Other products from "BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00815277026727 38006 Curaplex Endotracheal Tube with Stylette, 5.0mm, Uncuffed 10ea/bx 10bx/cs BTR Tube, tracheal (w/wo connector) 2 Curaplex
2 00815277026697 38005 Curaplex Endotracheal Tube with Stylette, 4.5mm, Uncuffed 10ea/bx 10bx/cs BTR Tube, tracheal (w/wo connector) Curaplex
3 00817617022567 2113-10335 Curaplex Select Endotracheal Tube with Stylette, 3.5mm, Uncuffed 10ea/bx 10bx/cs BTR Tube, tracheal (w/wo connector) Curaplex
4 00817617022550 2113-10330 Curaplex Select Endotracheal Tube with Stylette, 3.0mm, Uncuffed 10ea/bx 10bx/cs BTR Tube, tracheal (w/wo connector) Curaplex
5 00817617022543 2113-10290 Curaplex Select Endotracheal Tube with Stylette, 9.0mm, Cuffed 10ea/bx 10bx/cs BTR Tube, tracheal (w/wo connector) 2 Curaplex
6 00817617022536 2113-10285 Curaplex Select Endotracheal Tube with Stylette, 8.5mm, Cuffed 10ea/bx 10bx/cs BTR Tube, tracheal (w/wo connector) 2 Curaplex
7 00817617022529 2113-10280 Curaplex Select Endotracheal Tube with Stylette, 8.0mm, Cuffed 10ea/bx 10bx/cs BTR Tube, tracheal (w/wo connector) 2 Curaplex
8 00817617022512 2113-10275 Curaplex Select Endotracheal Tube with Stylette, 7.5mm, Cuffed 10ea/bx 10bx/cs BTR Tube, tracheal (w/wo connector) Curaplex
9 00817617022505 2113-10270 Curaplex Select Endotracheal Tube with Stylette, 7.0mm, Cuffed 10ea/bx 10bx/cs BTR Tube, tracheal (w/wo connector) Curaplex
10 00817617022499 2113-10265 Curaplex Select Endotracheal Tube with Stylette, 6.5mm, Cuffed 10ea/bx 10bx/cs BTR Tube, tracheal (w/wo connector) Curaplex
11 00817617022482 2113-10255 Curaplex Select Endotracheal Tube with Stylette, 5.5mm, Cuffed 10ea/bx 10bx/cs BTR Tube, tracheal (w/wo connector) Curaplex
12 00817617022475 2113-10250 Curaplex Select Endotracheal Tube with Stylette, 5.0mm, Cuffed 10ea/bx 10bx/cs BTR Tube, tracheal (w/wo connector) 2 Curaplex
13 00817617022468 2113-10245 Curaplex Select Endotracheal Tube with Stylette, 4.5mm, Cuffed 10ea/bx 10bx/cs BTR Tube, tracheal (w/wo connector) 2 Curaplex
14 00817617022451 2113-10235 Curaplex Select Endotracheal Tube with Stylette, 3.5mm, Cuffed 10ea/bx 10bx/cs BTR Tube, tracheal (w/wo connector) Curaplex
15 00817617022444 1612-84245 IV Catheter, ClearSafe Comfort, 20 ga x 1 in, Safety 50ea/bx 4bx/cs FOZ Catheter,intravascular,therapeutic,short-term less than 30 days Curaplex
16 00817617022437 1612-84240 IV Catheter, ClearSafe Comfort, 20 ga x 1 1/4 in, Safety 50ea/bx 4bx/cs FOZ Catheter,intravascular,therapeutic,short-term less than 30 days 2 Curaplex
