Other products from "AMEDA, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00810725023082 10004 10004 Tubing Adapter HGX Pump, Breast, Powered Ameda, Inc
2 00810725023174 80001 80001 Locking Ring and Disc HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
3 00810725023167 10014 10014 30.5mm Breast Flange HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
4 00810725023150 10013 10013 28.5mm Breast Flange HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
5 00810725023143 10012 10012 25mm Breast Flange HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
6 00810725023129 10011 10011 22.5mm Reducing Insert HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
7 00810725023112 10010 10010 21mm Flexishield HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
8 00810725023099 10005 10005 Adapter Cap HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
9 00810725023044 17190 17190 Breast Flanges 28.5mm Bulk Sterile HGX Pump, Breast, Powered Ameda, Inc.
10 00810725023037 17450 17450 Dual Kit w/ Flanges & One-Hand Adapter HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
11 00810725023020 10003 10003 Silicone Tubing HGX Pump, Breast, Powered Ameda, Inc.
12 00810725023013 10002 10002 Clear Check Valve HGX Pump, Breast, Powered Ameda, Inc.
13 00810725022894 30001 30001 Detachable Power Cord, Elite, Nth America HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
14 00810725022863 17803LRTR 17803LRTR Ameda Platinum Breast Pump Loaner Refurb HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
15 00810725022856 10001 10001 Silicone Diaphragm HGX Pump, Breast, Powered Ameda, Inc.
16 00810725022849 17803RTR 17803RTR Ameda Platinum Breast Pump Rental Refurb HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
17 00810725022832 17803R 17803R Ameda Platinum Pump Refurbished HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
18 00810725022825 17608LRTR 17608LRTR Elite Breast Pump Loaner Refurb HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
19 00810725022726 17064M 17064M Ameda Manual Pump HGY Pump, Breast, Non-Powered 1 Ameda, Inc.
20 00810725022603 20001 20001 Cord, Platinum, NA HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
21 00810725022481 17189 17189 One-Hand Manual Pump Adapter HGY Pump, Breast, Non-Powered 1 Ameda, Inc.
22 00810725022467 17112 17112 Spare Parts Kit HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
23 00810725022399 17158 17158 Dual HygieniKit wAdap ST HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
24 00810725022351 17060 17060 OHBP w/ STD Flange HGY Pump, Breast, Non-Powered 1 Ameda, Inc.
25 00810725022276 17264 17264 ComfortGel HydroGel Pads (Bulk) MGQ Dressing, Wound And Burn, Hydrogel W/Drug And/Or Biologic Ameda, Inc.
26 00810725021873 17510LRT 17510LRT Elite Breast Pump w/ 9ft Cord HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
27 00810725021835 17608 17608 Elite Breast Pump 2 Prong HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
28 00810725021828 17605 17605 Elite Breast Pump HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
29 00810725021804 17508RT 17508RT Elite Breast Pump w/ 9ft Cord Refurb HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
30 00810725021705 17003 17003 Elite Breast Pump Refurb HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
31 00810725021699 17603 17603 Elite Breast Pump Refurb HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
32 00810725021675 17070ACA 17070ACA Purely Yours with Bag HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
33 00810725021668 17243MT 17243MT Store 'N Pour Milk Storage Bages (50 count + 2 adapters) HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
34 00810725021620 17115 17115 Dual HygieniKit (STL) HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
35 00810725021170 17510RT 17510RT Elite Breast Pump w/ 9ft Cord HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
36 00810725020999 17086 17086 Purely Yours Ultra Breast Pump HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
37 00810725020906 17071 17071 Purely Yours Breast Pump HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
38 00810725020821 17085MT 17085MT Purely Yours Ultra Pump HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
39 00810725020807 617802 617802 Purely Yours Pump HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
40 00810725020753 17245 17245 Store 'N Pour Bulk HGX Pump, Breast, Powered Ameda, Inc.
41 00810725020739 17093 17093 One-Hand Pump w/ Flange Inserts HGY Pump, Breast, Non-Powered Ameda, Inc.
42 00810725020722 17186 17186 Dual HygieniKit HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
43 00810725020708 17188 17188 Dual HygieniKit HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
44 00810725020692 17187 17187 HygieniKit w/ Flange Inserts (STL) HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
45 00810725020685 17156 17156 Dual HygieniKit w/ Adapter (Non-Sterile) HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
46 00810725020678 700P 700P Hospital Discharge Kit Manual Pump HGY Pump, Breast, Non-Powered 1 Ameda, Inc.
47 00810725020654 17069P 17069P Breast Pumping Starter Kit HGY Pump, Breast, Non-Powered 1 Ameda, Inc.
48 00810725020647 17066P 17066P One-Hand Manual Pump w/ Flexishield HGY Pump, Breast, Non-Powered 1 Ameda, Inc.
49 00810725020616 17155 17155 Dual HygieniKit (STL) HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
50 00810725020609 17153 17153 Dual HygieniKit w/ Adapter & Flexishield (STL) HGX Pump, Breast, Powered 2 Ameda, Inc.
