Other products from "ENDOCARE, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00810563020595 SWST-1415 SWST-1415 15cm Short Tip Antenna and Cooling Circuit NEY System, Ablation, Microwave And Accessories 2 SynchroWave Antenna Kit
2 00810563020588 SW-1415 SW-1415 15cm Long Tip Antenna and Cooling Circuit NEY System, Ablation, Microwave And Accessories 2 SynchroWave Antenna Kit
3 00810563020571 SWST-1415 SWST-1415 15cm Short Tip Antenna and Cooling Circuit NEY System, Ablation, Microwave And Accessories 2 SynchroWave Antenna Kit
4 00810563020564 SWST-1420 SWST-1420 20cm Short Tip Antenna and Cooling Circuit NEY System, Ablation, Microwave And Accessories 2 SynchroWave Antenna Kit
5 00810563020557 SW-1425 SW-1425 25cm Long Tip Antenna and Cooling Circuit NEY System, Ablation, Microwave And Accessories 2 SynchroWave Antenna Kit
6 00810563020540 SW-1420 SW-1420 20cm Long Tip Antenna and Cooling Circuit NEY System, Ablation, Microwave And Accessories 2 SynchroWave Antenna Kit
7 00810563020427 CRYO-204-V CRYO-204-V Endocare™ Prostate Procedure Probe Pack4 x CVA24006 x CRYO-55-F1 x CRYO-77 GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 N/A
8 00810563020397 CRYO-207-V CRYO-207V Endocare™ Prostate Procedure Probe Pack6 x CVA24006 x CRYO-55-F1 x CRYO-77 GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 N/A
9 00810563020380 CRYO-77 CRYO-77 Endocare™ Urethral Warming Catheter Kit GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 N/A
10 00810563020342 CRYO-63 CRYO-63 Endocare™ Urethral Warming System GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 N/A
11 00810563020250 R3.8 R3.8 Endocare™ 3.8mm RenalCryo™ Cryoprobe GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 RenalCryo™
12 00810563020106 CRYO-48 CRYO-48 Endocare™ 8mm Cryoprobe GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 N/A
13 00810563020076 RS-24L RS-24L Endocare™ 2.4 mm RenalCryo™ Long Shaft Cryoprobe GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 RenalCryo™
14 00810563020069 RS-24 RS-24 Endocare™ 2.4 mm RenalCryo™ Cryoprobe GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 RenalCryo™
15 00810563020052 RS-17L RS-17L Endocare™ 1.7 mm RenalCryo™ Long Shaft Cryoprobe GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 RenalCryo™
16 00810563020045 RS-17 RS-17 Endocare™ 1.7 mm RenalCryo™ Cryoprobe GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 RenalCryo™
17 00810563020038 PCS-24L PCS-24L Endocare™ 2.4 mm PerCryo™ Long Shaft Cryoprobe GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 PerCryo™
18 00810563020021 PCS-24 PCS-24 Endocare™ 2.4 mm PerCryo™ Cryoprobe GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 PerCryo™
19 00810563020014 PCS-17R PCS-17R Endocare™ 1.7 mm PerCryo™ Round Ice Cryoprobe GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 PerCryo™
20 00810563020533 MTX-180 MTX-180 MicroThermX Microwave Ablation System - Mobile Cart NEY System, Ablation, Microwave And Accessories 2 MicroThermX Microwave Ablation System
21 00810563020526 MTX-180-T2 MTX-180-T2 MicroThermX Microwave Ablation System - Tabletop Stand NEY System, Ablation, Microwave And Accessories 2 MicroThermX Microwave Ablation System
23 00810563020601 SWBT-AB SWBT-AB SynchroWave Antenna BT Adapter Package NEY System, Ablation, Microwave And Accessories 2 SynchroWave Antenna BT Adapter
24 00810563020977 DP40-0141-106 CRYO-77 Urethral Warming catheter for use in tissue warmning during cryosurgical procedu Urethral Warming catheter for use in tissue warmning during cryosurgical procedures with the Cryocare systems GEH UNIT, CRYOSURGICAL, ACCESSORIES 2 Urethral Warming Catheter Kit
25 00810563020489 CVA2400RA CVA2400RA Endocare™ Right-Angle 2.4mm V-Probe™ Cryoprobe GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 V-Probe™
26 00810563020083 CVA2400 CVA2400 Endocare™ 2.4mm V-Probe™ Cryoprobe GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 V-Probe™
27 00810563020519 CRYO-CS-3 100V Version 5 CRYO-CS-3 100V Version 5 Endocare™ Cryocare CS™ System Version 5 GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 Cryocare CS™