17 00817617022420 1612-84230 IV Catheter, ClearSafe Comfort, 18 ga x 1 1/4 in, Safety 50ea/bx 4bx/cs FOZ Catheter,intravascular,therapeutic,short-term less than 30 days 2 Curaplex
18 00817617022413 1612-84220 IV Catheter, ClearSafe Comfort, 16 ga x 1 1/4 in, Safety 50ea/bx 4bx/cs FOZ Catheter,intravascular,therapeutic,short-term less than 30 days Curaplex
19 00817617022406 1612-84160 IV Catheter, ClearSafe, 24 ga x 3/4 in, Safety 50ea/bx 4bx/cs FOZ Catheter,intravascular,therapeutic,short-term less than 30 days 2 Curaplex
20 00817617022390 1612-84150 IV Catheter, ClearSafe, 22 ga x 1 in, Safety 50ea/bx 4bx/cs FOZ Catheter,intravascular,therapeutic,short-term less than 30 days 2 Curaplex
21 00815277027687 660223 BASIC TRAUMA KIT - US EMBASSY HEB,GAR,NBW,MMK,BTM,FMF,DXQ,MHC,DQA,POQ,FRO,FOZ TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, UNSCENTED,Suture, nonabsorbable, synthetic, polyamide,SYSTEM, TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, UNSCENTED,Suture, nonabsorbable, synthetic, polyamide,SYSTEM, TEST, BLOOD GLUCOSE, OVER THE COUNTER,Container, sharps,Ventilator, emergency, manual (resuscitator),Syringe, piston,blood pressure cuff,PORT, INTRAOSSEOUS, IMPLANTED,Oximeter,Blood transfusion kit,Dressing, wound, drug,Catheter,intravascular,therapeutic,short-term less than 30 days 2 Curaplex
22 00817617022383 1612-84145 IV Catheter, ClearSafe, 20 ga x 1 in, Safety 50ea/bx 4bx/cs FOZ Catheter,intravascular,therapeutic,short-term less than 30 days 2 Curaplex
23 00815277027670 660205 Curaplex 8.5 Intubation Kit OGK Orotrachael intubation guide kit 2 Curaplex
24 00817617022376 1612-84140 IV Catheter, ClearSafe, 20 ga x 1 1/4 in, Safety 50ea/bx 4bx/cs FOZ Catheter,intravascular,therapeutic,short-term less than 30 days Curaplex
25 00817617022369 1612-84130 IV Catheter, ClearSafe, 18 ga x 1 1/4 in, Safety 50ea/bx 4bx/cs FOZ Catheter,intravascular,therapeutic,short-term less than 30 days 2 Curaplex
26 00817617022352 14762MS Curaplex Nasogastric Tube, 18Fr 280ea/cs KNT TUBES, GASTROINTESTINAL (AND ACCESSORIES) Curaplex
27 00817617022345 14761 Curaplex Nasogastric Tube, 16Fr 280ea/cs KNT TUBES, GASTROINTESTINAL (AND ACCESSORIES) Curaplex
28 00817617022338 14759 Curaplex Nasogastric Tube, 14Fr 280ea/cs KNT TUBES, GASTROINTESTINAL (AND ACCESSORIES) Curaplex
29 00817617022321 14758MS Curaplex Nasogastric Tube, 12Fr 280ea/cs KNT TUBES, GASTROINTESTINAL (AND ACCESSORIES) Curaplex
30 00817617022314 14757MS Curaplex Nasogastric Tube, 10Fr 280ea/cs KNT TUBES, GASTROINTESTINAL (AND ACCESSORIES) Curaplex
31 00817617022307 14756MS Curaplex Nasogastric Tube, 8Fr 280ea/cs KNT TUBES, GASTROINTESTINAL (AND ACCESSORIES) Curaplex