Other products with the same Product Code "HGX"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00853879007324 BY70 Art.- No. 953.70 Electric dual breast pump Beurer BEURER NORTH AMERICA, L.P.
2 00851690007967 FG108 USB-C Spare Part Freemie DAO HEALTH
3 00851690007950 FG104 Rose Pump Clip Spare Part Freemie DAO HEALTH
4 00851690007943 FG126 SlimFit Connector Kit Freemie DAO HEALTH
5 00851690007936 FG125 12 In Short Tubing Freemie DAO HEALTH
6 00851690007929 FG124 Tubing Smoother L Connector Freemie DAO HEALTH
7 00851690007912 FG123 SlimFit6 Deluxe Cup Set Deep Flange Freemie DAO HEALTH
8 00851690007905 FG090 Rose Deluxe Set Freemie DAO HEALTH
9 00851690007899 FG087 Independence II Deluxe Set Freemie DAO HEALTH
10 00851690007882 FG085 Liberty II Deluxe Set Freemie DAO HEALTH
11 00851690007875 FG084 SlimFit5 Standard Collection System Freemie DAO HEALTH
12 00851690007868 FG083 Independence II Standard Set Freemie DAO HEALTH
13 00851690007851 FG102 LP SlimFit S5 - Barrier Spare Parts Freemie DAO HEALTH
14 00851690007844 FG101 LP SlimFit S5 - Valve Base Spare Parts Freemie DAO HEALTH
15 00851690007837 FG100 LP SlimFit S5 - 30mm Flange Spare Parts Freemie DAO HEALTH
16 00851690007820 FG099 LP SlimFit S5 - Cup Spare Parts Freemie DAO HEALTH
17 00851690007813 FG098 LP SlimFit D6 - Barrier Spare Parts Freemie DAO HEALTH
18 00851690007806 FG097 LP SlimFit D6 - Valve Base Spare Parts Freemie DAO HEALTH
19 00851690007790 FG096 LP SlimFit D6 - 30mm Flange Spare Parts Freemie DAO HEALTH
20 00851690007783 FG095 LP SlimFit D6 - Cup Spare Parts Freemie DAO HEALTH
21 00851690007776 FG107 28mm Fitmie SlimFit Freemie DAO HEALTH
22 00851690007769 FG106 26mm Fitmie SlimFit Freemie DAO HEALTH
23 00851690007752 FG105 24mm Fitmie SlimFit Freemie DAO HEALTH
24 00851690007745 FG094 27mm Fitmie SlimFit Freemie DAO HEALTH
25 00851690007738 FG093 25mm Fitmie SlimFit Freemie DAO HEALTH
26 00851690007721 FG092 23mm Fitmie SlimFit Freemie DAO HEALTH
27 00851690007714 FG091 21mm Fitmie SlimFit Freemie DAO HEALTH
28 00851690007707 FG089 19mm Fitmie SlimFit Freemie DAO HEALTH
29 00851690007691 FG088 17mm Fitmie SlimFit Freemie DAO HEALTH
30 00851690007684 FG086 15mm Fitmie SlimFit Freemie DAO HEALTH
31 00851690007677 FG122 22mm Fitmie SlimFit Freemie DAO HEALTH
32 00851690007660 FG121 20mm Fitmie SlimFit Freemie DAO HEALTH
33 00851690007653 FG120 18mm Fitmie SlimFit Freemie DAO HEALTH
34 00851690007646 FG119 16mm Fitmie SlimFit Freemie DAO HEALTH
35 00851690007639 FG118 26mm Fitmie Freemie DAO HEALTH
36 00851690007622 FG117 25mm Fitmie Freemie DAO HEALTH
37 00851690007615 FG116 24mm Fitmie Freemie DAO HEALTH
38 00851690007608 FG115 23mm Fitmie Freemie DAO HEALTH
39 00851690007592 FG114 20mm Fitmie Freemie DAO HEALTH
40 00851690007585 FG113 19mm Fitmie Freemie DAO HEALTH
41 00851690007578 FG112 18mm Fitmie Freemie DAO HEALTH
42 00851690007561 FG111 17mm Fitmie Freemie DAO HEALTH
43 00851690007554 FG110 16mm Fitmie Freemie DAO HEALTH
44 00851690007547 FG109 15mm Fitmie Freemie DAO HEALTH
45 00851690007523 FG066 Independence Standard Set Freemie DAO HEALTH
46 00851690007516 FG065 22mm Fitmie Accessories Freemie DAO HEALTH
47 00851690007509 FG064 21mm Fitmie Freemie DAO HEALTH
48 00851690007493 FG081 Closed System Duckbills Spare Parts CS Freemie DAO HEALTH
49 00851690007486 FG080 Y-Connector Spare Parts Freemie DAO HEALTH
50 00851690007479 FG079 Closed Tubing Spare Parts Freemie DAO HEALTH