28 00810563020502 CRYO-CS-3 100V Basic CRYO-CS-3 100V Basic Endocare™ Cryocare CS™ System Basic GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 Cryocare CS™
29 00810563020496 PCS-17RS PCS-17RS Endocare™ 1.7mm PerCryo™ Short Cryoprobe GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 PerCryo™
30 00810563020410 CRYO-CS-3 Basic CRYO-CS-3 Basic Endocare™ Cryocare CS™ System Basic GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 Cryocare CS™
31 00810563020373 CRYO-CS-3 Version 5 CRYO-CS-3 Version 4 Endocare™ Cryocare CS™ System Version 5 GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 Cryocare CS™
32 00810563020366 CRYO-CS-3 Version 4 CRYO-CS-3 Version 4 Endocare™ Cryocare CS™ System Version 4 GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 Cryocare CS™
33 00810563020120 CRYO-55-F CRYO-55-F Endocare™ TempProbe™ Device GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 TempProbe™
34 00810563020113 CRYO-54-F CRYO-54-F Endocare™ TempProbe™ Device GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 TempProbe™
35 00810563020007 PCS-17 PCS-17 Endocare™ 1.7mm PerCryo™ Cryoprobe GEH Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories 2 PerCryo™
Other products with the same Product Code "GEH"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00017276237320 017276237320 Advanced Wart Freeze 8 applications Advanced Wart Freeze ASO LLC
2 00017276237313 017276237313 Advanced Wart Freeze 8 applications Advanced Wart Freeze ASO LLC
3 00017276234794 017276234794 017276234794 Advanced Wart Freeze 8 applications Care Science ASO LLC
4 00017276233773 B07D1CVLV3 B07D1CVLV3 Advanced Wart Freeze 1-Step Wart Remover ALL-HEALTH ASO LLC
5 00017276232288 20464288 20464288 Advanced Wart Freezer One-Step Wart Remover Core Values HARMON STORES, INC.
6 00017276228489 245060245 245060245 Wart Freezer One Step Wart Remover Up&Up TARGET CORPORATION
7 00011822615396 0361539 Precision Freeze Wart Remover System Rite Aid ORASURE TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
8 00011822565561 0356556 0356556 Wart Freeze 1-Step Wart Remover Rite Aid Pharmacy RITE AID CORPORATION
9 00011017576983 1612171 Dr. Scholl's Freeze Away Wart Remover ( blue Box) is a cryosurgical system for t Dr. Scholl's Freeze Away Wart Remover ( blue Box) is a cryosurgical system for the removal of common and plantar warts. The device consists of the following: pressurized canister filled with liquid mixture of dimethyl ether and propane, reusable activator that releases the cryogen into the applicator, 12 disposable applicators and information booklet. Dr. Scholl's BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC
10 B563HP0050 HP-005 HP-005 The Dermal Cooling System is a cryosurgical instrument intended for use in derma The Dermal Cooling System is a cryosurgical instrument intended for use in dermatologic procedures for the removal ofbenign lesions of the skin. Dermal Cooling System R2 DERMATOLOGY INC.
11 B563HP0040 HP-004 HP-004 The Dermal Cooling System is a cryosurgical instrument intended for use in derma The Dermal Cooling System is a cryosurgical instrument intended for use in dermatologic procedures for the removal ofbenign lesions of the skin. Dermal Cooling System R2 DERMATOLOGY INC.
12 B563HP0030 HP-003 HP-003 The Dermal Cooling System is a cryosurgical instrument intended for use in derma The Dermal Cooling System is a cryosurgical instrument intended for use in dermatologic procedures for the removal ofbenign lesions of the skin. Dermal Cooling System R2 DERMATOLOGY INC.
13 B563HP0020 HP-002 HP-002 The Dermal Cooling System is a cryosurgical instrument intended for use in derma The Dermal Cooling System is a cryosurgical instrument intended for use in dermatologic procedures for the removal ofbenign lesions of the skin. Dermal Cooling System R2 DERMATOLOGY INC.
14 B563C20010 C2-001 C2-001 The Dermal Cooling System is a cryosurgical instrument intended for use in derma The Dermal Cooling System is a cryosurgical instrument intended for use in dermatologic procedures for the removal ofbenign lesions of the skin. Dermal Cooling System R2 DERMATOLOGY INC.