32 00815277027663 660204 Curaplex 8.0 Intubation Kit OGK Orotrachael intubation guide kit 2 Curaplex
33 00817617022291 12992 Curaplex Infra-Red Ear Thermometer 20ea/cs FLL Thermometer, electronic, clinical 2 Curaplex
34 00817617021386 8600-01181 *Custom* City of Joliet Chest Decompression Kit FOZ,KDQ Catheter,intravascular,therapeutic,short-term less than 30 days,BOTTLE, COLLECTION, VACUUM 2 Curaplex
35 00817617021379 8600-01112 *Custom* NY IFAK OHO First aid kit without drug 1 Curaplex
36 00817617021362 670006-KIT Kit, DHS IFAK- Oakland OHO First aid kit without drug 1 Curaplex
37 00817617021355 662157 Curaplex Officer Vehicle Trauma Kit OHO First aid kit without drug 1 Curaplex
39 00815277021036 4267C Kit Contents Only For Curaplex Deluxe Responder Kit 684267C DXQ,CBP blood pressure cuff,Valve, non-rebreathing 2 Curaplex
40 00815277021029 382000RC Curaplex Kit Responder Red CAN,DXQ,CBP REGULATOR, PRESSURE, GAS CYLINDER,blood pressure cuff,Valve, non-rebreathing 1 Curaplex
41 00815277027052 38017 Curaplex Endotracheal Tube with Stylette, 8.0mm, Cuffed 10ea/bx 10bx/cs BTR Tube, tracheal (w/wo connector) Curaplex
42 00815277021012 382000OC Curaplex Kit Responder Orange CAN,CBP,DXQ REGULATOR, PRESSURE, GAS CYLINDER,Valve, non-rebreathing,blood pressure cuff 1 Curaplex
43 00815277027021 38016 Curaplex Endotracheal Tube with Stylette, 7.5mm, Cuffed 10ea/bx 10bx/cs BTR Tube, tracheal (w/wo connector) Curaplex
44 00815277026994 38015 Curaplex Endotracheal Tube with Stylette, 7.0mm, Cuffed 10ea/bx 10bx/cs BTR Tube, tracheal (w/wo connector) 2 Curaplex
45 00815277021005 382000GC Curaplex Kit Responder Green CAN,DXQ,CBP REGULATOR, PRESSURE, GAS CYLINDER,blood pressure cuff,Valve, non-rebreathing 1 Curaplex
46 00815277026963 38014 Curaplex Endotracheal Tube with Stylette, 6.5mm, Cuffed 10ea/bx 10bx/cs BTR Tube, tracheal (w/wo connector) 2 Curaplex
47 00815277026932 38013 Curaplex Endotracheal Tube with Stylette, 6.0mm, Cuffed 10ea/bx 10bx/cs BTR Tube, tracheal (w/wo connector) Curaplex
48 00815277025720 36045 Curaplex CPR Pocketmask w/O2 inlet 100ea/cs CBP Valve, non-rebreathing 2 Curaplex
49 00815277020992 382000BC Curaplex Kit Responder Blue CBP,CAN,DXQ Valve, non-rebreathing,REGULATOR, PRESSURE, GAS CYLINDER,blood pressure cuff 1 Curaplex
50 00815277026901 38012 Curaplex Endotracheal Tube with Stylette, 5.5mm, Cuffed 10ea/bx 10bx/cs BTR Tube, tracheal (w/wo connector) Curaplex
Other products with the same Product Codes "FRO, KGZ"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
3 10190752116481 001248 001248 AirLife™ Adult Venturi Style Tracheostomy Mask AirLife™ VYAIRE MEDICAL, INC.
