INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
14 08426950452751 06260060600 06260060600 GEM Check Coag Control-Normal for ACT-LR GEM Check Coag Control-Normal for ACT-LR INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
15 08426950452744 06260060500 06260060500 GEM Check Coag Control-Normal for ACT GEM Check Coag Control-Normal for ACT INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
16 08426950452737 06260060400 06260060400 GEM Check Coag Control-Normal for PT GEM Check Coag Control-Normal for PT INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
17 08426950452713 06260061400 06260061400 GEM Check Coag Control-Abnormal for Citrate PT GEM Check Coag Control-Abnormal for Citrate PT INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
18 08426950452706 06260061700 06260061700 GEM Check Coag Control-Abnormal for PT GEM Check Coag Control-Abnormal for PT INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
19 08426950452690 06260061600 06260061600 GEM Check Coag Control-Normal for APTT GEM Check Coag Control-Normal for APTT INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
20 08426950452683 06260061100 06260061100 GEM Check Coag Control-Normal for Citrate PT GEM Check Coag Control-Normal for Citrate PT INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
21 08426950088653 06260060300 06260060300 GEM Check Coag Control-Abnormal for ACT GEM Check Coag Control-Abnormal for ACT INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
22 08426950088646 06260060200 06260060200 GEM Check Coag Control-Abnormal for ACT-LR GEM Check Coag Control-Abnormal for ACT-LR INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
23 08426950088639 06260060100 06260060100 GEM Check Coag Control-Abnormal for APTT GEM Check Coag Control-Abnormal for APTT INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
24 08426950083597 82 3492 63 82 3492 63 Control Plasma LMW Heparin Control Plasma LMW Heparin INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
25 08426950078999 00020003310 00020003310 HemosIL High Abnormal Control ASSAYED HemosIL High Abnormal Control ASSAYED INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
26 08426950078982 00020003210 00020003210 HemosIL Low Abnormal Control ASSAYED HemosIL Low Abnormal Control ASSAYED INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
27 08426950071068 00020003110 00020003110 HemosIL Normal Control ASSAYED HemosIL Normal Control ASSAYED INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
28 08426950063179 00020008610 00020008610 HemosIL D-Dimer Controls HemosIL D-Dimer Controls INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY COMPANY
29 07640175460020 502-22 502-22 Control plasma for assays aimed to determine the functional phenotype for activa Control plasma for assays aimed to determine the functional phenotype for activated protein C resistance caused by the Factor V Leiden mutation (FV:Q506). Pefakit DSM NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS AG ZWEIGNIEDERLASSUNG PENTAPHARM
30 04260160470587 delta System (US/CA) 201001 The ROTEM® delta is designed for in-vitro diagnostic use by professionals in a l The ROTEM® delta is designed for in-vitro diagnostic use by professionals in a laboratory environment. The ROTEM® delta is intended to be used to provide a qualitative and quantitative indication of the coagulation state of a blood sample. For this purpose the ROTEM® delta records the clot firmness changes in a sample of citrated whole blood as the sample clots, retracts and lyses in real time. The analyzer output consists of a qualitative graphical representation (mirrored coagulation curve - clot firmness over time) and several defined numerical parameters describing the curve quantitatively. ROTEM® TEM INNOVATIONS GMBH
31 04260160470112 ROTROL P 503-25-US, 503-25 ROTROL P is a quality control material for monitoring accuracy and precision of ROTROL P is a quality control material for monitoring accuracy and precision of tests carried out on the ROTEM® delta Thromboelastometry System. For in vitro diagnostic use only. ROTEM® TEM INNOVATIONS GMBH
32 04260160470105 ROTROL N 503-24-US, 503-24 ROTROL N is a quality control material for monitoring accuracy and precision of ROTROL N is a quality control material for monitoring accuracy and precision of tests carried out on the ROTEM® delta Thromboelastometry System. For in vitro diagnostic use only. ROTEM® TEM INNOVATIONS GMBH