15 B386STOUCH300 CryoProbe touch S-TOUCH-30 CryoProbe™ H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
16 B386SNOR101 N2O 8g cartridges and filters S-NOR10 CryoProbe H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
17 B386SHONOCXPR12S061 16g N2O cartridges S-HO-NOCX-PR-12-S06 CryoProbe H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
18 B386SHONOCX12S24PR1 8g N2O cartridges S-HO-NOCX-12-S24-PR CryoProbe H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
19 B386SHONO23XXS06PR1 23g N2O cartridges S-HO-NO23-XX-S06-PR CryoProbe H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
20 B386SHOCXPRXX8010 CryoProbe x S-HO-CXPR-XX-801 CryoProbe H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
22 B386SHOCXPRP020 CryoProbe xgyn S-HO-CXPRP-02 CryoProbe™ H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
23 B386SHOCXPRP010 CryoProbe x+ 2018 S-HO-CXPRP-01 CryoProbe™ H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
24 B386SHOCXPRP000 CryoProbe x+ S-HO-CXPRP-00 CryoProbe H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
25 B386SHOCXPRMED0 CryoProbe o medical aesthethic S-HO-CXPR-MED CryoProbe H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
26 B386SHOCOPR010 CryoProbe o 2018 S-HO-COPR-01 CryoProbe™ H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
27 B386SHOCMPRXX9020 CryoProbe m S-HO-CMPR-XX-902 CryoProbe H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
28 B386SHOCEPR000 CryoProbe XP S-HO-CEPR-00 CryoProbe™ H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
30 B386SHOCBPLUSPR040 CryoProbe b White S-HO-CBPLUSPR-04 CryoProbe™ H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
31 B386SHOCBPLUSPR030 CryoProbe b Special HPV S-HO-CBPLUSPR-03 CryoProbe H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
32 B386SHOCBPLUSPR020 CryoProbe b special aesthethics S-HO-CBPLUSPR-02 CryoProbe H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
34 B386SCO216GBOX1 16g CO2 cartridges S-CO2-16G-BOX Accurett H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
35 B386SACT80 Accurett 8G S-ACT-8 Acurrett® H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
36 B386SACT100 Accurett S-ACT-10 Accurett H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
37 B386CLN2O8GUNBOX1 8g cartridges for Freezpen CL-N2O-8G-UNBOX Freezpen® H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
38 B386CLN2O8GBOX1 8g N2O cartridges for Freezpen CL-N2O-8G-BOX Freezpen H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
39 B386CLN2O16GUNBOX1 16g cartridges for Freezpen CL-N2O-16G-UNBOX Freezpen® H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
40 B386CLFPU180 Freezpen 16G CL-FPU-18 Freezpen® H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
41 B386CLFPU020 Freezpen 8G CL-FPU-02 Freezpen® H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
42 B386CLFP160 Freezpen 16G CL-FP-16 Freezpen® H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
43 B386CLFP010 Freezpen 8G CL-FP-01 Freezpen® H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
44 B386CLFP000 Freezpen CL-FP-00 Freezpen H & O EQUIPMENTS SA
45 60888937010093 900019-72 Two Trigger (with Thread Connect) Multi-Tip Cryosurgical System for N2O. Wallach LL100 COOPERSURGICAL, INC.
46 60888937010086 900019-70 Two-Trigger (with Pinned Yoke) Multi-Tip Cryosurgical System for N20 Wallach LL100 COOPERSURGICAL, INC.
47 60888937010079 900001 Two-Trigger Multi-Tip Cryosurgical System for N2O Wallach LL100 COOPERSURGICAL, INC.
48 60888937009974 50502 LM-900 CO2 Cryosurgery System. Contents: 1 Cryogun, replacement O-rings, cleanin LM-900 CO2 Cryosurgery System. Contents: 1 Cryogun, replacement O-rings, cleaning plugs and gas scavenging hose. LEISEGANG COOPERSURGICAL, INC.
49 60888937009967 50501 LM-900 N2O Cryosurgery System. Contents: 1 Cryogun, replacement O-rings, cleanin LM-900 N2O Cryosurgery System. Contents: 1 Cryogun, replacement O-rings, cleaning plugs and gas scavenging hose. LEISEGANG COOPERSURGICAL, INC.
50 50888937009885 900221AA Disposable Plastic Shields Wallach COOPERSURGICAL, INC.