4 10188151000005 Saljet 40 Saljet 40 is a single use disposable polymer vial with a twist off top containin Saljet 40 is a single use disposable polymer vial with a twist off top containing 30ml of sterile normal saline 0.9% w/v. It contains no preservatives, surfactants or buffering. The vials are packed into an outer shelf carton. Forty vials per carton. Saljet WINCHESTER LABORATORIES LLLP
8 09421906017502 629311 629311 Endoform™ Antimicrobial Restorative Bioscaffold is a sterile, single use ovine f Endoform™ Antimicrobial Restorative Bioscaffold is a sterile, single use ovine forestomach-derived extracellular matrix intended to cover, protect, and provide a moist wound environment and contains approximately 12 µg/cm² (~0.3% w/w) ionic silver, intended to inhibit colonization of the device. Endoform™ Antimicrobial Restorative Bioscaffold AROA BIOSURGERY LIMITED
9 09421906017496 629312 629312 Endoform™ Antimicrobial Restorative Bioscaffold is a sterile, single use ovine f Endoform™ Antimicrobial Restorative Bioscaffold is a sterile, single use ovine forestomach-derived extracellular matrix intended to cover, protect, and provide a moist wound environment and contains approximately 12 µg/cm² (~0.3% w/w) ionic silver, intended to inhibit colonization of the device. Endoform™ Antimicrobial Restorative Bioscaffold AROA BIOSURGERY LIMITED
10 09421906017489 629313 629313 Endoform™ Antimicrobial Restorative Bioscaffold is a sterile, single use ovine f Endoform™ Antimicrobial Restorative Bioscaffold is a sterile, single use ovine forestomach-derived extracellular matrix intended to cover, protect, and provide a moist wound environment and contains approximately 12 µg/cm² (~0.3% w/w) ionic silver, intended to inhibit colonization of the device. Endoform™ Antimicrobial Restorative Bioscaffold AROA BIOSURGERY LIMITED
11 09421906017472 629314 629314 Endoform™ Antimicrobial Restorative Bioscaffold is a sterile, single use ovine f Endoform™ Antimicrobial Restorative Bioscaffold is a sterile, single use ovine forestomach-derived extracellular matrix intended to cover, protect, and provide a moist wound environment and contains approximately 12 µg/cm² (~0.3% w/w) ionic silver, intended to inhibit colonization of the device. Endoform™ Antimicrobial Restorative Bioscaffold AROA BIOSURGERY LIMITED
12 09421906017465 629315 629315 Endoform™ Antimicrobial Restorative Bioscaffold is a sterile, single use ovine f Endoform™ Antimicrobial Restorative Bioscaffold is a sterile, single use ovine forestomach-derived extracellular matrix intended to cover, protect, and provide a moist wound environment and contains approximately 12 µg/cm² (~0.3% w/w) ionic silver, intended to inhibit colonization of the device. Endoform™ Antimicrobial Restorative Bioscaffold AROA BIOSURGERY LIMITED
13 09421906017434 629304 629304 Endoform™ Antimicrobial Restorative Bioscaffold is a sterile, single use ovine f Endoform™ Antimicrobial Restorative Bioscaffold is a sterile, single use ovine forestomach-derived extracellular matrix intended to cover, protect, and provide a moist wound environment and contains approximately 12 µg/cm² (~0.3% w/w) ionic silver, intended to inhibit colonization of the device. Endoform™ Antimicrobial Restorative Bioscaffold AROA BIOSURGERY LIMITED
14 09421906017427 629302 629302 Endoform™ Antimicrobial Restorative Bioscaffold is a sterile, single use ovine f Endoform™ Antimicrobial Restorative Bioscaffold is a sterile, single use ovine forestomach-derived extracellular matrix intended to cover, protect, and provide a moist wound environment and contains approximately 12 µg/cm² (~0.3% w/w) ionic silver, intended to inhibit colonization of the device. Endoform™ Antimicrobial Restorative Bioscaffold AROA BIOSURGERY LIMITED
15 09421905067270 629315 629315 Endoform Antimicrobial Dermal Template is a sterile, single use ovine forestomac Endoform Antimicrobial Dermal Template is a sterile, single use ovine forestomach-derived extracellular matrix intended to cover, protect, and provide a moist wound environment. Endoform Antimicrobial Dermal Template AROA BIOSURGERY LIMITED