33 04260160470099 star-tem® 20 503-10-US The ROTEM® delta is designed for in-vitro diagnostic use by professionals in a l The ROTEM® delta is designed for in-vitro diagnostic use by professionals in a laboratory environ-ment. The ROTEM® delta is intended to be used to provide a qualitative and quantitative indication of the coagulation state of a blood sample. For this purpose the ROTEM® delta records the clot firmness changes in a sample of citrated whole blood as the sample clots, retracts and lyses in real time. The analyzer output consists of a qualitative graphical representation (mirrored coagulation curve – clot firmness over time) and several defined numerical parameters describing the curve quantitatively.The star-tem® reagent is intended for use as recalcification reagent in the NATEM and INTEM assay on the ROTEM® delta. The corresponding assays are described in the NATEM assay application sheet and in the Instructions for Use of the in-tem® reagent (REF 503-02-US), resp. ROTEM® TEM INNOVATIONS GMBH
34 04260160470082 hep-tem® 503-09-US The ROTEM® delta is designed for in-vitro diagnostic use by professionals in a l The ROTEM® delta is designed for in-vitro diagnostic use by professionals in a laboratory environ-ment. The ROTEM® delta is intended to be used to provide a qualitative and quantitative indication of the coagulation state of a blood sample. For this purpose the ROTEM® delta records the clot firmness changes in a sample of citrated whole blood as the sample clots, retracts and lyses in real time. The analyzer output consists of a qualitative graphical representation (mirrored coagulation curve - clot firmness over time) and several defined numerical parameters describing the curve quantitatively.The hep-tem® assay is a semi-quantitative in vitro diagnostic assay used to inactivate heparin in patients receiving unfractionated heparin on the ROTEM® delta. To monitor the coagulation process citrated whole blood specimens are used. Clotting characteristics are described by the functional parameters Clotting Time (CT), Speed of Clot Formation (CFT and alpha angle), Clot Firmness (A20/MCF) and Clot Lysis (LOT, ML, LI(x)). ROTEM® TEM INNOVATIONS GMBH
35 04260160470044 in-tem® 503-02-US The ROTEM® delta is designed for in-vitro diagnostic use by professionals in a l The ROTEM® delta is designed for in-vitro diagnostic use by professionals in a laboratory environment. The ROTEM® delta is intended to be used to provide a qualitative and quantitative indication of the coagulation state of a blood sample. For this purpose the ROTEM® delta records the clot firmness changes in a sample of citrated whole blood as the sample clots, retracts and lyses in real time. The analyzer output consists of a qualitative graphical representation (mirrored coagulation curve - clot firmness over time) and several defined numerical parameters describing the curve quantitatively.The in-tem® assay is a semi-quantitative in vitro diagnostic assay used to monitor the coagulation process via the intrinsic pathway in citrated whole blood specimens on the ROTEM® delta. Clotting characteristics are described by the functional parameters Clotting Time (CT), Speed of Clot Formation (CFT and alpha angle), Clot Firmness (A20/MCF) and Clot Lysis (LOT, ML, LI(x)). ROTEM® TEM INNOVATIONS GMBH
36 04260160470020 delta System 200100-US The ROTEM® delta is designed for in-vitro diagnostic use by professionals in a l The ROTEM® delta is designed for in-vitro diagnostic use by professionals in a laboratory environment. The ROTEM® delta is intended to be used to provide a qualitative and quantitative indication of the coagulation state of a blood sample. For this purpose the ROTEM® delta records the clot firmness changes in a sample of citrated whole blood as the sample clots, retracts and lyses in real time. The analyzer output consists of a qualitative graphical representation (mirrored coagulation curve - clot firmness over time) and several defined numerical parameters describing the curve quantitatively. ROTEM® TEM INNOVATIONS GMBH
37 03663537043550 224201 224201 BIOPHEN LMWH Control C4 HYPHEN BIOMED
38 03663537043512 224401 224401 BIOPHEN LMWH CONTROL LOW CII HYPHEN BIOMED
39 03663537043505 224301 224301 BIOPHEN LMWH CONTROL LOW CI HYPHEN BIOMED
40 03663537042904 224101 224101 BIOPHEN UFH Control C1 HYPHEN BIOMED
41 03663537008368 223701 223701 BIOPHEN LMWH Control Low HYPHEN BIOMED
42 03663537008320 223405 223405 BIOPHEN™ V-L Control Plasma HYPHEN BIOMED
45 03663537008290 223101 223101 BIOPHEN UFH Control Plasma HYPHEN BIOMED
46 03663537008283 223001 223001 BIOPHEN LMWH Control Plasma HYPHEN BIOMED
47 03663537008276 222301 222301 BIOPHEN UFH Calibrator HYPHEN BIOMED
48 03663537008252 222101 222101 BIOPHEN PLASMA CALIBRATOR HYPHEN BIOMED
49 03663537008245 222001 222001 BIOPHEN Heparin Calibrator HYPHEN BIOMED
50 03663537007996 223901 223901 BIOPHEN UFH CONTROL C2 HYPHEN BIOMED