16 09421905067263 629304 629302 Endoform Antimicrobial Dermal Template is a sterile, single use ovine forestomac Endoform Antimicrobial Dermal Template is a sterile, single use ovine forestomach-derived extracellular matrix intended to cover, protect, and provide a moist wound environment. Endoform Antimicrobial Dermal Template AROA BIOSURGERY LIMITED
17 09421905067256 629302 629302 Endoform Antimicrobial Dermal Template is a sterile, single use ovine forestomac Endoform Antimicrobial Dermal Template is a sterile, single use ovine forestomach-derived extracellular matrix intended to cover, protect, and provide a moist wound environment. Endoform Antimicrobial Dermal Template AROA BIOSURGERY LIMITED
18 09421904065451 629311 629311 Endoform Antimicrobial Dermal Template is a sterile, single use ovine forestomac Endoform Antimicrobial Dermal Template is a sterile, single use ovine forestomach-derived extracellular matrix intended to cover, protect, and provide a moist wound environment. Endoform Antimicrobial Dermal Template AROA BIOSURGERY LIMITED
19 09421904065444 629312 629312 Endoform Antimicrobial Dermal Template is a sterile, single use ovine forestomac Endoform Antimicrobial Dermal Template is a sterile, single use ovine forestomach-derived extracellular matrix intended to cover, protect, and provide a moist wound environment. Endoform Antimicrobial Dermal Template AROA BIOSURGERY LIMITED
20 09421904065437 629313 629313 Endoform Antimicrobial Dermal Template is a sterile, single use ovine forestomac Endoform Antimicrobial Dermal Template is a sterile, single use ovine forestomach-derived extracellular matrix intended to cover, protect, and provide a moist wound environment. Endoform Antimicrobial Dermal Template AROA BIOSURGERY LIMITED
21 09421904065420 629314 629314 Endoform Antimicrobial Dermal Template is a sterile, single use ovine forestomac Endoform Antimicrobial Dermal Template is a sterile, single use ovine forestomach-derived extracellular matrix intended to cover, protect, and provide a moist wound environment. Endoform Antimicrobial Dermal Template AROA BIOSURGERY LIMITED
22 M20641500 4150 ThrombiDisc™ topical hemostat VASCULAR SOLUTIONS, INC.
23 M20640000 4000 Each Vascular Solutions D-Stat® flowable hemostat (D-Stat) includes the followin Each Vascular Solutions D-Stat® flowable hemostat (D-Stat) includes the following components: Thrombin vial (5,000 units); Collagen (200mg), contained in 10ml syringe with attached mixing luer; Diluent vial (5ml); Mixing accessories (10ml syringe and needleless, non-coring vial access device); Applicator tips: (1) small bore tip, (1) 20-Gauge, 2.75" needle.The thrombin is a protein substance produced through a conversion reaction in which prothrombin of bovine origin is activated by tissue thromboplastin of bovine-origin in the presence of calcium chloride. It is supplied as a sterile powder that has been freeze-dried in the final container. Also contained in the thrombin vial are mannitol and sodium chloride. Mannitol is included to make the dried product friable and more readily soluble. The material contains no preservative and has been chromatographically purified. Thrombin requires no intermediate physiological agent for its reaction. It converts fibrinogen directly to fibrin.The collagen is a soft, white, pliable, absorbent hemostatic agent derived from purified bovine deep flexor tendon. It is prepared in a loose fibrous form. Collagen attracts platelets that adhere to the fibrils and undergo the release phenomenon to trigger aggregation of platelets into thrombi in the interstices of the fibrous mass. The collagen provides a three-dimensional matrix for additional strengthening of the clot. The effect on platelet adhesion and aggregation is not inhibited by heparin in vitro.The diluent is a sterile solution of calcium chloride and water, buffered with tromethamine (TRIS). Using the mixing accessories, both the thrombin and collagen are reconstituted with the diluent prior to use. The hemostat is delivered to the intended treatment site using the provided applicator tips. Hemostasis is achieved by the physiological coagulation-inducing properties of the D-Stat. The D-Stat is biocompatible, non-pyrogenic, and intended to be left in situ. D-Stat® Flowable Hemostat VASCULAR SOLUTIONS, INC.
24 M2063501R0 3501R D-Stat® Rad-Band topical hemostat VASCULAR SOLUTIONS, INC.
25 M20635010 3501 D-Stat® Radial topical hemostat VASCULAR SOLUTIONS, INC.
26 M20631010 3101 Thrombix® Hemostasis Patch topical hemostat VASCULAR SOLUTIONS, INC.
27 M20631000 3100 Thrombix® Silver topical hemostat VASCULAR SOLUTIONS, INC.
28 M20630100 3010 D-Stat® 2 Dry topical hemostat VASCULAR SOLUTIONS, INC.
29 M20630060 3006 D-Stat® Dry Clear topical hemostat VASCULAR SOLUTIONS, INC.
30 M20630050 3005 D-Stat® Dry Silver Clear topical hemostat VASCULAR SOLUTIONS, INC.
31 M20630010 3001 D-Stat® Dry topical hemostat VASCULAR SOLUTIONS, INC.
32 M20630000 3000 D-Stat® Dry topical hemostat VASCULAR SOLUTIONS, INC.
33 M20609160 0916 Thrombi-Pad™ 3x3 hemostatic pad VASCULAR SOLUTIONS, INC.
34 M20609090 0909 Thrombi-Gel® thrombin/gelatin foam hemostat VASCULAR SOLUTIONS, INC.
35 M20609080 0908 Thrombi-Gel® thrombin/gelatin foam hemostat VASCULAR SOLUTIONS, INC.
36 M20609070 0907 Thrombi-Gel® thrombin/gelatin foam hemostat VASCULAR SOLUTIONS, INC.
37 08800030700138 IS-H-01-20 InnoSEAL Hemostatic Pad is a hydrophilic, lyophilized sponge pad for local manag InnoSEAL Hemostatic Pad is a hydrophilic, lyophilized sponge pad for local management of bleeding wound made of proprietary formulation of chitosan and catechol conjugated chitosan which are biocompatible. InnoSEAL Hemostatic Pad is applied topically as an adjunct to manual compression. InnoSEAL Hemostatic Pad is a single use device individually packaged by PET mold and Aluminum lid and sterilized with gamma irradiation. InnoSEAL Hemostatic Pad INNOTHERAPY INC.
38 08800030700121 IS-H-01-10 InnoSEAL Hemostatic Pad is a hydrophilic, lyophilized sponge pad for local manag InnoSEAL Hemostatic Pad is a hydrophilic, lyophilized sponge pad for local management of bleeding wound made of proprietary formulation of chitosan and catechol conjugated chitosan which are biocompatible. InnoSEAL Hemostatic Pad is applied topically as an adjunct to manual compression. InnoSEAL Hemostatic Pad is a single use device individually packaged by PET mold and Aluminum lid and sterilized with gamma irradiation. InnoSEAL Hemostatic Pad INNOTHERAPY INC.
39 08714729862949 H7493938000150 Connecting Tube Expel™ Large Capacity Drainage Catheter Connecting Tube BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION
40 08714729735649 M001229100 Connecting Tube for Drainage Bag with Funnel Adaptors Connecting Tube BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION
41 08714729735144 M001201080 Guidewire Stainless Steel Guidewire BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION
42 08714729492153 M001207110 Guidewire Nitinol Guidewire BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION
43 08714729201137 M001207100 Introducer System AccuStick™ II BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION
44 08714729194514 M001207040 Introducer System AccuStick™ II BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION
45 08714729157625 M001207050 Introducer System AccuStick™ II BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION
46 08714729157601 M001207030 Introducer System AccuStick™ II BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION
47 08714729157588 M001207020 Introducer System AccuStick™ II BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION
49 07640158091678 3.5 fl. oz. (100ml) with spray pump Nexodyn Antimicrobial Wound Care Solution APR APPLIED PHARMA RESEARCH SA